by Rob Mundle
Norfolk Isle 365–366
North American colonies 38–39
east coast survey 46
Louisbourg, siege of 39, 41, 42–45, 46, 50
Spain 68
Treaty of Paris 75–76, 82–83
see also Halifax, Novia Scotia; Newfoundland; Québec; St Lawrence River
North Cape (New Zealand) 183, 186
North Cape (Norway) 99
North Pacific 406
North Sea 14, 20
North Stradbroke Island 221
Northumberland, HMS 59–60, 61, 64–66, 68, 69–70
Northumberland Islands 228
Northwest Passage 386, 387, 429, 431, 432 – 434
Oceanus Germanicus see North Sea
Omai (Tahitian) 383, 386, 392, 404
Opuragi (Mercury Bay) 176–178
Orton, Mr 224–226
Osbaldestone, William 36
Otaheite see Tahiti
Otoo (Tahitian chief) 329–330, 355–357
O’why’he see Hawaiian Islands
Oxford 90
Pace, Grace 16
Palliser, Sir Hugh
Cook 94–95, 104
Governor of Newfoundland 85, 87
HMS Eagle 29–31, 33, 34, 35–36
North American colonies 68–69, 70
Resolution [ 1772–75] 286, 294–295
Resolution [ 1776–79] 385–386
Palmerston Island 358
Pandora, HMS 248
Parkin, Ray 134–135
Parkinson, Sydney
Endeavour, artist aboard 107–108, 161, 191, 202, 226, 231
New Holland sketches 221
Patten, James 349, 358
Pembroke, HMS 37–39, 41–42, 49, 52, 53, 55, 56
pen knife 96
penal colonies 214–215
penguins 310, 311
Pentecost Island 230
Phillip, Captain Arthur 214–215, 219
Phillips, Molesworth 405, 424
Pickersgill, Richard 206, 207, 255, 296, 305, 313–314, 316, 331–332, 337, 372, 391
Pidgeon House Hill 207
Pitcairn, Robert 324
Pitcairn Island 323–324
Pitt, William 39, 42, 45, 47
Placentia, Newfoundland 69–70
Point Danger 221
Point Hicks 4, 204
Point Lookout 221
Point Solander 217
Point Venus 145–146, 329, 330
Polynesian navigation 157, 351
Polynesian use of fire 208
Pool of London 73
Port Jackson 218, 219
Port Stephens 219
Portland (Oregon) 408
Portland, HMS 273
Portugal 200
Possession Bay 375
Possession Island 259–260
Postgate, Michael 17
Poverty Bay (Teoneroa) 165–169
Pringle, Sir John 278
Proby, Commissioner 392
Prowd, Mary 282
Prudent 44, 50
Purangi Estuary 176
Quakers 18, 74
Battle of Beauport 56
Battle of Sainte-Foy 62–63
Battle of the Plains of Abraham 57–58
Britain defends from French 62–63
Britain takes from French 39, 41, 42, 47, 49–51, 54, 55
Queen Charlotte Sound 191, 303, 309, 315– 316, 336–337, 339–340, 366–367, 400
see also Ship Cove
quill 96
Quirós, Pedro Fernandez de 360, 363
Quirós’s Isles 360–361, 363–364
Raiatea 157, 331–332, 357–358
Raleigh, HMS (renamed Adventure ) 281, 282–283
Reading, John 132, 159
Republic of Kiribati 406
Repulse Bay 230
Resolution, HMS [ 1772–75]
Adventure, becomes separated from 308–309, 334–335, 336
Adventure, searches for 337, 338–339
Aurora Australis 311
Banks alters modifications to 284–287
Banks’ modifications removed 288
Cape Town 299–301, 378–379
Christmas Day 1772 304–305
Christmas Day 1773 343
Cook Strait 334–335
crew 290–291
crew clothing issue 301, 312
crew health 293, 299, 313, 351–352, 356
crew hygiene 312
crew illness 349
crew poisoned by red fish 361–362
crew poisoned by toadfish 364
crew punishment 345, 352
delay to departure 287, 293
desertions 293, 357, 369
Easter Island 348–351
