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Corporate Daddy

Page 24

by Arlene James

  “Don’t,” she said, too choked up to say all that was in her heart. “Not ever. No matter what.”

  He kissed her forehead. “I promise I’ll be a good husband. I know I can be a good husband, especially if you help me. You’ve helped me be a good father.”

  Emily laughed. “Be half as good a husband as you are a father, and I’ll always be as deliriously happy as I am right now.”

  “That brings up something else we should talk about,” he said, rising and helping her to rise, as well. He slid onto the bench and urged her down next to him. “Taylor.”

  She cocked her head. “What about him?”

  “If Taylor’s mine, I want him,” he said gently. She waited, and he went on. “Are you okay with that?”

  “Why wouldn’t I be? Logan, you know that I adore Amanda Sue. I’ll feel the same way about any other child we’re lucky enough to have.”

  “Then you don’t mind the idea of more children?” he asked carefully.

  “Of course not! I’m counting on it, in fact.”

  “But your career—”

  “We’ll work it out,” she said. “We’ll share child-rearing responsibilities, and we always have Carol.”

  He slumped with obvious relief, but then he straightened again and leaped to his feet. “We need to start house shopping.”

  Emily laughed in sheer delight.

  “No, I mean it. For Carol’s sake if nothing else. She could use a private sitting room, and we want to keep her happy. We need her!”

  “Carol isn’t going anywhere,” Emily chortled. She got up and leaned into him, wrapping her arms around his neck. “And neither am I, because I love you, Logan Fortune, and I want more than anything in the world to be your wife and the mother of your children—all your children.”

  He framed her face with his hands and bowed his head. This kiss was a vow, a promise, a pledge. When the door creaked open and a man entered the little chapel, they both turned their heads. Obviously embarrassed, he bowed his pink, bald head and muttered, “Uh, excuse me.”

  “Oh, it’s all right!” Logan told him brightly. Locking his hands together in the small of Emily’s back, he proudly announced, “We’re getting married!”

  The stranger glanced around the chapel as though expecting flowers and a minister. Then, shaking his head and murmuring doubtful congratulations, he backed out the door.

  Confused, Logan looked at a beaming Emily. “Well, we are,” he said, “and soon.”

  “Yes, darling,” she told him, lifting her mouth to his once more, “but not, I think, in the hospital chapel.”

  He didn’t argue. He didn’t argue at all, and Emily considered it a very good sign. Logan Fortune—corporate giant, playboy and daddy—was turning out to be excellent husband material. Funny what love could do. Love and a willful little toddler with her daddy’s heart twisted around her little finger.

  Then again, perhaps they were one and the same.

  Special thanks and acknowledgment are given to Arlene James for her contribution to THE FORTUNES OF TEXAS series.

  ISBN: 978-1-4603-1139-4


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