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I Am Lioness (The Bloodshed Series Book 1)

Page 5

by Dee Garcia

  “I thought curiosity killed the cat?” I quipped and he chuckled.

  “I had a feeling you were gonna say that.”

  I smiled, swatting his arm playfully. ”What's on your mind?”

  He hesitated for a moment, as though he were second-guessing his question before he finally asked, “Were you and pretty boy ever together?”

  Pretty boy?

  “Who exactly is pretty boy?”

  “Dude with the suit.”

  I screwed up my face in disgust because the thought of anything other than a platonic relationship with Jason made me want to puke. “Ew, no. Never. Jason is like the brother I never had. Any particular reason why that piqued your interest?”

  The steel ball of his piercing peeked out between his lips, slowly running along the seam. That damned thing hypnotized me every time. Tempting and seductive, the fluid motion had me instantly shifting in my seat, the sensitive space between my thighs warming to a dangerous degree. Really, I was warm all over and I was certain that if he laid a hand on me for more than several seconds, I was going to combust.

  One moment he was two feet away and the next he was all up in my face, grinning almost devilishly. “Competition speculation, that's all.”

  The husky baritone of his voice and his sheer proximity were almost my complete undoing. I couldn’t hold back anymore.

  Four amaretto sours and one hundred percent pure unadulterated lust sprung me into action, slipping me off the bar stool and in between his legs. Knox quirked a brow as my fingers clenched around the front of his shirt, tugging him toward me.

  “Wanna know a secret?”

  He nodded, prompting me to lean in closer and murmur beside his ear, “There is no competition.”

  As if the DJ was somehow in-tune with the vibe surging between us, Beyoncé’s sultry voice began to filter through the room. Knox’s hands flew to my hips and his breath tickled my neck.

  “Dance with me?” He asked.

  A salacious smile spread across my lips. “I thought you'd never ask.”

  Without another word, I grabbed my clutch off the bar top and took Knox’s hand, leading him to an open spot on the dance floor. He spun me around and yanked me close, crashing my back into his front. Falling perfect in sync with the music, our bodies molded to one another, fitting together seamlessly like two pieces of a puzzle. I dropped my head back against his chest and closed my eyes, allowing him to lead us through the beat.

  “Just fair warning, sweets,” he said suddenly. “I’m not sure I can keep my hands from wandering with you dancing on me like that.”

  “I'm not objecting.” I admitted, gasping when I felt his teeth sink into my neck and his hands begin to roam over the planes of my body, exploring every dip and curve as if I were a piece of newfound land and he was the mighty explorer determined to uncover every inch. Warm lips peppered my neck with soft, wet kisses that sent a shiver rushing down my spine.

  “Do you have any idea how badly I want to spin you around and kiss you right now, Hazel?”

  I hummed appreciatively, reaching around behind his head to run my fingers through the longer strands of his hair. “So do it.”

  “Not here.”

  “Why the hell not?” I almost whined.

  “Because once I start, I’m not sure I'll be able to stop.”

  That was all the ammunition I needed. I tore myself away from his grasp and grabbed his hand, pulling him off the dance floor with a quick tug. As I maneuvered us through the crowd, it occurred to me that I wasn't sure where exactly I was going.

  My suite was definitely off-limits, mostly because I didn’t trust myself to be locked in a room with Knox, a bed, and a dozen other surfaces at our disposal. All he had to do was flash me that damned smile and I’d drop my panties faster than a crack of lighting. That exact scenario was dangerous territory I couldn't venture off to. I just needed somewhere secluded, away from prying eyes where I could have one teensy, tiny taste...

  Scanning the room with an unhurried eye, I noticed a dark alcove off to the side of the bathrooms. Where it lead to I didn't know, and quite honestly, I didn't care either. It was perfect for what I had in mind.

  Picking up the pace of my stride, I wove us in and out through the throng of people. Knox followed silently and idly I wondered what was running through his mind. We rounded the corner and trailed further into the darkness, leaving the chaos of the club behind.