eclipse of sun 364
England, returns to 379
England, sets sail from 294–297
extent of voyage 380
Huahine 330–331, 357
ice fields 346–347
ice in sails and rig 343
iceberg capsize 311
iceberg obstacle 343
livestock 293, 302, 318, 322
maintenance 336–337
Marquesas Islands 351–354
mast breaks 334
monkeys 299
naming of 281, 282–283
navigational equipment 291–292
New Caledonia 364–365
performance at sea 297–298
provisions 292–293, 297, 331, 356
Raiatea 357–358
sailing in high latitudes 302–304
sea trials 287–288, 294
Ship Cove repairs 368
ship’s log books stolen 333–334
Southern Ocean 301–302
Southern Ocean: course change to east 309–311, 322
Southern Ocean: course change to north 347
Southern Ocean: course change to north-east 308, 312, 322–323
Southern Ocean: course change to south 307, 319, 341–347
Southern Ocean: course change to south-east 309
Southern Ocean: course change to southwest 332
Southern Ocean to Cape Horn 370–371
Tahiti, Matavai Bay 329–330, 355–357
Tahiti, outer reef 324–328
Tonga, Kingdom of 332–334, 358–359
Tuamotu Archipelago 354–355
volcanic eruption 362
Walgreen coast 346–347
watering 306
Resolution, HMS [ 1776–79]
Arctic storm 414–415
bower cable abrasion 393
Christmas Day 1777 406
Clerke commands 429–433
complement 384
Cook commands expedition 386–387
crew 390–391
crew, clothing issue to 390, 409
crew, grog consumption 405–406
crew, grog provisions 416–417
crew, pistol duel between 405
England, returns to 434
England, sets sail from 392
Gore commands 433
Hawaiian Islands 406–408
Hawaiian Islands, leaves 430
Hawaiian Islands, returns to 422
Hawaiian women 417–418
mast damage 398–399, 422
mast replacement 409
North Pacific 406
Northwest Passage, search for 386, 387
Northwest Passage, voyage to 408–412
Omai (Tahitian) 386, 392, 404
parliamentary reward for reaching north pole 386, 388
provisions 391, 396
re-caulking in Bering Sea 411
re-caulking in Cape Town 395–396
refit 388–389, 390
support vessel 384
voyage 390
Resolution Island 314
Reynolds, John 271
rheumatic complaints 323
Richmond, HMS 55
Richmond, Thomas 108, 138
/> Richmond River 219
Rickman, John 411–412
Rio de Janeiro 129–132
Roaring Forties 303, 319, 322
Roberts, James 108, 218
Rochford, Lord 282–283
Roggeveen, Jacob 350
Roseberry Topping 17
Royal Academy of Arts 285
Royal George, HMS 112
Royal Greenwich Observatory 110
Royal Hospital Greenwich 382–383
Royal Navy
Articles of War 64, 118
burial at sea 328–329
conditions in 1755 25–26
Dalrymple 101
desertions 78–79
merchant marine versus 22–23
mutiny within 78
North American taskforce 39–44, 50–52
recruiting for war 26
see also Admiralty
Royal Navy Dockyards, Deptford 94, 104, 109–110, 388–389
Royal Society
Banks 3–4, 434
Banks Endeavour collection 190
Cook, medal struck in honour of 434
Cook and eclipse of sun 90, 91
Cook and treatment of indigenous people 167
Cook elected Fellow of 388
Cook: second expedition 291
Earl of Morton 167, 222
transit of Venus expedition 3, 97, 99–100
transit of Venus expedition, Cook as commander 104. see also Cook, Captain James: first expedition
