Page 43
Endeavour expedition complement 107–108, 114, 116, 120, 138
Endeavour expedition investment 108–109
Endeavour pinnace 249–250
Endeavour River 241–242, 244
Frederick Hendrik Island 264–265
Harleian map 201
Harriet Blosset 278–279
Iceland expedition 291
indigenous Australians 208, 210, 211–212, 215, 221
journal 264
Lord Sandwich 289–290
Maori heads 190
Mount Egmont 187–188
natural history samples 127, 136, 161–162, 173, 190–191, 213, 221, 226–227, 229
New Holland 205–206, 209
New Holland: Great Barrier Reef 3–4, 5, 10
New Zealand 165, 166, 168, 172–173, 177–178, 180, 181–182
Newfoundland 90
Resolution 288–289
Rio de Janeiro 130, 132
Royal Society 3–4, 190, 434
South Seas 157
stingrays 217–218
Tahiti 144, 146, 147–148
Tasman Sea 201
Terra Australis Incognita 140–141
Tierra del Fuego 137–138
Torres Strait 259
transit of Venus 151
Tupia (Tahitian) 156
Banks Strait 317
barks 18, 103
Barnaby Island (Québec) 53
Bass, George 400
Bass Strait 204, 283
Batavia 204, 226, 267–269
Bateman, Nathaniel 64–65, 206
Bateman Bay 206
Battle of Beauport 56
Battle of Sainte-Foy 62–63
Battle of Signal Hill 70
Battle of the Plains of Abraham 57–58
Batts, Elizabeth see Cook
Batts, Samuel and Mary 73–74
Bay Bulls, Newfoundland 69–70
Bay of Biscay 122–123
Bay of Carbonera 69
Bay of Gaspé 47
Bay of Islands 181–182
Bay of Plenty 175
Bayley, William 291, 300, 367
Beaglehole, John Cawte 22–23, 59, 106, 289
Behm, Major 430
Bell Alehouse (Wapping) 73–74
Bering, Vitus 410
Bering Sea 410, 411
Bering Strait 411, 430, 433
Bevis, Dr John 90, 99
Bienfaisant 44
Bird, John 49
Bisset, Thomas 28, 38
Blackburn, John 74
Bligh, Captain William
Fiji Islands 360
Great Barrier Reef 248
Hawaiian Islands 417, 418, 419, 423, 426
influence 109
Resolution [1776–79], navigator aboard 433
Resolution [1776–79], sailing master aboard 391, 393, 400, 403
Bligh’s Cap 397
Blosset, Miss Harriet 278–279
Bloyd, Thomas 92
Bonne Bay, Newfoundland 89
boomerang 212
Bora Bora 331
Boscawen, Admiral Edward 41, 42, 44
Bosch, Captain Cornelis 378
Botany Bay 209–215
Bougainville, Louis-Antoine, Comte de 364
Bounty mutineers 248, 324
Bouvet, Jean-Baptiste 295–296, 305–306, 375
Bouvet Island 306
Bownkerke Polder 378
Break Sea Spit 222–224
Bream Bay 181
Brett, Rear Admiral Sir Piercy 181
Briscoe, Peter 108
British Columbia 347
British Museum 201
Broken Bay 219
The Brothers 192
Bruny Island 317
Buchan, Alexander 107–108, 137, 149
Bundaberg 224
Burgeo Islands, Newfoundland 89, 90
Burnett (Banks’ mistress) 298
Burnett River 224
Burney, Lieutenant James 332, 335, 339–341, 420
Burr, Mr 115
Bustard Bay 226
Byng, Vice-Admiral John 31
Byron, John 103, 220, 387
Byron Bay 220
cabin fever 59
Calendar Act of 1751 21
Campbell, Captain John 100
Canada 63
see also North American colonies
Cape Agulhas 396, 397
Cape Banks 217
Cape Bedford 247
Cape Breton see Louisbourg, siege of
Cape Brett 181, 186
Cape Byron 220
Cape Capricorn 227
Cape Circumcision 295, 301, 305–306, 378
Cape Egmont 188
Cape Farewell 160–161, 201, 316
Cape Flattery 249
Cape Horn 4, 116, 126–127, 133, 135, 138– 140, 319, 341, 370–371, 373, 388
Cape Howe 205
Cape Kidnappers 172
Cape Maria Van Diemen 184, 186
Cape Morton 222
Cape of Good Hope 4, 295, 301, 377, 396
