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Billionaire Romance Boxed Set (9 Book Bundle)

Page 7

by Julia Kent

  At about eight, Mr. Hayes came in with a new young woman on his arm. She showed the two of them to their table, and his date quickly excused herself to go to the bathroom while Tracy went to take the rich man’s wine order.

  “Tracy, when I heard what had happened to you, I hoped everything was okay. You look remarkably well healed,” Mr. Hayes said, actual concern in his voice.

  “Oh I’m fine, sir. I must be made of steel,” she joked.

  “You know, if any of your medical bills are going to be an issue, I have a friend or two at the Chamber of Commerce who might be able to help you out,” he said, very matter of factly.

  “Really?” she said, maybe with a little too much hope in her voice.

  “Yes, really. Why don’t you come back to my place with us tonight and we can talk it over?” he said. The tone of his voice betrayed exactly what they’d be “talking” about if she went home with him.

  Tracy’s hope instantly deflated. It’s not that she didn’t want to have sex with him, but she knew that if she went home with him tonight, she’d just be used up and thrown away in the morning. He might not even have the connections he claimed to have, but there’s no doubt that he’d pressure her into sleeping with him if she went home with him. “I’m sorry, I’ve got to get home early tonight, doctor’s orders. Maybe another night?” she said, hoping it wouldn’t come to that.

  He sounded honestly a little deflated himself by her answer. “Yes, of course. Another time.” He looked down at his menu, then his eyes slowly crept up Tracy’s body, as if taking a panoramic snapshot. Tracy let it happen of course. After all, he was probably going to be her biggest tipper of the night, but it still felt demeaning.

  She expected him to stop at her tits, but he kept going, and they locked eyes. Suddenly, Tracy felt a blinding flash from behind her eyes, and nearly lost her balance. She closed her eyes until the sensation went away, and opened them again when she heard the rich man’s voice.

  “Are you okay?” he asked, the real concern back in his voice.

  “Yeah, just a little headache,” she said, unsure of what had just happened.

  “Well, you make sure to take care of yourself, and think over my offer,” he said. His date returned from the bathroom, and the rest of the night went pretty smoothly. The way the young bimbo looked at him, she could tell that she was going to sleep with him that night. Knowing him, he’d probably be dumping her in the morning. Tracy left a little after Mr. Hayes did, feeling too sleepy to close down the restaurant for the night due to the pain medication she had taken, and went straight back home and went to bed.

  Her dreams started fitfully, making no real sense. She remembered flying through space, a bunch of plus signs coming out of nowhere, some swirls of light, and then:

  All of a sudden her dream became crystal clear. She was in a room, and the lights were dim. She looked down but only saw floor. I guess I’m just a disembodied set of eyes, she thought to herself. She looked around and saw a king-sized bed. Focusing closer on the bed, she saw the Mr. Hayes on it, naked. His details were fuzzier than the rest of the dream world, but she could still see his six-pack abs and huge pectorals.

  A woman sauntered out of the bathroom, dressed in black lingerie. Tracy looked closer and saw that the girl was her! Well, maybe not quite, but at least a close representation of her. Her hair was much darker, and her stare was much more intense than anything she could pull off. Other than that, it was her face and body. She came out and walked right to the foot of the bed. His eyes were fixated on her, and other than the bed, the rest of the room lost focus and sort of faded away. Tracy watched with fascination as “she” looked at him up and down.

  “You disgust me,” she said, her voice deeper and huskier than Tracy’s was in real life.

  “But I just want to please you,” he said.

  “You’ll never please me,” she replied.


  “Get back down,” she barked at him, and suddenly a pair of wraps materialized and tied his hands to the head of the bed.

  He seemed to lie there, paralyzed, as she crawled up on the foot of the bed. She moved her way up slowly, maintaining eye contact the entire time. He was visually getting anxious, shifting back and forth a little as she slowly made her way up to his cock. All of a sudden Mr. Hayes’ body came into focus, and his cock was rock hard. “Tracy” grabbed it, and held it. She seemed to squeeze it, and for a moment Tracy thought she might break it in half. Instead, with eyes still locked on Mr. Hayes’ eyes, she asked him a question.

  “What do you want?” The question seemed to echo in a thousand different voices, as if a thousand different girls had asked him the question before. Complete silence for a moment as the two of them continued to lock eyes.

  Mr. Hayes answer came in the same form. A thousand different quiet voices, all his own this time, came back with answers like “Let me do it,” and “I’ll take it from here,” and “If you want something done right…” But as these answers rang out, a single voice, sharper, clearer, rang out. It was pleading, hopeful with some statements but full of despair in others. “Please, do this,” and “I need your help with this,” and “I’m counting on you.” Eventually, the voice began repeating the same phrase over and over.

  “I want you to take control.”

  “Tracy” started to move on top of him, while still holding his cock in her hand. The panties of her lingerie seemed to dissolve, while the rest of her lingerie stayed on. It was hard to make out details, but it was clear that she was very close to lowering herself onto him.