Wallis expedition 107
anchoring ships 65
bower cable 44
‘Cape Flyaway’ 157
clinker-built boats 115
crossing the line 128–129
ensign and flag 229
false fires 302
fothering leaks 238, 241
hull sheathing 111–112
iron ballast 114
iron hull nails 106
iron sickness 113
jury-rigging 398–399
latrines 134–135
lightning conductors 112–113
lookouts 183–184, 229, 230
oak construction 113
oakum 201
procedure for setting sail 79–81
rigging schooner to brig 88–89
sail-makers 183
south-east trade winds 153–154
timoneer 321–322
waisters 301–302
weather helm 142
to windward in square-riggers 138–139
St Albans, HMS 32
St Helena Island 273
St Jean Baptiste 185
St John’s, Newfoundland 67–68, 69, 70
St Lawrence River
British naval taskforce negotiates 39, 41, 49–53
charts 49, 55–56, 60–61, 64, 66–67
Gulf of St Lawrence 39, 41, 47, 49, 76–77
The Traverse 53–54
St Peter and Miquelon Islands 82–83
Sally (survey vessel) 84
Samwell, David 418, 420, 421, 425
Sanderson, William 14–15, 17
Sandwich, Lord
Banks 108, 289–290
Cook, allowance to Elizabeth 389–390
Cook, introduces to George III 279
Cook, news of death 431
First Lord of Admiralty 108
Resolution [ 1772–75] 284–285, 286, 294–295
Resolution [ 1772–75] official narrative 383– 384
Resolution [ 1776–79] command 385–386
Sandwich Islands (Hawaiian Islands) 407
Sandwich Islands (Herveys Islands) 332
Sandwich Land 375
Sandy Cape 222–224
Satterley (carpenter) 268
sauerkraut 125
Saunders, Admiral Sir Charles 50, 51, 53, 57, 59, 60–61
Saunders, Patrick 226
Savu 266–267
Scilly Naval Disaster 91
Screaming Sixties 303
scurvy 41–42, 124–125, 143, 185, 214, 246, 300, 313, 318, 323, 324
scurvy grass 125
sea burial 328–329
sea lions 373
seabirds 203
seasickness 139, 158
Seven Years War 26, 38–39, 45, 70
see also North American colonies Shadwell 75
Ship Cove 191, 315, 335, 368, 369, 400–401
ship time 121–122
ship worm 111–112, 150
Simcoe, Captain John 38, 47, 49, 52, 61
Skottowe, Thomas 17, 30
Smart, Edward 79, 83–84, 85
Smith, Isaac 117, 211, 291
Smock, Henry 299
Smoky Cape 219
Society Islands 156–157
Solander, Dr Daniel
Cook, nominates to Royal Society 388
Cook Strait 191
Cook’s second expedition 284, 285, 286–287, 381
dysentery in Batavia 271
Endeavour expedition, celebrity following 278
Endeavour expedition naturalist 107–108, 116, 120, 137–138, 151, 161–162
Endeavour River 244
Frederick Hendrik Island 264–265
New Holland 209, 210, 213
New Zealand 165, 166, 172–173, 181–182, 190–191
Solebay, HMS 36–37
Solitary Isles 219
South Cape 195
South Georgia 375
South Pacific 142, 153–154, 319–320, 322– 323, 332–334
South Sandwich Islands 375
South Sea Company 15
South Seas 103, 106, 157
south-east trade winds 234, 352
Southern Atlantic Ocean 373
Southern Ocean 158–160, 283–284, 301–302, 310, 320, 321–324, 341–347
Britain and 272–273, 282–283
in North America 68
Spanish explorers 360
Spice Islands and 200
Sparrman, Anders 327–328, 331, 347
Spice Islands 200
Spitfire, HMS 435
Spithead (Portsmouth) 27, 70
Spöring, Herman Diedrich 108, 272
spruce beer 314
spruce pines 366
Spy, HMS 79, 83–84
Squirrel, HMS 53
