One Night With You

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One Night With You Page 3

by Megan Slayer

  “Your mother doesn’t confront him?”

  “She’d have to confront me. She loves me and knows I’m gay, but I think she believes if she doesn’t address it, then it won’t be true and someday I’ll come home to tell her I’m marrying some pretty brunette girl I met here at school.”

  Tate half smiled. “How about a hot night with a dark-haired man?”

  “One by the name of Tate? He’s in the military and I don’t know what he does in the Air Force, but it doesn’t really matter.” Raine rubbed his fingertips along Tate’s arm. “He seems pretty awesome to me, so yeah, I want to keep him around.” He met Tate’s gaze, but instead of smiling, Tate’s eyes misted with tears. Tate’s lips tightened into a line and his nostrils flared. Red tinged his cheeks. Raine paused. “Sorry. I said something wrong.”

  “No, you’re fine.” Tate cleared his throat and closed his eyes. “I came to Blake’s party and then over here to forget.”

  “Oh.” Part of him wanted to be angry with Tate, but the rest of him didn’t agree. “Is that what you wanted to talk about?”

  “My sister. I’m the older child. My father walked out when we were babies, so my mom did the best she could on her own. She put me in charge of my sister. Everyone loved Evie. God, she was so beautiful—all blonde hair and legs. I had to chase the boys away from her. I was supposed to keep an eye on her. While I was still home and in school, it worked. Then I decided to go out on my own and joined the Air Force. It wasn’t a mistake for me, but it was for Evie.”

  “I disagree.” Raine cuddled Tate. His heart ached for his lover. He’d never know the pressure of taking care of a sibling and couldn’t really understand Tate’s pain, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t be there for him. Even after one night together, he cared about Tate. He wiped Tate’s tears away with his fingertips.

  “I should’ve known she’d start dating Aaron. The guy was trouble from the word go. My mother told me to watch my sister and protect her, but I didn’t. If I hadn’t gone into the service, she wouldn’t have dated Aaron and wouldn’t have been in that fucking car.” Tate pounded his fist on the mattress. “God damn it.”

  “Slow down.” Raine scooted down to face Tate. He curled his fingers under Tate’s chin. They’d only known each other a short while, but Tate trusted him enough to talk about his problems. For Raine, that fact was huge. The strong man who served his country and shouldered so much needed a place to land—even if only for a short time.

  “I can’t slow down.” Tate held Raine’s fingers tightly. He shook his head. “I came home for Evie’s funeral.”

  “Holy shit,” Raine blurted. So much for thinking before he spoke.

  “She was in a car with Aaron and the fucktard had been drinking. I don’t know if she had, too, but it wouldn’t surprise me.” Tate’s brow furrowed. “He wrapped the car around a telephone pole. He made it through without a scratch, but she didn’t. The impact and her stupid… She wasn’t wearing her belt and was thrown out of the car. She died at the scene.”

  “I’m sorry.” He didn’t know what else to say. Yes, he’d lost his father at a young age, but that seemed like forever ago. For Tate, everything was fresh and raw.

  Tate plastered his body to Raine’s and splayed his palm on his back. “Come with me to the funeral.”

  Raine paused. “Are you sure?” Not because he didn’t want to go along, but was he the right person to accompany Tate to something so important?

  “I need a rock, and you’ve been the most solid person I’ve dealt with who isn’t in the military.”

  No more thinking. If Raine hadn’t gone to chew Blake out for the noisy party, then he’d never have met Tate. Someone must’ve wanted them together. Fate intervened at odd times and he refused to question his fortune. He nodded. “I will.”

  Chapter Four

  “You’re going to be tired of me.” Tate climbed on top of Raine. He wanted to fuck his problems away. Or maybe he wanted to lose himself in Raine. Either one worked because both were the truth.

  “I don’t think so.” Raine grinned. “I’m sure I’ll never forget you.”

  “Yeah?” High praise from a man he’d just met. Tate didn’t fight when Raine flipped him onto his back and pinned Tate beneath his body. He missed this kind of closeness—having a lover in his bed every night. Coming home to the same man and not having to worry about what wandered home with him. Sure, he lived in close quarters with the guys on base, but he wanted something more. He could get used to Raine beside him and gazing into those blue eyes. The passion between him and Raine sizzled. Would he ever find someone else like him?

