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It All Started With a Lima Bean

Page 29

by Kimi Flores

  The time came to exchange vows and rings. They’d agreed to keep theirs fairly short so neither started to sob in front of their guests. Caleb began. “Abby Rose, you showed me what true, mature love could be like. You are selfless, generous, and genuine, and you pulled me out of my dark existence back into the light. I will work the rest of my life to make sure that you experience the joy you deserve. I love you, Baby.”

  Accepting the wedding ring from Stefen, he placed it on her finger.

  It was Abby’s turn. With a shaky voice, she spoke. “Caleb, I never knew a man like you could ever exist. You took the broken woman that I was and helped put me back together. I will be forever grateful for your kindness and love. Without you, I am empty. I can’t wait to start our forever together, as husband and wife. I love you with all of my heart and soul.”

  Once she placed the ring on his finger. The minister said a few more words before announcing what Caleb had waited for months to hear. “You may now kiss your bride.”

  He hadn’t thought about what kind of kiss he would give her but now that the time had come, he was going for it. Flipping her veil over her head, he smiled before dipping her and kissing her like nobody else was around. Unable to help himself, he breathed into her ear. “I can’t wait to get you alone, Abby Rose.” Her body reacted his favorite way, besides blushing. She shivered. Pulling her back up to her feet, hoots and hollers sounded from the crowd and Abby granted him a wicked smile. Good, she had the same thing in mind as he did. This reception couldn’t end quickly enough. He was ready to take his bride to places neither had ever experienced.

  Abby couldn’t believe it, she was officially a married woman. Not just a married woman, but also Caleb Hunter’s wife. She still wasn’t positive she was not dreaming.

  They’d gone through the ceremony, taken all the pictures she could bare to take, and for their first dance, as husband and wife, they’d swayed back and forth to “Beseme Mucho”. After eating and mingling with all of their guests, she was exhausted and extremely thirsty. All of her drinks were brought to her throughout the night so that she hadn’t visited the refreshment table yet. Stepping up to the table, her heart stopped. Sitting in the center of the fabric-covered table was the beautiful ceramic pink, green, and white lemonade jar she’d seen last year when she went antiquing with Grace and Leah. Next to it was another jar of a similar style, bronze spout and all, except it was cream with brown trim and had the words ‘Sweat Tea’ inscribed in brown.

  Picking her head up, she searched the crowd and found her. Grace must have been watching Abby because a smirk took over her face when they made eye contact. Her new mom blew her a kiss and turned to talk to someone beside her. Abby got it. She didn’t want her to make a big deal about this, but it was a big deal. She’d gone back and not only purchased the ridiculously expensive antique for her but also found a match to it.

  About to start crying for the millionth time today, she felt herself being whirled around and collided with Caleb’s chest. “There you are. I was in need of a kiss my from wife and you disappeared on me.” He didn’t waste any time, his lips were on her before she had a chance to respond with words, so instead she reacted with actions. He didn’t break away as he normally did. This was really nice; she could get used to these kinds of kisses.

  She heard Stefen walk beside them and say, “Get a room you two.” Pulling away they both belly laughed until something occurred to her. They had a room. Just up the stairs. Drawn into his eyes she could tell that he undeniably had the same thing in mind. The fire in his eyes gave away every thought he had. That intense stare sent a million tiny shivers down her spine resulting in a full-blown body quiver. He loved her involuntary response to his presence.

  As the song playing was coming to an end, Caleb said, “Come here, I have a little special something for you.” He pulled her to the dance floor where they met up with Dave and her mom. Both men looked at each other and smiled while Abby and her mom looked at each other confused. Caleb grabbed her hand and gave it a quick kiss then leaned in. “Dance with your mom, Love.” Her husband walked away as she looked at her mom who was receiving a quick peck on her lips before Dave left her.

