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Savage Awakening: A Blood Thirst Novel (Book 2) BDSM Erotica/ Paranormal Romance/ Romance Erotica

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by Spade, Harnet

  “You see the witches chanted, and I don’t suppose you understood what they chanted but I did. You felt it though. You feel it now when I’m so close… about to claim you.” His hands feel heavy, roughly squeezing my breast.

  “What did they chant?” I asked pushing his hand away, surprised he understood them and only mentioned it now.

  His hand came up tearing the metal collar on my neck as it crumbled falling to pieces, and I felt like a great weight I carried had been lifted.

  “They tried to mate you to the dragon, undid the hold this collar had on you. But you… Beauty, Chose… you wanted something else entirely. A different… beast. You undid what they were causing you to feel, something they never expected possible. You chose ME as your mate, so start getting used to the idea because you said the words... not I.”

  He was lying because I had no memory of it. I was breathing hard because I did want him. I wanted to beg, and let the world fall apart around us. I wanted him… but that meant my emotions were playing with my head. It was too soon to feel these strong emotions. I blamed the witches.

  He looked into my eyes in what seemed to be shock. His hands came down gripping my hip bones, parting his shirt. Slowly his eyes traveled all of my body, starting at my most sacred area and ending with my lips. His eyes shown approvingly, with so much need for me, and I knew I would soon be unable to stop him… to stop us. He would die tonight if I let that happen.

  “You lie, I would never do that. I’m still in love with another. I would have given myself to him many times in the past. Like you said, I begged for him tonight.”

  A moment passed, and I thought he would try to strike me.

  I awaited his answer when he forced open his hands, finger by finger they lifted, almost as if I’d burned him. Why did I enjoy provoking him? Was I so damaged? The answer was simple, of course I was. I knew I could never have who I wanted, so I punished everyone else… including myself because for a time Luke had seemed like the answer I needed, but I would never trust myself again when it came to choosing a lover. And I knew I would never mate myself to anyone.

  His silver eyes flashed in anger as he turned, left running into the cave, so I shouted after him, “You choose to run away now Lycan, come back here and face me! Tell me how you removed the collar. Tell me you lie!”

  He continued to run, growling when I took a step to follow him. “Stay away Sorcerous, you are no Goddess, you’ve be-spelled… entranced me, made me senseless with lust, yet want nothing to do with me! You’re more evil than those witches you killed tonight.” He bellowed in pain.

  “Fine, I don’t need to know. We survived- it’s all that matters!” I left out the fact that when I sensed him far enough I would lift the barrier, leave… then after replace the damn thing. He wanted me gone, then… I would be merciful to us both and oblige him. I would leave him for good without a backward glance- just like he said I would.

  I would find another way to be free of Eros, Ly was no longer a key person in finding the answers.

  Chapter 12: My Bleeding Heart Falls to Pieces

  I smelled blood and knew he had found sustenance within the cave. He was gorging himself, probably wished on drinking me to death and found a substitute knowing it was impossible. He’d been shown- gods only knew what by the witch he’d killed in the cave. And now knew of spells the witches had cast and wouldn’t tell me.

  It sounded like whatever he’d hunted was very large and tried to give him quite a struggle, but of course in the end it was no match for him. I’d been pacing unable to sleep, fighting between wanting to go to him, and wanting to leave. I waited for him to drink, giving him the moment of peace he needed, and chose leaving him because it was the surest way to simplify things. I didn’t care if the dawn was fast approaching; I had to leave him now.

  I knew the moment he no longer felt my presence. I could feel him hammering with his fists, trying to break through the invisible shield. Reminded me of how I’d recently bled against a shield trying to reach Eros. I didn’t want to think of either one, so I quickly buried those thoughts and my pity for Luke.

  It took so much precious energy to keep the shield up. The Lycans it would seem were the strongest of the species; at least it felt that way, felt like a derailed train was crashing into the barrier.