  “I’ve never met anyone like you.” Raine nuzzled Tate’s neck and straddled his thighs. His cock rubbed against Tate’s, sending a delicious pleasure through Tate’s body.

  “I’m glad.” He mirrored Raine’s feelings and never wanted to let him go. “I’m also glad I checked out of that party early. This is better.”

  “Because I’m easy?” Raine kissed his way down Tate’s throat to his chest and nipples. He slid his hand between their bodies and encircled Tate’s dick in his fingers.

  Oh, Jesus. Tate gasped and bucked beneath Raine. “You’re just who I wanted.”

  Raine ground against Tate. He captured his dick and Tate’s in his hand and stroked. Tate’s balls tingled.

  Tate stretched and writhed. He wasn’t a natural bottom. Taking charge and knowing what would happen next were his style, but with Raine, he wanted something different. He trailed his fingers along Raine’s ribs and belly. Christ, he’d need a long time to get him out of his system—if that was even possible.

  Raine bit Tate’s nipple, then met his gaze. “What?” he whispered.

  “Fuck me.” Tate nodded. He needed this more than anything. “Please?”

  “I’m going to walk funny for the next month.” Raine kissed Tate’s chest, then swirled his tongue around Tate’s navel before he sat up. “It’ll be worth it.”

  Raine didn’t understand. Tate wound his arms around Raine. “No, I want you to fuck me. Need it.”

  Raine paused. “You’re sure?”

  “You don’t remember how?” Tate challenged. He might be intoxicated by Raine, but not so far gone he couldn’t make a joke.

  “I know how.” Raine’s eyes flashed and his smile turned wicked. “I don’t get to top very often, but I’ll manage. You’re my first military person…airman, right? I’m still learning the terminology.”

  “Airman and I’m honored.” I also want to be the only one. After the way Raine had imprinted himself on Tate, he wasn’t sure he could accept Raine being with someone else. Was he territorial much? Only with Raine.

  Raine eased off Tate long enough to retrieve a fresh condom and the lube. “I might run out if we keep up at this rate.” He tossed the packet onto the bed beside Tate, then popped the cap on the lube. He dribbled some of the clear fluid onto his fingers. “You’re still sure?”

  “Positive.” Tate spread his legs and toyed with his dick. He hadn’t bottomed in ages and knew the burn would be there, but fuck it. He kept his gaze on Raine’s as Raine caressed Tate’s asshole.

  Raine flattened his palm on Tate’s inner thigh and pushed his finger into Tate.

  Tate winced. There was the burn. He stroked himself faster to take the edge off. His lips parted and he gasped. “Damn.”

  “You’re good?” Raine asked. So tentative…or worried about Tate. Either way, Tate appreciated Raine’s attention.

  “Great.” He bore down on Raine’s finger as the pain lessened. “God, yeah.”

  “It’s only my middle finger.” Raine smiled. “You need more.” He eased another finger into Tate, filling him to the brim.

  “Oh, Jesus.” He let go of his dick and tucked his knees to his chest. “Need you.”

  “That’s me in there.” Raine pumped his fingers. “It still burns. I can see it in your eyes. Just breathe.”

  Tate tried to do as he was told, but holy fuck. His nerve endin
gs sizzled and heat filled him. If Raine didn’t switch to his cock soon, Tate might explode. He wanted to wait for Raine before he climaxed.

  Raine leaned forward and kissed the inside of Tate’s knee. “So beautiful,” he murmured. “Magic.”

  Magic? Beautiful? Those words usually didn’t apply to him. He tried to embrace the good feelings. He’d kicked himself around for so long. This man who barely knew him already wanted to build him back up. Christ, he’d never be able to leave Raine and go back to Korea. Not now.

  Raine rose on his knees and ripped open the condom packet. From his hairline to his chest, he blushed. He sheathed himself and stroked a couple of times. When he closed his eyes, the muscle in his jaw tensed.

  “Raine,” Tate bit out. “Please?” He hated to beg—except with Raine.

