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Outlaw Xmas: Insurgents Motorcycle Club (Insurgents MC Romance Book 10)

Page 27

by Chiah Wilder

  His scorching tongue heated the skin on her throat, the swell of her breasts, dipping down into her cleavage before he took the end of one of the ribbons between his teeth and pulled it, revealing a hard rosy bud.

  Desire burned in his eyes. “Luscious.” He untied the other ribbon, revealing the other bud. He rolled her pink nipples, and she squirmed. “So fuckin’ delicious,” he said hoarsely. Bending his head down, he licked her hard nipples while he squeezing her tits.

  She arched her back and let out a moan. “That feels so good, honey,” she said in a soft voice as she pulled the tie out of his hair. Spilling down over his shoulders, the ends of his hair tickled her skin.

  Slowly, his hand inched down to the last ribbon on her teddy. She held her breath as he ran his fingers over the satin fabric, touching her inner thighs, and running his fingers back over the ribbon. Her sex throbbed like crazy and she pivoted her hips so she could rub against his hand. He chuckled, his hot breath ghosting over her breasts, and then he pulled one of her reddened nipples into his mouth.

  He kept teasing her until she thought she’d go mad, and, at last, he tugged at the ribbon, and she spread her legs wide. Hawk’s fingers curled between her legs, slipping in. She bucked and groaned. Still feasting on her tits, he pushed in and out of her vigorously until she cried out, her voice bouncing off the walls, her body blasting off into a cloud of euphoria.

  “Hawk,” she murmured as pleasure coated every inch of her.

  He swept his tongue over her clit and she jumped at the touch. Dragging his tongue up over her, he met her lips and kissed her deeply. “Did you like that, babe?”

  “It was so good. I can’t believe how fast I came.” She pulled him down next to her and placed her head on his shoulder. Enveloped in his arms, happiness, desire, and love washed over her like a wave of warmth. Every inch of her was saturated with love and pleasure. Hawk was the anchor in her life, he’d shown her how to love and trust again, and he’d given her two beautiful children. He was her everything and she was his. They were connected together in a way she’d never thought would’ve been possible with a man.

  She glided her hand down his smooth chest and chuckled when she grasped his erection. “I need to do something about this.”

  “Yeah,” he rasped.

  “Would you like to feel my tongue around your dick before you shove it into my warm mouth?”

  “Fuck, babe.” He pinched her nipple.

  “Let’s get on the floor. There’s a whole lot more I want you to do to me.”

  “Damn, woman.” Hawk grasped her arms and jerked her on top of him, his hand pulling her hair. He kissed her roughly. “I love you, babe.”

  “Me too. Merry Christmas. We have about six hours until Braxton rushes downstairs to see what Santa brought him.”

  “Let’s make every minute count.”

  She rolled off him and he helped her up. Dropping to her knees, she wrapped her hand around his hard dick and looked up at him. With his eyes locked on hers, she moved her mouth closer to him.

  That night she’d be his sexy wildcat, his wicked vixen, and the following day, she’d be the proper wife and mother at Christmas dinner. Tenderness spread through her as she saw desire and love shining in his eyes. I’ll love him until I die.

  She opened her mouth and slowly took her husband inside.

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  Notes from Chiah

  As always, I have a team behind me making sure I shine and continue on my writing journey. It is their support, encouragement, and dedication that pushes me further in my writing journey. And then, it is my wonderful readers who have supported me, laughed, cried, and understood how these outlaw men live and love in their dark and gritty world. Without you—the readers—an author’s words are just letters on a page. The emotions you take away from the words breathe life into the story.

  Thank you to my amazing Personal Assistant Natalie Weston. I don’t know what I’d do without you. I value your suggestions and opinions, and my world is so much saner with you in it. You make sure my world flows more smoothly, and you’re always willing to jump in and help me. I appreciate the time you took in reading and offering suggestions with the book and the cover. And a big thank you for watching out for me when I’m in writer mode and live life with blinders on. I’m thrilled you are on my team!

  Thank you to my editor, Kristin, for all your insightful edits and excitement with Outlaw Xmas. I truly value your editorial eyes and suggestions as well as the time you spend. Thanks also for your patience with me as I tried to meet all the deadlines. You’re the best!

  Thank you to my wonderful beta readers, Natalie, Jeni, and Barbara. Your enthusiasm and suggestions for Outlaw Xmas were spot on and helped me to put out a stronger, cleaner novel.

  Thank you to the bloggers for your support in reading my book, sharing it, reviewing it, and getting my name out there. I so appreciate all your efforts. You all are so invaluable. I hope you know that. Without you, the indie author would be lost. And thank you to the bloggers who have been with me from my very first book, “Hawk’s Property: Insurgents Motorcycle Club.” Your continued support for my books is beyond awesome!

  Thank you ARC readers you have helped make all my books so much stronger. I appreciate the effort and time you put in to reading, reviewing, and getting the word out about the books. I don’t know what I’d do without you. I feel so lucky to have you behind me.

  Thank you to my Street Team. Thanks for your input, your support, and your hard work. I appreciate you more than you know. A HUGE hug to all of you!

