by Rob Mundle
English Channel 116
Equator crossing 128–129
expedition costs 99–100
great cabin 134
latrines 134–135
marines 116–117, 118
masts 133
nanny goat 118, 274, 279
officers 117
rats 126
refit at Deptford 104, 109–115
refit cost 115
Royal Navy purchases 102–103
St Helena Island 273
scuttled at Newport, Rhode Island 279
sheep 161
stores and provisions 114
Tierra del Fuego 137–138
Tropic of Capricorn crossing 157–158
watch system 127
see also Endeavour, HMS: Batavia;
Endeavour, HMS: New Holland;
Endeavour, HMS: New Zealand;
Endeavour, HMS: Rio de Janeiro;
Endeavour, HMS: Tahiti
Endeavour, HMS: Batavia
Cape York north-west-by-west 258–259
crew deaths from dysentery 270–272, 275
crew homesickness 265
Frederick Hendrik Island 264–265
lightning conductors 268–269
loses anchor 263
overhaul 266, 268
reefs near New Guinea 263–264
voyage to 260–262, 263, 267–268
Endeavour, HMS: New Holland
Bass Strait 204
Botany Bay 209–215
Cape York north-west-by-west 258–259
Endeavour River 239–246
Endeavour Strait 259, 260
first sighting 4, 203–204
Great Barrier Reef 228–232
Great Barrier Reef, attempts to lighten 235–236, 246
Great Barrier Reef, attempts to refloat 234– 235, 236
Great Barrier Reef, becalmed off 1–2, 7–12, 252–254
Great Barrier Reef, boats tow off 8
Great Barrier Reef, Cook’s Passage 246, 247–248
Great Barrier Reef, dragged backwards off 236–237
Great Barrier Reef, drags anchor 247
Great Barrier Reef, fothering leak 238, 241
Great Barrier Reef, Providential Channel 254–255, 257
Great Barrier Reef, runs aground 5–6, 233–234
Great Barrier Reef, takes in water 2, 6–7, 235, 236, 237–238, 255–256
Great Barrier Reef, turtles 242, 245
north from Byron Bay 221–222
north to Byron Bay 217–221
Red Point (Port Kembla) attempted landing 208–209
reefs at Break Sea Spit 222–224
reefs at Keppel Group 227–228
reefs off Cape Byron 220–221
route 198
southernmost tip to Botany Bay 203–209
Tasman Sea 201–203
Torres Strait 7
Endeavour, HMS: New Zealand
careening 188, 189–190, 191
Cook Strait east 191–192
Maori attacks on 171–172, 174–176, 181–182
Maori barter with 176–177
Maori fort 178
Maoris aboard 168–169, 171
Marlborough Sounds 188–189
North Island: Coromandel Peninsula 175–176
North Island: east coast landing 164–165
North Island: east coast, north 172–173, 192–193
North Island: east coast, south 169–172
North Island: Mercury Bay 176–178
North Island: north coast, north 180–184
North Island: north coast, west 173–175
North Island: west coast, south 185–188
South Island: east coast, south-west 193– 195
South Island: northern tip 201
South Island: west coast, north 195–196
strikes submerged rock 182–183
Endeavour, HMS: Rio de Janeiro 129–132
Santa Cruz fort fires on 132–133
Endeavour, HMS: Tahiti 142–143, 144–153
transit of Venus 3, 107, 116
Tupia, Tahitian, aboard 152, 153, 156
Endeavour River 239–246
Endeavour Strait 259, 260
English Channel 30, 32–33
Eromanga Island 362–363
Espérance 30
eucalypts 213
Euclid 60
Eurus, HMS 64–65
Execution Dock (Thames) 25, 73
Falkland Islands 279
Falmouth, HMS 32
