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The Dom's Dilemma

Page 4

by Raven McAllan

  "Pity. So there'll be no outside playing then?"" He tugged one red curl on the top of her head. "No bondage and orgasm torture au naturel?"

  "Not if you don't want me marked for the wrong reasons, Sir. Seriously, Even now I'm itching. That'll be blooming ants or sommat. I was the only person at pony club who could come home after mucking out, with a map of Australia in bites, on my tummy." She shook her head. "Not even Scotland, I ask you. Do you think the mites were trying to tell me something?"

  He looked up from the third sheet of paper. "Like emigrating? I'm glad they didn’t. It's a long way to get you to crawl on your knees from."

  "I'm sorry?"

  "Crawl on your knees. Like now. Into the house. Kitten, were you deliberately baiting me?" He waved the questionnaire at her. "Now move."

  Chapter Six


  Would she? It was a gamble, and he didn't really think her evasive answers were really brattiness, just confusion. However, a straightforward I do not understand, or I do not know would have been preferable to the snide, who knows, who would, and, er you what? But at least it meant he got to play. A little of his dominant self on show wouldn't come amiss. He'd been so vanilla over the last few days, he almost asked her if she wanted a cornet or a tub.

  Seonagh glanced up at him confusion in her expression. "Crawl as in how? Where? Why? Sir."

  "On all fours, like the kitten I say you are. You may also purr, but sheath the claws. Or I might take it upon me to sheath them for you." The look of astonishment, the way her eyes widened and her breath sped up was satisfying. "Into the house." He judged it was around ten yards and all on grass. As he often said, he might be a sadist, but he wasn't cruel. Gravel or concrete would give unnecessary pain. "Why? Because I want to see you on all fours, your ass wiggle and your tits jiggle as you move." He didn't add, as he wanted to, and 'once inside I'll have that skirt off and your ass and cunt bare to my sight as soon as I can'. That wasn’t for tonight. Tonight was only the first step on their journey, and as much as he wanted to get from a to z without visiting every stop in between he wouldn't.

  It was agony to keep his face impassive as he waited to see what she would do.

  Seonagh shuffled her feet and gave him a long hard impenetrable look. Eventually, just as he was sure it would be fuck off and fuck off, she dipped her head very briefly, and took a deep breath.

  "I'll try, Sir."

  "Good, kitten what color are you?"

  She looked up at him again, and confusion showed in her eyes. "Col… or well, green I think."

  "The moment you don’t think, say so. Do you understand?"

  He had to bite back a grin at her, 'duh, what, do you think I'm stupid or something,' expression. His cock twitched at the delicious thought of sorting his rebellious and feisty sub out.

  He hoped his eagerness didn't show, or his cock peek over the top of his jeans, as she used her arms and legs to propel herself on hands and knees toward the house. Plus, he couldn't help be thankful the garden was private and the nearest neighbors unable to see in. Claudio enjoyed public play, but he didn't think Seonagh would enjoy her neighbors seeing her like that.

  As he suspected she muttered under her breath, but it wasn't directed at his sadistic high handedness. Instead she was urging herself on. He commended her courage. It wasn't an easy thing to do, especially as to move without getting caught up in her skirt she'd kilted it around her waist and every move gave him an enticing flash of red lace.

  I could get used to this.

  When they got to the doorstep, she hesitated. Claudio waited to see what she would decide to do. He could imagine the mental conversation she was having with herself, and wished he had the abilities to hear it.

  She lifted herself over the threshold and into the kitchen.

  "Why on earth I chose coir matting I have no idea, but I bet the guy who persuaded me was a sadist and had this scenario in mind." Claudio saw her wince as the rough strands of rug dug into her hands and knees. "Do you have a brother who works in a carpet store?"

  "No, I have a brother who is a priest."


  Seonagh sat back on her haunches. Had she head aright? "I'm sorry, Sir. A brother who is a priest? You're kidding me. That'll be right a Dom and a priest. I bet you have a sister who's a nun."

  "No, a high class whore."

  As a conversation stopper, that one was worthy of an Oscar.

