The Operator
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Class 208 training. See BUD/S (Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL) training
close quarters battle (CQB) techniques, 143
breaching tactics in, 124, 134, 142–43, 165, 184, 186–87, 188, 267–68, 305–6, 307–8
“counting coup” game in, 191–92
Iraq missions with, 162–64, 165–66, 189
kids orphaned during, 189–91
close quarters battle (CQB) training, 122, 124–26, 134, 267
accidental shooting during, 125
checking for blind spots in room angles during, 174
instructors in, 124
self-ratings in, 124
stress and making life-and-death decisions during, 125–26
Cohen, William S., 112
Colombia, hostage-rescue mission to, 218
combat diving training, in Miami, 265–71
communicators, on SEAL teams, 164
C-130 military transport airplanes, 122, 138, 294, 318
Coronado, California, training. See BUD/S (Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL) training
“counting coup” game, 191–92
Cruz (SEAL team leader), 185–86, 212
C-17 military transport airplanes, 138, 245, 246–47, 294
C-6 plastic explosives, 185, 305–6
Cultural Sensitivity Team (CST), 326
Czar, Greg, 148
Dave (SEAL BUD/S training class member), 44–45, 80–81
Delicious (SEAL team member), 185, 188–89, 210, 212
Dietz, Danny, 145, 146, 148
diving training, in Miami, 265–71
diving training, in SEAL BUD/S training, 32, 72–86
classroom instruction during, 73
5.5-mile swims during, 82–86
ocean diving exercises during, 81–82
pool competency (“pool comp”) test during, 76–81
written tests in, 73–74, 75
dog handlers, on SEAL teams, 162, 177–78, 201, 261, 303
attacks on SEAL team members by, 177
enemy’s reaction to, 163, 178, 202
mourning combat loss of, 202, 261, 273
SEAL team missions using, 162, 163, 177–78, 201–3, 208, 212, 260, 261–62, 264, 278, 287, 323
drill instructors (Recruit Division Commanders, RDCs), Navy boot camp, 18, 33
“Elephant Walks,” during SEAL BUD/S training, 60–61
evolutions, SEAL BUD/S training. See also specific exercises
meaning of term, 21
Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) SEALs, 138, 140, 142, 260, 298, 312
explosives. See also Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs)
Fallujah mission against al-Qaeda houses using, 185, 188–89
Fallon Air Station, Nevada, 159
Fallujah, Iraq, mission against al-Qaeda houses in, 184–91
gunfights and, 166, 187
jump training and, 123
learning to handle during SEAL BUD/S training, 36, 51, 52
Fielding, Ted, 22
French (SEAL team member), 267, 270
Gaddafi, Muammar, 271
Gates, Robert, 321
Germany, 113, 115, 262, 294
Green Berets, 141, 149
Greg (SEAL team member), 163–64, 173–74, 175, 177, 209–10, 216–17
Gulf War, 103
Afghanistan mission with, 174–75, 178
Baghdad mission against IED makers in al-Qaeda cell and, 208–13
Fallujah mission against al-Qaeda houses in, 187–91
fear during, 166, 187
insurgent hiding under bathtub in ground in, 203
Iraqi fighters’ lack of aim in, 167, 209
Iraqi kids orphaned during, 189–91
lines of gear worn during, 230–31
Ramadi gunfight with Boots, 196
Rob’s first gunfight and first kill in Iraq, 166–169
Rob’s reaction to being alive after, 239, 240
Rob’s utterances during, 187
SEAL team dogs involved in, 178
search for Jalil in Afghanistan with, 228–39
HAHO (high-altitude, high-opening) jumps, 122, 215
HALO (high-altitude, low-opening) jumps, 122
Haqqani network, 264, 271
Hardy, Nate, 218
Harp (SEAL team member), 140, 142, 260
Hathcock, Carlos, 108
Hawes, Joe, 52
Healy, Dan, 145, 147, 148
al-Qaeda fighters’ attack on, 140
