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It All Started With a Lima Bean

Page 26

by Kimi Flores

  “We just overslept, that’s all. Come here.” Surrounding her with his arms, Caleb squeezed Madison before giving her a butterfly kiss.

  He watched as his little girl cheerfully left his arms to be embraced by Abby’s. Witnessing his girls together did something to his heart. There was little he wouldn’t do for either of them. “Abby, I helped Uncle Stefen put some vegetable food on the table for you.” Caleb chuckled knowing she was referring to vegetarian fare. “Come in the dining room; Uncle Stefen said we put on a good spread. Do you know what that means?”

  Abby carried Madison in her arms to the adjoining room. “Yes, it means that you have a great meal waiting for us.”

  “Oh, that makes senses now.” Madison smiled before being deposited into the leather high back chair that was perfectly balanced by the contemporary metal base. She peered through the glass tabletop at the unusual base, artistically designed into the shape of an X. “This is a weird table, Abby.” She whispered with her tiny hand curved around her mouth as if she was telling a big secret. Caleb and Stefen both overheard of course, but tried to pretend they hadn’t.

  The entire surface of the table was covered with different deli dishes as well as several vegetarian ones. Knowing his cousin well, Caleb imagined this fare was from the deli down the street that delivered to his building. It didn’t matter though, it all looked delicious, and he was thankful Stefen kept Abby’s dietary restrictions in mind when ordering the food.

  Stefen clapped his hands then rubbed them together. “Dig in.”

  They’d had a fantastic afternoon relaxing in his cousin’s apartment, and it appeared as though Stefen and Abby were getting along. Admittedly, Caleb had worried a little that Stefen might be a bit too much for Abby to cope with. Naturally though, she opened herself up and accepted him with all his faults. That woman had a heart of gold.

  After changing into warmer clothes, they headed out for their evening at the hockey arena. Caleb was beyond excited to share his favorite sport with his favorite girls. He just prayed the game’s fast paced, sometimes aggressive players, didn’t scare the crap out of Abby.

  “So tell me again, how can you be from Chicago and be a Flyers fan? Your team should be the Blackhawks.” Stefen smirked at his cousin while running his hand down the steering wheel of his Porsche SUV as they drove to the stadium.

  “No, that’s YOUR team Stefen. Just because I’m from Chicago doesn’t mean I can’t be a Flyers fan.” They could go back and forth with this argument, but Caleb didn’t want to bore Abby who was already anxious about attending her first hockey game. He glanced at his fiancé who was sitting close to a sleeping Madison in the backseat of the SUV. Abby was adorable engulfed in one of his favorite hockey jerseys with the sleeves rolled up. Madison wore her own jersey.

  “Why are you a Flyers fan anyway?” Abby tilted her head trying to see his face in the dark car.

  He took a deep breath before sharing his reasons. “You’ve met my father now and I’m sure you noticed that he’d rather be anywhere else than with his family. Well, when I was about ten, he landed a big case in Buffalo and his client was a huge Flyers fan.” Stefen gave him a knowing look because he too had an absentee father. “This client would take his son with him to all of the games, so my dad thought it would be a good move to take me to a couple with them too. Looking back, I know he only did it for business relations, but I’ll tell you, at the time I felt like the luckiest kid around. I thought my dad wanted to be with me.” Starting to choke up a little, he tilted his eyes to Stefen who was staring straight ahead, expressionless. “Anyway, I fell in love with hockey and have been loyal to the Flyers ever since. Going to those games were the only childhood memories I have that included my father.” He forced a smile for Abby’s sake. She looked a little gloomy. Stretching for her hand, he brought it to his lips and assured her, “It’s okay Babe. Don’t look so sad.” Figuring it was as good of a time as any to point out how he thought the night would turn out, he added, “You are about to witness the Flyers kick some ass.” He chuckled and let her hand go turning toward the front with a lump in his throat. Madison must have woken up when Abby’s body was pulled forward for the hand kiss because the next thing Caleb heard was “Daddy, you said ass.” Damn.

