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Page 11


  The taste was bitter, as she took a gulp and swallowed. In an instant, her throat was alight. She gasped and made a real fuss, much to the amusement of the others. As a warm feeling hit her stomach, she felt her muscles relax and held out her glass for more. Rudy winked and poured her another drop. “Slowly, this time, ya don’t wanna be sick, eh?”

  The curry was extra hot, now Kelly was used to spicy food. The cake was eaten – it was extremely sweet but still delicious – and then it was time for Lippy to open her presents. Kelly couldn’t wait to see what the boys had bought her. To her surprise, they had gone out on a serious mission and bought special gifts – no crap. Ditto winked at Kelly and then said, “That long box is from all of us.”

  Lippy was embarrassed, something of a rarity. She opened the carefully wrapped parcel but unhurriedly lifted the lid, her eyes lighting up. “It’s lovely.” Her eyes watered, as she held up the stunning crystal-covered designer watch, the real thing.

  “Read the back,” urged Ditto. His eyes were wide and his face held a cheeky grin.

  As she turned the watch over, she threw her hand to her mouth and allowed a fat tear to trickle down her face. They’d had the word ‘Mum’ engraved on the back.

  Kelly felt an unexpected tear leave her eye as well, and it was then she realised that Lippy had been a mum to her, in every sense of the word. She fussed over her, fed her, made sure she was never hungry, and hugged her every so often, just to let her know she cared. The other gifts were beautiful too; one was a genuine multi-coloured coach bag, which Lippy paraded up and down perched on her shoulder.

  Next, she held Kelly’s box, all eyes eagerly awaiting to see the contents, although all were aware that girly gifts were not really their thing. But Lippy was special to them and they wanted only the best for her. Carefully, she pulled open the ribbon and removed the box lid. Her eyes widened, as she held the stunning dress up against herself. Kelly watched Lippy’s face almost melt with emotion. There was silence while she admired the free-flowing style, the crystals, and the pure class of the gown. Placing it back in the box, she pulled out her handkerchief to blow her nose. “I am blessed, what more could I ever want?” Kelly then realised that Lippy was overwhelmed. There was no fake over-the-top expression of thanks – she was genuinely moved by it all. Kelly had never been able to give anyone a gift, apart from a school painting she had once presented to her aunt Bet, because she had never had the money. One of the few school assemblies she remembered was at Christmas several years ago. The head had talked to the pupils about the difference between giving and receiving. She knew now what this meant: seeing the pleasure on Lippy’s face meant the world to her, and Kelly believed this moment would be remembered by them both for ever.

  The evening was fun. They danced and sang. Kelly drank a few more rums and was talking for England. They were amused by her carefree words because she was so pissed. The party came to an end and Kelly staggered back to her room. Legend hopped off the bed, unsure what to make of his mistress, with her slurred speech and wobbly posture. When the morning arrived, she sat on the end of the bed nursing a splitting headache. She eased into her slippers, unaware they were on the wrong feet, and shuffled herself along to the kitchen. Lippy was as normal, in a pair of skin-tight shorts and T-shirt and her hair in a net. The eggs were frying in two inches of fat and the bacon was crispy. Kelly sat heavily on the chair, still holding her head. Then Lippy laughed loudly. “’Ere, chil’, drink me special medicine.” She handed Kelly a tall glass of what looked like puke.

  “Drink, chil’, it will do you good.”

  With her shaky hands clasping the tall glass, Kelly pinched her nose and swallowed the slimy concoction. Immediately, she felt her stomach churn and had an overwhelming urge to be sick. The toilet was just on from the kitchen and she ran to empty her stomach. Here, she met a woman Kelly didn’t have time to be polite and say hello to, as she threw her head down the pan that was still going through a mid-flush. With one heave, she was rid of probably a week’s worth of food. She slumped next to the toilet trying to catch her breath. The hot, feverish feeling left her and the cool sensation brought her back to the realms of reality. She washed her face and sluiced her mouth in the sink, before returning to the kitchen.

  “Okay. Now, Bluey, fancy egg and bacon?” asked Lippy, with her back to Kelly.

  She felt almost normal although her head was still giving her gyp. “Yes, please!” she answered.