  Then she understood why, the sound of a woman and her daughter speaking came through the speakers. The song that Abby’s mom had sung to her every night before bed when she was a little girl began to play. You and Me Against the World by Helen Reddy crooned throughout the area embracing the two women before they’d even had a chance to hold each other. Her mom wrapped her arms around Abby, and they danced, the only two on the dance floor for the entire party to witness. “I love you so much baby girl, and I’m so proud of the woman you’ve become.” That was it. Any chance of Abby not losing it was long gone.

  “I love you too mom.” Raw emotions spilled out as she ugly cried while swaying and hanging on to her mom for dear life until the end of the song. Unknowingly, they’d drawn a crowd. There were just as many cheers as there were tears.

  Abby was wiping at her eyes when Madison approached. “Mama, why are you crying?”

  “I’m just happy sweetie, that’s all.” Needing to use the back of her hand now because her fingers and palms were covered in makeup and yuck, she noticed Madison trying to process what she’d said. Apparently, she didn’t quite get it. “Remember how happy you were when Daddy asked me to marry him, and you had happy tears?” Madison nodded. “Well, I have the same feelings, so I’m crying happy tears, not sad tears.”

  A smile broke out. “Okay, that makes senses now.” This girl and her cute words killed her.

  “Mama, can I show you and Daddy something?”

  “Of course Sweetheart, he’s right there, let’s go get him.” They walked past Caleb, and all Abby had to do was gesture with her head for him to join them, and he followed.

  He caught up and questioned, “What’s up?”

  “Madison wants to show us something.” They joined hands and followed their little girl over to the large plant she had been tending to for months.

  Madison squatted down. “Look right here. Do you see that both of my beans grew because we all gave them love?”

  “Yes, it did. It’s a beautiful plant Madison. All the love you’ve shown to it has made it grow into a strong plant.” Abby was so proud of the lesson this plant had taught her little girl about love.

  “No, look closer, there are two plants.” She pointed to where the stems came out of the ground. Two stalks originated from the dirt, but as if they could not survive without each other, they joined, embraced, and intertwined all the way up to their tops making them appear to be one plant. Madison was not the only one who learned a lesson in love from these seeds. Abby and Caleb’s eyes met just as they had when these beans were originally planted, and they had their second, ‘Ah Ha’ moment while standing in this same spot. This time however, just like the plants, they were joined together as one.

  Scooping down to pick Madison up, the three embraced making their family one entity. Switching her eyes from one of them to the other, she said, “I love you Daddy and Mama.”

  “We love you too Pumpkin.” Both parents said at the same time.

  “Now, when can I get a baby brother or sister?”

  How does a person who has lived a life with careless regard for others prove that he is worthy of redemption?

  Stefen Hunter is accustomed to getting whatever he wants whenever he desires it. The world is at his fingertips and with seemingly no effort on his part, women flock to him. As a successful lawyer at his family’s law firm in Chicago, he has a social standing he must protect. He wouldn’t dare harm his image by doing something as reckless as falling for someone ‘beneath’ him, including the woman he met in California the week of his cousin’s wedding. The woman he cannot stop thinking about. For the first time in his life Stefen finds himself wishing he was worthy to be someone’s partner. After the way he has conducted himself though, is it already too late? How many times can one forgive before reaching their l

  Leah Valdez has fulfilled her dream of owning a flower shop in Santa Barbara. To be able to share beautiful flowers with others and bring a smile to their face causes her tremendous joy. Being a fairly modest person, her little shop and living close to her best friend Abby is all Leah desires.

  When assuming the task of entertaining Stefen during his stay in California, her generous and loving nature is put to the ultimate test. The rejection, anguish, and humiliation of being unacceptable in Stefen’s social circle, causes her heart to become guarded. Only able to take so much pain, Leah willingly encourages a reconnection with a man from her past, hoping to forget the man who caused her heartache. The man who invades her thoughts and dreams. After all, repeat kindness and consideration only extend so far.

  Compassion meets redemption head on. Will life destroy Stefen and Leah, or will they find that they are An Exceptional Twist?

