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I Am Lioness (The Bloodshed Series Book 1)

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by Dee Garcia

  “I'm down for some grub, old man.” I grinned.

  “Hazel…” He flashed me the famous Bernie side-eye.

  Strike two.

  I giggled, wrapping an arm around his back. “It's a term of endearment, Pops. You really need to get over it.”

  “I’m not old.” He grumbled.

  “Manny’s out front,” Jason said amidst Bernie’s tantrum, typing something out on his phone. “Shall we?”

  Bernie and I nodded, falling into step behind him as he led the way. Nearing the front doors, I noticed Reyna Fonseca -one of the top four fighters from last season- chatting it up with two men. One looked strikingly similar to her, so similar in fact, I wondered if they were related. Standing side by side, it was easy to see they were nearly the same height and their dark features were virtually identical. The other man, however, was a almost a giant in comparison. My gaze worked it’s way up from classic black and white Chucks to a pair of dark wash jeans and a tight black tee. His arms were covered in tattoos, not an inch of bare skin visible amongst the black and white designs. From my vantage point, I couldn't make out exactly what they were but it was obvious the artist was a talented soul. All that art didn’t stop there though, no, it creeped up his neck, tapering off seamlessly to the buzzed sides of his head. Then a chiseled jaw came into view and I jerked to a stop as flashes of Blue Eyes from the tenth row instantly flooded my mind.

  It can't be, I thought to myself, but then I noticed those nibble worthy lips…

  And that perfectly sculpted nose…

  And those vividly blue eyes...

  Holy crap.

  It was him.

  Him, standing there with Reyna, staring straight at me as he, too, seemed to have a moment of recognition. My heart started hammering in my chest.

  “You okay, kid?” Bernie asked beside me.

  “Yeah, I'm, uh…” I couldn't even formulate a full response, completely hypnotized by those gorgeous pools holding me hostage.

  Bernie said something I didn't quite hear and tugged on my arm, but I didn't budge. I couldn't. I was stuck to the floor beneath me like a fly caught in a web.

  “Nice work out there, Perry.” Said Reyna, who quite obviously took notice at the intense stare down happening not ten feet away from her.

  It wasn't easy but I tore my eyes away from his penetrating gaze and shifted my focus to the small woman.

  “Thanks.” I gave her a small smile, tucking a few wayward curls behind my ear. “I heard you did well last night too.”

  She shrugged. “Eh. I’ll admit, I've done better. I'll show these newbs in Vegas though, maybe even move up a spot. Did you hear about Lexi?”

  Just the sound of her name irritated me. Lexi Panterra was essentially my arch rival. I stole the title right from underneath her feet during my first season with the League and since then she’s failed miserably at every attempt to reclaim it.

  I arched a brow curiously, shaking my head. “No, what about her?”

  “Kate Jensen knocked her out.”

  My eyes widened in shock because Kate was fairly new to the scene, and then I laughed because of all the things Reyna could possibly have said, that was not what I was expecting.

  “And she thinks she has a chance at taking back her title. Riiight.” I said, thoroughly amused.

  Reyna nodded. “That’s what I said. She fights worse every year.”

  “Hazel,” Jason’s voice interjected. “I’m starved, let’s go.”

  Not yet, Jay.

  “Why don’t you and Bernie head outside to meet Manny? I’ll be there in just a minute.” I said as nonchalantly as possible, hoping they'd concede and go without argument.

  Both Bernie and Jason looked at me as though I’d grown a second head, possibly even a third. They glanced between me and Reyna, then at each other with the most baffled expressions etched on their faces. Thankfully they decided now was not the time to play Twenty Questions, and within seconds, they backed away and disappeared behind the glass doors.

  I turned back to Reyna. “Where were we?”

  “Introductions.” She beamed, tugging me closer to her side. “Hazel, this is Luis, my twin brother.”

  So they were related.

  Luis smiled, the very same brown eyes as his sister’s crinkling in the corners as he extended a hand. “Nice to finally meet The Lioness.”

  I chuckled, slipping my hand in his. “It's nice to meet you, too.”

