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Page 25

by Megan Derr

  "I already told you," Devlin said as he set the letter aside and picked up the notes he had been penning before he went to investigate the day's post.

  "No," Midnight corrected. "You started to, but then we got distracted."

  Devlin snorted but glanced up through his lashes, smiling in amusement. "Indeed. Go away before I get distracted a fourth time."

  "Yes, Heartbeat," Midnight replied, not bothering to point out that he'd only been responsible for the second; Devlin had no one but himself to blame for the first and third. Leaving Devlin alone for the moment, he wandered to the bank of windows that lined most of the southern wall.

  Bracing himself on the ledge, he stared out in amusement at the spectacle in the southern lawn. This portion of the lawn was simply field, currently covered in a wealth of snow. Given the time of year, it would not melt until spring finally forced the matter.

  Or until it was all otherwise obliterated by the dragon and wolf wreaking havoc back and forth across it. With the moon full and shining down on all that snow, it was as close to daylight as it needed to be for Troyes and Barra to run and play until they finally dropped from exhaustion. "Your gardeners are going to have fits when they see what has become of their yard while it was buried in snow."

  "They are paid enough to deal with a few minor inconveniences," Devlin replied absently, clearly immersed in his research once more.

  Midnight laughed. "What are you going to tell them, that bears ran amuck through it?"

  "I don't think we have bears around here," Devlin said, voice so matter of fact and unaffected that Midnight doubted he was properly listening to a single thing being said. "If they fuss, they can find employment elsewhere."

  "And then you'll whine when the new lot ruin your mother's roses," Midnight murmured, too low for Devlin to catch—not that Devlin was listening, but it paid to be cautious.

  "Don't think I didn't hear that."

  Midnight winced, but then turned nonchalantly away from the window and walked slowly back to his corner of the library, calling, "Hear what?"

  Devlin merely shot him a look, then pointedly went back to the book he had pulled from somewhere amongst his haphazard stacks.

  "You still have not told me what it is you're studying this time," Midnight said after a few minutes.

  "How to make purposefully aggravating draugr be silent," Devlin retorted, sighing in exasperation that was trying hard not to be amusement.

  Midnight smirked. "Even I know those runes."

  Devlin set his latest book down with a snap. "I have half a mind to beat you, I vow it. If the book you are reading does not suit, go destroy my estate with the rest of the wildlife."

  "I do not think I could keep up with that pair," Midnight murmured.

  "Two?" Devlin asked, quirking a brow.

  Midnight pointed up. "Neirin is likely enjoying the spectacle from somewhere extremely warm."

  Devlin rolled his eyes and muttered something uncomplimentary.

  "So you still—"

  "Oh, for goodness sake!" Devlin exclaimed, dropping his book down upon the table, abandoning the entire project to stalk to Midnight's corner of the library. "Curiosity killed the cat, Midnight."

  "Do I look as though I am in cat form right now?" Midnight asked, imitating Devlin at his snottiest.

  Devlin gripped the arms of Midnight's chair and bent until they were nose to nose. "I really am going to be forced to beat you if I want to conduct my research in peace."

  "A smart man would have done his work while the cat was asleep," Midnight replied, unable to resist nibbling at Devlin's jaw with it so close and inviting.

  Devlin turned and caught his mouth, kissing him in slow, thorough fashion that started a low, steady burn. "I am trying, minx, to see if there is a way to keep my cat awake during the day."

  Midnight froze in the process of trying to coax another kiss. "What?"

  A smug smile curved Devlin's lips. He kissed Midnight hard, then rose to his full height and strode back to his work table. "I am saying that while we can do nothing about the fact your body loathes sunlight, perhaps we can do something about the need to sleep through it. I have studied it before, here and there, but you never seemed to particularly care until recently."

  "Well, it would be nice not to sleep while the rest of the world is awake," Midnight said slowly. He did not, in fact, care about the rest of the world, he just hated that his Heartbeat had a lover whom he only got to see at night. It hadn't bothered him before—well, not much—but it did bother him more now.

  "I cannot make promises," Devlin said. "I think at best I will be able to extend your time a bit at either end, meaning you'd rise sooner and fall asleep later."

  Midnight nodded.

  "It may not work at all," Devlin continued. "That is why I was trying not to tell you."

  "Then next time be more clever about keeping it from me, hmm?"

  Devlin rolled his eyes and bent back over his books.

  Midnight retrieved his own, flipping to where he had left off, and fell back into reading for a little while. It was pleasant in the library, the only sound the crackling fire and Devlin working, occasionally muttering to himself, occasionally swearing.