Fatchett, Thomas 426
Fayal 379
Fernando de Noronha 379
field ice 304
Fiji Islands 360, 403
fire-ships 54–55
First Fleet 214–215, 219
Firth of Forth 37
Firth of Thames 180–181
Flamsteed House 110
Fleck, Margaret (sister) 17, 281
Flinders, Matthew
Bligh and 109
Flinders Bar 135
Van Diemen’s Land 400
Flower, Peter 87, 132
Förster, Georg 291, 316
Förster, Johann Reinhold
character traits 291
Resolution, botanist aboard 291, 313, 316, 322, 342, 349, 350, 354, 364, 372
Resolution, official journal publication 383– 384
Forwood, Stephen 260
American War of Independence 279
North American colonies 38–39, 43, 54, 57–58, 67–68
Phoney War with Britain 26
Seven Years War with Britain 26, 38–39, 45, 70
Spain in North America 68
Treaty of Paris 75–76, 82–83
Franklin, Benjamin 112
Fraser Island 222
Frederick Hendrik Island 264–265
Freelove (collier) 18–20, 73
Friendly Archipelago 359
see also Tonga, Kingdom of
Friendship 21–22
fur seals 373
fur trade in Canada 63
Furious Fifties 303
Furneaux, Tobias
Admiralty assigns to command Adventure 281
Adventure in Plymouth 290
Cook sets rendezvous with 303, 316
Dolphin expedition 281
grants shore leave 318
HMS Syren 383
Omai (Tahitian) 383
Van Diemen’s Land 317–318
Wharehunga Bay massacre 378
Galleons Reach 115
Garonne 83
George II 26
George III 99–100, 107, 278, 381, 431
German Sea see North Sea
giant clams 258
Gibson, Samuel 152
Gilbert, George 402–403, 422–423
Gilbert, Joseph 291, 328, 369
Gisborne 165
Gladstone 227
Glass House Mountains 222
Goose Cove 314
Gore, Third Lieutenant John 117–118, 145, 169, 177, 215, 244, 266, 391, 433
Graves, Captain Thomas 76–77, 79, 82, 84
Great Ayton 17, 23–24, 281–282
Great Barrier Reef 2, 5, 7–12, 228–229
see also Endeavour, HMS: New Holland
Great Britain
American War of Independence 279, 381
astronomy 100
Cook claims Huahine for 156–157
Cook claims New Caledonia for 364–365
Cook claims New Holland [New Wales] for 259–260
Cook claims New Zealand for 155, 178
Cook claims South Georgia for 375
France, Phoney War with 26
House of Commons Committee on penal colonies 214–215
Seven Years War with France 26, 38–39, 45, 70
South Seas interest 103
Spain 272–273, 282–283
Treaty of Paris 75–76, 82–83
see also North American colonies
Great South Land see Terra Australis Incognita
Green, Charles 104, 135, 137–138, 151, 167, 168, 246, 272
Greenslade, William 141–142
Gregorian Calendar 21
Grenville, HMS
Cook, Newfoundland surveys 84–90
Cook as master 85, 104
English Channel, runs aground in 93–94
Lane as master 97
Three Sisters, collision with 92
Griffin (seaman) 405
growlers 306
Gulf of St Lawrence 39, 41, 47, 49, 76–77
see also St Lawrence River
Gulf of St Sebastian 373–374
Halifax, Novia Scotia
British colony 41
harbour chart 60
town fire 66
winters in 48–49, 50, 59, 67
Hamar, Joseph 27–29
Hamilton Island 230
Harbour Grace, Newfoundland 69
Hardy, Sir Charles 47
Harrison, John 292
Hartog, Dirk 199
Hauraki Gulf 180
Hawaiian Islands
Cook returns to from Arctic Circle 412– 414
Hawaiian women 417–418
Hawaiians murder Cook 424–426
