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Bad Impressions (Revive Me #1)

Page 17

by Franca Storm

  “What are you doing here?” I demanded, recovering quickly from my embarrassment of clumsily smacking right into him. I heard Ollie chuckling behind me, but I ignored him.

  “I’ll warm up the truck,” he said, brushing past us and making his way out to the road.

  He tilted his chin at Brad, but Brad only scowled back at him. Shit.

  My brother had been looking to start making amends with Brad for the last week, but he’d been shot down at every attempt with Brad making it beyond clear that he had no intention of allowing Ollie back in.

  I couldn’t really blame him, because Ollie had really screwed him over. He’d caused him to lose his job at the bar and he’d made him the most hated person in town.

  But I couldn’t deny that peace between my brother and my boyfriend would’ve made things a lot easier. It would be a godsend. But pigs would fly before that happened.

  “Well?” I pressed Brad. “What are you doing here?”

  “I’m done with this.”

  I rested my hands on my hips and glared up at him. “Done with what exactly?”

  I knew full well what he was talking about, but I wasn’t exactly in the most accommodating mood when it came to any of the men in my life. Between Jake, Ollie and Brad, I’d had my fill of overly-controlling men and I’d lost my patience completely.

  “This bullshit of yours.”

  “Bullshit?” How dare he?

  “Yeah, bullshit. You’re being really immature about this. Moving out of my place? Barely letting me see you, because you supposedly suddenly need space? Come on, Soph.”

  “Moving out of your place? We don’t officially live together, Brad. I was just staying there to avoid the shit storm that was Ollie at the time.”

  He blinked with surprise. He clearly hadn’t expected me to lay it out like that.

  He recovered himself quickly, his jaw setting into a hard line, his eyes fixed firmly on mine. That pissed look of his. “It was more than that. Don’t even try to deny it.”

  I looked away and fiddled nervously with my scarf. He was right. I couldn’t deny it.

  I hadn’t seen me staying with him as just a temporary refuge from my own place.

  It really had been more.

  It had been about the two of us being together, exploring our relationship on a deeper level. Our own private sanctuary where, once we’d closed that front door, the rest of the world had just faded away and there’d only been the two of us. Our love.

  But I wasn’t prepared to admit to that. I needed to stand my ground.

  I loved Brad with everything I had, but I wasn’t prepared to sacrifice my independence for that. I’d made that mistake with Jake and I refused to make it again here. It would break me down if I let that happen again and it would break us in return. I needed to know that Brad could let me breathe like I needed to. And the way things were between us, I couldn’t see the difference between his possessiveness borne out of love and the desire to protect me versus the need to control as part of some inherent alpha-male mentality.

  “I’m gonna be late for work,” I told him, turning from him.

  “Are you busy after your shift?”


  “Because I’d like to pick you up after. If that’s okay with you?”

  I stopped in my tracks. He was actually asking my permission.

  Brad was normally the kind of guy who told you he was gonna do something. He didn’t ask first.

  Yet, he wasn’t doing that now. He wasn’t taking control for once. He was putting the ball firmly in my court.

  Interesting. Is this him trying to send me a message? Is he trying to tell me that he understands what all this is about?

  “Brad, I—”

  “There’s something I want to show you. The surprise I’d mentioned. It feels like ages ago now with all the shit that’s gone down since…with Jake and everything. I never got to show you. I want to tonight.”

  “Okay,” I said, my back still to him. “I’m off at five.”

  “I’ll be there, princess.”

  I couldn’t help it. I grinned like a little schoolgirl at his sweet endearment. Argh. This man melts me like butter. So frustrating when I need to be mad at him.

  “Bye,” I said, quietly, trying my best to wipe the grin off my face, as I walked away.

  At least I kept my back to him, because I had no such luck.

  Chapter 30


  “Sorry we couldn’t meet up sooner, Soph. With Brad gone, it’s been hell at work. I’ve been pulling double shifts all over the place,” Tiff said in between sips of her latte.

