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Need Us (Make or Break #4)

Page 16

by Amanda Heath

  “I spent a month away from my husband because of you. I pride myself on knowing if someone is a bad person or a good person. I always thought you were a good person. I couldn’t comprehend that I was wrong. I thought I brought that on myself, but in reality I didn’t do anything wrong.” I clench my fists by my sides and hold back the tears I want to cry because of all this. It’s frustrating that Paisley finally made it to the “altar” and Channing hasn’t. This is his big day finally and Donovan stops it because he’s a selfish fucking bastard. “You took something from me that day and I’ll never get it back. I’ll be less trusting of people and I won’t ever drink at a bar again. You did that to me.”

  He opens his mouth to say something but I can’t hold it back anymore. I throw my arm out and sock him right in the eye. He falls back and lands on his ass while he covers his eye. Then I start kicking him while he’s down. I’m happy to report that his balls got a seriously hard kick. Channing comes up behind me and pulls me away from him about the time my husband and my brother come running out of the courthouse. It’s about time too. Only they got to miss the best part.

  Court stares down at his brother with surprise on his face. Then he looks up at me and smiles. “I always knew you were badass.” Then he literally walks over Donovan to get to me. His lips meet mine and I smile. “God, I fucking love you.”

  “I fucking love you too,” I say against his mouth while he tries to stick his tongue down my throat. Horny boy. I push him away from me and look up at his face. “Paisley and Channing are finally at the right place at the right time. Let’s let them get married, please. We can worry about Donovan later.”

  Except there’s a police officer walking over towards us. He looks both awed and angry. “Ma’am I’m not quite sure what’s going on over here, but I saw you assault this man. I can’t just walk away from that.”

  Royal moves down the steps until he’s close to the officer. “This is my twin sister. The man on the ground fell. Rachel just couldn’t get out of the way so she kicked him a few times trying to move.”

  The officer raises both his eyebrows and looks down at Donovan. “Is this true sir?” Donovan doesn’t speak he just nods his head while he cups his junk and groans.

  “Alright then, y’all have a wonderful day.” Then he grins and walks away. Funny how he was here to watch me beat up Donovan yet he didn’t see Channing standing in front of me in a protective stance. You’d think that would raise a few red flags.

  Once he’s out of sight, Royal reaches down and helps Donovan up. This has me surprised until he cold clocks him in the head. Donovan goes down like a ton of bricks. Then Royal spits on him. “You ever fucking come near my sister again I’ll fucking kill you.”

  “He’s out cold, Royal. I don’t think he can hear you,” Channing states while Court looks from Donovan to Royal and back again.

  “That was my job!” he exclaims very loudly.

  Royal looks a little sheepish. “Sorry. I thought once she got married and had kids I wouldn’t feel this overwhelming need to protect her. I guess I won’t ever get over it.”

  I just shake my head. Then I look up to see Paisley waddle out of the courthouse followed by a very slimmed up Wesley. It’s seriously not fair that she got pregnant after me yet she’s already giving birth. But then again thankfully I’m not having twins. I really don’t want a little pair of twins running around like Royal and me.

  Wesley moves in by Royal and looks down at her cousin. “Jesus, how long have y’all been out here beating him up? He looks like he got hit by a fucking car!”

  And she gets some brownie points when she kicks him in the gut.

  Channing moves around all of us to get to Paisley. He puts his forehead on hers and I grin real big. I never thought I’d see him do that again. It’s a silly little thing but I have a romantic in my heart and she loves to see things like this. It’s like they block out the rest of the would and have their own little private place. They would need to, considering who they hang out with. “I’m sorry I’m late.”

  She nods and wraps her arms around his shoulders. “I was a little scared you were going to leave me here, but when Rachel wouldn’t answer her phone, I knew something was wrong.”

  “I promised I wouldn’t leave you today. And I seriously plan on keeping that promise.” Then he’s kissing her and I look away because that’s just creepy to be sitting here watching them make out.