  I could feel those baby blues searing my skin as they scanned me from head to toe and back again. Bracing myself for what would likely be another heart-racing stare down, I glanced up into his awaiting gaze, and I mean really had to glance up. He was so much taller than I was, towering high above me like a graffiti adorned brick wall somewhere in the city.

  His arms were crossed now, fine-cut muscles and broad shoulders bulging beneath the fabric of his black tee. Idly I wondered how often he hit the gym because if he looked this good with a shirt on, I could only imagine how good he looked with it off. Yummy didn't quite cover what I really thought of him as I ogled him, mentally undressing him inch by inch. When my eyes trailed over his handsome face once more, that's when I noticed the small, steel ball rolling back and forth between his lips.

  Oh my god.

  I watched enraptured as it hit one corner of his mouth and then the other. The swift, playful motion was enticing as hell and I found myself struggling not to squirm as vivid images of him using that piercing flashed through my mind.

  “Ey, Reyna,” Blue Eyes said suddenly, his gaze never leaving mine. “You gonna introduce me to this beauty or what?”

  Luis choked back a laugh beside him and I felt myself flush a bright red. Me, flush! I wanted to slap myself.

  Reyna stifled a giggle and looped her arm through mine. “Hazel Perry, meet Knox Carr. My brother from another mother, for all intents and purposes.”

  Knox Carr.

  Even his name was sexy.

  And then he flashed me this damned killer smile and my knees almost gave out.

  I am so screwed.

  I gulped.

  Knox’s smile widened, clearly taking notice in my reaction. He proffered his hand but kept it closer to his body than entirely necessary, making his intent clear as day. I saw the challenge there; the mischievous gleam in his eyes, how they all but screamed at me to come get it. Oh, I wanted to get it, alright. The man was sin on a stick and I was ready to sin my way into next week if it meant I could sample a taste.

  Slipping away from Reyna’s grasp, I took the bait and slid my hand in his.

  “Mr. Carr.” I smiled, quite seductively I might add.

  Large, ink-decorated fingers clasped around my hand causing a fresh wave of goosebumps to instantly break out along my skin. He tilted his head enough for our eyes to meet, that wicked grin of his set firmly in place.

  “Mr. Knox. Steel. Carr, actually. It's nice to meet you, Miss. Perry.”

  The way he purred my name, so decadently in this smoky, intimate voice, was a direct connect to my libido. I would’ve dropped to my knees if it meant he’d say it again. Every last drop of blood coursing through my body rushed straight to the now heated space between my thighs.

  Luis’ abrupt laughter cut through our moment. “Mr. Professional over here, whipping out the middle name.”

  “Shut the fuck up, dickhead.” Knox barked at his friend, setting my hand free.

  “Ah, there he is. This is the real Knox. Don't let that proper shit fool you.” Luis snickered.

  Reyna giggled behind me and I couldn't help but follow suit. Knox was practically glaring a hole through his friend’s head but judging by Luis’ carefree smile, he didn't seem affected in the slightest as if this type of banter was typical between them.

  My phone rang suddenly, bringing the conversation to a screeching halt. Three sets of eyes focused on me as I pulled it out from my back pocket and silenced the call. It was Jason, wondering I’m sure as to what the hell was taking me so long. Or w
hat he would consider long anyway.

  “Unfortunately, I’m gunna have to get going,” I said reluctantly. “I’ve got three hungry and probably very grumpy men waiting on me.”

  Reyna rolled her eyes. “Ugh, they’re savage beasts when they’re hungry.”

  “Tell me about it.” I agreed.

  We shared a laugh and I sensed there was something she wanted to say but the words never came to be. Instead, she wrapped her arms around me in a hug and I stilled, completely taken aback by the simple, friendly gesture. I almost panicked. All too soon, though, the anxiety washed away and I found myself hugging her back.

  “See you in Vegas?” She asked, easing back.

  I nodded and flashed her a proud smile in return. “Obviously.”

  Luis was next to say goodbye. He squeezed me in tight side hug and promised I’d see him around throughout the season due to Reyna having issues with her coach. Apparently he needed to “keep that fool in check.” His words, not mine. Then Knox made his way over with this natural swag in his step and my heart rate doubled in speed once more. He slipped an arm around my waist and pressed his soft lips against my cheek. When our eyes met, he was grinning from ear to ear.