bin Laden mission using, 286, 291–92, 301, 303–6
Fallujah mission against al-Qaeda houses using, 185
Korengal Valley mission and crash of, 145–149
oil tanker boarding using, 112–13
Rob’s near crash in, 111
Taliban attack on, during Operation Anaconda, Afghanistan, 115–17
Hell Week, SEAL BUD/S training, 22–23, 32, 55–70, 71, 72, 159
“Around the World” rowboat exercise on last night of, 29, 67
brown shirt rite of passage at end of, 68
changes in, and graduation rates, 182
DeCon cleanup and medical exam during, 63
hallucinations from exhaustion during, 67, 69
medical exam, pizzas, and sleep at end of, 69–70
mental strength for dealing with pain during, 62, 63
“mud pits” exercise at end of, 67–68
petroleum jelly for rashes during, 63–64
quitters’ experiences during, 55–56, 58, 61
quitters’ treatment during, 61–62
racing as constant during, 60–61
Rob’s parents’ visit at end of, 68–69, 70
rubber-raft boats as constant companions during, 58–59, 61
shin splits during, 61
sleep deprivation during, 63
steel pier exercise for coldness in, 65–66
“up-boat” exercises to build teams during, 59–60
Wednesday morning as key turning point in, 66
Hemingway, Ernest
on hunting, 187
The Old Man and the Sea by, 5–6
Hoosiers (movie), 298–99
hostages. See also Phillips hostage mission
Bergdahl disappearance and, 262–64
close quarters battle (CQB) training on, 124
in Colombia, 218
Islamist revolution in Iran and, 27
Luttrell rescue mission and, 149–56
Taliban taking of, 266
Zarqawi and, 161
humor, during SEAL BUD/S training, 32, 40, 46–50, 52, 64, 72
childhood experience with, 7–8, 9, 11
Hemingway on, 187
Hussein, Saddam, 162
Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs), 142, 157, 193, 204
Afghani makers of, 258–62
mission against Baghdad al-Qaeda cell making, 207–13
number of casualties from, 207
SEAL death from, 219
Instructor A, SEAL BUD/S training, 39–41, 62, 69, 72, 93
in close quarters battle (CQB) training, 124, 125–26
in jump school, 96
in SEAL BUD/S training, 33–34, 74, 87–88, 100
Instructor Woodie, SEAL BUD/S training, 100–101
Afghanistan missions with, 115, 140, 143, 146, 158
al-Qaeda in Albania and, 111
Bergdahl disappearance and, 264
bin Laden mission and, 282, 283, 284, 285, 296, 297, 308, 311
confirmation of bin Laden’s death by, 317–18
IED makers in, 258, 259
Iraq missions with, 160, 161, 164, 200
military-age males (MAM) in remote villages and, 327–28
Operation Anaconda, Afghanistan, and, 115
search for Jalil in Afghanistan and, 222
bsp; in Afghanistan, 139, 141, 143, 178, 189, 192, 204, 205, 263
Bergdahl mission and, 263
bin Laden mission with, 278, 287, 305, 312, 323
Phillips hostage mission with, 251
search for Jalil in Afghanistan using, 223–24, 225, 226, 232
Afghanistan mission with, 177
Bergdahl disappearance and, 263–64
boarding of tanker transporting Iraqi oil and, 112, 113
Iraq missions with, 163, 191, 204, 205
learning what to reply during, 129
war game exercise using, 126–28
Iranian hostage crisis (1979–81), 27
Army Special Forces missions with SEALs in, 193–94, 199, 204–6
Army Special Forces’ losses in, 157
Baghdad mission in, 193–97, 200–213
boarding of tanker transporting oil from, 112–13
British participation in 2003 invasion of, 160–61
Fallujah mission against al-Qaeda houses in, 184–91
joint operations against three terrorist compounds in, 164–69
Lance’s night raid in, 172–73
Petraeus and strategy shift with Anbar Awakening in, 181–82
Rob’s first gunfight and first kill in Iraq, 166–69
sacrifices of SEAL wives and families to war in, 171
SEAL deaths in, 219