  Once they parked and walked through the stadium, they picked up the normal junk food you get at such an event, nasty beer and all. Searching for their seats, Caleb couldn’t contain his excitement. Rene never shared this one passion with him. He only hoped that Abby would fall in love with the sport like he had. Smirking, he pictured her sitting next to him at another game, wearing her own hockey jersey. Now THAT would be awesome.

  Hockey fans were a whole other creature and exhilaration hummed throughout the place. Caleb saw a huge smile break out on Abby’s face before taking her seat next to him. “Wow, these are some pretty passionate fans.”

  “You haven’t seen anything yet.” Caleb promised just as the lights dimmed, and the home team hit the ice. Cheers erupted all around them. The Star Spangled Banner was sung, and it was game time.

  “This is a lot faster paced than I thought it would be.” Abby grinned from ear to ear. She looked like a kid on Christmas morning, the very first year that kid actually understood what all the hoopla was about. A fight broke out on the ice. This was it. This was where he would discover how she really felt about the game. Abby gripped his hand tight as fans all around them yelled. “Oh my gosh, Caleb, that guy took the other’s helmet off, and he’s hitting his face.” Launching onto her feet, like Stefen and others around them had, she held her hands to the sides of her head squeezing her face a little. Thinking she might be panicking, Caleb rose next to her and wrapped his arm her shoulder. “Why isn’t the referee stopping it?” He barely heard her speak because her eyes never left the ice. Crap. She was freaking out.

  Leaning down close to her ear, Caleb explained. “Well they don’t actually stop it until one of them hits the ice, or when it’s safe for the referee.” She shivered as his breathe hit her skin. He would never get tired of that.

  Checking for his daughter’s reaction on the other side of him, he noticed that Madison was still seated, eating her pretzel. This was not her first hockey game, and she was aware of what was going on. The player finally hit the ice with a bloody nose. Yeah Abby was not going to dig that at all. She sat down once the hostile duo went into their penalty boxes. “You okay Babe?” Caleb wondered.

  “Are you kidding me?” A massive smile spread across her face as she giggle-laughed. “That was freaking awesome.”

  He snapped his head toward her. “Are you serious?” He let out a loud laugh.

  “Yeah, my blood is still pumping. What a rush. Why did they fight anyway?” Speaking a mile a minute, she definitely was on an adrenaline rush.

  Caleb started to explain when Madison placed her tiny hand on his forearm and with wide eyes, interrupted. “NOBODY messes with the goalie, right Daddy?”

  “You’ve got that right, Sweetie.” He couldn’t contain his joy in that moment. His daughter and soon to be wife joined in his enthusiasm for this sport.

  Peering past Madison, Caleb watched Stefen mouth, “You lucky Bastard” to which Caleb nodded, put his arms around his girls on each side of him and pulled them toward his body.

  “Don’t I know it.”

  While heading up to their rooms, Caleb couldn’t tear his eyes off Abby. She’d noticed too. He probably looked like he was ready to pounce.

  Before leaving the game, she’d asked if they could go into the pro shop to buy a jersey that fit a little better. His primitive hormones may have kicked up a notch once she replaced his jersey with her own. He needed to pull himself together. His daughter was standing right there beside him.

  As if to remind him she was there, Madison begged. “Daddy, can I stay with Abby tonight? Girls should stay together. You can stay in the boy’s room.”

  Raising his eyebrows, he glanced over to Abby questioning if she was up for that. “Of course
you can stay with me. Your daddy can hang out in the stinky boy room, and we can sleep in the pretty princess room.”

  Pretending to be wounded, Caleb held his hand over his heart. “Daddy you’re so funny and silly.” Madison covered her mouth trying to contain a laugh.

  “Fine, I’ll go get the princess’s bag and meet you back in your room.” Purposely staring Abby in the eye when he said it, he was still on fire for her.

  Caleb returned a few minutes later and told Madison to go take a bath. He needed a minute alone with his woman. After the bathroom door closed, he grabbed Abby by the waist and pulled her to him. Looking intently into her eyes he growled, “I knew it was a bad idea to stay last night. I don’t know how I am ever going to get any sleep without you in my arms.” It was a good thing they weren’t alone. This was one evening he could see them going down a road he hadn’t planned yet.