Cape Palliser 192–193, 341, 370
Cape Runaway 174
Cape Saunders 194
Cape Town 272, 299–301, 341, 378–379, 395–396
Cape Townshend 228–229
Cape Tribulation 231–232
Cape Turnagain 172, 193
Cape Verde Islands 298–299, 300, 393–394
Cape York 257
careening wharf 65–66
Carteret, Captain Philip 324
cat-o’-nine-tails 125, 131–132, 149, 345
cats (colliers) 18
celestial navigation see navigation
Centurion, HMS 56
Chapman, William 323
Charming Nancy (merchant ship) 66
Chile 348
Christmas Harbour 398
Christmas Island 406
Christmas Sound 371–372
chronometers 292, 296, 300, 346, 355
Clarence River 219
Clerke, Charles
Cook, rendezvous with 396
Cooks remains 427, 428
death 433
Discovery, captains 388, 392–393
imprisonment 385
Resolution [1772–75], second lieutenant aboard 288, 291, 303, 308, 313, 314, 364, 371, 375
Resolution [1776–79] 383, 426
Resolution [1776–79], commands expedition 429–433
Tahiti, witnesses human sacrifice 406
Clerke, Sir John 385
cockatoo 213
cod-fishing trade 67, 82–83
colliers 18–20, 48
Colville, Alexander, Lord of Culross 180
Commander in Chief, North America 59, 62, 64, 66–70
HMS Northumberland captain 59
Rear Admiral of the White 70
report to Admiralty on Cook 70–71
Cook, Christiana (sister) 17
Cook, Elizabeth, Cook, news of death 431
Cook, Elizabeth (daughter) 94, 276–277, 389
Cook, Elizabeth (wife)
children 84, 88, 94, 123–124, 293, 389, 434–435
Cook, medal struck in honour of 434
Cook marries 73–75
Cook returns from Endeavour expedition276–277
Cook returns from Resolution expedition389–390
death 435
Great Ayton 281–282
Cook, George (son) 293, 389
Cook, Grace (née Pace, mother) 16, 23, 281
Cook, Hugh (son) 389, 434, 435
Cook, Captain James
accomplishments. see Cook, Captain James: mariner; Cook, Captain James: maritime surveyor; Cook, Captain James: navigator
appearance 13
birth and baptism 16
career. see Cook, Captain James: merchant marine; Cook, Captain James: Royal Navy
death 424–428
education 17
expeditions. see Cook, Captain James: first
expedition; Cook, Captain Jam
es: second
expedition; Cook, Captain James: third
gloved right hand 389
marriage to Elizabeth Batts 73–75
obituaries 432
parasitic infection 404
portraits of 389
Cook, Captain James: merchant marine
apprenticeship 18–21
Friendship, master 21–22
Friendship, mate 21
Cook, Captain James: Royal Navy
able seaman 25–27
commander 279
enlists 22–23
first lieutenant 104–105
HMS Antelope, surveyor 81
HMS Eagle, able seaman 27–28
HMS Eagle and Duc d’Aquitaine 33–35
HMS Eagle, boatswain 31, 32–33
HMS Eagle, master’s mate 28–29
HMS Grenville, eclipse of sun 89–90
HMS Grenville, master 85, 104
HMS Grenville, powder horn injury 86–87
HMS Grenville, rigging into brig 88–89
HMS Kent, post-captain 381
HMS Northumberland, master 59–60
HMS Northumberland, pay 70
HMS Northumberland, salvage of longboat 64
HMS Northumberland, survey work 69–70
HMS Pembroke, master 37–39
HMS Solebay, master 36–37
Master’s Certificate examination 36, 47–48
Québec, taking of 55, 57
Royal Hospital Greenwich, fourth captain 382–383
semi-retirement 382–385
Cook, Captain James: mariner
influences on 29–30, 35–36, 46–47
Royal Society, elected Fellow of 388
studies 20, 45–47, 60
Cook, Captain James: maritime surveyor
