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The Baby Plan: A Second Chance Romance

Page 9

by Tia Siren

  “No. I mean, I went to school with her, but nothing more than that.”

  Junie gave me a knowing smile. “I don’t think I have ever seen you act like that with any other patient. She’s special. Admit it.”

  I sighed and lifted a shoulder. “She’s someone I used to know. That’s it,” I said, trying to hide the defeat in my voice.

  Lara’s brush-off had stung a bit. I had thought we could maybe work through things and explore a relationship. I knew she still felt something for me. Her body told a different story than her mouth.

  “I think you should try a little harder to hold on to that one. It’s pretty clear you feel very strongly for her. She is a beautiful woman. You could do worse,” she said with a wink before leaving the room. “Your next patient is waiting,” she called out.

  I shook off Lara’s rejection and focused on my work. I managed to make it through most of the day without thinking too much about the way she had brushed me off. I didn’t know that I had ever been so coldly dumped before. I didn’t like it.

  When the last patient was gone for the day, I shut my office door and called Lara.

  “Hello?” she answered.

  “Lara, can we please talk?”

  She sighed on the other end of the line. “What’s up? Is this about my test results?”

  “No. I haven’t looked, and I’m not going to. This isn’t a call about your health. This is about you and me.”

  “Mason, there isn’t a you and me. I didn’t seek you out to start up a relationship. I had no idea you worked at the clinic when I made my appointment.”

  “I don’t work at the clinic, Lara,” I said with more force than I should have. “I own the damn thing.”

  “Oh. I didn’t know that. Congratulations.”

  “Not what I called for, Lara. I want to take you out for dinner.”



  “No. I’m not interested in dating. I’m interested in having a baby. That’s it. I’m freshly divorced after a marriage that left me miserable. I am not ready to date or even think about another relationship,” she said, slightly exasperated.

  “How do you know you aren’t interested if you haven’t tried? We had a great time together. You have to admit that.”

  “Mason, I’m not interested in dating or a relationship. Maybe in the future, but right now my sole focus is having a baby.”

  “You know that happens naturally, too. I could give you a baby,” I volunteered, slightly joking.

  She got the joke and laughed. “Thanks, but I’ll stick with the other option.”

  “Fine. You have my number. If you change your mind, give me a call.”

  “Bye, Mason.”

  I put the phone down and fought back the urge to scream at the ceiling. The woman was driving me crazy. Why in the hell was she playing so hard to get? It couldn’t be because of what had happened all those years before. We had talked about that. We’d worked through it, and I thought she understood why I did what I did.

  I abruptly stood, sending my chair flying into the wall. I needed to get to the gym. The pool that was. I wasn’t big on the weights and all that. I enjoyed swimming. I liked the way it made me feel, like I was weightless and had no worries.

  I made it to the gym in record time and had my trunks on within about thirty minutes. I dove in and began to do laps in the pool. It felt refreshing. With each stroke, I felt as if I were pushing away from Lara. She was getting further and further from my mind.

  After punishing myself for almost an hour, I was weak and exhausted and yet somehow relaxed. Lara dissing me didn’t seem nearly as important now. I climbed out of the pool and grabbed a towel.

  “After that kind of workout, how are you possibly going to make me scream tonight?” Sally said, stepping in front of me.

  I bit back a groan of frustration. “Sally, what brings you here?”

  She had a coy smile. “You.”

  “What? How’d you know I was here?”

  She tittered. It was meant to be sexy, but it was like a cheese grater on my nerves. “You always come here after work. After you turned me down the other night, I wasn’t going to let you fuck me again. I think I may have changed my mind after seeing you in that pool.”

  Her fingers reached out and traced a bead of water down my chest. I took a small step back, breaking contact. “Sally, I’m sorry. I was really tired. I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings.”

  “Oh, I got over it real quick. Not with another man, mind you. I had to pull out Fred. Fred always satisfies me, but not as good as you can. I want you to fuck me from behind just like you like. I’ll wear that little leather number that always gets you worked up. You can spank me if you want,” she whispered.