  Her breath caught before she offered her suggestive promise. “Get all the rest you can now Mr. Hunter because soon you won’t be getting ANY sleep when I’m in your arms.”

  Caleb’s eyes widened at the thought. “NOW I’m definitely not getting any sleep. I better get out of here.” Holding the back of her head with his palm and leaning toward her, he slowly ran his lips across hers before kissing them. Opening her mouth, he deepened their kiss. Her hands began to wander down his back until she reached his behind. He needed this. The love this woman had to offer him was overpowering. They had to stop before he pulled her into the next room while Madison bathed. Withdrawing from their fiery kiss, he vowed. “Soon, I will not be leaving you for the night.”

  Attempting to catch her breath Abby replied, “I can’t wait.” The next couple of months were going to be torture.

  Stepping away, he proceeded to say goodnight to Madison. After reminding her to brush her teeth before bed, he exited the bathroom. Needing to touch Abby one last time tonight, he gave her a crooked smile before capturing her in his arms again. “You are giving me a lot to look forward to.” He kissed her again and struggled, not wanting to let her go. “I love you and will see you in the morning.” Releasing her, Caleb left the room.

  Abby was dressed for bed when Madison got out of the bathroom wearing princess PJs. “Can you help me with the toothpaste?”

  “Sure. We can brush at the same time.” Abby followed her soon to be daughter back into the bathroom.

  Madison used a toothbrush that blinked on and off for a couple of minutes, letting her know how long to brush. When the light stayed off, Madison rinsed her mouth and spit out the water. “All done.” Well that was nifty. They didn’t have toothbrushes like that when Abby was little.

  They walked over to the bed and Madison got under the covers before admitting, “Abby, I’m really glad that I get to share my daddy with you.” Her innocent brown eyes dug deep and cuddled into Abby’s soul. The thought never occurred to Abby that Caleb belonged to Madison first. This sweet being in front of her had such a giving spirit and happily shared her most treasured possession, her father. Abby almost lost it, then the little girl added, “And I’m glad I can share you with my daddy.” Abby would tell anyone with complete confidence that you can actually feel your heart grow. Madison seeped into another void Abby hadn’t realized she needed filled. She’d lost her child and this little girl fit perfectly into that gaping hole, making her heart complete once again. Madison timidly continued, “Since my mommy is in heaven, and you and daddy are getting married…” Still hesitant, she asked the question Abby could not have prepared herself for. “Can I call you Mama?”

  Without warning, Abby’s eyes filled with tears. Overcome with emotions, her voice cracked when she confirmed without a doubt. “Sweet baby girl, I would be honored if you called me Mama.” Madison gave her a huge smile that melted her already expanded heart.

  Abby leaned down and kissed the baby soft cheek on her angelic face. “Goodnight Mama. I love you.”

  “I love you too. Have a good night’s sleep.” Abby moved up and kissed her on the forehead before joining her under the covers. There was no way she would be able to go to sleep yet. Reaching for her phone, she sent Caleb a text.

  Abby ~ Madison asked if she could call me Mama

  Caleb ~ How do you feel about that?

  Abby ~ Overwhelmed with joy

  Caleb ~ Wondered if she would ask you 2night

  Abby ~ Thanks 4 the heads up

  Caleb ~ LOL…didn’t want 2 take away from your moment

  Abby ~ Have I told you how much I love you?

  Caleb ~ Yes but I could never get tired of hearing it.

  Abby ~ Good night:) I <3 U!

  Caleb ~ <3 U 2. See you in the morning. BTW can’t stop thinking bout what you said 8^/

  Abby ~ ;)

  “Look at this mess. I don’t know how I’m ever going to get this ready in time.” Abby stood with her hands on her paint stained, yoga pant covered hips, looking around at the disaster of a bedroom she was in the midst of redecorating. All the furniture had been removed, and the sandalwood color she and Caleb had just finished painting on the walls was still wet. Ladders, paintbrushes, rollers, and buckets were still scattered all over the floor as well as the drop cloths that protected the exquisite hard wood flooring.