SEAL Mediterranean cruises and, 120
SEAL Team’s missions in, 137, 157–69, 183–213, 257
SEAL training new graduates sent to, 182
Vietnam-era tactics earlier used in, 157–58
Zarqawi’s leadership in, 161–62
Jalalabad, Afghanistan, Airfield, 138, 145
Jalalabad, Afghanistan, mission, 138–44
Adam as team leader in, 139–40, 142–43
Afghan kids’ relationship with SEALs during, 141–42, 156
approach used to check out armed men during missions from, 144
arrival with team replacement at, 138
attitude needed for missions in, 143–44
city’s environment and, 139, 140, 141, 142
first mission from, as learning curve, 142–44
interpreter assigned to, 139
Korengal Valley attack mission from, 145–49
Korengal Valley rescue mission for Luttrell from, 149–56
living quarters in, 140–41
mission of, 140
Rob’s reaction to first Afghan met in, 139
typical day in, 140–41
Jalil, Zabit, 222–23, 232, 240
Jalil search mission, Afghanistan, 222–40
Afghani military team in, 222, 225, 226–27, 239
air support ending gunfight during, 235–38
crossing border into Pakistan during, 223, 224, 225–27, 230, 231–32, 235–38, 239
final count on enemy killed in, 240
investigation of possible border crossings in, 239–40
rules of engagement and, 223, 230, 235, 240
Silver Star medal for, 240–41
Jesse (SEAL team member), 223, 238, 240
Jim (Navy SEAL), 9
Jimmy (SEAL BUD/S training class member), 45, 85
Jimmy (SEAL team dog handler), 177–78, 264
Johnson, Mike, 111
Jordan, hotel bombings in, 162
jumping. See also skydiving
during hailstorm, 215–16
Navy jump team and, 43
parachute malfunctions during, 216–17, 219
SEAL Team screening and training with, 122–24
jumpmasters, on SEAL teams, 164, 173, 215–16, 248–49, 269
jump training. See also Basic Airborne jump school
close call with commercial airplane during, 217–18
later training rotations between missions for, 115, 181, 215–18
Military Free-Fall Jumpmaster Course in, 268–69, 272
Rob as instructor in, 218
Koch, Mike, 219
Korean War, 22
Korengal Valley, Afghanistan, 300
dangers of, 144–45
rescue mission for “lone survivor” Luttrell in, 149–56, 222
SEAL team sniper mission in, 145–49
Rob’s deployment to, 113
SEAL teams in, 111, 186
Kristensen, Erik, 145, 147
Lance (SEAL team member)
Afghanistan missions with, 174, 176–77
death of, 218–20
drinking incident during Yard-In Party and, 135
Iraq mission of, 172–73
jump training with, 215, 216, 218
skydiving accident with, 173–74
land warfare training, 32, 88, 105, 230–31
Larry (Afghan interpreter), 139
“Leap Frogs” (Navy jump team), 43
Libya, political protests in, 271
Little Bird helicopters, 193–94, 204
Lone Survivor (movie), 150
Longmire, Tracy, 15, 17, 18
Lucas, Jeff, 145, 147, 151
Lucas, Karen, 151
Luttrell, Marcus, 145
Korengal Valley mission helicopter crash and survival of, 145, 148–49
“lone survivor” rescue mission for, 149–56, 222
Mack (SEAL team member), 287
bin Laden mission planning and, 270, 271, 276, 277, 280–81
diving training with, 266, 269
Iraq missions with, 185, 188, 203, 210
Maersk Alabama (merchant ship), 243, 267, 273
Marcinko, Richard (“Dick”), 26–28, 141
Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, 107, 108
Aircrew Survival Equipment school staff sergeant from, 24–25
Korengal Valley rescue mission with, 153, 155
Rob’s decision and attempt to enlist in, 10–11
Rob’s first experience around, 107–8, 110
Rob’s first impressions of, 10–11
snipers from, 108
Mark (SEAL BUD/S training class member), 45, 46, 49
Mark (SEAL Team Two member), 105–6
McRaven, William, 285–86, 297, 298–99, 311, 312, 317–18