  I waited for my dick to grow hard. It didn’t happen. Sally’s words were doing nothing for me. I didn’t want to spank her or fuck her sideways or any other way. I only wanted one woman.

  “Sally, I don’t think we should see each other anymore,” I said as gently as I could.

  Her eyes narrowed and her lip curled. “I don’t think so, Mason.” Her demeanor changed in an instant, and she went back to tantric seductress mode. “I like the chase. Are you going to make me work for it? I can be very persuasive. Why don’t we go into the locker room and I’ll show you how much I want you?”

  I felt bad, but I couldn’t sleep with her anymore. We had enjoyed a casual relationship for several months, but it had run its course.

  “Sally, I can’t. We agreed this was a casual thing. No strings. I don’t want to hurt you, but this isn’t something I want to pursue.”

  I turned around to grab my shoes and leave. I didn’t want her to make a scene, and I could tell by the way she looked that we were on the verge. Sally was a loud woman. It was one of the things I had enjoyed about her when we were in bed together. Saying she was a screamer was an understatement. The woman could give any seasoned porn star a run for their money.

  “I knew it!” She seethed.

  I felt her hand on my back and spun around. “Sally, I’m sorry, but—”

  She was shaking her head. “Who is she?”

  “What are you talking about?” I asked, pretending I didn’t know what she was asking.

  “Don’t play dumb. You have scratches on your back. You fucked the shit out of some whore. She scored your back. I can see it!” she screeched.

  “Sally, relax. We aren’t together. It doesn’t matter.”

  “It does matter. You used me!” she said a little too loudly.

  The other people in the pool area were looking at us. I wasn’t going to stand there and let her air out all our dirty laundry.

  “I’m going to go. I’m sorry,” I said again, hoping it would sink in and she would calm down.

  Her eyes dropped closed, barely slits, as she stared me down, making me nervous. “You don’t get to toss me to the side. I’m not done with you.”

  I had a horrible feeling I had stepped into a fatal attraction situation. I needed to extricate myself from the encounter as soon as possible. If dead rabbits showed up on my doorstep, I was moving. Her reaction was surprising. I knew she slept with other men. I wasn’t the only one in her life. I was one of many, and I’d never had any notion we were an exclusive item.

  “I’m leaving, Sally. I’m sorry. Good bye,” I said and walked around her, heading straight for my car. I didn’t care that I was wearing wet swim trunks or still holding the gym’s towel. I had to get the hell away from that woman before she did something truly crazy.

  I could feel her eyes on me as I walked out. It took every ounce of self-control I had not to run to my car. The woman was nuts. How in the hell had I not seen that? She could never find out about Lara. I had a feeling she would go after her if she knew Lara was the reason I didn’t want sex with her anymore.

  Chapter 15


  I was not going to call him. I couldn’t. I had already made a big deal about staying single. I didn’
t want to appear wishy-washy. I wasn’t a young girl who could change my mind as often as the wind changed direction. I had to stay firm in my resolution to be a strong, single woman. I didn’t need Mason.

  But I wanted him.

  I liked spending time with him, and I most especially enjoyed the sex with him. My body tingled every time I thought about his weight on me, his big dick pushing deep inside me. It was as if my body was meant for him. He filled me in a way that made me feel whole. Of course, it wasn’t just full. He had made my body hot and wet with no effort at all. I imagined what it would be like to spend a night with him. Would he want to or be able to have sex more than once? I had a feeling he would. He was in excellent physical health, and I had the feeling he was very virile.

  My panties were wet from thinking about sex with him. There was so much I wanted to do with him. I had never really been one of those women who experimented with different positions or what I would consider somewhat risqué behavior. He was making me want to do things I had only seen in the porn flicks Mitchel had been so fond of.

  “You look like you are in the middle of a very exciting daydream,” Kali commented. “Maybe you need a little alone time?” she said with a naughty smile.