  I felt a hollowing of my heart and it almost felt like Darius was back to ripping it out. I traced away until I had no energy left to keep tracing. I literally ran myself to death because it was the only way to stop myself from going back to the Lycan, something I would not permit myself to do. I would never let someone in again, besides there was no way I loved that insignificant fool.

  By the time the dragon found me, I was a bigger mess than I remembered ever being in my life. I no longer cared what happened to me, so I did not struggle when I felt him lift me into his arms.

  It was night again, but my body was unable to heal the damages done from the blazing Sun because I’d refused to feed. I didn’t trust what I thought I saw after last night’s turn of events. I felt the dragon carry me, enclosing me in his chest, but I didn’t bother opening my eyes.

  I knew the dragon wasn’t Darius because even though he smelled similar to Darius, other attributes smelled entirely different. He smelled like home, like fresh ocean water comparable to Darius, but unlike him he smelled like a completely different storm altogether. There was passion there, but it was being contained. I knew these things because it was the man that carried me and not the dragon.

  He was who held me tightly against him the first night I fell asleep in this planet. I understood now he shifted to human form and lay beside me while I slept.

  My mother never ceased to have men tripping over their feet for her… and in the end she chose the one who wanted nothing to do with her. Would I fall in the same trap? Was history repeating itself?

  I dreaded I was catching a fever because I was thinking nonsense- I was nothing like my mother.

  I didn’t try to fight him because I was dazed from fatigue, and all I wanted was more distance between the Lycan and I. I was only able to hold the barrier up a few hours after I left him.

  I believed I was safer with the dragon because if this dragon who carried and protected me against his chest wanted to hurt me he would have done so the first night he had me. This is what my logic told me.

  “He follows, he’s nearing, but don’t be distraught I won’t let him take you again.” He said to me.

  “Do us both a favor and kill him because he won’t leave me alone,” I uttered. “He did something… irreversible to me. I will never be the same. If I had enough strength, I would kill him myself.”

  “It is too late for that little sister. You shouldn’t have run from me when I first found you. But don’t worry when I’m through with him, he’ll wish he was dead.” He said running. But I now felt Ly, so he had to do something and do it fast because the Lycan very likely had us in his sights.

  Just then I heard his outraged howl. Yes, he definitely had us in his sights. Probably thought it was Darius who had me now.

  “Climb on my back… over my shoulder, and don’t let go. I’m taking you home.” He automatically began shifting.

  With the last surge of my strength I did as he said, perhaps because of his reassuring words and also because finally I had found where I belonged, family.

  His great expanse of leathered wings opened wide, began climbing into the sky. Lying face down on my brother’s back… I barely had to hold on because his back was so massive in beast form. I felt the dragon dip, and knew he attacked the Lycan. Fearing he would burn him, I tried to look to see what it was he was doing. He was flying low ahead of Ly, taunting him.

  “Keep your distance. He is faster than he looks… Please, just take me away.” I knew I was safe for now, so I just said to leave the beast alone hoping he understood me because I knew he had wanted vengeance when he’d said he would make him pay. I was full of contradictions it would seem because now I couldn’t i
magine wanting the Lycan harmed.

  Once I knew there was enough distance between us, I let the gentle breeze comfort me enough, warily falling asleep, and soon everything was forgotten.


  I woke up alone in a strange bed. No dragon, no brother, and with painful realization no Lycan. The worst part about it was so obvious to me. Why should I feel pain knowing the Lycan would not bother me again? A hunger pang struck painfully through me, and I realized I had my answer.

  I decided I’d had enough, that I shouldn’t be thinking about him in the first place, find another viable source; therefore, I tried remembering everything I could from last night. I was in a spacious, stone and cherry wood cabin, and I couldn’t help but wonder if this was home. I could scarcely remember what happened when my brother brought me here last night, but I did remember how frantic he looked trying to get me to respond. There were flashes of memory from when I was brought in, mostly my brother’s concerned face. I remembered someone else with him, a woman. She was a witch, and she worked relentlessly on me all through the night, while I did my best to stop her. I was done with witches, but it appeared- they weren’t done with me.