  “Hazel…” I heard him say, but I kept on, stopping only when we reached the very end of the hallway.

  My heart rate was suddenly out of control as I pivoted to face him, unsure of what to say or do now that I had him alone. The EXIT sign above us cast a crimson glow over his face, dramatically accentuating the blue in his eyes. He stood there motionless, regarding me with a fiery stare that called to me like a siren. That’s when I lunged without warning and wrapped my arms around his neck. He caught me at the waist and pressed me into the wall, growling in my ear, “You. Are. Trouble.”

  And then our lips collided, like two magnets unable to keep away from its pair any longer. I'd been craving this moment for weeks, wondered tirelessly how his lips would feel against mine, how he would taste… My musings were both far off and utterly subdued in comparison to the real thing though. It was positively the best first kiss I'd ever experienced in my life.

  Our mouths worked together effortlessly, ravenously, each nip and tug fueling the blaze that consumed us both from the inside out. Large hands slid down to my hips, his fingers bunching the soft material of my dress to capture the hem in his fists, exposing quite a bit of my legs.

  I hissed through my teeth and clenched my eyes shut, tipping my head back against the hard surface behind me as his nails raked up along the outer span of my thighs. His warm lips fell to my neck, dragging up the exposed column to my ear where he tugged on the lobe with his teeth.

  “Do you know how many times I've imagined this in my head...” His voice was pure sex, luring a fresh wave of goosebumps over my skin as his thumb brushed over my lips. “How many times I’ve taken this mouth, how many times I've ran my hands over every perfect inch of your body until you begged for more?”

  YES, I wanted to scream because I knew, I knew how vivid fantasies could be, but words failed me. My brain had taken a vacation to Nirvana and all I could do was feel. Mewling in his grasp, I raked my fingers into his hair and yanked him impossibly closer. One of his large hands curled around my throat, not forcefully, but with just enough pressure that combined with his heady, drugging scent, I was suddenly lightheaded.



  My eyes fluttered shut. “Is that all?” I managed to whisper.

  He chuckled darkly beside my ear. “Far from it, baby, but the extent of my imagination may have you running for the hills and I can't risk that happening. I’ll just keep those vivid and obscenely tantalizing visions to myself until I'm certain you can handle all that.”

  “Assuming I can't handle it is a quite a big mistake on your part, Mr. Carr. I am more than positive”—I pulled his hand from my throat—“that my fantasies are equally obscene and tantalizing.”

  “And just what are these delectable fantasies of yours, Miss Perry? Do tell…”

  I was completely lost in the moment, a breath away from answering, when suddenly Knox was being yanked off me, a dark figure holding him captive by the back of his shirt. Then a bright white light flooded the corridor and when I realized who the mysterious figure was, my blood boiled over in an instant.

  “What in the actual fuck, Jason?” I snapped.

  The sound of his name set me off. I growled, completely enraged, and yanked myself free from the bodyguard’s grasp. If it hadn’t been for Hazel stepping in between us, I would’ve shoved him into the wall, strangled him, and slammed my fist into face. Repeatedly.

  “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” She spat, sounding as furious as I felt.

  Jason chuckled, seemingly unaffecte
d by her tone. “Saving you the humiliation of getting caught by someone else.”

  She took a few steps toward him. “How did you even know we were back here?”

  He switched off the bright light, drowning us in the darkness once more. The red glow from the sign above us washed over his smug face. “I didn’t, but when I lost sight of you two and couldn’t find you anywhere else, I began searching every darkened corner in this place.”

  “When you lost sight of us? How long have you been here, Jason?”

  “Since before the four of you strolled in. Manny and I had a table fairly close to the bar.”

  “Are you kidding me right now?” She nearly squeaked. “You’ve been lurking in the shadows watching me all night?”

  “Don’t sound so surprised, Hazel. Did you really think you were going out to a club and I wouldn't be trailing closely behind?”

  “I can't believe… I don't….” She groaned, exasperated, her arms flailing in the air. “Just meet me by the bathrooms. I'll be right there.”

