Take Another Little Piece of My Heart: A Groupie Grows Up

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Take Another Little Piece of My Heart: A Groupie Grows Up Page 36

by Des Barres, Pamela

withdrawal of, 134, 150

  Des Barres, Pamela Miller:

  acting career abandoned by, 128–131

  acting career of, 25–26, 32, 37–39, 46, 54, 55, 60, 61, 66–69, 91, 105–106, 127–131, 141, 249

  at Al-Anon meetings, 110

  anxiety of, 36–39, 41–42, 43

  arrest of, 280–281

  auditions and screen tests of, 67, 75, 105

  baby names selected by, 90, 93

  birth classes attended by, 87, 90–91, 96

  birth control methods used by, 73, 193

  birth of, 73–74

  as bourgeois, 89–90

  bruised self-esteem of, 44, 46, 55, 60

  childhood of, 182–184

  as a “cocreator,” 18

  as codependent, 18, 110, 112, 150, 278

  in commercials, 68, 75–76, 105

  dancing of, 16, 66, 165, 187

  dating of, 222–223, 275

  dermabrasion of, 177

  determination of, 13, 14, 17, 94

  diaries of, see diaries and journals

  drugs given up by, 26

  drug use of, 14–15, 26–27, 36

  escapism of, 36, 40

  exercise regimens of, 97–98, 99, 135–136, 147, 208–210, 229

  as exercise teacher, 135–136

  family background of, 89, 114–119, 182–183

  fantasies of, 153, 162, 204–205, 221

  fasting of, 26

  first orgasm of, 264

  as groupie, 13–15, 139–141, 153, 190, 199

  in GTO’s, 26, 32, 189, 190

  health regimens of, 26, 45–46

  horny platonic friendship of, 147

  house hunting of, 76, 85, 136, 145

  housekeeping of, 29, 56, 131, 143

  insecurity of, 17, 37–61, 106

  interviews of, 216–218, 229–230

  junk collecting of, 20, 114

  as late bloomer, 24, 294

  left-wing views of, 116

  love search of, 13, 24–25, 190–191, 207, 216

  marriage of, 18, 27, 63–65; see also Des Barres, Michael

  as Mary Kay consultant, 127–128

  menial labor jobs of, 113–114

  in movies, 25–26, 67–68

  in musical, 91

  as nursing mother, 95, 97–98

  open marriage attempted by, 187–188

  as optimistic overlooker, 36, 41, 114

  in photographs, 26, 68, 86, 90, 92, 93, 105, 161, 164, 216, 218, 226, 263, 264

  physical appearance of, 44, 61, 90, 97, 98, 132, 141, 147, 177, 190, 191

  poster-selling job of, 106

  pregnancy and childbirth of, 73–76, 85–94, 141

  pregnancy test of, 73–74

  promotion-for-sex offered to, 60–61

  in rock video, 16

  as school mom, 136

  sexuality of, 15, 27, 28, 30, 73, 132, 164, 165, 187, 190–191, 199–200, 204–208, 216, 219–224, 249, 264, 281–282, 288

  Silent Treatment of, 69–70, 88

  smother-mothering of, 104

  songwriting of, 51, 61, 62

  spiritual searches of, 39, 62, 111–112, 211

  strength of, 178, 182, 223

  stretch marks of, 90

  telephone sales job of, 114

  therapeutic breakthrough of, 227–228

  therapy of, 18, 182–185, 204–205, 227–228, 245, 248

  thirty-eighth birthday of, 163–164

  TV appearances of, 20, 32, 37–39, 54, 66, 110, 168, 193, 195, 198–200, 229, 263, 283

  VD-type infection of, 151

  as victim, 133–134, 185

  what-I-want-in-life list of, 186

  as writer, 19–20, 137–141, 143, 145–146, 152–153, 161–162, 257–260; see also Blush; I’m with the Band

  writing course of, 137–138

  as Zappa nanny, 17, 75

  Des Barres, Philip (father-in-law), 35–36, 53, 101–102, 159

  death of, 125–126

  Des Barres, Wendy (Michael’s first wife), 28, 29, 31, 34

  Desert Rose Band, 241–242

  Details, 259, 260

  Detective, 47–54, 57, 99, 100, 157

  as dinosaur, 69

  fans of, 52, 53

  in Hawaii, 65–66

  Dey, Susan, 46

  diaries and journals, 47, 57, 68, 103–104, 113, 147–148, 156, 202–205, 255, 258, 260, 261