  “Miss Perry, it’s been a pleasure.”

  My stomach fluttered. “It has indeed, Mr. Carr.”

  I offered them one last wave before sauntering off toward the front doors, still feeling the effect of his kiss burning my cheek.

  Hustling down the steps onto the sidewalk, I found Jason posted up against the SUV with his hands stuffed in his pockets.

  “What took you so long?” He questioned, seemingly irritated.

  I stopped a few feet away and scrunched up my face. “Five minutes is hardly considered long, Jay.”

  “Considering it’s totally out of character for you, I’d say it’s plenty long.”

  “How is it out of character? Reyna congratulated me and I stayed to chat.”

  “My point exactly. When have you ever stopped to chat with Reyna or anyone else on the League for that matter?”

  I crossed my arms. “Why is this even an issue? It’s not like we’re running late for an event. We’re just grabbing dinner. Five minutes isn’t going to kill you guys.”

  Jason scoffed. “Tell that to the old man who's been grumbling since we left you inside.” He pulled the door open and motioned for me to climb in with a tip of his head.

  I rolled my eyes and slipped into the backseat without another word, mostly because I didn't want to argue. He was blowing my high, my Knox-fucking-Carr high, and I wanted to relish whatever was left of it.

  Bernie turned his head from upfront. “What in God’s green earth took you so long, kiddo?”

  Here we go again.

  “I was in there five minutes, Bern. Reyna and I were just chatting.”

  He arched a grayed brow. “Are you feeling okay?”

  I groaned and threw my arms up in the air. “Yes, my god, I'm fine!”

  “Told you it was out of character.” Jason quipped as he scooted in beside me and closed the door.

  “Shut up, Jason. Shut up, shut up, shut up! Jesus Christ, you're both acting like I committed murder.”

  Bernie and Jason exchanged another look. I glared at the both of them and then my eyes flickered up into the rear view mirror to find Manny already watching me, chuckling silently behind the wheel.

  God, I loved that man. Silent but aware. Always aware and always listening.

  One corner of my mouth tilted up and I turned my head to look out the window, effectively putting an end to the conversation. They knew when to push. They also knew when I’d had enough.

  The rest of the drive to my apartment was a blur. Bernie and Manny chatted about the upcoming months on tour and Jason entertained himself on his cell phone.

  And me, you ask?

  All I could think about was this utterly gorgeous man, covered in tattoos with wicked blue eyes and a smile that took my breath away. I’d left him not five minutes ago and I already wanted to see him again. I wanted to slip my hand in his and feel that spark, feel his lips scorching my skin.

  But I couldn't.

  I couldn't go anywhere near there.

  I had to stay away.

  The consequences could be dire otherwise…

  I couldn't get her out of my head.

  All night after the fight and throughout the course of the morning, I couldn't get Hazel Perry out of my damn head. We’d exchanged a handful of words, a few heated looks, and BAM, she had me in a trance, dazing off into oblivion at the most random and inopportune moments. She was a constant fixture at the forefront of my mind. I could still feel her small hand in mine, feel the soft skin of her cheek blanketing my lips. And her scent… Jesus, that delicate blend of lavender and mint followed me around everywhere as if it had permeated into my skin.

  It was driving me mad.

  She was driving me mad.

  “You are out of it today. What is with you, bro?” Luis asked, for what felt like the fiftieth time. He dropped down beside me on the bench and wiped his face with a clean towel, steadily awaiting a response.

  “Hazel.” I admitted, finally. Scrubbing a hand down my face, I groaned. “She's cemented in my brain, ingrained in every thought.”

  Luis chuckled, clapping my shoulder firmly. “Sounds like you've been struck by the Lioness, Carr. She has that effect on people.”

  “I feel like I'm losing my goddamn mind.”

  “You know how many dudes can relate to you, bro? She's fierce, she's sexy. Every man in that arena would kill for a chance to tame the Lioness.”

  I scoffed. “Like they have a chance. Something tells me she's not a woman easily tamed.”