  “Not likely. Say your good…”

  “I said meet me by the bathrooms, dammit!” Hazel roared, effectively cutting the asshole off mid-sentence.

  I’d half expected him to fire back with an objection of sorts, but much to my surprise, he retreated without another word or a glance back in our direction.

  Hazel turned to me then. I couldn't make out much of her face but I could feel the rage radiating off her in sweltering waves. She closed the distance between us, all but crashing into me, and took my face in her hands.

  “I'm sorry,” she whispered. “I don't know what the hell he was thinking.”

  I wrapped her in my arms and dropped my forehead to hers. “Don’t apologize for him. It was a dick move but honestly, with the way things were going, he did us a favor.”

  “What do you mean he did us a favor? He ruined a perfectly good evening for absolutely no reason at all.”

  “My self-control was nearly non-existent, baby. I was one kiss away from devouring you whole. ”

  “I wasn't far behind, in case you didn't notice.”

  “My point exactly. If that's where things were headed, I would never have wanted it to happen here. You're too good for that.”

  Rather than respond, she tipped up onto her heel-clad toes and pressed her lips to mine. This kiss was vastly different from the hungered frenzy that took place not twenty minutes ago. Gentle and sweet, it was so much...more.

  When she pulled away, I saw a dozen different emotions flash across her face.

  “Call me tomorrow?” She asked, uncertainty laced in her tone.

  I nodded and pecked her lips again. “Without a doubt. Good night, sweetness.”

  Hazel held my stare, a small smile tilting up the corners of her mouth. “Good night, stud.”

  And then she was gone.

  I don’t know how long I stood there after she left. All the anger that dissipated in her presence began to resurface with each breath I took. The more I thought about how the night had ended, the more I wanted to find that self-righteous bastard and properly introduce myself. With my fist. In his face.

  Sure, Jason had technically done us a favor, but the way he went about it and the way in which he spoke to her, like an errant child, drove me to the brink of madness.

  He was a man under her employment, yet he acted as though she was the one he employed, ordering her around and expecting her to do what he said at the drop of hat. Yes, protecting her was part of his job description, but the stunt he pulled tonight was unnecessary in more ways than one.

  I couldn't wrap my head around why a woman like Hazel, so fierce and strong, would choose put up with that on a daily basis.

  One thing was for sure though. If Jason thought breaking us apart was his way of warning me off, he was in for a rude awakening. There was not one thing he could say or do that would keep me away from Hazel Perry.

  For as long as she wanted me, I was intent on being a part of her life, no matter what I had to do or who I had to face. I dared him to try and stop me...

  Fucker was officially shitlisted.

  Slamming the door to my suite, I shoved Jason through the room and into the nearest chair. I was fuming.

  “What was that about?” I asked, pointing to the door.

  He sighed and loosened the tie around his neck. “He was all over you, Hazel. I was doing my job.”

  The nonchalance of his tone surged my already boiling blood through my veins with such alarming speed, I could feel it searing me from the inside out. Doing his job? What in the actual fuck?

  “Did it occur to you,” I started quietly, inching toward him with tentative steps. Three… Two… One. I exploded. “THAT I MAY HAVE WANTED HIM ALL OVER ME?!”

  Jason’s head jerked back, a look of disgust washing over his face. Whether it was directed at my sudden outburst or my admission, I wasn't sure, though I assumed it was probably a mix of both.

  “You can’t be serious.” He said, incredulously.

  “Does it look like I’m joking? You ruined a perfectly good evening!”

  “Ruined a good evening?” He scoffed. “Are you hearing yourself right now? You’ve known this man, what, two, three weeks, and you were going to let him take you up against the wall in a darkened corner of the club like a common whore? C’mon now, Hazel, you’re way too good for a degenerate like that.”

  Everything came to a screeching halt.

  What. The. Fuck.