  They both tried feeding me their blood, but my brother was insistent it should be his blood I take. Every time they fed me, moments after I would empty it out again. I was so confused and disoriented because many times they spoke in a language I didn’t understand. I was a foreigner here in so many ways. There was a mutual understanding between them. He’s my brother, my mind whispered- He would not conspire with the witches against me. How could I be so sure? I know nothing about him.

  I heard a noise somewhere in the cabin. It comes from her, but no sound of him anywhere in the cabin.

  I was now in a large wooden carved bed with the softest silver silk sheets on me.

  I heard the woman humming somewhere within the cabin as I inspected the room. The room was spacious with intricately wooden carved furniture. I lifted the sheets and tried to climb out of bed when my legs crumbled, and I fell on the cold stone floor.

  I heard her gasp and her quick movements, running to my aid when she heard the noise. Reaching me she said, “You poor, beautiful girl, you shouldn’t exert yourself. You’ve tested your limits these past days lost in this desert- fighting everyone, including your brother.”

  “Stay away from me,” I said because she was helping, lifting me to the bed.

  She smiled, “It’s alright, you’re safe. You have no reason to fear me.”

  “Don’t touch me.” I tried preventing her from holding me, afraid I would harm her.

  “It’s alright Princess, your brother, and I both tried all night to feed you, but it seems the only blood you may consume right now is the Lycans. At least his doesn’t make you sick.”

  “I don’t want any more of his blood.” I slurred.

  “You are very ill. Your brother refused at first, but I was finally able to send him in search of the Lycan.”

  “No, he mustn’t. The Lycan will kill all of you. He told me not to run, and I did. He’ll kill us all.”

  Chapter 13: Waking up in Your Arms Is Heaven Sent

  “I protected your brother with a spell, he will capture the Lycan so you may feed from him, there is no need to fear. It is the only way, Your Highness.”

  She had soft hands gently helping me back to the bed. I knew she was a witch, yet she’d seemed different from the ones I killed yesterday. I saw sympathy in her eyes as she hurriedly tried to help me up to the bed. She was choosing to help me... so I put my worries to rest, for a later time when I felt stronger. She confirmed it was my brother who went in search of the beast. Then, I realized how in danger I was if I continued to drink from the Lycan.

  “No… please, he can’t. Find another way. There must be something else I can drink.”

  “No we tried several things, if you continue to die, there will be a time when your body will levitate and leave us until it is healed. Your brother is not willing to lose you, after already losing you all these years.” She said gently covering me with the sheets.

  “You don’t understand,” ashamed I said, “every time I drink from the beast I feel closer to him.”

  “I will help you by teaching you how to remain disconnected when drinking from him. I promise, but you must drink if we are to keep you here with us.”

  “Please, try to find another way.” I begged, unwilling to attach myself further to the Lycan.

  “Your brother will never stop searching.” She replied.

  “Is he truly my brother?”

  “Yes my dear, he is.” She said gently wiping my face with a damp cloth- leaving the smell of herbs on my skin.

  “Who bathed me?”

  “I did, Your Highness.”

  “You are not strong enough, who bathed me? Was it my brother?”

  “Your brother carried you to and from, but you were covered both times. And I can assure you my magic is strong enough, but there was no keeping your brother from you. I’m afraid he believes that when he closes his eyes you will be gone. He’s lost so much.”

  “I understand. Is there anything I can wear? I do not wish to be undressed when he arrives.”

  “Your skin was in very poor condition, but the herbs and magic I used has helped. I had to keep you unclothed, but you are much better. How’s this?” She momentarily closed her eyes and slowly a silk robe began to weave its design covering my body. When she was done, I was wearing a tight fitting sapphire silk robe with an oval neckline, held together by silver buttons along the front. Trimming the neckline spade shaped diamonds with almond shaped amethyst lay intricately incrusted.

