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Dragons Of Udora: The Complete Series (Books 1-4)

Page 70

by Maia Starr

  The commander was strong, but I held my own. He punched me across the face. I punched him back across the face. He kicked me in the ribs and I elbowed him to his neck. It was a long fight before a noise sliced through the air and stopped us all. We turned our attention toward the sky. An escape pod was jetting out of the mountainside toward the atmosphere. The commander quickly stood to his feet and looked around. He took off running faster than anyone I had ever seen.

  Chapter 8


  I’d had enough of this masculine bullshit. Neither of them owned me, which was something that they could not understand. I knew it was their way of life, but it was not mine. As I watched, I realized that all eyes were on them. This was my chance.

  I quickly ran to the landing port and climbed into an escape pod. I looked over the controls with shaking hands. I did not know how to chart a course. Would I be able to get back to Earth in one of these? I did not have enough time and so I began to press buttons and flip switches. Then… Woosh!

  The escape pod zoomed out of the landing port and into the atmosphere. I smiled as I realized that I had made it. I was going to get away from this place. I was no longer going to be a slave. I was nervous as I did not know where this would take me—possibly nowhere. But I had to give it a try.

  But then about five minutes later, the engine shut off as the darkness of space came into view. Was this part of the escape pod charting course? Did it go into some sort of auto pilot as it entered space? I could not tell and I tried to turn on the manual flight so that I could take control. Then I noticed that the escape pod was heading in a backwards direction, slowly but surely. How could that be?

  I turned and leaned to look at the glass behind me and saw a Kalazaron ship. It was a little larger than an escape pod. It would be a one, maybe two-man ship.

  "No!" I shouted. How could they have caught me so fast? I flipped switches and pressed buttons and panicked, but nothing would work to make the escape pod come alive again. I was caught in some sort of energy field that the ship was pulling me into. Then there was a hard shift in the escape pod that jolted me as the ship docked onto this escape pod. The doors switched open and Commander Jaylin Brakin stormed in.

  "What the hell do you think you're doing, Serena?!" he shouted at me.

  "Let me go! I do not want to be found! I do not want to be a slave! I want to go back to Earth," I said as I slammed myself into his chest and began pounding my fist against him in a crying rage. It was the first time I had cried since they had invaded the Madera. But I was to the point that I could not hold the tears and the anger in anymore.

  "Calm down! Calm down!" Jaylin said as he grabbed my shoulders and shook me. He looked down at me as I looked at him searching his eyes for something anything. I wanted to be consoled. I wanted safety. He said nothing, but he leaned down from his towering height and kissed me.

  I struggled against him, wanting to be free. I wanted to continue on my journey in the escape pod, but as he kissed me more, I gave in. I gave into the sensual tension that had been building between us the last few weeks. He kissed me hard and soon my pounding fists turned into rubbing hands all over his broad chest and shoulders. His long, black and blue hair fell on my cheek, tickling me.

  "Serena, I don't want to lose you. I don't want to lose you to wandering in space until you die. Let me take you back home. You belong with me," he whispered between kisses.

  His words were shockingly comforting to me. My wild side took control and I unbuckled the belt around his waist and let the leather cloth fall to the floor. He moaned as I did so and let out a sharp breath of air as my hand clamped around his long, thick cock. His hands roamed fast and almost in a clumsy manner in his extreme haste to get the muslin dress off my body.

  It fell to the floor and I stood there naked with his cock in my hand as we kissed deeply. The way we groped at each other was in a clumsy manner, as though we had waited very long to be able to touch each other in this way. It was evident that we were both taken over by the adrenaline of the moment. We were drifting in space and he had come to recapture me and claim me.

  Jaylin picked me up and laid me on the floor. He moved on top of me and kissed me deeply and passionately. Then he kissed down my neck and over my breasts. He took a nipple in his mouth and sucked lightly on it, flicking it with his tongue. My back arched up in response to the tender feeling. His large hands moved over my belly and over my thighs, caressing up and down, over and over. Then his lips moved back to my mouth and he kissed me.

  He pulled a few inches away from me and stared at my face. He delicately pushed his hands through my hair. I reached up and moved his hair out of his face and stared at his eyes and beautiful face. My hands went to his six-pack abs as he positioned himself between my thighs.

  His hard cock pushed inside of me and I opened my legs wider. Both of us knew that I had been with Prana only minutes before. It was a very filthy situation to be in, but I did not care and it seemed that he did not care either. The longing to enjoy each other's bodies was too great. He pushed deep inside of me, all the way in. It felt so good.

  I reached up and kissed his broad chest. I placed small, adoring kisses all over his chest, up and down, as though I could not get enough of him. I let my hands roam over the muscles of his back, moving down to his strong biceps and back up to his strong shoulders. My hands moved over him trying to memorize every contour of him.