  “Yeah.” Raine opened his eyes and eased off the bed. He tugged Tate to the edge of the mattress, then lined his dick up with Tate’s hole. “Breathe.”

  Tate nodded. He embraced the burn as Raine pushed into him. The moment he filled him completely, everything within Tate relaxed. He’d come home. This was where he belonged. Was the sensation happening too fast? Absolutely, but he didn’t care. He held on for the ride as Raine moved inside him.

  Slow strokes at first, then faster as Raine built up a steady rhythm. Raine’s hair flopped over his brow and lines crinkled around his eyes. A lazy smile curled on his lips. He grasped Tate’s legs.

  “Raine,” he bit out again. He’d released his own cock and still the tingles went straight to his length. He didn’t have to touch himself for the orgasm to build.

  “You’re so tight. Jesus.” Raine’s fingernails bit into Tate’s thighs. “Like heaven.”

  “For me, too.” He arched his back and held on tightly to the bedding. He groaned and tensed. Despite his best efforts to keep the orgasm at bay, the climax flowed within him. Too fast. He wanted the moment to last longer.

  Raine panted harder and his nipples beaded. He shook his head and pushed harder into Tate. His even thrusts turned frantic. The sound of his thighs bumping against Tate’s came out louder than his and Raine’s grunts.

  “Oh, my fuck.” Tate curled forward and let go of the sheets. He grasped Raine’s forearms. “I need to…” The rest of his words evaporated. His balls tingled and he needed to come.

  “Yeah.” Raine nodded and lurched. He filled Tate balls deep and his cock throbbed. “Come.” His thrusts slowed and his muscles relaxed. He closed his eyes again and the lazy smile widened.

  Not that he needed much coaxing, but Tate appreciated Raine’s command. He let go of Raine’s arms and frantically stroked his shaft. He needed two, maybe three good pulls and he’d come apart. Raine wrapped his fingers around Tate’s and helped stroke. The combination of his and Raine’s hand on his dick sent him over the edge. Tate tensed and seed shot across his belly. The heat flooded him and he sagged on the bed. The three good orgasms in one night had wrung him out.

  Raine planted his hands on the bed on either side of Tate’s shoulders. He continued to pant. “Forgot how good that felt.” He opened his eyes and kissed Tate. “You fit me like a glove.”

  “Same can be said for you.” He smoothed his palms along Raine’s ribs. “You work what you’ve got very well.”

  “Thanks.” Raine kissed him again, then eased his dick from Tate’s ass. He stood and stretched. “Be right back.” He disappeared into the bathroom for a moment, then returned with a towel. “Here.” He cleaned the cum from Tate’s belly.

  “Hold me?” Tate rolled onto his side. He waited for Raine to return to the bed. When the mattress dipped and Raine snuggled up behind him, Tate closed his eyes again. Within minutes, sleep overtook him. He welcomed the break. He had a good man beside him and while his stresses were still there, he could deal with them.

  He drifted in and out of dreams, but didn’t remember anything from them. In the final one, he heard music. He knew that tune—heavy, hard… Where did he know the song from? He surfaced from sleep and blinked. Something in his pants glowed.

  Fuck. He scrubbed his face with the back of his hand. His phone. Someone either was calling or had called him. He glanced over at Raine’s sleeping form. Meeting Raine had been the best thing to happen to him last night. Without him, he’d probably have drowned his sorrows in a bottle of whiskey or schlepped home to the brow-beatings from his family. He sat up and yawned, then retrieved his phone from his jeans.

  “What’s wrong?” Raine rolled over and stretched. “I’ve heard the same song playing for the last half-hour. I thought my alarm had gone off, but I didn’t set it last night. Was it you?”

  “My phone.” He patted Raine’s ass, then scrolled through the missed calls. “My mother phoned—probably looking for me and to remind me the funeral is today. Like I could forget.”

  “If you need to go, I understand.” Raine held onto his pillow. “She needs you.”

  “No, she needs someone to blame.” He folded his legs beneath him and cleared the missed calls out of his phone. “My mother approved of Aaron. She thought he was such a good man, but she didn’t see him sloppy drunk or high. She had no idea he peddled pills. My sister knew and when I found out, I hit the ceiling.”