  Leah sat at the large rectangular, linen covered table under a canopy of silk, poking away at her third piece of wedding cake. Yes, third piece. This delectable confection was from her favorite bakery, Portos, and she didn’t care who noticed her eat every single piece she’d swiped. She was tempted to lick her plate, but she figured that might be taking it too far. Seated to left of Leah, her sister and her cousin spoke in Spanish so that none of the “gringas” could understand the crap they were saying about everyone. Leah had to admit that most of their babble was pretty spot-on.

  Glancing across the pool illuminated by floating candles, she focused on her best friend, Abby, intimately embracing her new husband and stepdaughter while swaying to the music that played through the speakers. What a sweet picture that would make. She was reaching for her camera when the wedding photographer captured the moment. She would have to ask for a copy of that one.

  Staring at her best friend’s happy little family, Leah couldn’t help but wonder if it was in the cards to find someone who could love her as much as Caleb loved Abby. It wasn’t as though Leah was an old hag. Her twenty-sixth birthday had been a couple of months prior, but something about being at weddings brought doubts to the surface. The toughest part was that since she was a florist, she had to attend these damn things a couple of times a month.

  Pulled from her depressing thoughts, Leah glanced up at the groom’s cousin, Stefen, who stood in front of her with his palm extended. “Would you care to dance?”

  Leah nodded and placed her fork next to the last bite of cake on her plate. “I’d love to,” she said, grasping his hand as he pulled her dramatically from her chair and whisked her onto the dance floor.

  Stefen, a native of Chicago, had been visiting Santa Barbara for a week now. Leah had enjoyed that time of ogling him when he wasn’t looking. He was gorgeous in that naughty boy attempting to appear as though his intentions are honorable way. However, his objectives were the furthest from chivalrous. Leah couldn’t help but compare him to the naughty brother from that popular vampire TV show. Stefen had this whole wicked hot vibe going on, devious look in his dazzling eyes, crooked smile, and attitude to match. He had the slightest overbite that drew her eyes to his full kissable mouth. Not to mention, he was a lawyer, which in Leah’s book just added to his sinister character.

  Catching herself gazing into his seductive hazel eyes, she could see that he was trouble. Not wanting to give him the satisfaction of witnessing his effect on her, she used her ninja skills to devour him visually the moment he turned away.

  A slow song crooned through the speakers, and she didn’t complain when he held her close to his firm body. Damn he could move. It would not surprise her if he’d taken dance lessons to fit into the social gatherings his family undoubtedly attended. Most likely, he knew ballroom dances such as the foxtrot, waltz, and tango. She was familiar with these as well, but she used her dance knowledge to instruct a great group of special needs kids, not to climb a social ladder. This realization drew her attention to the fact that this probably wasn’t their only difference.

  They’d flirted all week, but she honestly didn’t know too much about him. Trying to be nice, she’d offered to show him around town while Caleb and Abby were on their two-week honeymoon. For some reason, Caleb didn’t seem particularly happy when she’d made the suggestion in front of him.

  Stefen was staying in Santa Barbara for three more weeks, and she was smart enough to realize that she was going to have to watch her step around him. The flirting was fun, but he’d made enough comments that led her to believe he was accustomed to an entirely different caliber of woman than her. No matter, he would be leaving soon enough.

  “So I guess you are my tour guide the next couple of weeks.” One of those devious smiles covered his charming face. He captivated her eyes with his as they moved their united bodies back and forth to the melody surrounding them.

  “I have to work most days, but I can still show you around so that you don’t have to fend for yourself the whole time.” She teased, then although difficult, purposely removed her eyes from his.

  Capturing her sight once more, Stefen nonchalantly pointed out, “I actually have to work too. I decided to take some time away from the office but need to continue working on some cases remotely.” Something told her there was more to this story, but she didn’t dare ask. “Let me know when you are free so I can get that tour.” Dang, she was staring into his beautiful hazel eyes again, and then at his mouth. Her sister Daniella and she always said that a guy’s lips and eyes had the same effect on women that boobs and behinds had on guys.