  Bernhard in, 221, 222

  dreams in, 204–205

  first, 138–139

  Japan in, 226

  Jones in, 127

  Michael’s reading of, 30–31, 148

  New York, 36–37, 43, 45, 57, 221, 222

  separation in, 202, 203

  Springsteen in, 153

  thirty-year review in, 61–62

  Thrill in, 281–288

  Vancouver trip in, 247–248

  DiMucci, Dion, 194–196, 263

  DiMucci, Sue Butterfield, 195, 263

  Dio, Ronnie James, 172

  Disneyland, 40, 227–228

  Dogfight, 91

  Donovan, 16

  Doors, 14–15, 161

  Douglas, Michael, 212

  Douglas, Robert Jr., 164

  Dreamland Records and Tapes, 106, 112

  drug(s), 57

  Griffith’s use of, 251

  Michael’s use of, 26–27, 36, 39, 41, 42, 47, 51, 56–57, 63, 69–71, 88, 101, 106

  music as, 153

  Pamela’s use of, 14–15, 26–27, 36

  Philip Des Barres’s use of, 35–36, 102

  Steve Jones’s use of, 148

  Duke, Patty, 169

  Duran Duran, 157

  Dylan, Bob, 14, 19–20, 161, 188, 191–192

  birthday party of, 196–198

  Easton, Sheena, 166, 266

  Easy Street (Berman), 153

  Edmonds, Ben, 39–40

  Edna, Aunt, 117–118, 121, 123

  Elvira, 292

  Emergency!, 54

  England, Pamela’s visits to, 34–36, 100–103, 263

  English Acid, 269–271

  Entwistle, John, 174

  Fabian, 259

  Face Pack, 144

  Faegli, Robert, 218

  Fairchild, Morgan, 38, 46

  Father Knows Best, 184

  Faust, Diana, 191

  feminism, 14, 56

  Finagle, Mrs., 85–86, 136

  Fishkin, Paul, 107

  Flanders, Annie, 259–260

  Flying Burrito Brothers, 172

  Fonda, Jane, 130, 147, 208–210

  Ford, Harrison, 216

  Former, Melanie G., 164

  Forum, 159, 162

  Fox, Emmett, 111

  “Foxy Lady” (Hendrix), 16

  Francis, Genie, 54

  Frank (Nick’s roommate), 284

  Funicello, Annette, 283

  Gardner, Eric, 292

  Garr, Teri, 259

  Garrett, Leif, 23

  General Hospital, 54

  Geraldine (Nick’s friend), 100

  Gere, Richard, 204, 220

  Germany, 263–264

  girlfriends, 143

  Glickman, Zack, 195–196, 263

  Goldberg, Danny, 48–50, 55, 95, 125, 137, 163

  Chequered Past and, 126

  Goldblum, Jeff, 109, 128

  Goldblum, Patti, 128

  Gold Mountain, 163

  Good Housekeeping, 90

  Gorman, Greg, 260

  Grabowski, Marilyn, 218

  Graham, Billy, 171

  Granite, Freda, 32, 54

  Grant, Peter, 14, 47, 49–52, 65, 101

  Greek Theatre, 19–20

  Green, Al, 266, 283

  Griffith, Melanie, 96, 141–144, 216, 220–222

  baby shower for, 264–265

  at Fonda spa, 208–210

  Johnson and, 45, 47, 85, 141, 143, 251–252, 291

  wedding of, 251–253

  groupie(s), 198

  of Dion, 195

breed of, 34, 44

  Pamela as, 13–15, 139–141, 153, 190, 199

  Silverhead and, 27–28

  GTO’s (Girls Together Outrageously), 26, 32, 189, 190, 292, 293

  Hackman, Gene, 45

  Hahn, Jessica, 219

  Haight-Ashbury, 173

  Hall, Fawn, 266

  Hamburg, 264

  Hammer of the Gods (Davis), 138

  handicapped, theater group for, 130–131

  Hardin, Joe, 47

  Harrison, George, 103, 197–198

  Harrison, Nigel, 126

  Harvellee (school friend), 138–139

  Hawaii, 65–66

  Hayden, Tom, 210

  Hayden, Victor, 231–232, 241, 243, 245, 280, 288, 292

  Vancouver trip and, 247, 248

  Hays, Quay, 283

  Heard, John, 38, 46

  Heather (Vermont teenager), 151

  Hefner, Hugh, 219

  Helena’s, 164–167, 179–180, 187, 206

  Poetry Nights at, 166–167

  Henderson, Jimmy, 99–100

  Henderson, Kathy, 100

  Hendrix, Jimi, 16, 264, 269

  Henner, Marilu, 136

  heroin, 52, 148

  Hickey, William, 37, 47

  Hilda (healer-teacher), 39, 48, 55

  Hillman, Chris, 113, 172–173, 204, 205

  in Desert Rose Band, 241–242

  HIM, Pamela’s affair with, 206–208, 216, 223, 249

  Hinckley, John, 158