  Thank you to Carrie from Cheeky Covers. You are amazing! I can always count on you. You are the calm to my storm. You totally rock, and I love your artistic vision.

  Thank you to my proofreader, Ellie, whose last set of eyes before the last once over I do, is invaluable.

  Thank you to Ena and Amanda with Enticing Journeys Promotions who have helped garner attention for and visibility to my books. Couldn’t do it without you! Also a big thank you to Book Club Gone Wrong Blog.

  Thank you to Paul Salvette of BB Books for the awesome job he does in formatting my books. You always come through for me, and your work is stellar. You make it so much easier for me to be an indie writer. Glad you’re part of my team.

  Thank you to the readers who continue to support me and read my books. Without you, none of this would be possible. I appreciate your comments and reviews on my books, and I’m dedicated to giving you the best story that I can. I’m always thrilled when you enjoy a book as much as I have in writing it. You definitely make the hours of typing on the computer and the frustrations that come with the territory of writing books so worth it.

  And a special thanks to every reader who has been with me since “Hawk’s Property.” Your support, loyalty, and dedication to my stories touch me in so many ways. You enable me to tell my stories, and I am forever grateful to you.

  You all make it possible for writers to write because without you reading the books, we wouldn’t exist. Thank you, thank you! ♥

  OUTLAW XMAS: Insurgents Motorcycle Club (Book 10)

  Dear Readers,

  Thank you for reading my book. The Insurgent men keep wanting their stories told, so I had to do a Christmas story and revisit Pinewood Springs. I have to confess that I loved getting back together with all the Insurgent men and their women. Many of them have families now, and I loved writing about each of the couples. It seems that Insurgents have more to say, so look for a few more books to come out in the coming year.

  Romance makes life so much more colorful, and a rough, sexy bad boy makes life a whole lot more interesting.

  If you enjoyed the book, please consider leaving a review on Amazon. I read all of them and appreciate the time take

n out of busy schedules to do that.

  I love hearing from my fans, so if you have any comments or questions, please email me at or visit my facebook page.

  To receive a free copy of my novella, Summer Heat, and to hear of new releases, special sales, free short stories, and ARC opportunities, please sign up for my Newsletter at

  Happy Reading,



  Book 5 in the Night Rebels MC Series

  Coming in February, 2018

  Paco, the rugged VP of the Night Rebels MC, only stopped for some chow at the diner. He was headed back to Alina. He never intended on staying. But then he saw her sitting alone at the booth next to his. She had on too much makeup and too little clothing for the cold winter night.

  Then she looked at him. Her eyes were dark like an endless stretch of midnight sky. In their inky depths, he saw sorrow and pain and threads of fierceness. They drew him in.

  He, the man who never looked past one night with a woman, wanted to know about this small woman sitting across from him.

  Sensing she was in trouble, he wanted to help her. He knew he should just pay his bill, hop on his Harley, and head home, but he couldn’t. She grounded him, and in that one instant, he knew she’d be his. The urge to possess her consumed him.

  Misty Sullivan hated the cold nights when she’d have to haul her ass from truck to truck to make enough to satisfy her boyfriend, Bobby. She used to have another name, but that was a long time ago when she was normal and life was good. She tried not to think about it anymore—it just made her life worse.

  The stranger who stared at her didn’t look like a trucker. He was decked out in leather and denim, and he looked at her like she was a person not a piece of ass. But life experience told her he was probably just as bad as all the other men who came into her world.

  Men couldn’t be trusted. They acted nice to get a woman where they wanted her, and then they turned mean and ugly.

  But the stranger’s piercing stare didn’t frighten her, and that surprised her. A good-looking, sexy man like him could have any woman he wanted, so why was he wasting his time with her?

  Then events throw them together and Misty must decide if she should trust the man who is playing havoc with her heart.

  Paco knows that the only way Misty can trust him is to face her past and deal with it. Will she let him help her before her past crashes with her present and destroys her? Can he let her slip away from him?

  This is the fifth book in the Night Rebels MC Romance series. This is Paco’s story. It is a standalone. This book contains violence, sexual assault (not graphic), strong language, and steamy/graphic sexual scenes. It describes the life and actions of an outlaw motorcycle club. If any of these issues offend you, please do not read the book. HEA. No cliffhangers! The book is intended for readers over the age of 18.

  Rough Draft Excerpt for PACO

  Please note that this is a very rough draft of part of Chapter One of my upcoming book, PACO: Night Rebels MC. I offer it as a glimpse inside the novel.

  Chapter One

  Streaks of white hot lightning broke the blackness, ripping the night sky like paper. Seconds later the rumbling thunder came. Another few miles down the highway, the lightning forked close to Paco’s Harley. More booms reverberated overhead and then the rain fell. Slow and spattering at first, and then lashing down, torrential, relentless.

  Paco slowed down, cursing the semi-trucks as they barreled past him, burying him in a blinding wave of water as their tires hit the puddles. He squeezed the water out of his foam grips and debated about pulling over and taking out his rain gear.