  Leah cleared her throat and tried not to look like a drooling puppy. “I was planning on coming back here tomorrow to get things in order after the tents, tables, and chairs are gone.”

  “What time is that?” Stefen cocked his left eyebrow. He was trying to make her melt and damn if it wasn’t working.

  “Abby has a cleaning crew coming at 10:00 so I’ll be over around that time. Are you staying here or at Abby’s bungalow? I didn’t hear what was decided.” Abby had told her that he was welcome at either house but thought he probably wouldn’t want to stay at her girly bungalow, plus the family nanny was about to move in and he probably didn’t want to stay with her.

  “I’m staying here.” A pompous attitude came off him as if she should know better than to ask such an absurd question. Well that was not sexy.

  “I’ll bring breakfast then. What do you like?” She would keep up her polite manner even when he was going to act like a jackass.

  “I’ll enjoy anything you are willing to give me, Leah.” The cunning smile was back, and her tan face turned crimson. She was sure he intended those words to have a double meaning.

  She couldn’t keep her quick breath from his attention. Smirking, he turned toward her family members. “Who is the woman that is standing by your sister? She’s pointing at you, and checking me out. Relative of yours?”

  Leah glanced in the direction he was motioning. “Oh yeah, that’s my cousin. She and Abby are friends as well.” Leah’s female family members were always trying to embarrass her. Then again, she had no right to complain because she did the same to them.

  A wide smile broke out on his face before drawing her body even closer. “So she’s trying to figure out who the hot guy is that looks like he wants to ravage her little cousin, huh?” Hot? Did he just call himself hot? And ravage her? WTH? If her embarrassment wasn’t already evident before, she was certainly not able to hide it now. There was that damn smirk yet again. He knew he was getting to her. “Why don’t we give them something more to talk about?” His lips were suddenly an inch from hers as he dipped her backward.

  “Wh… what?” Leah questioned breathlessly with her heart pounding in her throat.

  “Relax. I’m kidding Leah; boy, you are so easy to mess with. I’m going to have fun with you.” He gave her an eyebrow wiggle as he pulled her back up on to quivering legs.

  She tried to get the upper hand by smiling and shooting back. “Mr. Hunter, you sure are a tease aren’t you? I’m going to have
to keep my distance.” Leah turned and attempted to walk away.

  Catching her arm, Stefen brought their bodies together once again. After possessively wrapping his hands around her lower back, he growled, “Oh, no you don’t. I’ve been told that I’m irresistible, and I don’t tease. You are welcome to any part of me that you can handle.” They were eye to eye and she was unable to control her heavy breathing. He unexpectedly released her. After peeking to their side, she realized that Caleb was standing next to them. He had his arm around Stefen and practically dug his fingers into his cousin’s shoulder as he squeezed.

  “Hey guys. Are you enjoying the reception?” Caleb looked downright pissed off at Stefen.

  “Uh, yeah. It’s a great party.” The once arrogant guy in front of her now looked like a little boy that just got busted doing something he’d been told many times not to do.

  “Leah, do you mind if I talk to Stefen for a minute, sweetie?” Seeing through Caleb’s fake smile, she didn’t dare ask what was going on. However, she would hate to be Stefen right now.

  “Sure, no problem.” Leah quickly rushed back to join her relatives.

  Her older sister, Daniella or Dani as she was better known, stood next to their table pursing her lips while checking Leah out from head to toe before grabbing her hands and pulling her forward. “Hermana, Stefen is one fine ass man and he sure can move on the dance floor.” Dani picked up, and then fanned herself with a cocktail napkin from the table.

  “Never gonna happen. You are correct; he is an ass.” Leah was irritated after her interaction with him, but for some reason her blood was still rushing through her veins.

  “Never say never, baby sister.” Dani bumped her sister’s hip with her own curvy behind.


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