  I tucked my legs underneath me on one of the comfy chairs at The Avid Reader, happy to finally be spending some time with my best friend at long last. Well, even if it was just for fifteen minutes during my afternoon break. Tiff didn’t have longer than that as she was due at Miller’s Tavern anyway.

  She looked happier than the last time I’d seen her when she’d told me about her and Ollie breaking it off. She was all doled up like her usual self. Her nails were done and her hair was primped beyond belief. Her clothes were as provocative as ever—a short-as-hell black mini-skirt paired with a navy-blue bustier top and a dark suede jacket. Yeah, she was exuding her usual confidence and overt sexuality. It was a good sign.

  With all the craziness lately, between my drama with Brad, Jake and Ollie and Tiff’s current workaholic status, we hadn’t had the chance to talk, aside from a few text messages here and there where I’d checked in on her.

  “What about Roy? Is he all trained up now?” I asked, taking a sip of my sugary sweet coffee.

  The corner of her mouth turned up in a sly smirk and she blushed a little.

  “Spill it.”

  “What?” she asked, arching an eyebrow innocently.

  “I saw your reaction when I mentioned his name.”

  She laughed and shifted in her seat. “There might be a little something happening there,” she said, coyly.

  “How little?” I winked at her suggestively. “Or, how big?”

  She almost choked on her coffee. “This is new. You wanting to discuss cock. Brad is dirtying that prim and proper little mind of yours.”

  “Prim and proper?” I scoffed. “I was never prim and proper, Tiff. Just—”


  I rolled my eyes. “Maybe.”

  There was no maybe about it. She was right. I was feeling a lot freer when it came to sex and everything.

  Was it Brad’s influence? Perhaps. Or, maybe I was just changing on my own. Who really knew? Regardless, I liked who I was now. The real me. No holds barred and no holding back.

  Okay, fine. It was Brad’s influence—our influence from being together. It’d loosened me up a lot and given me the confidence I’d been missing.

  She leaned back in her chair and sighed. “I don’t know about his cock, so you’ll have to use your imagination for now. But there may have been a couple of hot make-out sessions in the back room after a shift or two.”

  I was a little surprised to hear that she hadn’t taken it any further with Roy.

  Tiff always went in full steam ahead with any guy she was interested in.

  It had to have something to do with my brother. I’d never known her to hold back before until he’d come into the picture. “Huh. Well…that’s good,” I responded, trying to sound enthused.

  Clearly, I’d failed as she snapped, “Could you sound more bored?”

  Snapping at me? Another thing that was very unlike her.

  “I’m just surprised, Tiff. That’s all.”

  “Surprised?” she hissed, her eyes narrowing defensively.

  “Yeah. You don’t usually hold back. Do you even like Roy?”

  “Of course.”

  “Then this is about Ollie?”

  She slammed her coffee cup down on the table between us. “Why are you bringing him up? I told you before that it’s over between us. He dumped me, okay? He dumped me
. I wasn’t good enough for him. You think I want to be reminded of that?”

  “My brother doesn’t know what he wants in a woman. You know he’s all about work. He’s never really dated.”

  “Well, he knows what he doesn’t want,” she muttered, folding her arms across her chest.

  “Don’t let him change you. Don’t hold back with Roy. Living your life however the hell you want is one of the things I love most about you. I don’t want to see you lose that, because of my brother’s tendency to be a dickhead at times.”

  Her expression softened then as she took in what I was saying. I guess she was remembering that I only had her best interests at heart. I wasn’t gonna judge her. God knew, I didn’t have the right to judge anyone, given all the bullshit I’d gone through with Jake and Brad.

  “It’s not that,” she said, quietly.

  “What is it then?” I asked gently.

  “I…I guess I’m still hung up on that douche bag brother of yours.”

  Huh. “Well, have you talked to him since…it ended?”