  I giggled. “Sorry. Thinking about something.”

  “Oh, I can see that.”

  “Is it crazy? Am I losing my mind?” I asked, not really expecting her to answer.

  “Are you crazy for being super hot for Mr. Doctor? Hell, no. He is a hottie. Seriously, if you didn’t already have dibs on him, I would have chased after him.”

  “I don’t have dibs on him,” I said, but I probably would have clawed her eyes out had she made a play for him. That would have crossed an invisible line between friends. This wasn’t some CW show. Women didn’t swap boyfriends and lovers in real life and still remain good friends.

  “Go out with him. You don’t have to marry him. Have some fun. Enjoy sex. You’re not dead. Even if you do get pregnant with the whole insemination thing, just think, you don’t have to worry about getting knocked up.” She giggled.

  I rolled my eyes. “Good point. I don’t know. I don’t know if I’m the kind of woman who can have sex without strings attached.”

  “Oh, you can all right, and trust me, you’ll love every minute of it. Well, maybe not every minute because sometimes you get real duds, but you already know the sexy doctor isn’t a dud, so go for it!”

  I laughed. I wished I could be as carefree as she was. “I don’t know. I’ll think about it.”

  “Now me, I have no qualms about exploring a relationship with Brian. We talked on the phone last night.”

  I looked at her, wondering if she meant texted. “You talked. On the phone?”

  She laughed. “Yes! It was amazing. He is so funny. And sweet. I can’t believe you never introduced us before.”

  “I have. Several times, actually. Apparently he never caught your eye before. What was it? Was it the black eye? You do tend to go for the bad boys,” I told her.

  Another giggle as she nodded her head. “You’re right, but this is different. He isn’t a real bad boy. I mean, he has a good job, is down to earth, and is very mature. I’m not used to that.”

  I looked at her and could practically see the stars in her eyes. “You really like him, don’t you?”

  “I do. Is that weird? Seriously, if it bothers you, tell me. I’ll be pissed at you for ruining my life, but I’ll probably get over it eventually.”

  I started laughing. She was so dramatic. Everything was either life-ending or amazing. There was no in between with her. It was odd to hear her talk about Brian with such strong feelings.

  “This is new for you. I mean, when have you ever been interested in a guy like this?”

  She looked up at the ceiling for several long seconds. “I don’t know. It feels different with him. I mean, most of the men I meet and date are okay, but sex is what they’re after and all I’m interested in. But I don’t have sex with all of them,” she said when I made a coughing sound.

  “I’m impressed and happy for you.”

  The phone rang, interrupting our conversation. I answered it and put the person on hold.

  “I have to take this in the office. I think I have a lead on some new product,” I said excitedly.

  I loved finding new things that no one else had in the city. It was hard to do. But I had made a name for myself in the organic world of baby things, and sellers were willing to work out good deals with me that were mutually beneficial.

  “Score us a good deal!” Kali said with a smile.

  After spending nearly thirty minutes talking with the potential client and arranging for a box of samples to be sent, I hung up the phone. The picture that had been sitting in the drawer was now sitting on my desk. It wasn’t the ultrasound picture that had grabbed my attention. It was a picture of Mason, Brian, and me at the beach twenty years ago.

  We were all so young and carefree. I remembered that day like it was yesterday. Mason and I had just started seeing each other. When Brian had asked if I wanted to tag along and head to the beach that day, I had jumped at the opportunity. It meant I could spend the day with Mason without worrying about anyone catching us. Of course, we had to keep our hands to ourselves, but we’d had so much fun, just the three of us.

  I smiled looking at the picture and ran a finger over Mason’s face. He had been a very attractive teenager, but as a man, he was devastatingly handsome. I saw him through different eyes than I had before. This wasn’t a guy I thought was super cute. This was a man I wanted to share my life with in every way.

