Destroying the Soul (Destroyed Book 2)

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Destroying the Soul (Destroyed Book 2) Page 1

by L. Grubb

  Table of Contents



  Abigail's Acknowledgements

  Lucii's Acknowledgements


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Ninteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty


  About L. Grubb

  About Abigail


  Destroying the Soul

  First Edition.

  Copyright © 2017 Abigail Davies & L. Grubb

  All rights reserved.

  No parts of this book may be reproduced in any form without written consent from the author. Except in the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  This book is a piece of fiction. Any names, characters, businesses, places or events are a product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to persons living or dead, events or locations is purely coincidental.

  This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This book may not be resold or given away to other people. If you are reading this book and have not purchased it for your use only, then you should return it to your favorite eBook retailer and purchase your own copy.

  Thank you for respecting the author’s work.

  Published: Abigail Davies & L. Grubb 2017

  Cover Design: Clarissa Wild

  Formatting: Abigail Davies


  This book contains GRAPHIC content that may disturb some readers. 18+ is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED for this book. This story contains matters that may trigger memories for some people.

  First, I’d like to say a huge thank you to Lucii for collaborating with me again so we could write this story! We decided to write Jay and Jas’ story while we were watching ‘Dreamboys’ in London! Haha! I’ve had so much fun writing these books with you! Everyone wanted to hear what happened to Jas and Jay and so here it is!

  Writing Jay was so much fun! Writing his torture scenes and getting to know him and his past with Jas was something that I loved doing! The more I wrote him the more I loved him, his protectiveness but also his dark side. All I’ll say is be prepared! But I know you’ll love him just as much as I do!

  Thank you to Clarissa Wild for making a freaking awesome book cover again!

  Thank you, Emma for reading Destroying the Soul before anyone else and giving us some amazeballs feedback!

  To all the betas that read Destroying the Soul, thank you so much for spending the time to read it!

  To Danielle, my other half who helps me get out of my own head and stop overthinking! Thank you for all your continued support and for always being my ‘feedback partner’!

  To my husband and my two daughters, thank you for always supporting me and being the rock that a girl needs. Love you all to the moon and back!

  And to you, the readers. Thank you for purchasing this book and spending the time to read Jas and Jay, I hope you love them just as much as I do. Without your continued support, we wouldn’t be able to do what we love. So, thank you!

  To all the bloggers, authors and readers who share the hell out of our stuff, thank you so much! We wouldn’t be able to do what we do without you all. The indie book community is a fantastic place to be and I’m so lucky to be a part of it!

  Love you all! <3

  Firstly, I want to thank you my writing buddy Abigail Davies. She’s an absolute blast to work with, though she has a filthy mind that’s continuously stuck in the gutter and sometimes it contains some disturbing shit, it makes for interesting conversations and awesome stories! She’s the gal I always turn to when I have a problem, the person I tell everything to and she’s been my absolutely ROCK. She’s my sister from another mister! I can’t thank her enough for everything!

  To our proofreader, Emma Johnston… Thank you for going over it for us, threatening us with bodily harm while reading it, and then telling us how much you love it. Your input is so important to us and you, as a person, is AWESOME. I’m thankful you came into my life. You, lady, are like family to me and I’ll always be thankful for you.

  To our BETA’s; Lisa Morgan, Annabella Williams, Louise Bailey… Thank you for reading this for us and being awesome throughout my WHOLE writing career. You ladies have been with me from the start and I love you girls like sisters!

  To Yvnone Eason, thank you for reading Destroying the Soul and sending us errors that needed to be corrected, it means a lot that you took some time out to give us a helping hand.

  To Sofia; My precious princess. I can’t tell you how much you mean to me, how much of a rock you are to me, even for a 4-year-old. I’m proud to call you my daughter; you saved me from myself when I fell pregnant with you and if you weren’t around, I wouldn’t be here today.

  To Josh. My heart. My soulmate. My Prince. Thank you for putting up with this crazy author, for giving me some tips on improvement, for being my absolute rock and my shoulder to cry on. We’ve been through so much together in such a short time and we’re now stronger than ever. Ten years ago, when I first met you, when we first dated, I never would have thought we’d be reunited all these years later but I’m grateful. My forever and always. I love you.

  And finally, to you, the readers. Without your support for the past year and a half, I wouldn’t be where I am today, I wouldn’t have even written more than one book.

  To the readers who leave a review, your support is much appreciated. Your reviews help us authors improve on our stories and writing, and it helps other readers as well.

  A massive SHOUT OUT to every BLOGGER out there. Your time and effort helps us authors get our names out there, to get our voices heard. Without you, God knows where us Indie’s will be.