  She huffed and picked up her coffee cup. “I’m not gonna say shit until he apologizes for the way he made me feel like a trashy whore.”

  “I’ll talk to him,” I blurted out, before I could stop myself. What?

  She shook her head. “Uh uh. No. That would be humiliating.”

  I waved my hand dismissively. “Please. I can be subtle, Tiff. I’ll just remind him of what he’s throwing away here. With Ollie, he gets so caught up in work. He’s a workaholic. Everything else disappears and fades into the abyss. He probably just needs a kick in the ass.”


  I nodded. “I swear.”

  “All right,” she conceded. “Okay. But I won’t hold my breath. He’s a stubborn bastard.”

  “Yeah. All the men in my life are. That and controlling beyond belief.”

  “You and Brad not doing so well?”

  I shrugged. “I told you about the whole Jake fiasco, right?”

  “Yeah. Finally.”

  “Well, what if that happens again…with Brad?”

  “Soph, Brad is nothing like him. And the guy worships you.”

  “I know. It’s just…he is controlling and possessive. What if it escalates? I can’t…I won’t do that again. And, if I get any closer, I’m not sure I’ll be able to—”

  “Walk away?”


  She leaned forward and took my hands in hers, squeezing them to get my attention. “You’re just gun-shy, because of the whole Jake thing. Brad wants what’s best for you. And he’ll give it to you, Soph. I know it. I’ve seen him with you. All you have to do is ask. Tell him what you’re worried about. Actually talk to him. And as for not getting closer—pulling away by moving out of his place—that’s just you letting fear control you. You’ve gotta take the leap, babe. What you guys have—it’s worth it. Everyone wants it. I want it. It’s so fucking rare, you know? To connect the way you guys do.”

  I nodded, unable to offer any actual words.

  Wow. Talk about a hefty verbal slap across the face.

  She was right.

  I was just running scared.

  It seemed that the whole Jake thing had affected me more than I’d actually allowed myself to admit and it’d manifested itself in my relationship with Brad.

  Movement to the right caught my eye and I turned my head to see my boss and Brad’s mom, Kate, looking over at us.


  Had she heard us talking about Brad?

  God, I hope not. That would just be plain awkward on so many levels.

  Tiff snapped my attention back to her. “Talk to him, Soph.”

  “Yeah,” I murmured, still deep in thought. “I will. Thanks.”

  “No problem,” she said, smiling. “Now, no more guy talk. We have ten minutes left and it’s gonna be girl stuff all the way.”

  We both laughed and left the boy drama behind, slipping into some much-needed, lighthearted banter that had nothing whatsoever to do with any of the men in our lives.

  Chapter 31


  I put the truck in park and fired up a smoke.

  I’d just rolled the window down and taken my first drag, when the passenger door flew open, startling me to the point of almost making me drop my smoke.

  I turned to see my mom climbing in.

  “Fuck, Mom,” I complained as she slammed the door shut and hastily fixed her ankle-length skirt as she shifted her weight to face me.

  “Brad,” she admonished. Yeah, she wasn’t a fan of my party mouth. What mother would be?

  I grunted an apology and took another drag. I blew the smoke out the window, but she still waved her hand towards me, making a show of wafting it away.

  “This is my truck, Mom.”

  “Fine,” she huffed.


  She raised her eyebrows at me.

  Really? “Why did you barge on in here?”

  “You’re in a bad mood,” she commented, looking me over with a mixture of concern and hurt, because of my dismissive attitude.

  “I’m sorry. Yeah, I’m a little stressed, I guess.”

  “About Sophie Clinton.”

  It wasn’t a question. It was a statement.

  How did she know we were having issues? I hadn’t told her anything. She didn’t expect me to either. She knew I didn’t discuss my feelings, or my relationships, if I could avoid it.

  “Yeah,” I admitted hesitantly. “And busting my ass trying to get all my shit together.”

