The Baby Plan: A Second Chance Romance

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The Baby Plan: A Second Chance Romance Page 90

by Tia Siren

  "It's beautiful," he said.

  All the while, his body remained pressed against my back. I could feel his crotch in my butt and his hot breath on the back of my neck. I was wedged between him and the railing, and although I could have ducked out of the way, I didn't want to.

  "You think so?" I asked, in almost a whisper.

  "Yes," he said.

  As he said it, his lips touched the back of my neck. I let off an involuntary moan as my knees spasmed. He kissed me again, and I moaned again, but louder.

  "Liam, we shouldn't," I said with little conviction.

  "I know," he responded, whispering in my ear as his tongue ran up the side of it.

  He then kissed my neck again. His hands ran down and rested on my butt. From there, I knew there was no more saying no.

  As if he could read my mind, he spun me around by grabbing onto my waist. The moment that we faced one another, we kissed. Like fire erupting between us, I had never felt such heat and passion. I kissed him deeply, and he kissed me back. My hands ran through his hair as he gripped me by the side.

  His tongue danced inside my mouth. I nibbled at it, played with it, teased it. Our lips locked onto one another’s. I could have kissed him for hours. I had missed it so much and wanted to show him just that.

  His hands wrapped around my waist and lifted me onto the handrail. My legs wrapped around him and pulled him in close. He found the bottom of my tank and tore it off, throwing it over the edge of the balcony. This was followed by my bra. I didn't even care. I just wanted him on me. All over me. Inside of me.

  His lips found my nipples. First my right and then my left. He bit and tore at them. They enlarged in his mouth until they were both swollen and hard. Even then, he continued to bite at them. His hands let go of me, trusting that I had the balance, as he then began to massage my breasts.

  As he did that I pulled his shirt off, also throwing it over the balcony. I pushed him back, just enough so that I could play with his bare chest. I kissed him down the chest, loving the way that he tasted. That salty, sweaty taste was divine. I licked and bit at him. I couldn't get enough. All the while, he ran his hands over my back, scratching and stroking me.

  I was wearing jeans, so they weren't going to be easy to remove, but he found a way. He wrapped his arm around my waist, lifting me in the air just enough so that he could yank my pants off me. The moment they were off, he fell to his knees.

  I still had my panties on, a silk thong. He kissed my thighs, sending shivers up my legs. He pinched my thighs. He licked them. He worked his mouth around my pussy, careful to go near it but never actually touch it. I hung on to the top of his head for support, running my hands through his hair.

  His lips then kissed my panty line softly. He licked above where my clit was. He then bit at it, nibbled. He played with my panties, using them as a barrier between his mouth and my own lips. His hand then moved up my thigh, running along my panty line, until I felt it pushed to the side. Unable to wait any longer, he finally plunged his tongue into me.

  I threw my head back. The wind whipped at my hair. I was very aware of where I was, perched on the balcony, my legs resting on Liam's shoulders as he ate me out. His tongue licked inside my lips, penetrating me. He ran it up to my clit, licking the top, sucking on it with his mouth, tickling and stroking it. I pushed his head in further so that his entire mouth was wrapped around my pussy.

  From there, I simply tried not to fall as he ate me out. The sensation was divine, and I had forgotten how good he was at it, and how much I had missed it.

  Next, only when he had brought me on the verge of orgasm did he pull his mouth from me. Standing up, he pulled me from the hand railing, spinning me around so that I was bent over it. He then dropped his own pants. I could feel his already hard cock pressed up against my butt.

  I reached underneath my legs, wrapping my hand around his massive shaft. It felt so big in my hand, I literally shook at the thought of it inside me. I cocked my leg up, allowing him to get in nice and close. Then he entered me.

  I sucked in between my teeth as his shaft pushed at the lips of my wet pussy. It pressed against them, struggling to enter. He was so big, and I was so tight. But eventually, he found a way. Inch by inch, he slid inside of me. My knees nearly dropped out from under me as he entered me. I could feel him stretching me out, testing what I could take.

  Once he was all the way inside of me, I began to do what I knew. I moved my hips up and down, working his cock like I used to. I would move up, pulling it from my lips until his head was about to pop out, and then I would push myself down, swallowing the whole thing again. I kept my legs together so that I was as tight as possible.

  As I bounced on his cock, I felt a sharp pain explode across my ass cheek. He spanked me. I let out a scream, so he did it again. My entire torso was hanging over the balcony. My breasts bounced up and down, my body seethed, and my hair whipped in the wind. Horns from the street honked, I could hear people yelling. And I didn't care.

  I continued to ride him. He held on for dear life. As I came closer to orgasm, as that fire began to work its way through my body, I indicated to him that I was ready, and he tapped my butt to let me know that he was too.

  I clenched my legs in tighter, and I moved my hips faster. He did the same. His movements became more erratic, more unpredictable. I could feel his legs shaking, as were mine. I could feel his body vibrating, as was mine. I could feel him about to come, as was I.

  As he came inside me, I came on him. In perfect sync, the two of us orgasmed together, and I couldn't remember a time that it had ever felt so good. I hadn't meant to sleep with Liam that night. Right up until it happened, I told myself that I wasn't going to, and yet, now that I had, I didn't regret it. Not one little bit.