Hawaiians’ reception for Cook 415–416, 418–419
Hawaiians return Cook’s remains 426–428
Hawaiians treat Cook as god Lono 420, 422
Resolution expedition 406–408
surf board riding 420–421
Hawke, Sir Edward 102, 170
Hawke’s Bay 170
Hawkesworth, John 379
Heard, Captain John 311
Heard Island 310–311
Heemskerck 160–161, 199
Henry II, King of France 200
Henry VIII 109
Herbert, Mr 387
Hervey, Augustus John 224, 332
Hervey Bay 224, 226
Herveys Islands 332
Hickes, Second Lieutenant Zachary 4, 117, 169, 182, 204, 255, 273
Hill, Thomas 340
Hinks, Theophilus 426
Hodges, William 291
Holland, Samuel 45–47, 49, 61, 76
Hood, Admiral Lord 353
Hood, Alexander 353
Hood Island 352–353
Hough, Richard 291
Howe, Richard, Earl 205
Huahine 156–157, 330–331, 357
Hudson Bay (Canada) 99
Hunter River 219
ice fields 342, 346–347
ice growlers 306
ice in sails and rig 343
iceberg capsize 311
icebergs 302–304, 311, 343
Iceland 291
icy seawater temperatures 307
Île aux Coudres (Québec) 53
Île du Bic (Québec) 62
Indian Head 222
indigenous Australians
Botany Bay 210–213
Bruny Island 317–318
Brush Island (Bawley Point) 208
canoes 211, 215
Cook’s views 216–217, 243, 262–263
Endeavour River 242, 243, 244, 245
Endeavour sighting of smoke 204–205, 206
Fraser Island 222
Hervey Bay 226
near Mission Beach 231
north coast 221
Torres Strait Islanders 259
Van Diemen’s Land 399–400
Wollongong 209
Industrial Revolution 282
Ireland 27, 28
Island of Desolation 398
Isle of Georgia 375
Isle of Pines 365
Isle of Rendezvous 397
Isle of Wight 38, 435
Jackson, George 218
Jakarta 204, 226, 267–269
Java la Grande 200
Jefferys, Thomas 61
Jervis Bay 208
Johnson, Dr Samuel 22
Jones, Samuel 178
Jordan, Benjamin 272
Judge, William 131–132
Julian Calendar 21
Kamchatka Peninsula 412, 430
kangaroo 213, 241, 244
Kauai 407
kava 333
Kealakekua 419, 421, 430
Kent, HMS 381
Keplin, Jno 369
Keppel Group 227–228
Kerguelen Islands 308, 396–398
Kerguelen-Trémarec, Yves-Joseph de 308, 396–397
Kidd, Captain 25
King, Lieutenant 60
King, Lieutenant James 391, 427–428, 431, 433
King George’s Island 107
see also Tahiti
Kippis, Andrew 385–386
Kiribati, Republic of 406
Kiritimati Island 406
Koa (Hawaiian priest) 420, 428
Labrador 76, 97
Lane, Michael 97
Larcum Kendall K1 chronometer 292, 296
Lark, HMS 85, 86
Launceston, HMS 289
Lauraguais, Comte de 286
leadsman 9
Ledyard, John 416
Lévis, General de 62
Life of Captain James Cook, The (Kippis) 385–386
Lind, James 124, 285
Linnaeus, Carl Nilsson 108
The Lizard 122
Lizard Island 5, 250, 257
Loggie, Charles 345
London 282
longitude calculation see under navigation
lorikeet 213
Louis XV 26
Louisbourg, siege of 39, 41, 42–45, 46, 50
Luncheon Cove 314
Mackintosh, John 415
Madeira 123, 125, 297–298
Magellan, Ferdinand 200
Magra, Mr 225
Mahony, Murduck 323
Malekula Island 361
Maoris 160–161
cannibalism 178, 190, 337–338
catamaran 174–175
Cook, report shipwreck to 368
Endeavour, attacks on 171–172, 174–176, 181–182
Endeavour, barter with 176–177
Endeavour in Anaura Bay 172–173
Endeavour in Motuaro 181–182
Endeavour in North Island 170