  My eyes bugged out of their sockets. The world around me was suddenly blanketed in a vivid shade of red. I was shaking, barely containing myself from throttling him straight onto his ass. My nails dug into my palms as I sucked in a deep breath through my nose and blew it out between my lips.

  Once I was calm enough, I held up a finger. “First things first. Knox is not a degenerate in any way, shape, or form, so I’d greatly appreciate it if you would refrain to referring him as such again. Second”—I lifted another finger—“he wasn’t doing anything to me that I didn’t want him to. The entire exchange was both consensual and desired, and most importantly, none of your damn business.”

  “So, the hoodlum has a name…” He muttered, completely disregarding the bulk of what I’d just said to him.

  “He’s not a hoodlum either!” I seethed. “Jesus Christ, Jason, just because he’s covered in tattoos and has a few piercings here and there doesn’t automatically make him a criminal. Are you really judging who he is based on his exterior?”

  He shrugged and leaned forward, elbows on knees, clasping his hands together. “If the shoe fits.”

  I narrowed my eyes at him, so taken aback and disgusted by the man sitting in that chair.

  “Who are you? What the hell is wrong with you lately?”

  “That, my dear, sounds oddly similar to what I’ve been asking myself about you.”

  “What in the world are you talking about?”

  “This sudden change in your personality, your behavior. It’s bizarre and quite frankly it warranted an investigation. I knew there was a reason behind it....” He looked away and picked an imaginary piece of lint off the sleeve of his black blazer, then flicked said invisible speck to the ground. When his eyes met mine again, I saw nothing but self-gratification plastered all over his face. “Obviously I was right, although I’ll admit, never did I assume this new Hazel was fueled by a man. Especially not him.”

  “An investigation, really? You work for the FBI now?” My question was loaded with sarcasm.

  When he didn’t respond, I rolled my eyes and went on. “What I would like to know is how you even know who he is.”

  He chuckled, shaking his head. “I'm always aware of our surroundings, Hazel. Always. That includes people we cross paths with. In retrospect, I probably should've known he was the reason all along given it was hard not to miss the way you two stared each other down that night in L.A.”

  My cheeks flamed at the reminder but I did my best to play if off.

  “If yo
u noticed that tiny little detail then maybe you were the one staring a little too hard.” I said, indignantly.

  Jason’s lips thinned and then he turned away, choosing for whatever reason to remain quiet. His silence only served to press my buttons further. If he thought for even one second this conversation was over, he was highly mistaken.

  “So why didn’t you speak up that night? You were quick to question me about Reyna. Why not about Knox?” I pressed.

  He leaned back in the chair, keeping his line of sight across the room. “Because he didn’t seem like he would be a threat then.”

  “A threat to what?” I squeaked, unable to hide both the shock and irritation in my voice.

  He peered at me from the corner of his eye. “Everything.”

  “You couldn’t be more vague, could you?” I scoffed through my nose. “That’s okay, the last thing I’m worried about is making sense of your twisted reality anyway because I’m about to make myself very clear to you. Whatever happens between Knox and I isn’t any of your business.”

  That got his attention.

  His head whipped back in my direction, eyebrows knit together.

  “Like hell it’s not. You are my business. Your safety, your well-being, that’s what I’m here for. I can understand wanting companionship, Hazel, but he is not the man for you. Trust me. Any John, Dick, and Harry out there can lay down the sweet-talk. Don’t let pretty words cloud your better judgement.”

  “You’re my bodyguard, Jason, not my father! Who the hell do you think you are making that type of call for me? This is MY life and when the time comes, I’ll decide whether he is or not. Until then, you’re going to stay out of it.”

  “I wouldn't count on that if I were you.”

  My blood boiled again.

  “So help me God, Jason, if you screw this up for me…”

  “Screw up what? How far do you really think this is going to go? It’s all fine and dandy now because he’s here. What happens when he goes back home and you go on to Phoenix, and then Salt Lake, and Austin, and Miami? Hundreds of miles will separate you for months. Are you sure he’s going to hold out that long? Are you willing to risk everything you’ve worked so damn hard for...all for him?”


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