  “You want me to take control?” she asked. He nodded furiously. “You want this?” she asked. He nodded again. She pounced on his chest, so quickly in the dream that it shocked Tracy, and yelled at him loudly, “I’m sorry, did you say you want this?”

  “Yes, ma’am,” he said with no hesitation.

  “Say what you want. Tell me what you want me to control,” she demanded.

  “I want you to take control…of me.”

  “Good…” she said, and then moved back down towards his cock. “Maybe you deserve just a taste…” She lowered her pussy down to his cock.

  “Tracy!” he moaned…


  Tracy awoke with a start. She didn’t know how, but she knew she had just experienced a connection with Mr. Hayes. It was incredible. She knew it had something to do with the blinding flash she had experienced this evening, but beyond that she had no idea. She had never had even the slightest desire to dominate a man like that, but the idea made her so hot that she knew she just had to break out her vibrator…

  She spent the weekend trying to decide what to do with this new information. She felt in her heart that the dream was a thought she had shared with Mr. Hayes, a real thing that he wished for. She knew now exactly what he wanted, but she was torn on what to do next. Should she compromise her ideals and sleep with Mr. Hayes in order to get ahead in life?

  She technically served people what they wanted all the time in a restaurant, so what was the difference between that and serving a rich man what he wanted sexually. Her pride was in the way, she knew. More than that, she had doubts. What if her head injury caused her to have this vivid dream and the feeling she got was just a hallucination? What if this was a real psychic link, but the real Mr. Hayes wouldn’t give up control? Plenty of people had fantasies that they had no intention of ever carrying out, and this might be one of them.

  No, she decided, he came in with a different girl every week because he wanted one of those girls to take initiative, to control him. Would she let that girl be her?

  She came into work on Monday and picked up several hours of overtime, and came home exhausted. Tuesday morning’s mail brought her medical bills, and she quickly did the math to see how many hours of overtime that it would take to pay them back. She decided then and there that her pride wasn’t worth that many hours.


  Friday came, and Tracy was so nervous. Today was the fir
st day that she was hopeful for the future. She was also a little ashamed that it had come to this, but this had to be done. She put on a light brushing of make-up and a spray of perfume, something she hardly did for work, but tonight was a special occasion. She arrived early, and made sure not to get any stains on her uniform. She would need it all the help she could get, and a lack of confidence caused by a ketchup spot would ruin this whole plan.

  Sure enough, at about the same time as usual, Mr. Hayes showed up. This time he had a buxom blonde with him, wearing a dress that showed off all that she had to offer. He was wearing his usual suit, and he smiled when he saw Tracy. Tracy smiled at the two of them and showed the two of them to their table. Mr. Hayes started to look over the wine list while his bimbo went to the bathroom.

  “So,” he said without looking up from the wine menu. “Have you thought over my offer?” It was clear from his body language that he expected another refusal.

  “Yes, I have,” she said. She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. Here goes nothing. “If you want me, you’ll get up and walk out of here right now with me.”

  He looked up at her, puzzled, then looked back down at the menu. “That’s pretty funny, sweetheart. If you didn’t notice, I brought a date with me. But, if you’re interested, maybe the three of us…”

  She cut him off right there. “If you want me, ever, you’ll leave this woman at the restaurant and walk out the door with me. This is a one-time offer.”

  For a moment he seemed taken aback. He was clearly not used to being talked to this way, and she could tell that he almost came back with an angry response. But then, he took a look down her body, nodded his head and stood up. As they walked quickly to the exit, he put his strong hand on her back, guiding her past the line of people at the door. The sensation sent a tingle down her spine, and she knew that this was going to be a great experience after all.

  Luckily, thought Tracy as they stepped into the warm summer evening, the only employee who saw them leave was the doorman. When the bimbo came back from the bathroom, and when her manager found out she had walked out on a Friday, there would be hell to pay. This was going to be worth it, though.

  When they got to the car, Mr. Hayes opened the back door to his black sedan. Tracy peered inside and saw no driver in the car. He thinks he’s just going to fuck me in his car, then go back to his date, she thought. She managed to not lose her temper, but instead said, “Wait until we get home.” He smiled wide and closed the back door, and opened the front door for her. She got in, and he got in the driver’s seat.

  “I would have thought a guy like you would have had a chauffeur,” she said.

  “No, I prefer driving myself. I like to drive and hate to be the passenger,” he said. It told her all she needed to know. He had to be in control because no one else would do it right. The dream was a psychic link, of that there could be almost no doubt.

  As they pulled out of the parking lot, he put his hand on her knee. Again, it almost sent an electric shock through her body, his powerful hand beginning to massage her leg. He wasn’t going to get much of a feel through the pants of her waitress outfit, she thought, but she ought to set the record straight right away.

  “Mr. Hayes…” she started.

  “Please, call me Paul.”

  “Mr. Hayes,” she said again. “I know what it is you want.”

  “I think we both have a pretty good idea of what, or who, I want,” he said.

  The way he said it gave her pause. I could fuck him, just for my own enjoyment. She quickly shook that thought away. She was a woman on a mission, and no sweet talker could dissuade her from her mission.

  “I know what it is you want,” she repeated. “But what’s more important is what I want.”