  With a great effort, she smiled at the woman she had passed in the hallway, “Hello. Gawd, you must have thought I was mad, dashing past you like that. Jeez, no more rum for me,” she giggled.

  The woman was sitting on the chair with her face staring into a hand mirror, applying lipstick. She was attractive, with light skin, like Rudy’s, but with a long silky black weave. She gave Kelly a sideways glance and raised her well-defined eyebrow. “Hmm, and you are?” her voice sounded cold and her expression definitely was.

  Lippy whirled around, an egg slice in hand, and replied with a hint of annoyance, “That’s our Bluey.”

  Before Kelly tried to start a conversation, Rudy appeared, as lively as ever. He was dressed smartly in jeans around his waist instead of loosely around his arse, a fresh lemon polo shirt, and a black leather jacket. He had tied his dreadlocks back in a wide band. Kelly was going to wolf whistle for a joke but thought better of it. She didn’t know who the woman was and got the sense banter probably wasn’t her forte. The po-faced lady gracefully got up and swaggered over to Rudy, boldly kissing him on the lips. Lippy stood open-mouthed and jolted when the egg slid off the utensil and splattered on the floor.

  Rudy was grinning like a Cheshire cat which was so uncool for him. Then they were gone. As the door closed, Lippy mumbled under her breath, “Gold digger.”

  Kelly bit into her toasted egg and bacon sandwich. The gooey egg dripped down her fingers, and the taste was so delicious, she continued tucking in, making a mess.

  Once it was all gone, Lippy placed a mug of tea beside the plate and shuffled herself under the table with her own mug of special herbal drink.

  “Who was that?” asked Kelly.

  “That, chil’, is Krystal. She’s a low life, an’ a money-hunting scrubber woman.”

  Kelly laughed at Lippy’s screwed-up face. “Not keen, then?”

  Lippy sipped her tea and then pursed her lips. “She is Rudy’s pleasure, the fool. Him blinded by her. I can see straight through the girl. Thinks she’s som’thing special. She ain’t any more than a flea living off Rudy’s blood. Ahh, he’s a buffoon.”

  Kelly felt an overwhelming sense of compassion for Rudy, and as a result, her stomach became tight and an angry sensation gripped her. She bit her lip.

  “D’ya think she has turned up because she knows Rudy is on his uppers? I mean, he has just bought a new BMW and a Rolex and been seen out and about, splashing cash.”

  “Ahh, chil’, you don’t miss a trick, you are smart. Yes, she is back on the scene, teasing the poor boy, sucking him back in, but be warned, chil’, she will swallow him up and spit him out, after she has bled him dry.”

  “Not in front of me, Lippy, she won’t. I’ll punch her straight in her over-made-up face.”

  Lippy looked at Kelly’s hard expression; she had transformed almost overnight into an older and more grown-up individual.

  “Bluey, men are fickle, they go foolish over women, and Krystal is his Achilles’ heel.”

  Kelly bit her lip again, annoyed that Rudy could be sucked into a fake, sly bitch when he had such a level head normally and a keen eye for business. He could see straight through people and was always one step ahead. “I’ll tell him,” she promised.

  Lippy raised her eyebrow and stared into Kelly’s innocent big round eyes.

  “You ’ave a lot to learn about men. As much as Rudy loves you, he loves to satisfy his screaming donkey more.”

  With her head tilted and looking perplexed, she asked, “What?” She had no clue what Lippy was on ab

  “Rudy is like other men. They go silly over a woman that can hypnotise them in the bed. They are ruled by their man piece and not their brain. It makes them do foolish things. It’s best you stay outta it and let the storm pass, ’cos, chil’, it will. One day, he will wake up and realise she is using him and that will be the end of it, until another woman comes along. Krystal is a clever whore. She knows black men like him. That girl has never worked a day in her life. They give her things for free, new cars, clothes, everything.”

  Kelly looked at Lippy and contemplated what she had told her. “Why do you work every Saturday night? Ya know you don’t have to. I earn a lot now. What you get paid, I can give you!”