  “What do we need to do with him?” Royal nods down at Donovan while he wraps an arm around Wesley’s shoulders.

  Court sighs and rubs a hand down his face. “Is Ma still inside?”

  Before anyone can answer we hear Ashley call out behind us. That’s when I move in front of Donovan like that will hide him. I know I’m big but I’m not that big. Maybe if I could get Paisley over here then maybe it would work.

  One thing I don’t want to happen today is for Damien, Ashley’s husband, to take Donovan off somewhere and kill him. There’s a slim chance that will happen. But then again you never know. He’s fond of me but he’s got the biggest soft spot for Wesley. If it had been her, Donovan would have been dead a long ass time ago.

  Ashley’s black hair shines in the sun and her smoky blue eyes glitter with a little mischief and a lot of happiness. “I see we aren’t-“ Then she gasps and covers her mouth.

  Damien walks up behind her. Let’s just say Damien is MEGA hawt. Like, he should be on the cover of every magazine that exists. His blonde hair is cut close to his head but I’ve seen it longer. He’s built like a brick house and you just want to run your hands over all the muscles. Plus he’s got “Ashley” and “Glossy” tattooed on his neck. Glossy being his nickname for Ashley.

  Yeah so sue me, the guy is fucking hot.

  “Who beat him up?” Damien asks, raising a brow and looking down at Donovan.

  Everyone points to me, even though half these people weren’t out here when that happened. “Royal knocked him out. And spit on him.”

  Damien nods his head and looks impressed. “Gotta say, Rach, it’s pretty impressive you beat him up with that kid in the way.”

  I forget how hot he is when he opens his mouth. His southern accent is pretty thick considering we live in a huge ass city. We all still have one of course but it’s like he grew up on a farm in the middle of nowhere. And he always seems to insult me when he talks to me. “Yeah well I could beat him up while holding both my kids. And I could beat you up too, jackass.”

  Royal, Channing, and Court hold back laughter as Damien bites his lip and grins at me. “Alright there, princess. No need to get your panties in a wad.”

  This time I sneer at him. “Don’t talk to me anymore. I’m pregnant and you’re pissing me off.”

  This time Ashley bursts out laughing. “Careful there Rach, he’ll start getting ideas.” Then she walks over to Channing and wraps her arms around him. “How about we get someone to clean this up and go get you married. I’m sorry we’re late.”

  “We know,” all of us say at the same time. These two are always late. I don’t want to know the reason even though Royal says they can’t stop fucking. This comment has gotten him backhanded a few times by me. And Channing might have elbowed him in the gut.

  Donovan comes to about then and looks up at us all. He doesn’t say anything though. There’s not much he can say. Everyone knows what he did and they now know he’s sorry for it. That doesn’t mean we’ll open our arms and welcome him back. In fact he’s really lucky if his mother doesn’t kill him once she finds out he’s here.

  “You gonna live, Van?” Court asks, holding his hand out to help his brother up.

  Donovan nods and tentatively accepts his brother’s hand. Court pulls him up and they stand eye to eye. “I’m not going to hit you or yell at you. You didn’t do those things when I fucked up. Plus, you probably have brain damage from the Sanders twins.” Court puts his hands in his pockets and looks at Donovan from under his lashes. “You could have avoided all of this. You just had
to talk to me, beat me up or shoot me. Any of those would have done it. Hell, everyone would’ve forgiven you for shooting me.” He steps closer to Donovan and Donovan swallows, hard. “You went after my wife. You made her feel like shit about herself. You made her think it was all her fault. I’ll never forgive you for that. No one will but Rach herself because she’s a good person like that. The rest of us fall short when compared to her. And just know you brought this on yourself. I didn’t make you do any of this; so don’t blame me for it. There’s a time and a place for revenge. And you missed both.” Then my husband turns around and walks back into the courthouse.

  The rest of us take his cue and leave Donovan standing alone on the steps. I turn to see him staring down at his feet. Something tugs at my heartstrings but I don’t let it win. He really did bring this on himself. I find I don’t mind it so much after that. He’ll find someone to love him. He’ll find happiness because he finally let all that anger go.