  “You got the scholarship,” she pointed out. “Wasn’t she excited?”

  “I haven’t told her yet.”

  “Oh, Brad!” she groaned, shaking her head with disappointment.

  “I’m gonna tell her everything today. Relax.”

  “You’ve waited so long. Why?”

  I tossed my cigarette out the window, too irritated to even continue smoking, and blew out a breath. “Things have been one nightmare after the other lately. Ollie finding out. Getting fired from the pub. Soph’s ex stirring up trouble. The time hasn’t been right. But now it’s running out. I’m here to pick her up and show her everything.”

  She smiled with relief. “Okay. Well, good. Good.”

  I saw that familiar look in her eyes that told me she was holding something back. She had more to tell me. It was like pulling teeth with her sometimes.

  “Mom, for the love of God, just say it.”

  Her eyes met mine and the look there was intense, willing me to listen to every word that was about to come out of her mouth. It was the look she always gave me when she was about to impart some mother-to-son wisdom. Christ, what the hell is it?

  “You’re holding on too tight, Brad.”


  “To Sophie.”

  Oh. “She…told you that?”

  “I overheard a conversation earlier. With her and Tiffany.”

  Shit. I knew Soph had been having some reservations, but I’d thought she’d mostly just been pulling that stubborn-ass crap of hers to make her point by busting my balls and being painfully distant.

  But with her expressing it to Tiff, it was clearly a hell of a lot more than I’d realized.

  “I’ll fix it.”

  “You will?”

  “Yeah. I know what she’s really worried about.”

  Mom looked hard at me then. “Is it something she should be worried about, Brad? Because, you can’t lie to her and appease her, just to keep her.”

  “Jesus Christ. Do you really think I’d do something like that? No, she’s just reading into some things too much in light of her experience with her ex. But it’s just like you said: I’m holding on too tightly.”

  “You need to communicate better, Brad. You need to try harder here. She’s younger than you and very naïve with men. She needs reassurance and for you to take the lead, to guide her.”

  I grinned. I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and kis
sed the top of her head. “Thanks for having my back.”

  “I want you to be happy and this girl is the push that you needed.”

  “Yeah, I know,” I agreed, releasing her. I reached for the door of my truck. “Now, are you gonna let my girl end her shift soon?”

  I climbed out of the truck and joined her on the passenger side. I helped her down and she told me, “She already finished ten minutes ago. She’s in there talking with her brother.”

  I tried to quell my anxiety. Ollie showing up at the bookstore to talk to Soph? That couldn’t be good. And with recent events still fresh in my mind, it concerned me. Was he giving her shit about us again? He’d seemed to finally accept our relationship, but maybe he’d had a change of heart.

  Fuck this. I started towards the bookstore.

  “No bulldozing. That will just make the whole holding-on-too-tight thing that much worse,” Mom called after me.

  I drew in a deep breath. “I’m calm. Calm, Mom.”

  She muttered something as she followed me inside.

  We didn’t get very far before we heard the fireworks between Soph and Ollie coming from somewhere on the mezzanine level. I couldn’t see them, so they had to be arguing it out in the stacks somewhere. But I could sure as hell hear them. The two of them were extremely loud when they argued.

  “You are unbelievably judgmental, Ollie!”

  “Sounds like you’re being the judgmental one right now, Soph!”

  “You made her feel like trash. My best friend. Just because she enjoys life.”

  “You mean ‘whores around’?”

  “She just goes after what she wants.”

  “Yeah. Every guy she comes into contact with. I’m not gonna be another one of her conquests.”

  “Oh my God! You sound like a woman!”

  “You know what I mean.”

  “This is different.”


  “She’s been into you since high school.”


  “Yeah, I figured you didn’t know. You’re always too wrapped up in your own crap to notice anything. You didn’t even notice me and Brad hooking up that night a year back, right under your nose.”

  “Don’t even go there. If I’d known—”

  “Oh, get over it.”


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