  hippies, 54

  Hollywood Church of Religious Science, 111–112, 131

  Hollywood Revival and Trash Dance, 32–33

  Holmes, Ernest, 111

  Hopper, Dennis, 187–188

  Hughes, Howard, 91

  Huston, Anjelica, 20

  Hutchence, Michael, 260

  Hyde, John, 48

  Hyser, Joyce, 191, 192, 211

  Idol, Billy, 25

  I’m with the Band (Des Barres), 125, 178, 186, 189–200, 222

  book party for, 23–24

  Dion in, 195, 196

  European editions of, 263–264

  film possibilities for, 186, 191, 192, 292

  Johnson in, 168, 193, 231

  origin of title for, 162

  photos for, 161, 189, 190, 196, 242

  publicity for, 189–191, 193–200, 229–231

  rejection slips for, 145, 152

  reunions and, 241–245, 247–248

  reviews of, 193–194

  sale of, 161

  Streisand and, 211, 212

  Ingalls, Joyce, 67

  Intveld, James, 279

  Iva (grade-school friend), 122, 291

  Jackson, Jesse, 193

  Jaffe, Taliesin (T.J.), 171, 204, 268, 285

  Jagger, Mick, 16, 23, 39–40, 43, 130, 193, 231, 280

  Janet (AA girl), 148

  Janine (psychiatrist), 169

  Japan, 225–226, 275

  Jesse (Don Johnson’s son), 141, 149, 155, 168, 252

  Jesus, 217

  Jesus-oriented school, 170–171

  Jimi Hendrix Experience, 16, 264

  Johns, Andy, 54, 55

  Johnson, Don, 141–145, 149, 151, 154–156, 200, 212, 227

  D’Arbanville and, 141, 142, 155, 205

  fame of, 163, 168

  Griffith and, 45, 47, 85, 141, 143, 251–252, 291

  “huge cock” of, 168, 193, 199, 231

  Live Aid and, 162

  in Miami Vice, 154–155, 162, 230

  Pamela’s book party and, 23–24

  Streisand and, 212, 215, 230, 251

  Johnston, Bruce, 175

  Jones, John Paul, 44, 50, 64, 229

  Jones, Steve, 136, 144, 145, 152, 166

  in Chequered Past, 126–127, 172

  heroin use of, 148

  Jones, Tommy Lee, 290

  Josh (Big Rig Jackknife member), 293

  journals, see diaries and journals

  Judy (birth class teacher), 87, 92, 93, 96

  Kadianiotes, Helena, 164, 165, 293

  Kathy (fitness instructor), 209, 210, 229, 249

  Kaye, Tony, 48, 64, 86, 98

  Dee Dee and, 86, 126, 291

  Nick and, 94, 105

  Kennedy, Jim, 91

  “Kindred Spirits” (Des Barres), 260

  King, Larry, 193

  King, Stephen, 192, 293

  King, Tabitha, 293

  KISS, 27, 275

  “Kiss” (Prince), 165

  Knight, Holly, 112, 153

  Knight and Des Barres, 112

  Krishnamurti, 62, 111, 113, 255

  Landis, Jim, 161, 257

  landladies, landlords, 54–55, 85–86, 113–114, 136

  Larry King Live, 193

  Las Vegas, Nev., 59–60

  Last Waltz, The, 87–88

  Late Show, The, 199

  Lauper, Cyndi, 259

  Laurance (child psychiatrist), 171, 227

  L.A. Weekly, 248

  Leary, Timothy, 292

  Led Zeppelin, 14, 43, 44, 47–51, 101, 140, 207, 229

  book about, 137, 138

  Leek, Kim, 97, 136

  Lennon, John, 17, 139

  Leonard (Mercy’s husband), 292

  Lewis, Juliet, 293

  “Like a Rolling Stone” (Dylan), 14

  Linda (Beatlefriend), 247–248

  Linden Center, 289, 290

  lithium, 169

  Live Aid, 157, 162

  London, 125–126

  Pamela’s visits to, 34–36, 100–103

  Los Angeles Times, 174, 175

  Lucy, Miss, 113, 291

  lust, Pamela’s views on, 216–218

  Lynn (friend), 267, 269–271, 275

  Lynne, Jeff, 197, 198

  lyrics, cost of rights to, 161

  McCartney, Paul, 23, 139, 141, 189, 193

  McCree, Cree, 216–218

  McDowell, Malcolm, 144

  McGuinn, Roger, 130


  of DJs, 190

  of rock stars, 18

  MacLaine, Shirley, 191

  McLaren, Malcolm, 127

  Madonna, 25, 165

  Madonna Inn, 90

  Mael, Ron, 105

  Mael, Russell, 105

  Manzarek, Ray, 33

  Maria (psychic), 185–186

  Martino, Bob, 222, 232, 242–244

  Mary Kay makeup parties, 127–128