  He moved his body back and forth slowly, hovering on top of me. He was so much larger than I was, and I felt very small and fragile underneath him. He stopped moving. He stopped sliding in and out of me and moved his head down to kiss me. He kissed me for a long time before he began to move in and out of me again. Then he began to move again faster and harder this time as he locked eyes with me. We stared at each other as the extreme, delicious feeling built up to the point of explosion.

  "I'm coming, Jaylin! I'm coming" I shouted, then I released as I grabbed onto his back. Then moments later, he tensed and released and I felt his hot fluid flow within me. He laid his entire weight on top of my body and held my head in his hands. We laid there in silence. I had no words. I had hated this alien warrior, and now I felt something so much more that I could not describe.

  Moments later, he got up and gently help to me to my feet. He stared at me for a long time and then finally said, "Let's go back home."

  "But I will be punished for escaping. I will probably have a better chance at living if you let me go in the escape pod instead of returning to the base," I said to him.

  He looked at me and said, "No. I will take the responsibility. You will not be harmed. You have my word on that. Trust me."

  I did trust him. But I did not think that he had any real power over what happened to me. Yet I knew that he was not going to let me go.

  "Let us go home then," I said to him.

  "But you are not to see him again. Prana, you are not to see him again. You are mine. Is that understood? You are mine in every way," he said as he squeezed my hand. I nodded my head yes. We put our clothes back on and then made our way into the main part of his ship. I buckled into a seat and so did he as he began to turn on the engines and maneuver the ship back to the planet. I took a good look around me at the darkness of space. I took a look at the two moons and the blue planet; it was possible this was the last time I would ever be in space. I wanted to burn it into my memory.

  We entered the atmosphere and Jaylin flew toward the Blue Mountain. Then out of nowhere, we were fired upon. I could see that the fire was coming from somewhere across the vastness of the rocky terrain far from the Blue Mountain.

  "It's fire from Belvenreed! They are trying to bring us down!" Jaylin shouted. I did not panic. I was used to combat. In fact, I remained cool and calm in these situations. But I did feel helpless that I could not fire back, or help him fly the ship. But Jaylin did not need help; he flew the ship with expert skill through the barrage of fire. Soon we were in the safe zone and finally landing at t
he Blue Mountain landing point. We had made it back safely.

  When he turned off the engines, he looked at me and said, "That has never happened before. It was almost as if they were expecting us. We were not flying over the base. They would have no idea that there would be a ship entering the atmosphere in that area. They were warned of our return."

  I looked at him and knew exactly what he was speaking of. He was talking about a spy. "You think somebody at the base told them? You think you have someone that is in communication with the Belvenreed outpost in secret?"

  "Yes, but I hope that I am wrong. Speak nothing of those thoughts to anyone. We will just assume that we were fired upon because luck was with them and they saw us. Tell no one. I am going to escort you to our quarters and then I will have to see the official about your escape."

  I nodded my head yes in agreement. He escorted me home and I was confined to quarters.

  Chapter 9


  "I have called this meeting in reference to the raid. I believe we should postpone it. I think we might have a spy among us, someone that has been communicating with the Belvenreed outpost."

  There were ample grumblings of anger at my words, as there should.

  "But we need the supplies. We have to do the raid," a warrior said in response. There was agreement all around.

  "Calm! I feel that we should move the raid until we are certain. Or we will cancel it altogether and make do. It is too risky."

  "You have grown weak, Commander!" a familiar voice rang through the meeting. I turned to see Prana in opposition to me. Of course he would be. "It is the Kalazaron way to take what we want. We will be strong! We will go in and raid and come out victorious!" he shouted.

  The crowd shouted in agreement and I knew that he was appealing to their sense of warrior pride. I was going to get nowhere with this and knew that I needed to speak with the official alone, without the interference.

  "Prana is right. We will move forward with the raid. I will speak to the official about the planning of the day and time. For now, we still have a few things that need to be worked out in order to get that fence down. You are all released," I said to them.

  I gave Prana a look. I knew this wasn't over for him. He wanted Serena. He had already had a taste of her, and after sampling her myself I knew that it was impossible to give that up. I knew that I wouldn't. He was now an enemy of sorts because he wanted my property. I did not know what lengths he would go to to get it, but this little outburst let me know that he was not afraid to do it in front of our Kalazaron warriors.

  After I released the warriors to go back to training, I paid a visit to Official Treen, who was expecting me because of the escape pod debacle. I knew exactly what I was going to tell him.

  "Commander, your slave human attempted to escape in an escape pod. She should be punished. She should be put to death, execution," he said to me.

  "Official, I am the one that put her up to it. It was part of the plan to expose a communication leak. She is not to blame. She was only following orders as she is my slave and does not have any say over what I tell her to do. As you know, she must follow orders as a slave must."