Mike, Lt. (SEAL BUD/S training class member), 35
Mike B. (SEAL team member), 145, 148
military. See also Air Force; Army; Marine Corps; Navy; SEALs
Rob’s decision to enlist in, 1–2, 10–11
Rob’s first impressions of men in, 9, 10–11
Military Free-Fall Jumpmaster Course, 268–69, 272
Mobile Amphibious Ready Group, 107
Monte (SEAL BUD/S training class member), 55, 83–85, 89, 93
SEAL missions portrayed in, 111, 150
SEAL training portrayed in, 18, 19, 22, 38, 56, 95
Murphy, Michael, 145, 146–47, 148
Nate (SEAL team member), 176–77, 177–78, 212
Native Americans, fighting tactic used by, 192
Naval Special Warfare, 7, 43, 87, 108, 323
Naval Special Warfare Operators. See SEALs
Naval Station Great Lakes, Illinois. See Navy boot camp
decision to enlist in, 11–12
deferred enrollment in, 11–12
first time Rob recognized as sailor in, 25
last night before departure for boot camp in, 14–15
processing center issue with minor marijuana use as possible barrier to, 14
Navy boot camp, Naval Station Great Lakes, Illinois, 17–24
classroom instruction in, 19
drill instructors in, 18, 33
friendship with Matthew during, 23–24
immunizations during, 19
learning to fold and march as part of, 19
range of recruits at, 18
swimming and workouts to stay in shape during, 23, 24
training at Aircrew Survival Equipment school after, 24
travel to, 17–18
trying to choose SEAL candidates from, 94
Navy Construction Battalion, 195
Navy Parachute Team, 43
Navy SEALs. See SEALs
Neil, Scott, 159
“never quit” attitude
Korengal Valley rescue mission with, 155
Rob’s admiration of, 6, 38
Rob’s proposal and, 121
SEAL BUD/S training to instill, 40, 41, 60, 61, 62–63, 64–65, 66, 101, 155
SEAL recruiters’ search for, 17–18
SEALs with, 108–9, 135, 155
successful completion of training due to, 94, 95
Newbold, Luke, 148
New York Times, 27–28
9/11/2001 World Trade Center terrorist attacks, 113–14, 202, 241, 284, 304, 335
Noriega, Manuel, 102
Obama, Barack
bin Laden mission briefing with, 286
bin Laden mission planning and, 290–91, 294
bin Laden’s death announced by, 319–20
bin Laden team’s meeting with, after successful completion, 321–22
confirmation of bin Laden’s death and, 318
final authorization for mission from, 295–96
Medal of Honor award to Byers from, 266
obstacle course, in SEAL BUD/S training, 41–43, 253
Old Man and the Sea, The (Hemingway), 5–6
Oman, 113
Omar, Mohammed, 153
O’Neill, Jack (uncle), 7
O’Neill, Kelley (sister), 4, 120–21, 160
O’Neill, Kris (sister), 4, 26
O’Neill, Nicole (wife)
children of, 128–29, 151–52, 171, 181, 244–45
Rob’s pursuit of and marriage to, 121
Rob’s work and, 129, 130, 137, 146, 151–52, 160, 171, 244–45, 292, 293, 325
SEAL wives network and, 129
O’Neill, Rob
attitude toward combat of, 187
basketball practice and playing of, 5–7, 10, 53
boot camp experience of, 17–24
childhood of, 2–8
children of, 129, 130, 137, 151–52, 171, 181, 244–45, 265, 292–93, 296, 325–26
college attendance by, 10
copper mine job of, 9–10, 12
decision to enlist in military by, 1–2, 10–11
decision to make a career in the SEALs, 114
deferred enrollment in Navy by, 11–12
desire to be a sniper, 11
education of, 5–6, 10
father’s relationship with, 3, 4, 5, 6–8, 38, 53, 68–69, 70, 300–301, 320
first meeting with a SEAL, 9
first team leader assignment of, 222
gunfight utterances of, 187
homesickness after boot camp, 26
hunting experience of, 7–8, 9, 11
marriage of, 121, 128–30
minor marijuana experimentation by, 14
mother’s relationship with, 3–4, 4–5, 69, 70, 241
“never quit” attitude of, 38, 41, 56, 61, 62, 94, 121, 155