Colville’s report to Admiralty 70–71
first major published survey 61
first published chart 47–48
Gaspé Bay survey 47–48
Gulf of St Lawrence charts 49
Halifax Harbour chart 60, 61
King’s Surveyor 94–95
Morlaix (Brittany) sketches 32
Newfoundland charts 68–70, 96
Newfoundland survey 76–79, 81–82, 84, 85–89, 95
North American survey material 72
St Lawrence River charts 49, 60–61, 64, 66–67
St Peter and Miquelon Islands survey 82–83
Cook, Captain James: navigator
celestial navigation 49
Great Barrier Reef 228–232
Larcum Kendall K1 chronometer 292, 296, 300
plotting Cape Maria Van Diemen 186
‘sailing directions’ for seafarers 49–50
Ship Cove position 369
Shoals of Beauport (St Lawrence River)soundings 55–56
The Traverse (Saint Lawrence River) soundings 53–54
Cook, Captain James: first expedition
Admiralty appoints as first lieutenant 104–105
Admiralty appoints to command 103–105
Admiralty instructions to 3, 115–116, 117, 151, 154–155, 197, 198, 276
Admiralty response to 277–278
Banks, relations with 109
Commissioning Pendant 111
Dutch on Savu 266–267
Frederick Hendrik Island 264–265
Great Barrier Reef, Cook’s Passage 244, 246–251
Great Barrier Reef, decision to explore 10, 256–257
Huahine, claims for Britain 156–157
indigenous Australians 216–217, 243, 262–263
journal 121
journal, sends copy to Admiralty 269–270
King George III, presented to 279
letters to parents 277
New Holland [New Wales] claims for Britain 259–260
New Holland, Botany Bay 209–215
New Holland, route 198
New Holland, separation from New Guinea 261
New Zealand 154–155, 161–163
New Zealand, circumnavigation 196
New Zealand, claims for Britain 155, 178
New Zealand, Cook Strait 191
New Zealand, Maori 165–169, 181–182, 190
New Zealand, surveys 178
New Zealand, transit of Mercury 165–169
published narrative 379
Raiatea, claims for Britain 157
scurvy, theories on 124–125, 143, 214
Tahiti, transit of Venus 145–146, 150–151
Terra Australis Incognita, search for 3, 141, 154–155, 196
uniform 110–111, 147
Van Diemen’s Land 198–199
see also Endeavour, HMS
Cook, Captain James: second expedition
Admiralty assigns to command Resolution 281
Admiralty instructions to 295–296
Antarctic continent beliefs 376–377
Banks, relations with 300
Banks alters Resolution ’s modifications 284–287
Christmas Day 1774 372
first crossing of Southern Ocean at high latitudes 371
Furneaux, leaves message for in Ship Cove 338–339, 367
Furneaux rendezvous 303, 316
health 349, 352
Maoris 315, 368
New Caledonia, claims for Britain 364–365
official journal publication 383–384, 389
Pacific Ocean, decides to explore 348
Raiatean joke on 357–358
route 280, 283–284
South Georgia, claims for Britain 375
Tahiti, outer reef 324–328
Terra Australis Incognita, search for 280, 284, 319–320, 321–324, 341–347, 370–371, 374–375, 377
Tongan woman presented to 359
Van Diemen’s Land, believes contiguous with New Holland 318–319
see also Adventure, HMS; Resolution, HMS [1772–75]
Cook, Captain James: third expedition
Arctic Circle, plans to return to 412–413
burial at sea 428
Christmas Day 1776 397–398
Clerke, rendezvous with 396
crew punishment 402
Hawaii, lands on 419
Hawaiian Islands, blockades bay 423
Hawaiian Islands, Resolution expedition in 406–408