  "What communication leak do you speak of? Why did you send her in an escape pod only to bring her back?" he said as he sat down to listen to me.

  "I told no one of this plan in order to figure out once and for all if we did have a spy among us. The plan was for her to look like she was trying to escape in an escape pod. I would then go after her in a personal ship. The reentry would be spontaneous and unplanned and not in the system. Because it was a short amount of time, I would know if we had a communication leak. When we reentered the atmosphere and approached the Blue Mountain, we were fired upon by the Belvenreed outpost. We were not directly over it. They were expecting me. They sought us out. They knew."

  "You are right. That was a good plan, Commander. It does seem that we have a communication leak. Do you suspect who this spy might be?"

  "No, but because I do not know, I do not think that it is safe to go through with the raid. It is possible that the Belvenreed outpost knows of our plans. They will be waiting for us."

  "I will take this into consideration. For now, continue with the target practice."

  "Yes, Official Treen," I said as I left his side. I was relieved that I was able to turn Serena’s escape into a plan. This would at least save her life.

  Over the next week, I made love to her over and over. I moved her from her private quarters into mine. I enjoyed waking up to her naked, human female form under the sheets next to me in the morning. I loved our playful time together and now that she had brought down her defensive walls, we got along better. Though we still had heated debates over certain things, for the most part it was just part of her defiant spirit. Everything had changed in such a short time, and it caught me off guard. I was one that had not planned to take a mate. I had not planned to have a human female slave. Yet it was forced upon me, and now I had fallen for this human female, Serena.

  We had suddenly become an inseparable couple. Something I thought that would never happen to me, especially not with a human female. But this one was unlike any other human female that I had ever met. She had gained my trust. Now that she had attempted an escape, I think she got it out of her system. I let her roam the base freely and visit the females that she came with from the Earth ship. She seemed to be happier. We had grown playful and I knew that I was falling for her.

  It was something that I did not want to happen, because I had great duties to attend to. Love for a human female would only mean distraction, but I could not help myself. I knew that what had happened between her and Prana was put behind her now. Though I did not think he understood that fact. I started to see a change in him. I no longer saw him as the eager, wide-eyed warrior. I saw him as a calculating individual that I did not trust around Serena. To me, he was a danger to her.

  On one afternoon, I went in search of her. I wanted her to sit with the warrior that was going to shoot the control panel on the fence to see why he was still not making the target. I was coming down the mountainside when I saw her walking across the village forum. I saw Prana eyeing her from a distance and then he moved toward her. I quickened my pace. I watched as he moved in front of her and she tried to sidestep him, moving away. He blocked her movement. I could hear her shout, "Leave me alone!"

  He grabbed her arm and the anger boiled within me as I finally reached them. I heard her say again, "I don't want to do that with you anymore. I belong to the commander."

  "That never stopped you before," he said.

  "Leave her alone. You are not to touch her," I said as I stepped between them. Prana's face fell from the smile to an ugly scowl. He was pissed off. I understood why. It was one thing for me to tell him that he could not have Serena. But it was another for him to hear it from her. At first she had been obliging toward his advances, and now she did not want him. This is what pissed him off.

  He looked at me up-and-down and then he looked at Serena and gave her a dirty look. That won't going to help his cause, I thought to myself, laughing at how foolish she was being. Then he stepped aside and moved away from us. I grabbed Serena by the hand and led her to her destination. This was becoming more complicated.

  Chapter 10


  I saw it. I saw Prana in a completely new light. He had a dark side and it was scary. After Jaylin and I had returned from space, everything had altered. I now had deep feelings for the commander and I did not want to be sexual with Prana anymore. He had seemed like such a nice and understanding warrior. But the first time I told him that I no longer wanted to bed him, he became angry and aggressive.

  The first time I told him was when I was leaving the living quarters of Maria and Elizabeth. He had run into me and said, "There you are. I've been expecting you to find me to run off for one of our sessions. I was afraid after I would never see you again after seeing you try to escape. I'm glad
that you're safe."

  "Thank you, Prana. But I can no longer run off for our sessions. It was fun while it lasted, but I truly belong to the commander now in every way. I can be with no one else."

  He laughed for a second until he realized that I was being serious. Then his face took on an angry look as he said, "You will not reject me. No one rejects me, especially not for that commander."

  "I do not think you understand. I am not going to bed you anymore. Leave me be," I said as I walked away from him. I heard him let out a snarl as I walked away and it frightened me. But I was a strong woman that knew how to defend myself if it came to that. But what frightened me was how easily he switched from kind and fun to this dark creature. Could this have been him all along and I did not see it? I let my spite for the commander blind me to the sweet words of Prana, when he could've been playing me all along.


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