  He walks away in one direction and I go in the other. I’ll never see him again, most of us won’t. And just maybe I’ll sleep a little better at night.


  “You doing okay?” Wesley whispers to me while we stand at the back of the room filled with all the people who love Channing and Paisley.

  I smile at her and nod. I wasn’t sure I would be. I spent months trying to get over all of it. Then the second I saw him, the second I knew he was remorseful, I knew there was hope for everything else. You can do something horrible but the only way you can have redemption is by being remorseful. If you feel bad for what you did and who you did it to, you can get back to a normal place in your life. Those who don’t feel remorse and guilt, well I feel bad for them on judgment day.

  Paisley and Channing hold hands the whole time. They started when they met up outside and they haven’t let go since. No one says anything about it considering Channing’s probably making sure she doesn’t bolt for the door. From where I stand I don’t think she’s going anywhere. She looks incredibly happy.

  And I’m standing here in the middle of their little wedding when my contractions start. I have to clench my teeth together to stop from crying out. Wesley looks at me funny but I give her a strained smile. She knows though, when she takes in how I look. She knows I’m about to go into labor. Well, hopefully after this wedding. I really don’t want to ruin it for them.

  Court stands next to Channing holding the rings. Royal probably would have been up there but Court and Channing haven’t gotten to spend their whole lives as brothers. Most of those years were spent as enemies. And that’s funny how life flips on you like that. My husband spent most of his life with one brother as an enemy and the other as his friend. Now his best friend used to be the enemy and his friend is now the enemy.

  I start panting because these contractions are killer. My water hasn’t broken so there’s no need to head to the hospital. They wouldn’t admit me anyway. Not until my water breaks or my contractions are closer together. I hope one of those happens soon because this shit hurts.

  Lily turns around and looks at me with an eyebrow raised. She moves closer to me, trying not to draw attention to herself. She grabs my hand. “Squeeze my hand. We’ll get you through this. How close together?”

  God I love that my father is a doctor and my mother-in-law is a nurse. I leave all the professional shit in their hands and all the worrying. “Every eight minutes.”

  I don’t listen to the words going on with the wedding; I just stand there holding Lily’s hand. Finally they kiss and everyone cheers. That’s about the time my water goes. “Oh thank god!” I screech out loud. This startles everyone. “My water broke! Let’s go people!”

  “I hate when she gets bossy. It means she’s in a lot of pain,” Court mutters and I glare at him. “What? It’s true G.” He makes his way to me and steers me out of the room while I hang on to his mother’s hand. “Let Ma go, Rach. We gotta get to the hospital. Everyone will meet us there.”

  I let Lily’s hand go, only because there’s a door coming up and all three of us aren’t going to fit.

  Before we make it out of the building I turn around and spot the newly married couple. “Congrats you two! I knew you’d make it to this day at some point!”


  Eighteen years later…


  She took it. I can’t believe she actually took it. It’s one of those things that makes you want to punch a fucking hole in the wall. It’s not like I could punch one into her face, considering my entire family would kill me.

  Maggie has been a pain in my ass since the day she was born. Not that I remember much from then considering she’s a few weeks younger than me and my twin sister Mari.

  We’ve always had this hatred and rivalry between us. It’s always been a game too. We always see who blows first or who tells on the other first. I hate to say that she wins just as much as I do.

  “Earth to Max!” I blink my eyes to see Seth snap some fingers in my face. I glare at my first cousin. “Maggie took it didn’t she?”

  We have to call Seth and Maggie by their middle names since it gets confusing. Seth is actually Channing Seth Pierce born to my Uncle Pierce and Aunt Rachel. Maggie is actually Ashley Margret Southerland born to Channing and Paisley Southerland.

  I nod and slam my locker door shut. Luckily we only have three weeks until graduation. I hate this school but mostly I hate that Maggie goes here. It isn’t bad enough she’s a part of my huge ass family; I also have to see her here. And she messes with me hard core in both places.