  Lippy held her hand up, shaking her head. “Stop, Bluey.” Her voice was harsh. Kelly realised she’d said something wrong, and quickly she tried to redeem herself. “Lippy, please, I didn’t mean to offend you, I was just …”

  “I know, chil’, I know, you wouldn’t offend me. You are innocent of our ways, ya know. I’ll never get cross with you. Okay, let me explain som’thing. There’s women like Krystal and women like me an’ you. We have pride. I do what I do ’cos I earn me own money. Rudy would look after me ’cos I look after him, in me own way, cooking, cleaning, and being there for everyone. I couldn’t take for nothing. I buy the groceries, he pays my rent. Me lickle job ain’t so bad, you know. Me lickle old men, well, them me friends, too. I like ’em. It’s more like having three men friends. They like a womanly touch and they pay me well.”

  Kelly had a notion that Lippy was selling herself in a sick, sordid kind of way, and this conversation had opened her eyes.

  “So ya see, chil’, not everything is how it appears.”

  “I do understand, Lippy, I really do.” She was thinking of herself.

  It was Sunday evening and Kelly had been lazing around all day. The hangover had knocked her sideways. The boys were about and they were laughing at Kelly; she was still hung-over, lying on the sofa in her pyjamas, and watching some romance film.

  Ditto sat on her back and gripped her head, laughing, “Too much rum, eh?”

  “Get off me, Ditz, ya arsehole!” she yelled back. Ditto let go of her head and jumped up.

  “Bluey’s hanging!” he laughed, as he and Reggie high-fived each other.

  Then they were gone, leaving Kelly to get back to her film. Eventually, she fell asleep, only to find herself awake at eight o’clock and starving. No one was at home and the kitchen was immaculate, and so she dare not make a mess. After slipping on her jeans, a T-shirt, and a long leather coat, she pulled on her high boots and left the house. The fried chicken shop was only a short walk. She would have taken Legend, but he lifted his head momentarily, before dropping it back down again, not in the mood for walkies.

  It was a pleasant evening and there were a few people hanging around. As she approached the shop, a white Range Rover pulled up alongside her. The tinted window came down. “Hey, Bluey, that shit will fuck up ya insides, jump in!” said Keffa.

  Kelly laughed and opened the passenger door. He looked as sharp as ever; his hair had grown, and he had a neat layer of cane rolls. The diamond in his ear sparkled brightly. The smell of new leather hit her along with his expensive aftershave. He had lost the hard-man glare and was smiling with an open face.

  “Bluey, fancy an Italian?”

  She chuckled, “What, like a younger version of Donnie Brasco?”

  “Pomodorra, down the road,” he replied, grinning at her.

  She nodded. “Yeah, why not, no one’s at home and I’m bored!” she said.

  “Oh thanks, Blue.”

  “I didn’t mean it like that!”

  The restaurant was busy for a Sunday evening, but the waiter made up a table. Kelly sensed their eagerness. The waiters were offering specials and top wines and were falling over each other to serve him.

  Keffa had a soft spot for Kelly; ever since the day she had bravely confronted him, he now looked out for her. Every so often, he would stop and give her a lift and share a coffee, but they had little in common. They didn’t do business together, as the skunk deals were not her domain. But there was something about her that he liked, and he would quite happily listen to her girly small talk, just to be in her company. She was still so young, but her eyes drew him in, and despite her neat body being in the early throes of womanhood, she walked with grace and poise and turned many a head.

  He ordered the special and offered her the same. They shared a bottle of the good wine, yet Kelly only occasionally sipped it, her recent hangover a stark reminder of what alcohol could do.

  She laughed and spoke of her funny stories around the fake trade business and Keffa found himself laughing along with her. She had not noticed she was doing all the talking, while he sat admiring her.

  “So, girl, what do you want to do when you grow up?”

  Kelly teased, with a smile. “In case you ain’t noticed, I am grown up, and I am doing what I want to do.”

  Once they finished, he paid the bill and drove her home.

  “Thanks, Keffa, that was lovely. I had a good time. Maybe next time, I will pay.”

  Keffa looked at her innocent face and smiled. “Yeah, baby, maybe next time.”

  Rudy was looking out of the window and was relieved to see Bluey. He had arrived home with Krystal to find the house empty and started to worry.

  “Oh, thank goodness, I was …” mumbled Rudy.

  “Rudy, what is it with this girl? I mean, she ain’t ya honey, is she, and she ain’t no kid either.”