  Mary Magdalene, 217–218

  Meara, Jane, 161, 257

  Melody Maker, 26, 34

  Mercy (GTO member), 32, 266, 267

  Mexico, 40–42, 115

  Miami Vice, 154–155, 162, 168, 230

  Mickey Mouse, 40, 113

  Miller, Margaret Ruth Hayes (mother), 32, 34, 114–125, 149

  daughter’s birth and, 73–74

  daughter’s book and, 193, 199

  daughter’s boyfriends and, 26, 27

  daughter’s therapy and, 182–184

  daughter’s wedding and, 63, 64

  grandson and, 94, 274

  husband’s postdeath communications with, 122, 123–124

  lover of, 183–184

  Mary Kay makeup party of, 127–128

  as mother, 97, 116, 117–118

  Silent Treatment of, 69–70

  as wife, 18, 54, 56, 63, 99, 115, 116, 118–119

  Miller, Oren Coy (father), 32, 40–41, 53–54, 70, 114–125, 189

  affairs of, 183

  background of, 115

  child care and, 91

  correspondence of, 123, 124

  daughter’s therapy and, 182–184

  daughter’s wedding and, 63, 64

  death of, 119–124, 274

  emotions of, 116

  grandson and, 74–75, 86, 94, 119

  health problems of, 53, 63, 74–75, 99, 117–21

  leisure suits of, 54, 56

  Michael’s relationship with, 41

  personality change of, 118–119

  Miller, Pamela, see Des
Barres, Pamela Miller

  Mintz, Elliot, 144, 163

  Mirabai, 55

  Mitchell, Joni, 259

  Monarch, Michael, 48, 49, 52

  Moon, Keith, 17, 23, 25, 75, 187, 189, 193, 217, 231

  Morrison, Jim, 14–15, 23, 33, 189, 190

  Morrison, Pam, 15

  Morrison, Toni, 293–294

  Muktananda, Swami, 111

  Myer, Claire, 173, 175

  Myer, Michele (Auntie Shelly), 40, 44, 49, 94, 196, 205, 206

  as baby-sitter, 97, 99

  cancer and death of, 172–175, 177

  Pamela’s wedding and, 63

  Nader, Michael, 165

  Nelson, Judd, 167

  Nelson, Willie, 163, 191

  Nestea commercial, 75–76

  Newman, Paul, 45

  New York, N.Y.:

  Michael in, 156–157

  Pamela in, 25–27, 37–39, 42–47, 57, 216–218, 220–224, 291

  Nice to Mice, 192

  Nicholson, Jack, 20, 164, 168

  Niles, Prescott, 134

  Nina (Steve Jones’s girlfriend), 136

  No One Here Gets Out Alive (Sugerman), 189

  North, Oliver, 266

  Nouri, Michael, 38, 46–47

  “November 16, 1966” (Des Barres), 166–167

  “Obsession” (Des Barres and Knight), 153, 156

  Olmos, Edward James, 91

  O’Neal, Tatum, 144, 265

  “One That Got Away, The” (Hillman), 242

  onion dip, 29

  open marriage, 187–188

  Oprah, 20, 198–199

  Orbison, Roy, 197

  Osbourne, Ozzy, 144, 166, 283

  Osbourne, Sharon, 65, 69

  Ostin, Mo, 230–231

  Page, Jimmy, 23, 48–52

  bimbo comment of, 229–230

  Pamela’s relationship with, 14, 43–44, 48, 190, 193, 229–230

  Palmer, Robert, 157, 163

  Palm Springs, 65, 180

  Paradise Alley, 67–68

  Paramahansa Yogananda, 26, 111, 146

  Parsons, Gram, 16, 20, 23, 64, 175, 241, 293

  Parsons, Polly, 241–242

  parties, 25, 30, 60, 211, 215, 231

  birthday, 105, 141–143, 163–164, 196–198

  book, 23–24

  makeup, 127–128

  pajama, 259

  wedding, 63–65, 292

  Parton, Dolly, 57

  PCP, 14


  Cynthia Plaster-Caster and, 198

  of Johnson, 168, 193, 199, 231

  as “Mick,” 242, 244

  Penn, Sean, 164–165

  People, 190

  Peterson, Cassandra, 292

  Petty, Tom, 197, 198

  Phillips, Michelle, 16

  Pickett, Bobby, 48, 64

  Pink, 23–24

  Plant, Carmen, 200

  Plant, Robert, 14, 29, 43, 49, 159, 200, 229, 284

  Plaster-Caster, Cynthia, 198-199

  Playboy, 218-219, 263

  poetry, 166-167

  Pop, Iggy, 33, 57, 260

  Power Station, 157-159, 162-163

  Premier, 293

  Presley, Elvis, 14, 26, 59-60, 189

  Prince, 162, 186, 192, 205, 231


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