Staithes 13–15
Staten Island 155, 373
Stephens, Sir Philip 76, 104, 277–278, 295, 382, 385–386, 431
Stevens, Henry 125
Stewart Island 195
Stingray Harbour (also Bay) 215
stingrays 215, 217–218
Strait La Maire 370–371
Straits of Magellan 106, 136–137, 140, 370– 371
Supper Cove 314
surf board riding 420–421
surveying 45–47
Surville, Jean-François-Marie de 185
Sutherland, Forby 214
Sydney, Novia Scotia 48
Sydney Cove 219
Sydney Harbour 218
Syren, HMS 383
Table Cape 334
Cook, treatment of Tahitians 146–147
double-hulled canoes 355–356 Endeavour 142–143, 144–153
infanticide 148
Resolution [ 1772–75] 324–328, 355–357
Resolution [ 1776–79] 404–406
Tahitian attire 147
Tahitian horror of flogging 149
Tahitian human sacrifice 406
Tahitian traders 144–145
Tahitian views of ownership 150, 329, 356
Tahitian women 147–148
Tahitians aboard Resolution 325–326
transit of Venus 3, 107, 116, 145–146, 150–151
tribal battles 329, 355–356
Wallis expedition 106–107, 145, 153
Tahuata Island 353
Takaroa 354
Tanna Island 363
Taranaki 187–188
Tasman, Abel Janszoon
; Amsterdam Island 332
Fiji 360
New Zealand 3, 154, 155, 160–161, 184, 186
Terra Australis Incognita 199, 310
Van Diemen’s Land 155, 198–199, 203, 204
Tasman Sea 201–203, 400
Tautira 324–328
Taylor, Isaac 328–329
Te Horeta te Taniwha 179–180
Tenerife 393
teredo worm 111–112, 150
Ternay, Chevalier de 67
Terra Australis Incognita
Admiralty instructions to Cook 3, 154–155, 198
Banks’ view of 140–141, 280
Bouvet’s search for 295–296
Cook’s search for in Endeavour 159, 231
Cook’s search for in Resolution 280, 284, 319–320, 321–324, 341–347, 370–371, 374–375, 377
Dieppe maps 199–201
duration of search for 377
Kerguelen-Trémarec’s search for 308
Mendaña’s search for 351
New Holland as 231, 284
New Zealand as part of 196
Quirós’s search for 360, 363
Tasman’s search for 199, 310
Wallis’ search for 106
‘Terra Austrialia del Espíritu Santo’ 360, 363
Terra del Fuego see Tierra del Fuego
Terre’oboo (Hawaiian chief) 424, 426
Test, William 79
theodolite 78
Thirsty Sound 229
Thomas, James 426
Thompson, John 118, 272
Three Brothers 20–21
Three Kings Islands 184
Three Sisters (collier) 92
Thunderer, HMS 434
Tierra del Fuego 137–138, 370–371, 373
Timor 266
Tolaga Bay 173
Tonga, Kingdom of 99, 332–334, 358–359, 401–404
Tongatapu 402
Torava (Maori chief) 176
Torres Strait 7, 261
Torres Strait Islanders 259
Totaranui 191
Tou-ah-ah (Hawaiian chief) 419
Tower of London Ordnance Office 78
transit of Mercury 176–178
transit of Venus 3, 97–98, 150–151
Treaty of Paris 75–76, 82–83
Trevenen, James 409–410, 412–413
Trinity Bay 231
Triton 32
Tropic of Capricorn crossing 157–158, 227
Tuamotu Archipelago 142, 354–355
tuberculosis 214, 273
Tupia, Tahitian
death from dysentery 270, 271
Endeavour expedition 152, 153, 156
Endeavour River 243
indigenous Australians 210
Marlborough Sounds 189
New Holland 209
New Zealand 166, 169, 172–173
scurvy 246
Tiata dies in Batavia 271
Tiata seized by Maori 171–172
Torava (Maori chief) 176
Turtle Reef 246
Tweed, HMS 82–84
Tweed Heads 221
typhus (‘ship fever’) 43
Unalaska Island 410, 412