  We moved from the balcony soon after our session and made our way to the bedroom. Laying there in his arms, I couldn't believe that it had been three months since the last time. It felt like nothing had changed and that we were back together. I wasn't sure if I was ready to go back to the way that things were, but I knew that I was willing to try.

  There was just one problem that I had to address. It hadn't even occurred to me before, but now that I lay in bed with Liam, it couldn't believe that I had forgotten all about it.

  "Hey, Liam, there’s something I need to tell you," I said as I nuzzled in closer.

  "Okay," he said back.

  He had been oddly quiet since we had moved to the bed. I hadn't really noticed before, assuming that he was lost in the moment, but now that I had something to tell him, it felt like he already knew. He felt like he was already mad about it.

  "Well, it's just that, I'm kind of seeing someone at the moment."

  "What?" he asked, suddenly sitting up.

  "It's no big deal. We're not serious or anything but—"

  "You cheated on someone with me?" he asked, pushing himself backward and away from me.

  "What? No. Well, kind of. But like I said, we're not serious and tonight just kind of happened."

  "I've got to go," he said, and just like that, he was out of bed.

  "What?" I said, not believing what I was hearing. Was he really leaving because of that? There was no way.

  "You should have told me," he said as he hurried to find his pants. "You should have said something."

  I didn't know what to say. I didn't know if there was anything I could say. Within a second, he had found his pants and had them on. A second after that and he was out of the room and out the front door.

  I was shocked. I remained sitting in bed for some time, staring at the door where he had just disappeared. I had no idea what had happened, and every time that I thought about it, I only became more confused. I just refused to believe that he had flipped out over such a small thing. After all he had done to me, he really had no right.

  And yet, there I was. Alone once again. Liam had, for the third time, built me up so that he could break me down. What was I going to do n



  I couldn't believe what I had just done. As I stumbled down the cold, New York City street with no shirt on, I played the moment over in my head again and again.

  I didn't even notice the cold, despite the way that the wind lashed at my bare chest. And I didn't even notice the people staring or whistling at me. I was trapped in my head with thoughts of Kate and what had just happened.

  First off, I never meant to sleep with her. That was as unexpected as anything that I could have imagined. When we were having drinks and hitting it off again, I just kept telling myself not to blow it. I kept telling myself to keep it going until I saw an exit. I was going to try and leave on good terms because the chances were that I would never see her again.

  And then, when she invited me up to her house, I was still in the same mind frame. I wanted her more than anything, but I knew that I shouldn't do anything about it. It would have been wrong on so many levels.

  The reason that I got the hell out of that apartment was that I didn't want to hurt her again. The sex was unreal, maybe the best that we had ever had. All it confirmed though was that we weren't done yet, not but a long shot. But, despite the chemistry between us, we had to be. I was through hurting her. I was through being the bad guy. And that was why I left.

  I was leaving the country in a few weeks. Where to? I didn’t know yet, but I would be gone. I couldn't sleep with her again and get her hopes up, only to dash them in one swift move. So when she told me that she had a boyfriend, I saw a way out.

  I should have handled it differently. Maybe I should have told her? But I'm a coward. I saw a chance, and I took it. Now, I would never see Kate again. And the worst part of all of this was that she was better off for it.

  "Taxi," I yelled as a yellow cab drove towards me. I had suddenly become very aware of how I was dressed and how far away from my apartment I was. The cold was finally starting to get to me, and I just wanted to be home. I just wanted to go back to my bed, crawl into it, and forget all about Kate.

  The taxi pulled up. I gave him my address, and he took off, away from Kate's place. Away from Kate.


  The number of sleepless nights I had had since meeting Kate had to be record breaking. I don't think that in my entire life, I had had as many as the last few months. Last night was another for the board.

  Of course, my thoughts were on Kate and whether I had done the right thing. I just wasn't sure. It seemed right at the time. But the next morning, when I was greeted by the sun shining through my window, I was still no closer to an answer.

  I was up and out of bed the moment the sun hit my face. It couldn't have been past six in the morning. I was tired, exhausted even, but there was no way I was sleeping. Instead, I sat in the kitchen and stared at my cell phone. Apart of me told me that I should call her. Another part said that I should delete her number all together. The conflict was real, and neither side was coming out on top.

  It was because it was so early that when I heard someone knocking on my front door, it took me a few moments to realize that it was to my place. I didn't jump or startle, but stared at the front door, sure that it was a mistake.

  But as the knocking continued, I eventually relented and made my way to open it. Surely, it was Clint who, for some reason, had chosen six a.m. to come and see me.

  It wasn't Clint though. It was the last person I expected to see standing in my doorway. It was Kate.

  "Kate?" I said dumbly, staring at her in shock.

  "What the hell was that?" she said, red in the face and puffing. "Seriously, Liam, what the hell was that?"

  "What was what? Do you want to come in?" I stepped aside and let her enter. She did, with vigor. She stormed into my place, and for a moment, I thought she was about to start throwing things around. Smashing glasses and knocking over furniture.