  “Apparently not. She's never been seen with a man aside from her coach and her bodyguard, that is.”

  The mere mention of a bodyguard elicited the most abrupt and overly irrational sense of possessiveness to rattle through me like a bomb ready to explode.

  “The fuck does she need a bodyguard for?” I snapped.

  Luis threw his head back and barked out a laugh. “Calm the fuck down, Hulk. It's nothing serious. Hazel’s fans multiplied with every season and some of them became a little too touchy. I can’t say I blame her for wanting a protective barrier from crazies like you.”

  I shoved him off the bench and he fell to the floor with a loud thud, clutching his stomach as he went through another bout of laughter at my expense. Meanwhile, here I was trying to wrap my head around the extensity of Hazel’s fan base. I'd heard of her prior to last night, heard Luis and Reyna chat about her plenty, but until he mentioned a bodyguard, I had no idea she was such an icon.

  It wasn't difficult to see why she had so many fans or even why they adored her though. Hazel obviously cared for them in equal measure. She seemed thankful for them, humbled by their praise and support, more so than any of the other fighters on the League. After almost each round, she took a moment to acknowledge the entire arena with a bow of her head and a genuine smile on her face.

  That face. That beautiful face that even spattered with blood and covered in sweat had me taken from the moment our eyes connected. She was the most fascinating woman I'd ever met. Her strength alone was both admirable and alluring, but her beauty was unlike anything I'd ever seen before. It was raw, as natural as it comes. Rare and colorful, Hazel was a radiant gem in a sea of ordinary gray stones.

  “Yo, earth to Knox. Hello?” Luis’s slightly annoyed tone snapped me out of yet another daze.

  I shook my head to clear the residual fog and met his awaiting stare. “My bad, bro. What did you say?”

  “I was asking if you were ready to bounce.”

  “Yeah, we can go. I'm just not feeling it today.”

  “No shit, Sherlock. The little you did accomplish could hardly be considered a workout.” He snickered.

  “Shut the fuck up, man.” I hissed.

  He rose off the floor, lifting his hands in surrender. “Alright, alright. I get i
t. Jeez, Carr, I was just fucking around. Don't get your panties in a bunch.”

  Saluting him with the finger, I stood to my feet and mentally counted to ten in attempt to quell my rising anger. I couldn't pinpoint who I was more frustrated with; Luis and his stupid antics or me and this overnight obsession. This type of behavior was not the norm for me. I didn't pine over women, didn't date often. Random flings were all I'd allowed in my life after the disaster that was my ex, so why I was so hung up on a woman I’d know for all of five seconds was beyond me. Technically speaking, I didn't even know her. I'd been introduced to her, through mutual friends nonetheless.

  But I wanted to know her.

  “Looks like you're about to live out at least one of your fantasies.” Luis said, motioning behind me with a curl of his lips.

  I glanced over my shoulder curiously to see Hazel sauntering through the gym. With a natural sway to her hips, head held high, and shoulders squared, she oozed confidence, authority, and a whole lot of sexiness. My heart jerked to a stop, then surged back to life at an alarming rate as I pivoted to face her and watched her maneuver her way through the afternoon rush. Clenching my fists at my sides and gritting my teeth, my eyes perused over every inch of her small frame. She was firm in all the right places, yet still deliciously supple and curved. Clad in only a black sports bra and the tiniest matching shorts that clung to her figure, she looked absolutely edible, and I was suddenly starving.

  I spun around to find Luis grinning ear to ear like a damn fool, waggling his eyebrows.

  “Five minutes, bro. That's all I need. Five minutes to talk to her.” I said as evenly as I could manage.

  Luis nodded exaggeratedly. “Five minutes. Right. Go do your thing, lover boy.”

  Irritated, I flashed him the middle finger yet again as I walked away, which in turn only caused him to howl louder.


  There was no doubt he would be watching my every move, but I’d be damned if his presence was going to throw me off my game. Quickly scanning the room, I caught Hazel some ways away, stretching in front of the mirrors; bent at the waist with her hands clasped around her ankles, ass in the air. The erotic images that flitted through my mind had my dick twitching reflexively beneath my gym shorts.


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