  “Hang on.” Raine managed to sit up. His hair stuck out at odd angles, but the mussed, straight-out-of-bed look worked for him. He rested his elbows on his knees and folded his hands. “The more you tried to talk her out of being with him, the more she dug in, right?”

  “Exactly. I tried to be the big brother and to protect her, but she wanted him. Nothing I did—calling the cops, forbidding her from seeing him, threatening him—nothing worked.” He rested his head on Raine’s shoulder. “All I’ve got to do is give the orders and my guys follow directions. We fix the planes and no one questions my directives. You’d think I could convince her to dump the loser.”

  Raine held Tate’s hand and flexed his fingers. “If she wanted him too much, nothing you could say or do would sway her. How old is she?”

  “She was twenty-three.” His heart squeezed. Talking about her in the past tense fucking sucked.

  “I’m twenty-two and I’ve been on my own since I was eighteen. She should’ve been able to handle growing up.” Raine kissed the top of Tate’s head. “You can’t be there all of the time.”

  “Tell my goddamned family that.” He sat up, then left the bed and paced nude across the apartment. “Aaron was behind the wheel. He crashed the car, but to hear him and my mother talk, this was my doing. If I’d done my job, she wouldn’t have gotten into the car. I never wanted her to date Aaron, but he had my mother believing this is my fault.” He shook his head. “We’re burying my sister today and I’m the one who keeps taking the blame.”

  Raine scrambled out of bed and stood before Tate. He grasped Tate’s shoulders. “You can be the big, bad brother all you want. You can take responsibility for her actions if that’s your desire, but no one told her to get into that car. She had to have known Aaron was drinking. No amount of self-harm on your part will bring her back. I’m sorry to say that, but it’s true. You can’t beat yourself up. It won’t make you feel better. I hate your mother and this piece of shit for blaming you. One knows the story but changed it to make himself look good. I suspect your mother knows the truth, too, but it’s too hard to admit she might have had something to do with the situation. It’s easier to shift blame. She knows you can handle the stress. Look at all of what you’ve handled in the service. She’s punching the one person she knows won’t punch back—so to speak.”

  Tate nodded. He’d been strong for everyone else, but not himself. Raine was right—even if he’d been home the night Evie got into Aaron’s car for the last time, she wouldn’t have listened to him. She’d have laughed and told him she’d be fine.

  “So.” Raine tipped his head to meet Tate’s gaze. “I assume you need a shower and to get dressed for the funeral.”

  “I do. My dress blues.” He hadn’t wanted to think about the events o
f the day. He’d have his family with him, but he needed someone else. “You’re still coming with me, right?”

  “I am.” Raine nodded once and pressed a kiss to Tate’s lips. “You’re in charge of people in the Air Force, right? You don’t follow everyone. Are you this…indecisive?”

  He frowned. He hated to be looked down on.

  “What I mean is, don’t let this one day fuck everything else up for you. You’re a strong man. You command the garage…or hangar…whatever.”

  “Hangar,” Tate replied.

  “See? I know nothing about the Air Force.” Raine stroked Tate’s cheeks with the pads of his thumbs. “What’s about to happen sucks. There’s no two ways about it. But how you conducted your life and how your sister did aren’t the same. You had to do your own thing after a while. You can’t be in control of her—especially when she was an adult. Don’t beat yourself up. Be sad, yes, but don’t assume full responsibility for this. She didn’t have to get into the car. Her boyfriend didn’t have to take the pharmaceuticals and decide to drive. Your mother could’ve taken some of this on herself, rather than palming it off onto you.”

  “You’re a smart man.” Tate patted Raine’s ass. “I’m going to miss you when I head back to Korea.”

  “What?” Raine’s eyes widened. “I mean, yeah.”

  He’d fucked up. He’d taken up with a guy, but forgotten to mention he’d be leaving soon and not coming back for a while. “I’ve been assigned to a base in South Korea. I was granted leave long enough to attend the funeral and I’m expected on the plane tomorrow at eight in the morning.”

  “I understand.” Raine eased away from Tate. “How about you head back to your place and get ready? I’ll meet you at the funeral home? Or is it at the church?”


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