  "You know what I'm talking about!" she yelled, turning on me as I closed the door and made my way to her in the living room. "You invite me out for a drink. Then you come back to my place and fuck me! Then you just leave? Because I have a boyfriend? And not even a boyfriend! Just a guy I'm seeing."

  I had no good answer for her. It seemed stupid telling her that I wasn't okay with sleeping with someone who was seeing someone else. And I knew she wouldn't believe it either. She would see right through me.

  "Don't you even think about lying to me," she said.

  With her hands on her hips, her eyes bored into mine. I let out a deep sigh, knowing that I couldn't get around it any longer. "I quit my job," I said.

  "What?” she asked, her voice calming down in her surprise. "Wow, that's really great."

  Her anger was replaced with a warmth that wasn't there before. She knew how much I hated my job, and her congratulations was genuine.

  "Yeah, it's about time, right? And I'm thinking of opening my own private practice, too."

  "Seriously? Liam, that's amazing. I've been saying you should be doing that for ages."

  "But that's not why I left,” I said, shaking my head. “I left because I'm leaving the country soon. For good. Last night when you told me about your boyfriend or whatever he is, I saw an out. I didn't want to get back with you, only to spring the bad news on you that I was leaving. I'm sick of hurting you Kate. I truly am. I’ve caused you more pain than you deserve."

  I didn't know what reaction I was expecting from Kate, but it certainly wasn't the one that I got. Smiling, she walked up to me and threw her arms around my waist, pulling me into a hug. Then, when she finally let go, she stood on her tip toes and kissed me on the lips. "Is that it?"

  "Is that it? What do you mean? What more can there be? I'm leaving the country. What's the use in dating again if you're not with me? I want you to get a shot at happiness, and I can't see it happening long distance."

  "Then why do long distance?" she asked with a smirk. "You make it sound like that's the only option."

  "What are you saying?" I asked cautiously.

  I had a feeling I knew where she was going, but I didn't want to get my hopes up. She wasn't the only one that had been hurt before.

  "I'm saying that I'm a writer with a publishing deal. I can literally write from anywhere. It doesn't have to be New York."

  "Are you saying what I think you're saying?" I asked, feeling the flutter in my chest.

  "Where you go, I go. I mean, assuming you really want me with you. Because I want to be with you, Liam. And besides, I'm pretty sure that we had a deal, remember?"

  I burst out laughing. She was right. We had made a deal. Months ago, we agreed that when I quit my job and moved, she would move with me. Still smiling and still laughing, it was my turn to hug her.

  I grabbed her by the waist and lifted her into the air. She wrapped her legs around me, trapping me. And we kissed. It was a kiss that felt as if we hadn't done such a thing in months. Years even. Even after last night, the kiss we shared in my living room was one of a kind.

  It was a symbol that we had both forgiven each other and that we were ready to move on to the next part of our lives. I knew that I was, and I just couldn't wait to do it with Kate.

  "Do you have any preferences?" I asked when I finally put her down.

  "Somewhere with a beach and sun," she said. "I'm in need of a tan."

  "Consider it done."

  I kissed her again, one of what I was sure to be thousands of shared kisses over the rest of our lives because that was what was in store. The two of us, sharing the rest of our lives together.



  "Okay, there's no way that you want to keep this?” Liana asked. “Tell me that you don't want to keep this? Please, assure me that you don't want to keep—"

  "All right, Liana. Throw it out."

  I chuckled, shaking my head. Liana was holding up an old lime green dress that I, at one time, used to love wearing. But I had to agree with her that it belonged in the trash pile.

  "What?" Liana said, aghast a
s she looked the dress up and down. "I'm not going to throw it out. I'm going to take it for myself. This color looks great on me. I’m wearing it to the club. This dress will bring in tips like nobody's business."

  I chuckled again, turning back to the task at hand as Liana laid the dress out on my bed, along with a bunch of other clothes that she had managed to convince me to throw out and that she was so graciously taking off my hands.

  I had invited Liana over to help me pack, and so far, she was doing an excellent job. The reason for packing? I was leaving New York to be with Liam.

  The last week had been one of the craziest of my entire life. Once I forgave Liam and we got back together officially, everything had just sort of happened. He found someone to take over my lease. He found an office for his new practice in the perfect location, and he even found us a new apartment and bought our plane tickets. It was happening.

  If someone had asked me two weeks ago if I thought I would be moving out of the country with Liam, I would have laughed and told them how silly they were. But now, I couldn't think of anything I would rather be doing. The last week, despite how hectic it was, was also magical. Liam spent every waking minute trying to make up for what he had done. I would come home to surprises and gifts every single day. He would tell me how much he loved me every moment. It was nonstop, and if I had to admit it, maybe just a little irritating.

  But only a little. I mean, how could I complain? I was back with the man of my dreams, and we were moving away together. Everything was going perfectly.

  "I am going to miss you," Liana said as she rummaged through my wardrobe. "Seriously, you're like my best friend. Now I'm going to have to make a new best friend."

  "You'll be okay," I said, reaching out and rubbing her arm.


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