  The master bathroom was already completely revamped in a neutral light forest green with glossy white cabinetry and two pedestal sinks side by side. Abby had never shared a bathroom with a man before, so she was really thankful theirs had a separate small room with a door where the toilet was located. She couldn’t help but make that room the size of a closet a little girlie by adding a small chandelier. She’d also added another chandelier that was just a little bigger over the new extra-large bathtub that fit two. Although, she had a feeling Madison might get more use out of the tub than the newlyweds would. Caleb told her he didn’t enjoy baths. Who knows, maybe I can change his mind on that matter.

  “I still can’t believe Caleb asked you to redo the entire house while you are planning a wedding. You know you can always hire someone to do all of this for you.” Leah had stopped by to check on their progress before heading out to pick Madison up from her Grammy’s house.

  “And you know that’s not me. He wanted to hire people, but I enjoy doing everything for our home myself. Well, myself and my bestest gal of course.” Abby placed her arm around Leah’s shoulder. She’d already suckered Leah into doing a few of the larger projects with her.

  “I know, I know. I’d do the same.” Leah confirmed what Abby already knew.

  “Are you sure you don’t mind taking Madison today?” They needed to do some work on the gift Abby was planning on giving to her new daughter. They’d figured out a way to hide it from her, but it was difficult hiding while she worked on it.

  “Of course not, she’s my little chica. I tried calling her chicita the other day, and she said that was a banana, and she was not a banana, so I guess that’s out.” Leah started to cackle.

  “Well it’s better than what Stefen calls her.” That got Leah’s attention.

  “Stefen? Caleb’s cousin, Stefen?” Her expression was comical.

  “Yep, apparently when he changed her diaper as a baby, she wet him, so he calls her squirt.”

  “She lets him call her that? I swear that man can get away with anything. All he has to do is flash those damn hazel eyes and offer up a grin with his perfect lips.” Leah’s surprised reaction to her own words made Abby snort.

  “I think I have to agree with you about Stefen; he does seem to get whatever he wants. You know, Lisa, that girl I told you about at Caleb’s parent’s house?”

  “The one that needs a good bitch slap?” Leave it to Leah not to sugar coat her feelings.

  “Yeah, well, she and Stefen have this weird vibe going on. It’s like if he tells her to jump, she doesn’t even ask how high. She just knows, but there is no affection with them at all. Caleb told me that she’s been after both of them since they were teenagers, but she seems to have a little unhealthy obsession with Stefen

  “Doesn’t surprise me; he is honestly the most beautiful man I’ve ever seen, BUT he is a player too. He knows he is good-looking, and I’m sure he uses it to his advantage anytime he can. No matter how big of a major turn off that is, it’s also a damn shame.” She pursed her lips but her bogus look of disgust wasn’t quite convincing.

  “He’s going to be here for the wedding, you know. He is Caleb’s closest friend and will be the best man. So, you guys will be walking up the aisle together at the end of the ceremony. Are you okay with that?” Abby eyed her friend to measure her sincere reaction, not just the words that came out of her mouth.

  “Of course.” She responded a little too enthusiastically. “Just because I wouldn’t date him doesn’t mean that I won’t enjoy gawking at him.”

  “Apparently he will be staying here the week before the wedding and three weeks after. He’s using the time as a vacation from work. I guess Stefen, his dad, and his uncle have been working on this high profile case, and Caleb is really excited that Stefen will be getting away from it all for a bit.” Abby had mixed feelings about Stefen being there when they came back from their honeymoon. However, she didn’t want to be a brat about it. Caleb was so at peace with his cousin staying, but they were also starting their lives together. No matter, by the time the wedding and their two-week honeymoon came and went, he would only be there for another week.

  She felt conflicted about some of the things Caleb had shared about him. Leah nudged her. She must have seen it on Abby’s face. “Caleb has mentioned how worried he gets about Stefen because he is sucked in to the superficial life the rest of the family is in. Caleb sees the potential in him and wants so much more for his life. He’s tried to get both Bri and Stefen to move to Santa Barbara for years apparently. He’s even busted out the Madison guilt card.” They both laughed knowing darn well that particular card was a difficult one to resist. “He says Stefen isn’t like that deep down. If you were to see him with Madison, you’d believe it too. I saw the man sporting some little piggy tails when we visited Chicago. Maybe if he had some spicy Latina in this city, he may consider relocating.”


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