  I released a heavy sigh. I didn’t need to deny myself his company. He was there for the taking. All I had to do was reach out. What could it hurt to explore a relationship with him? There was no pressure to make anything happen. A few meals, a few laughs, and maybe a little sex. That was all.

  I reached for my phone, held it in my hand, and debated what to do. Was I brave enough? I couldn’t live my life worrying about getting hurt by a man.

  You can do this.

  I couldn’t call. I doubted he would answer anyway. It was the middle of the day, and he was probably busy at the office.

  Text. I could send a text. If he didn’t respond, I didn’t have to hear the rejection. I decided I loved texting.

  About that invitation…

  I sent the text. It was vague, but he would know what it meant. The ball was back in his court. I put the phone down, not expecting a response anytime soon.

  When my phone chimed, letting me know I had a new text message, I froze. I looked at my phone but didn’t touch it. What if he told me to get lost? What if he said I had missed my chance?

  I couldn’t look at it. What if it wasn’t even a message from him? It could be anybody. Hell, it could be Kali in the front. I quickly checked the monitor. She was chatting with a customer. It wasn’t her.


  I was a grown woman acting like a little girl waiting to see if a boy would pass a note back, and when he did, I was too afraid to read it.

  “Grow up, Lara.” I scolded myself and grabbed the phone.

  Friday work for you?

  I almost cried tears of joy and relief upon reading his message.

  Yes. What time?


  Sounds good.

  I stared at the phone and debated apologizing for being so rude yesterday. I didn’t want to appear desperate, but I was sorry for the way I had acted. I didn’t care if it made me seem weak. Apologizing for being a bitch didn’t make me weak.

  Sorry about yesterday.

  I waited for his response. I wasn’t sure what I wanted him to say, but I had to get it off my chest. I wasn’t normally rude and I’d hated how it had made me feel the rest of the day. I could be a strong, confident woman without being mean.

  It’s okay. We’ll talk Friday.

  Somehow, I knew it was okay. He wasn’t going to hold it against me or make a big deal out of it. Unlike Mi
tchel. I stopped myself. I had to quit comparing him to Mitchel. Mason and Mitchel couldn’t be more different. For so long, it had been the other way around. Now I wanted to forget all about my ex-husband and focus on my future. If Mason was in that future, fine, but I would be okay either way.

  I walked back up front to find Kali checking her phone. There was a huge grin on her face.

  “Brian?” I asked.

  She winked. “He’s a naughty, naughty boy.”

  I held up a hand. “I don’t want to know.”

  She giggled. “I’m teasing. We’re going to go out. I’m so excited. I really hope he is as nice as he pretends to be.”

  “He is. For the most part. As long as he isn’t deciding what’s best for you.”

  She rolled her eyes. “I thought you said you were over all that.”

  “I am. I promise. I won’t mention it again.”

  “Good. So, what’s his favorite color? I may need to do some shopping before our date.”

  “No way. I am not helping you pick out lingerie for you to wear for my brother. We aren’t there yet,” I joked.

  She shrugged. “Suit yourself. I doubt the color will matter anyway.”

  I shook my head and walked away. “You’re so bad. I don’t think my brother has any idea what he is getting into. Don’t tie him up. Not yet. Break him in gently, you wicked woman.”

  As I walked back to the office, I heard her giggling. This could either go really great for them or Brian was going to hate me for letting him go out with her. Unlike him, I could let him make his own decisions about who he dated. I secretly hoped she scared the hell out of him with one of her crazy outfits. The woman loved roleplaying. I had to laugh while thinking about the cop uniform she tended to favor. I had lived vicariously through her for years and knew far too much about her sex life, but it was all in good fun. She was an open book and unashamed about her choices. I couldn’t fault her. I always lectured her about being careful, and she assured me she was.

  If this thing with Mason did turn out to be something, I would have to go to Kali for advice. I was a novice, a rookie with no real experience. I didn’t think missionary style and me on top occasionally made me an experienced woman. I had a feeling Mason would have plenty of tricks under his belt—literally.


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