  “Is that right?” he asked, almost a little mockingly. “I think you want the same thing I want anyway.”

  “Maybe, or maybe not. I guess we’ll have to see when we get to your house,” she teased. Keep your libido under control, girl, you’ve got to pull this off.


  When she first saw his mansion, she almost whistled. It was at least twice as big as she would have guessed, and was located directly on the beach. It had to be a ten million dollar house, she thought. He parked the car in the garage, and the two of them went in the door. The butler was waiting for him there. So, I guess he does have some people that do things for him, she thought. He didn’t seem too surprised to see Mr. Hayes with a different woman, but he probably saw a lot of that while working here. He said a quick hello and then the two of them went upstairs. The bedroom was at the end of a long hallway, and Tracy made sure to remember how to get back out the door.

  When he opened the door to the bedroom, she once again had confirmation. It was, more or less, the same bedroom as in the dream. The bed was the same too, big and with a giant brass headboard. Once inside the bedroom, Mr. Hayes turned to Tracy. She knew she had to give him something, so she let him take her in his arms. He kissed her, and she kissed back, hungrily, feeling the lust within her grow.

  Both the devil on one shoulder and the angel on the other shoulder were giving her mixed signals, at times telling her to give in, at others telling her to flee with her dignity intact. Finally, her brain overrode her loins, and she pulled away from him. She stepped away from him, and he looked her up and down.

  “Get on the bed and take off your clothes, I have a little show for you,” she said.

  “I’ve got a better idea,” he started as he walked towards her, and put his hands back around her waist. “I’ve got a bottle of wine just waiting to be uncorked. Why don’t we…”

  She cut him off. “Mr. Hayes, remember what I said. It’s more important for me to get what I want. Get on the bed. You’ll enjoy the show, I promise.”

  He looked the same as he had in the restaurant, like he had never had a woman resist his advances for even a moment. But, again, he smiled wryly and backed away. He took off his suit coat and his tie, kicked his shoes off, and laid on the bed.

  Tracy went to a nearby closet and quickly found what she was looking for – two black ties. She moved over to the bed, and smiled at him. “Put your hands up,” she said.

  “Oh, some kinky stuff. I can get into that,” he said, with a slight amount of discomfort in his voice. He was clearly unsure of where this was going, but was not used to giving up his control. Tracy had looked up a lot of different knots this week, and she knew the best one to keep him completely fastened to the bed without cutting off circulation to his hands.

  When she had finished she smiled and got back up. She slipped her shoes off and turned around. She slowly walked away from him, unbuttoning the dress shirt to her waitress outfit. Underneath it was the black lingerie she had carefully put on underneath, and she wanted to make sure it was still completely straight before she turned around for him to see it. It looked good, so she took the shirt off, turning around.

  His eyes widened, and he smiled, as she undid her pants. She slowly worked them down, showing her black thong, garter belt, and stockings that had been hiding underneath. This set of underwear had maxed out her last credit card with any money left on it, but by this point she was sure she had made the right choice. Her body filled out the lingerie in all the right ways, and she was sure she looked better in it than that skinny bimbo would have.

  She smiled, and did a little turn. “Do you like what you see?” she asked.

  “Yeah! Come on over here and I’ll show you,” he said.

  She smiled, and she knew it’d be her last smile for a few minutes. Again, she took a deep breath, then breathed it out, knowing there was no going back after this. “Really? Because I don’t like what I see.”

  He frowned. “Oh come on, you look great! I hate it when hot girls demean themselves.”

  She laughed, a fake laugh. “Oh, not me! I look great! I was talking about you. I don’t like what I see in you.”

  His smile vanished. “What?”

  “Right now, I’m l
ooking at something that disgusts me.”

  He looked shocked, and began to struggle against his bonds. “Hey, if this your idea of foreplay, then you’re pretty weird.”

  She ignored him. “What I see is a helpless billionaire, tied to a bed, not in control at all. Just like he’s a helpless billionaire, tied to a company, not in control at all.”

  He struggled more. “Look, I think we’ve had a misunderstanding. Untie me and I’ll take you back home. We’ll forget this ever happened.”

  She felt like she might be losing control of the situation. She got to the foot of the bed, and touched his foot lightly. He relaxed a little bit.

  “I think I know what you want, but I want to hear it from you,” she said.

  He looked flabbergasted. “What do you think I want? Why do you think I brought you to my bedroom?”

  She got up on the bed, moving her hands up his legs. “What do you want?” she asked again.

  He blinked. “I want to fuck you, Tracy.” He started to sound a little frantic.

  She frowned and grabbed his legs hard. “You want to please me?”

  He smiled, thinking that he finally caught on to the game. “Yes!” he said, sighing as he did so. He was starting to get worked up, unsure if he was about to be robbed, murdered, or have fantastic sex. “Yes, Tracy, I just want to please you.”

  “Really? Because, I don’t think you can please me,” she said.

  He got real quiet. Something inside of him, maybe deja vu, had stirred. He remembered the dream, she could tell. Suddenly the bulge in his pants grew in size, turned on by this woman in charge of him.


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