  A second series of jagged lightning bolts zig-zagged across the sky. I gotta get out of this fucking storm. Riding wet on a bike with lightning too close for comfort was just asking for trouble. The rain came down in sheets, obstructing his vision, pelleting his skin like bullets. The brake lights on several of the large trucks in front of him glowed eerily in the mist, and he decided to follow them, hoping they were headed to the nearest truck stop in the area.

  Sure enough, the semis took the next exit and turned right with Paco following behind them. Bright lights filtered through the thin mist and a yellow neon sign read “Eagle Truck Stop” and underneath it, in blue lettering, the word “Diner” flashed. Three of the large trucks turned in and drove to the fuel pumps. After following them in, he veered to the right and parked in front of the eatery. The rain had soaked him, and he opened his saddle bag, took out a plastic bag, and rushed into the diner. Drops of water rolled down his face and neck and his feet squished with every step he took.

  “It sure is coming down,” a woman behind the lunch counter said as her eyes traveled up and down his muscled body. “You need somewhere to dry off?”

  “Yeah. Do you have showers here?” he replied.

  She pointed to the right. “You gotta go next door for that. They got showers, a trucker lounge with TV and video games. No laundry, though. The shower will cost you twelve bucks but that includes a towel, washcloth, soap, and a floor mat. Where did you come from?”

  The redhead gave him a smile that said she was available. He’d seen that smile more times than he could count. “Thanks for the info.” A gust of wind blew past him when he opened the door, and with head bent, he walked next door.

  Thirty minutes later Paco was back at the diner in a booth by the window watching the trucks as they moved from the pumps to the parking spaces that lined the large lot. The rain was steady now and he saw several women move between the lanes of parked semis.

  “My name’s Holly,” the redhead said as she handed him a menu. “I see you got yourself all dried off. Nice pair of jeans by the way. When you came back in, I noticed you wear them real good.” She licked her pink stained lips.

  “Get me a cup of black coffee,” he said, looking at the menu.

  “You got a name?”

  “Yeah. Get me that coffee.”

  Holly snorted then walked away. Several men came in yelling out greetings to her. Paco watched as she laughed and flirted with them, bending over the counter and playfully smacking a couple of them on their arms when they commented on her tits. Shaking his head, he pulled out his phone and shifted his focus to the parking lot. The door to a truck opened and an arm reached out to help hoist a woman with long dark hair inside.

  “Hey, dude,” he said to Steel.

  “Where the hell are you?” the president answered.

  “I got caught in a fucking storm. I pulled into a truck stop. I’m gonna wait it out. If it doesn’t get better, I’ll have to spend the night drinking coffee in the diner. How’s the weather in Alina?”

  “Clear. Are you still in Utah?”

  “Yeah. I’m close to the Colorado border though.”

  “How’s your sister?”

  “Great. She had another boy.”

  “Here’s your coffee,” Holly said as she put the cup in front of him.

  “I gotta go. I may not be back until tomorrow. Later.”

  “There’s a motel behind the truck stop in case you stay the night. The beds are real comfy too.” She undid the top two buttons on her uniform.

  “Thanks. I may need a room.”

  “Holly, bring your sweet ass over here. My buddy Rich wants to ask you a question.”

  The waitress turned sideways and laughed. “You just hang on. I got a customer here.” She looked at Paco and winked. “I’m popular with the men around here.”

  “I’ll have a burger—medium, fries, and a cup of green chili.”

  Her brows knitted. “You’re not very friendly, are you?”

  “No. I’m not.” He picked up his cup and took a sip. The coffee tasted stale and harsh like it’d been sitting out all day. “Give me a fresh cup of coffee and bring me some cream.”

  “Don’t you ever say ‘please’ when you want something?”

  “No.” He scrolled through his texts as she walked away. The
majority of his texts were from women he’d hooked up with in the past six months asking when they could get together. Shaking his head, he put his phone down on the table. The truth was he didn’t want to see any of them again. He’d had fun for a while, but no one had interested him enough to pursue anything for more than a few weeks. It wasn’t that he was against relationships it was just that the one woman who’d captured his heart had also shattered it, and he wasn’t looking to have that happen again.

  “Here you go,” Holly said, placing a steaming cup of coffee in front of him. “And I just opened a new carton of creamer just for you.”

  “Thanks.” He stirred a splash of cream in the coffee. The earthy scent filled his nostrils as he brought the cup to his lips and took a sip. Bitter sweetness snapped at the back of his throat as the hot liquid warmed him.

  Glancing outside, he saw three women in short shorts huddled under the eaves of the diner as the rain poured down. A cold rush of wind swirled around him as the front door opened and a woman with too much makeup and too little clothing entered. With bent head, she walked over to the booth next to his and slid. Drops of water trickled down her face and neck, and she grabbed a napkin and wiped them away before running it through her long wet hair.

  Then she looked up and locked gazes with him. Her eyes were dark like an endless stretch of midnight sky. A bundle of sorrow, pain, and loneliness swam in their inky depths along with threads of fierceness and pride. They drew him in. Something down deep, very deep, inside him stirred faintly. He sucked in a deep breath. Damn.

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