Endeavour in Teoneroa (Poverty Bay) 165–169
fort 178
historic account of Cook’s stay 178–180
Marlborough Sounds 189
in Queen Charlotte Sound. see Queen Charlotte Sound
Resolution [ 1772–75] 315
Resolution [ 1776–79] 400–401
Wharehunga Bay massacre 340–341, 378
Marion Bay 199
Marlborough Sounds 188–189
Marquesas Islands 351–354
Marquis of Granby (collier) 281, 282
Marquis of Rockingham (collier) 281, 282
Marra, John 349, 351–352, 357, 369
Marton-in-Cleveland 16
Mary 21
Maskelyne, Reverend Nevil 100
Massacre Bay 186
Matavai Bay 144–145, 319, 329–330
Maui 414, 416
meadowsweet 16
Medway, HMS 33, 35
Melanesians 362–363
Mendaña y Neira, Álvaro de 351, 353
Mendonça, Cristóvão de 200
merchant marine 22–23
Mercury Bay 176–178
Mewburn, George 17
Middleburg Island 332–334
Mile End Old Town 85, 276
Mission Beach 231
Mississippi Valley 68
Mitchell, Bowles 352
Molyneux, Master Robert 117, 145, 169, 228, 229, 242, 251, 273
Monckton, Robert 56
Monk, Simon 364–365
Monkhouse, George 277
Monkhouse, Jonathan 277
Monkhouse, William 125, 137–138, 143, 271, 277
Montcalm, Lieutenant-General Louis-Joseph de 54, 58
p; Montréal 63
Moorea 355–356
Moreton Bay 222
Morlaix (Brittany) 32
Morton see Douglas, James, 14th Earl of Morton
Morton’s Bay 221–222
Motuarohia (Bay of Islands) 181–182
Mount Egmont 187–188
Mount Gulaga 206
Mount Oave 352
Mount Warning 220–221
National Portrait Gallery (Canberra) 389
natural history 108
Nautical Almanac 128
Arnold chronometer 300
astronomical quadrant 150
calculation of longitude 90–91, 98, 292, 296, 346
compass needle 135
eclipse of sun 89–90, 91, 364
Greenwich Mean Time 110
Harrison H4 292
Larcum Kendall K1 chronometer 291–292, 296, 300, 346, 355
Polynesian 157, 351
prime meridian 110
reflecting telescope 91
sextant 49, 127–128
ship time 121–122
timepieces 135
transit of Mercury 176–178
transit of Venus 3, 97–98, 150–151
the Netherlands 199
New Caledonia 364–365
New Guinea 7, 261, 263
New Hebrides 360–364
New Holland
Cook attaches names to 260
Cook claims for Britain 259–260
Cook recognises as continent 400
Endeavour expedition. see Endeavour, HMS: New Holland
Java la Grande as 200
proposal to call Banksia 278
as Terra Australis Incognita 231, 284
Van Diemen’s Land relation to 400
New Orleans 68
New South Wales 259–260, 278, 284
New Wales 259–260
New Zealand
Admiralty instructions to Cook 4, 154–155
Cook claims for Britain 155, 178
Cook frees rabbits in 401
Endeavour circumnavigation 164–196
Endeavour expedition 161–163
Maoris. see Maoris
Resolution [ 1772–75] 313–314
Resolution [ 1776–79] 400–401
Tasman expedition 3, 160–161, 186
see also Queen Charlotte Sound
Avalon Peninsula 68–69
Cape Norman 86
Cook injured in 86–87
Cook surveys for Admiralty 76–79, 81–82, 84, 85–89, 95
Cook’s charts 68–70, 96
eclipse of sun 89–90
Independence Hurricane 81
Lane surveys for Admiralty 97
St Peter and Miquelon Islands 82–83
St John’s 67–68, 69, 70
Trepassey Harbour 82
Nicholson, James 272
Niger, HMS 90
Nootka Sound 408–409
The Nore 287–288
Norfolk, Duchess of 366
Norfolk, HMS 400