  “No, I can’t wear this, please… something less elaborate and more covered.” The outline of my breasts was enhanced by the soft fabric, and the buttons were left undone at the bottom- barely covering my thighs.

  “Your Highness, this is fit for a queen, the fashions you are expected to wear and only this will do.”

  Just as I was about to argue, my brother burst through the heavy wooden doors with the Lycan close behind him. He was repeating a warning to him, “Remember if you try to take her from us, my sister will cause you unbearable pain, so much you’ll wish…,” He was unable to finish because Ly looked enraged when his eyes found mine.

  Silver menacing eyes found me, looked threateningly at the plunging neckline which scarcely covered my breasts, and I knew it was over for us all.

  “Ly, don’t… come…” I couldn’t finish the sentence.

  Before I could try to move away, the Lycan was on me, gripping my hips and flipping me in one swift move, roughly placing me on my knees, he bent above me while lifting the robe over my back as I pathetically struggled against him. “No… please,” I cried more afraid for his safety than mine. “He can’t bite me.” Then… I felt the Lycan’s hands against my hips, pressing the lace fabric that thankfully covered me. At his touch… unpredictably everything calmed within me… the universe had spoken and we were whole- satisfied in its simplicity.

  “Why?” He begged, “Why did you leave me? I wouldn’t rush you… you could have had your precious freedom with me.”

  My brother’s bellow shattered my trance, “No, sister do something… he won’t force himself on her.” He lunged himself at him... pushing me away from the beast. They struggled over me on the bed, we all became entwined with the other… but so suddenly they both flew, being held high against the wall while they struggled to free themselves.

  Finding my limbs free, I tried to run away, not understanding… instead fearing what just happened between Ly and I, and fell to the floor too weak to sustain myself. My robe lifted around my thighs as I struggled towards the bedroom door.

  My brother yelled. “Allessa do something she can’t continue to use the only strength she has left to fight him. She is scarcely still with us. Unhand me this instant. I will try feeding her my blood… this time I’ll make sure it works.”

  “No,” I mumbled. “No mo
re dragon’s blood.”

  “He’s already fed it to you. Nothing happened.” Allessa softly said.

  At that, Luke went crazy looking possessed, I heard him as he let loose and completely started shifting into his Lycan form for the very first time in front of me. I looked up, I had to… just hearing his anguished shift wouldn’t be enough… I was never scared of anything anymore, but he terrified me. He looked just like the beast that jumped out of the van the night Eros found me, only this beast was fully turned- looking so much worse.

  His skin turned black all over with black hair falling to his shoulders, silver eyes shining, and his claws looked the same as the rest of him. Everything was dark as night, but his bone structure was terrifying, so much more pronounced. Everything about his features screamed animal strength… a wide nose with raised cheekbones and a solid wide jaw looked- brutal and savage. Almost like his face had its own protective armor, because every feature was thicker- impenetrable. His body was a force of nature causing panic from just being in his presence- he was enormous probably nine feet tall. How does one survive when faced with a natural disaster? This is what he was.

  He climbed the wall, digging into the stones with his long claws, until he was over me against the ceiling.

  I turned refusing to look at him, wishing not to be reminded of Eros and the night he found me a little over two weeks ago. I remembered how for the first time, I’d been willing to give myself to that monster, no longer pretending like I had during my captivity. During that time my sole purpose was to survive and escape just to make it back to Darius and warn him of Eros’s plans to have me kill him. I was irrational because I saw Ly now, and I feared Eros somehow saw me.

  “This animal will only succeed in killing her with his need to take her. I must kill him. He would have taken her now, weak as she is, killing her in front of us.”

  “No…” I uttered as I felt my life slipping and a white-blue light started covering my body.


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