  The sound of the front door opening drew his attention, and he closed his book at the sound of claws, followed by a knock on the library door. A moment later, Barra stuck his head through it. "Safe to come in here?"

  "Yes, but not for lack of trying," Midnight called.

  Devlin rolled his eyes and Barra sniggered, carefully brushing off snow before he stepped further inside. "The snow is nice. You layabouts should come have a bit of fun."

  "I have managed not to have a 'bit of fun' since my father finally conceded I was too old to be made to do it," Devlin drawled. "If I am going to gallivant in the snow like a wild animal, I will make certain I am well paid for the trouble."

  Midnight shared a look with Barra. "So what are you planning to fix His Majesty for dinner?"

  Barra snorted. "Lamb, though it sounds like he could stand a bit of humble pie, eh?"

  "Jealousy ill suits you," Devlin said loftily, closing one book with a snap and digging through his pile for another.

  "I think, Midnight, that you finally getting your way has made him even worse."

  Midnight bowed his head low in mock shame. "I do apologize. I never intended that to happen, I promise you."

  "That's all right. I suppose I'd be smug and insufferable if I were him." Barra winked, then closed the door, off no doubt to go fetch tea.

  Devlin snorted as silence fell again. "The impertinence around this place is deplorable. The whole lot of you needs a sound beating."

  Midnight laughed. "I think Neirin might take issue with you beating his wolf-elf."

  "Not if I beat Neirin first," Devlin muttered and dropped his latest book with a sigh. He shoved away from the table and strode across the room, dropping down on a long, dark blue chaise. Almost immediately, he sat up again to beat a couple of pillows into lying just so, then dropped back down and stretched out as languorous and lazy as a cat.

  Well, how was he supposed to resist that? Midnight rather suspected he was not.

  Shoving back his hair, which he had given up keeping tied back after Devlin stole his ribbon for the fourth time, Midnight moved to the settee and draped himself over Devlin. "Hullo, Heartbeat. Books wear you out?"

  "Indeed," Devlin said, smiling briefly before taking Midnight's mouth.

  "You'd better not get too distracted," Midnight managed, even as Devlin's hands began to prove that clothing was no impediment. "Barra will be mad if he goes to the trouble of making tea and we do not appreciate it."

  Devlin made a derisive noise, then went to work with teeth and tongue on Midnight's throat. "Barra is no doubt working hard in my kitchen, but it is not on tea."

  Midnight laughed, though it quickly turned into a moan.

  The world tilted, spun, then he was the one on the settee, Devlin pressing him into it
. Devlin bent to nibble at his ear. "Lord Tamor also sent an invitation to one of his fêtes. He insists I should stop hiding you away and show you off a bit. I suspect between him and that stupid vampire, word of you is well and truly getting out."

  Midnight went to work on Devlin's neck cloth, casting it to the floor when it finally came unknotted. "Seth is not stupid. Jealousy ill suits you. A ball, really? Are we going?"

  "If you want," Devlin said. "You are hardly a secret anymore, so there is little point in attempting to keep you one. Lord Tamor's balls are usually small, private, and extremely exclusive things. No one present would give you trouble. They would not dare. It is not for two months, so there is plenty of time to decide whether or not you want to go gossip and dance with a bunch of arrogant, overbearing devils."

  "Well, it would be nice to see Seth again," Midnight said thoughtfully, just to see Devlin scowl. Then he laughed and drew Devlin down for a kiss. "Now, now, Heartbeat. You know the only arrogant, overbearing devil I want to dance with you is you."

  Devlin bit his lip, and replied, "Naturally."

  Then talking ceased and further sounds were drowned out as the clock in the foyer chimed the midnight hour.


  Book Four in the Dance with the Devil Series

  Dance Only for Me

  Jackie is a sorcerer of no small skill, from a family of renowned sorcerers. He is frequently called upon to track down lost items or deal with paranormals others can't, and those that don't fear his magic do fear the alchemist-made revolvers at his hips.

  Tired of living several states away from his lover, Roman, Jackie decides to surprise him with a move to Roman's city—only to find himself the victim of an unhappy surprise, and suddenly alone in the city he'd wanted to call home.

  Then he's unexpectedly hired by a paranormal detective who could use his help, and finds himself dragged into a fight that started in the midst of the Civil War.

  About the Author

  Megan is a long time resident of LGBTQ romance, and keeps herself busy reading, writing, and publishing it. She is often accused of fluff and nonsense. When she’s not involved in writing, she likes to cook, harass her cats, or watch movies. She loves to hear from readers, and can be found all over the internet.





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