  The sharp glare that Rudy shot in her direction was enough to say don’t push it. But Krystal was annoyed: no one should come before her.

  On his guard, Rudy was anxious. Why was Bluey with Keffa? He felt uneasy and couldn’t wait to find out, and so he opened the front door and hopped down the steps.

  “Yo, hello,” she giggled. Rudy looked at her upbeat expression and then bent down to acknowledge Keffa.

  “Go inside, Blue, I want to talk with Keffa.” None the wiser, Kelly smiled and left. Rudy opened the car door and got in.

  “All right, Rudy?” beamed Keffa.

  Rudy felt hot under the collar, as he had just realised he had jumped in uninvited and was stumped for words. Keffa laughed. “Rudy, ya don’t think I was …” he pointed up the steps.

  “She’s a baby, Keffa.”

  “Rudy, I know. I was just looking out for her.” He stared off into space. “I know she’s a kid but she’s also like a woman, but hey, don’t worry, I ain’t after fucking her.”

  Rudy nodded and smiled. “Sorry, Keffa, I just … well, I don’t know. I feel I have to look out for her, too. Don’t even know why.”

  Keffa’s eyes softened, as he grabbed Rudy’s shoulder. “I know exactly what ya mean. Me, I am the same. Fucking mental, eh?”


  Kelly was in a jolly mood; she had really enjoyed the evening with Keffa. As she flopped down on the sofa, to untie her long boots, she spotted Krystal sitting at the far end where the lounge was in darkness.

  “Oh, hello, I didn’t see you there.”

  Krystal wore a malevolent look on her face. “Well, get used to it because I will be around a lot more.”

  “Oh yeah, is that supposed to bother me?” replied Kelly, as she sat upright now, itching for a row.

  With a snidely glare, Krystal nodded. “I know your game. Ya just white trash, poncing off my man. All this bollocks you’re his niece. A name like Bluey, eh? I don’t buy it, girl, for one minute.”

  “If Rudy says I’m his niece, then I am,” she confidently answered back.

  Krystal stood up to intimidate Kelly, who just rolled her eyes and tutted. If she wants a row, bring it on, girl, she thought.

  “He may call me his sexy mamma but that don’t mean I fucking gave birth to him.”

  Kelly ignored Krystal and went to her room. She heard Rudy come back and listened. She knew they were unaware she could hear everything in that bedro
om. But the sound somehow collected inside her four walls.

  “Rudy, why is that girl having it away with Keffa and living under your roof? Maybe she is a plant. I mean, that Keffa is gilded and yet she is here. Rudy, something doesn’t make sense. I personally wouldn’t trust her in my home.”

  There was silence and Kelly waited to hear Rudy’s response. She couldn’t go flying in there, confronting Krystal. This was Rudy’s call.

  “Krystal, me lickle angel, this is me own business, not for you to worry ya pretty lickle head over. Now, ya making me too horny to stand chatting shit. Let’s go to me room and let Papa unleash the monster.”

  Lippy was right: Rudy was under Krystal’s spell and ruled by his cock.

  The next morning, the house was buzzing: the boys were in the kitchen, Lippy was cooking, and Kelly joined them. They bantered over the girls they’d pulled that night, teasing and pushing each other and laughing in hysterics. Unexpectedly, the room went quiet when Krystal walked in. She had a sour expression as she sat at the table. Lippy turned her back and continued frying. Ditto and Reggie got up to leave but Kelly remained. The tension was looming, but she was determined to stand her ground and not let Krystal push her out of her own home – not now she had finally found happiness and security.

  Lippy handed Bluey a plate filled with food and winked and then left the kitchen without a word.

  Krystal took a deep breath, annoyed that she wasn’t offered any, particularly since her stomach was churning, and she really fancied the idea of tucking into one of Lippy’s delicious dishes. One thing she couldn’t deny was the fact that the old prostitute could rustle up a feast from nothing.

  As Kelly began to eat, Krystal leaned forward, pointing with her long pink-painted fingernails, and in a cold, menacing tone, she whispered, “I know exactly who you are, Kelly Raven!” She held her glare for a second and then got up to leave. Stunned, Kelly placed the fork back on the plate and stared into space, as if she had been slapped in the face with a wet fish.


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