Hawaiian Islands, returns to from Arctic Circle 412–414
Hawaiians, hospitality to 421
Hawaiians, murdered by 424–426
Hawaiians, visits with Terre’oboo 424
Hawaiians’ reception for 415–416, 418–419
Hawaiians return remains 426–428
Hawaiians see as god Lono 420, 422
journal, last known entry in 419
mental instability 402–404
Resolution, commands expedition 386–387
Tahiti, witnesses human sacrifice 406
Tongans, treatment of 402–403
see also Discovery, HMS; Resolution, HMS [ 1776–79]
Cook, James, senior (father) 16, 17, 23, 281–282
Cook, James (son) 84, 277, 389, 434, 435
Cook, John (brother) 16–17
Cook, Joseph (son) 123–124, 277, 389
Cook, Margaret (sister) 17, 281
Cook, Nathaniel (son) 88, 277, 389, 434
Cook Islands 401
Cook Strait 191–192, 283, 316, 334–335
Cooks Beach 176
Cook’s Cottage (Fitzroy Gardens, Melbourne) 23–24
Cook’s Cove 173
Cooktown 239
Cooper, Robert 291, 349, 371–372
Coromandel Peninsula 175–176
Craig, Robert 36
Croajingolong National Park 204
Cumberland, Duke of 230
Cumberland Isles 230
Dalrymple, Alexander 100–102, 373–374
Dance, Nathaniel 389
d’Angeac, François-Gabriel 83
Dauphin map 199–201
Deal 115
> Deptford see Royal Navy Dockyards, Deptford
DesBarres, Captain J.F.W. 68–69, 76
Description of the Sea Coast of Nova Scotia, Cape Breton Island and Newfoundland (Cook) 70
Desolation Islands 308, 396–398
Diamond, HMS 63
Diana, HMS 55, 64–65
Dieppe maps 199–201
Diligence 384
dingo 213
Discovery, HMS
Cape Town 393
Clerke captains 388, 392–393
complement 384
Hawaiian Islands 414, 423, 429
King captains 433–434
North Pacific 406
rats 411
refit 388–389
support vessel to Resolution 384, 387
Dolphin, HMS 103, 105–107, 117, 153
Dorlton, George 108, 138
Doubtful Sound 195–196
Douglas, Charles 82, 83
Douglas, James, 14th Earl of Morton 167, 222
Downing, George 75
The Downs (Kent) 115
Drake, HMS (renamed Resolution ) 281, 282–283
Dromedary 206
Drucour, Chevalier de 44–45
Duc d’Aquitaine 33–35
Duck Cove 314
Duckett, Sir George 218
Dunster, Thomas 125
Durell, Rear-Admiral Philip 48–49
Dusky Sound 313–314
Dutch East India Company 266–267, 300
dysentery 270–272, 275
Eagle, HMS
crew illness and death 32–33
in dry dock 31
Duc d’Aquitaine 33–35
Espérance 30
Hamar commands 27–29
Palliser commands 29–31
Earl of Pembroke (collier) 102–103
East Australian Current 207, 208
East Cape 173
East India Company 101, 273, 388
Easter Island
Easter Islanders 351
Resolution expedition 348–351
stone statues 350–351
eclipse of sun 89–90, 91, 364
Edgar, Thomas 399
Edward, Prince, Duke of York and Albany 257
Egmont, Earl of 103, 188
Elizabeth I, Queen 16
Elliott, John 288–289, 290, 315, 331, 343
Ellis, John 108
Endeavour, HMS (also HMB)
accommodation plan 113–114
armaments 115
Banks, inclusion of 107–108, 114. see also
Banks, Sir Joseph
Banks, investment in 108–109
boats 114–115, 130–131, 150
Cape Horn rounding 126–127, 133, 135, 138–140
Cape Town 272
Christmas Day 1768 136
Cook appointed to command 104–105
Cook’s affection for 279
crew 110, 117, 118
crew clothing issue 135–136
crew desertions 152
crew health 124–125, 143, 214
crew hygiene 126
crew punishment 125, 131–132, 178
crew quarters 134
England, returns to 274–275
England, sails from 120–123