  It probably doesn’t help she looks just like her MILF momma, Aunt Paisley. Long ass red hair, blue-green eyes full of fucking mischief, and those legs that go on forever. Yeah, I’ve had the hots for Maggie almost as long as I’ve hated her. I won’t ever admit this to anyone out loud but she gets inside my head in the worst way. I have trouble trying to hook up with other girls because it feels…wrong somehow.

  “You know you got to go get it. She’ll ride this one for weeks if anyone finds out.” He opens his locker, which is right beside mine and almost smacks me in the face with it.

  I glare at it like maybe Seth can see through the damn thing. He looks like a mixture of both his parents. Dirty blonde hair like his dad, brown eyes like his mom, built like his dad but has his mom’s personality. Which is awesome because I love my Aunt Rach to death.

  I open my mouth to speak but I see the object of my torment turn the corner and head towards us. She doesn’t notice like she should because she’s probably digging around in her bag for her charcoals. The ones I took while Mari distracted her in fifth period chemistry. My twin sister is the best partner to have in any situation. She’s up for anything and she knows when to get away.

  Now I know we’re two different genders but I feel like she’s my identical twin. I always know where she is, it’s a feeling I have. I can map it down to when she’s going to walk around a corner. I just sense her. Mom says it’s because we were so close together while she was pregnant with us. I guess that could be true considering my mom is the size of a Barbie. Plus Mari and I both have blonde hair and brown eyes. While I’m tall like my dad, Mari is short like mom. Though our features mix both of our parents well, we still look almost exactly alike. Except my hair is short and Mari’s is long.

  Maggie stops in front of me when I put my foot out. She jerks her face up and she glares daggers at me. “You took my charcoals, didn’t you?” Then she puts her hands on those flared out hips. The ones I have an itch about holding onto while she rides. Yeah so sue me, I’m a horny ass teenage boy. What else is new?

  I smile at her and wait the five seconds it takes for Mari to walk around the corner. She stops, looks at us and bursts into a grin. “Maybe,” I tell Maggie, sticking my hands into my pockets.

  She sighs and takes out the object she took from me. “I don’t know what this is, but you can have it back. I need those charcoals. I have a project due in my art class tomorrow.”

  The ob
ject is an old ass copy of an Adele CD. I found it in Dallas a couple of weeks ago. Adele is my mom’s favorite singer and her birthday is coming up. I wrapped it and put it in my locker because I know she can’t look there. I just didn’t expect Maggie to break into my locker and take it.

  “No I don’t have your charcoals.” I walk right behind Maggie and make sure I get all up in her personal space. My groin lines up perfectly with her butt. I hear her sharp intake of breath. I lift my hand and point at Mari who’s almost upon us. “Mari has them, bad girl,” I whisper against her ear.

  I don’t really remember when it started but I’ve been getting up in her personal space for a really long time. We’ve been screwing since we were sixteen years old. I don’t know how that happened. One day Dad dragged me over to Maggie’s house to hang out with her dad, my Uncle Channing. He and his wife aren’t really related to me, that’s just what Mari and I call them.

  Maggie has a little sister named Bethany but she’s twelve and no fun at all. So I ended up messing with Maggie because I got bored hanging out with Dad and Seth. I remember we got seriously pissed off at each other and before I knew it, all our clothes were off and I was inside of her. It’s safe to say I freaked the fuck out and got out of there as fast I possibly could. Though it kept happening. Over and over again and I have no idea how to stop it.

  Not that I want to.

  Maggie groans, from either the fact I’m pressed up against her or that Mari has her stuff. Mari and Maggie really don’t get along. It’s funny that’s how it worked out. Seth and I are best friends, have been since birth. Maggie and Mari on the other hand? Can’t stand each other. And don’t ask me why, it’s some girly shit I’m sure.

  “I’ll make it easy on you,” Mari says and crosses her arms over her chest. Then she smirks and looks between the two of us. “One of you has to tell me the truth.”


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