  I crack my eyes open and immediately slam them shut against the harsh sunlight coming through the cracks in the blind. I groan at the pain and stiffness in my body then try to move but my leg won’t come with me. I frown and open my eyes slowly this time, taking stock of everything.

  I have wires attached to my chest and arm; one of them leading to an IV drip. Machines beep around me and I wince at the sound. My eyes continue to wander around the room and I spot Dante sat in a chair, his head rolled back and his mouth wide open as he sleeps.

  The stark white walls and the smell that distinctly belongs to a hospital hits me full force and I wrack my brain as to why I’m here.

  My leg hurts, my stomach feels like it’s on fire and the pounding in my head is like a consistent drum beat.

  I groan and reach up to rub my head, wires and IVs coming with me and getting tangled as I go.


  Dante shoots up out of his chair, his eyes wide and his face on full alert. He stands up, stumbling slightly and comes straight to me, helping me untangle myself without a word said.

  I’m still trying to play catch
up and just as I’m about to ask him how the hell I got here, her face flashes in my mind.

  Those expressive brown eyes; eyes that can tell you exactly what she’s thinking with just one look. Eyes that caught me in her web years ago and have never let me go.

  The images of the crash flash through my mind like a hundred mile per hour movie reel.

  The car that was riding my bumper. The look on his face just before he slammed into the side of my car. The sound of Jas’ screams as we rolled time and time again. The scared look in her gorgeous eyes just before I was knocked out cold.

  “Jas,” I croak, my throat dry.


  “They won’t tell us anything,” a voice at the back of the room says.

  “Callie?” I ask, my brows furrowing in confusion. How the hell are these two in the same room and not ripping each other’s heads off?

  “They’re waiting for her family.” She huffs, crossing her arms across her chest. “I keep telling them that she doesn’t have any family but they won’t listen.”

  My hands automatically ball into fists. I need to get the hell out of here, I need to see Jas; I need to protect her.

  I sit up, pulling wires out of my arms and causing the machines to beep like crazy.

  The door is flung open and several nurses come rushing in. I set my foot on the floor and stop, my head spins and my other leg won’t move. Fuck!

  “Jay! Calm down!” I hear Dante above all the other people trying to get my attention and I turn my eyes to his.

  “Get my cell,” I grunt, lifting my leg back up and settling back into the hospital bed, the sheets scratching against my skin. I fucking hate hospitals.

  Dante moves across the room, opening a plastic bag and pulling a cell out before passing it to me.

  The screen is cracked and after several attempts, I finally manage to unlock it. I go into my contacts and dial Ryan, lifting it to my ear and waving off the nurse’s attempts at re-attaching the IV to my arm.

  “Boss,” comes his gruff reply.

  “You heard?” I ask, not wanting to say too much to him when there’s several pairs of ears listening to my side of the conversation.

  “Yeah,” he answers. “I’m in the hospital parking lot.”

  “Good,” I say, waiting until the last nurse exits the room, leaving just me, Dante and Callie. “Come inside, we need to talk.”

  I end the call and look at Callie. Her hands are balled into fists and she looks like she’s about to lose her cool any second.

  “Go home,” I tell her.

  “No fucking chance-”

  “Go and get some rest, come back when you’re less… angry.”

  “Fuck you,” she spits, stepping forward. “That’s my best friend in there. We don’t even know if she’s alive!”

  Just as I’m about to open my mouth, Ryan steps inside the room. His bulking frame taking up most of the space.

  “She’s alive,” he tells us. I let out a breath that I didn’t know I was holding and lean back. I feel helpless, with a broken leg and whatever the hell else is wrong with me, I can’t do much... but Ryan can.

  As head of my ‘security’ detail, I have no doubt that he’s probably already worked out what happened and gathered footage. He’s the only other person who knows about Jas’ past apart from me.

  “And who the fuck are you?” Callie asks, stepping forward with her chin high up in the air.

  Ryan raises a brow at me and smirks.

  “Come on, Callie, let’s go and get some rest. There’s nothing we can do here yet,” Dante says, pulling her out of the room.

  “If you think I’m leaving my best friend then you’re delusional.” She snorts, pushing him away with an open palm to the chest.

  I roll my eyes at them and watch as she stomps out of the room, waiting until the door is closed before I talk to Ryan.

  “Fill me in,” I tell him.

  He comes to the end of the bed and holds onto the foot of it, his hands gripping it which causes his knuckles to turn white.

  “Her next of kin is her brother Louis. They’re waiting for him to turn up. She’s in a bad way though.”

  My muscles tense and I lift up. “How bad?”

  “I have someone looking over her records as we speak, I can’t make heads or tails of all the medical jargon.”

  “Show me,” I demand, holding my hand out.

  He pulls a tablet from his bag and taps away at it and then passes it to me.

  Surgery. Hematoma on the brain. Broken ribs. Broken jaw.

  The list goes on and on.

  I’m gonna kill that fucker.

  Six weeks. That’s how long it’s been since the crash. That’s how long it’s been since I’ve seen Jas’ face; since I heard her sweet voice.

  We waited for twelve hours after I woke up to find anything out and when we did, it wasn’t good news.

  Her brother had waltzed in and moved her to a private facility to God knows where and I’ve been going out of my mind trying to find where she is without being able to do much about it… yet.

  Today, I’m having my cast taken off which means I can finally try and find her. Ryan had his whole team search for her in the only place I thought he may have taken her but they’d come up empty.

  It’s like she never even existed. She’s disappeared, or so Louis wants everyone to think, but I know what that fucker is doing. He’s trying to control the situation, just like he did all those years ago.

  “You’re all done now, Mr Frazier,” the nurse tells me. “Come back in a month’s time for a check-up, other than that, you’re free of our care.”

  I nod and thank her, putting my foot on the floor to test it. I was lucky that I didn’t need extensive physical therapy, just a few sessions and I should be all fixed, but I’m not going to wait around for my therapy sessions. I need to get out on the road, I need to find Jas.

  I walk out of there and leave the crutches that I used to get in here at the front desk and tilt my head at Ryan who’s waiting for me in the waiting room.

  We both walk out of there and head straight to his car. The big black SUV isn’t too hard to miss amongst all the others and my mind flits back to when he told me I should be driving this car and not any of my others.

  “It’s bulletproof and you can ram anyone off the road with it.”

  That’s what he had told me and now I was starting to think I should have listened to him. If I had been driving this car that day then we wouldn’t be where we are now and Jas would be safe and not in the hands of- No, don’t go there, Jay.

  I lift up into the passenger seat and look out of the window. My knee bobs up and down, my whole body on high alert. I need to get the hell out of this state and find Jas. My mind works overtime as I think of the best way to get to her. I have a feeling I know where she is but when I had told Ryan he said the satellite photos showed an empty plot of land, but I knew that they would.

  Louis was smart, he knew exactly what to do to make himself invisible. I’d tried to find him ever since I found out he’d escaped from prison a week after I was released but I’d come up empty. “Where to?” Ryan asks.

  “Home to pack and then to the airport.”

  He nods in reply. He already knew that’s what I was going to say anyway.

  Four years ago

  I step into the coffee shop, desperate for a warm cup of something to take the chill out of my body. I’d been out on the streets all day, trying to find an investor.

  My plan was simple; build a company using all of my computer skills and grow. It’s not that I want to be a household name and run the country someday, I just want to make sure my little brother has the kind of life that I never had. At the age of twenty, I wish I would have been able to go to college, attend all the parties and be carefree, but I can’t, I have to provide for my brother. Something that my mom should be doing but she’s too busy shooting another fix into her arm to care what happens to either of us.

�m the only one who cares for my little brother, Dante. He’s sure to get a scholarship with his ball skills but nothing is guaranteed. Even if he does, he’ll still need money to live and I’m determined to make sure that he has that money.

  So far, I have three interested parties and lots of paperwork to read through.

  Nobody believes what I can do with computers, they don’t see me capable. They see all the tattoos, the muscles and automatically judge me for something that I’m not. I’m smart, and that’s not me bragging. I call it as I see it.

  I can make software and write code in a couple of hours that takes people weeks, months… years even.

  I join the long line and wait, thoughts flying through my head on who I should take on as an investor. They all bring different things to the table so I really need to work out who will be the best fit for me and what I want to achieve.

  I move to the right, wondering what the holdup is and roll my eyes when I spot a new person serving.

  Great, just what I need, someone who can’t make a decent cup of coffee to save their life.

  The line slowly moves forward and by the time I get to the front, I’ve narrowed my investors down to two.

  “Coffee, black,” I grunt before the new girl has a chance to ask me what I want.

  I look down as my cell vibrates with a message and open it up.

  Football party tonight, bro. Be home late ;)

  I shake my head at the message and shoot Dante a quick reply then lock my cell, shoving it back into my jean pocket and look up as the new girl places my coffee down.

  The breath leaves me as soon as my eyes connect with her brown ones. She looks away and I notice her chest rise and fall. My eyes scan her, taking notice of her unruly hair and thick rimmed glasses that cover most of her face.

  I try to shake myself out of staring at her. She’s not my usual type, not by a long shot, but there’s something in her eyes that calls to me in a way nothing else ever has before.

  “You done?” someone groans from behind me.

  I hand over the cash and move away from the front of the line, my eyes not moving from hers.


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