  "Right." How could she answer that? And how long was she going to have to torture herself on the bloody rug? Seonagh vowed there and then to throw it out and put down something kinder to crawling subs. "I'd love to say, oh my sister is a vicar, or something, but I don’t have one. And my brother is too wee to think of anything other than his obsession with marmalade sandwiches like a certain bear, and Formula One. He brmm, brmm's all the way through every race we watch on TV."

  Claudio chuckled. “A bit of a character eh? Luisa is actually the wife of a businessman in Milan. But there was a, lady of 'unusual interests' shall I say featured in a high profile vice case in Italy last year who has the same name. It took my sister a while to live that down. Stavros my big brother is a priest in the Greek Orthodox Church. I'm the black sheep. Move on, kitten. I think we'll play in the lounge."

  Play? Who said anything about playing? "Yellow then."

  Claudio hunkered down next to her, the denim of his jeans a tight caress over the bulge that shouted 'come and get me' to her.

  "Why? You've been a perfect little subbie, and now you cry hold on? For what reason have I worried you?"

  "You said play. We've done nothing but talk for god knows how long and out of the blue you said play. What do you mean?" Her voice rose and she let her breath out in a long loud whoosh. "Sorry, overreaction or what?"

  He stroked her hair, and pulled it gently. "No, not over reaction, kitten. Sense." He tugged the handful of red tresses a bit harder and she winced. Claudio chuckled. "A tiny sting, kitten. I said play because you crawled for me so nicely. If that isn't play, is not us beginning to set out our parameters, what is? You stated in your question and answer that you were ready to play. To let me take charge. That you trusted me, and accepted I would adhere to our safe words. But, and remember this, you also said you wouldn't question my directives as to how, where and when we scened unless it posed a problem. So what is the problem?"

  Put like that, Seonagh was stymied.

  "Surprise, apprehension, excitement… Sorry, Sir but aren't we a bit limited on what we can play here?"

  "Clever kitten. That is true. But, you know? Why not trust me? Remember green is good, yellow is hold on a sec, let's think about what we're doing and red is stop, we need to talk. I promise I'll adhere to those rules. Are you happy with that? If we play a little. After all it would be nice not going into the club as a virgin wouldn't it?"

  He had a point. How would she appear if she were totally clueless? It wouldn't reflect well on her dads either. But now it was decision time she was, she admitted to herself, scared shitless.

  Go for it. Or don't and give up before you start. Her inner self nagged her. Claudio wasn't giving her any pressure. Or encouragement.

  "Then yes, Sir."

  "Good girl. How about you crawl into the lounge and sit next to the chair I favor. I so like to see your ass with that scrap of lace disappearing where my cock aches to go one day." He let go of her hair, kissed her nose, and stood up. "And I so want to know you can feel every inch you take."

  Seonagh swallowed to quell the incipient excitement and arousal that threatened to overwhelm her. Inch she took how? Pictures rushed into her mind. Steps, crawls, cock, pain. The scratches on her arms and legs felt like battle scars of the best kind, as she let her imagination run riot for a second.

  "Ah, Kitten I can see that excited you. Your legs glisten with your arousal and I bet if I put my lips to your pussy, I'd taste just how much. The sooner you arrive the sooner we start to discover what we can do."

  She began to move.

/>   "Sweet, kitten. Next time I'll have you bare assed naked for me."

  It was a relief to get off the kitchen matting and onto the softer hall carpet. Seonagh clenched her cunt muscles as her juices decided to make a bid for freedom. She wasn't going to drip all over her Chinese rug. The tap on her bum stung and make her yelp.

  "My cum, my juices, my cunt, my climax, kitten. If your body wants you to show me how I affect it, you do not stop it."

  His stern, implacable voice did strange things to her tummy. Butterflies danced in it, and she wriggled to quell them. However mindful of his diktat she didn't try to hide it.

  "There's my good kitten. Shall I taste you soon?" He didn't wait for an answer. Seonagh watched him walk past her and into the lounge. She gritted her teeth, hoped to hell she had arnica in the cupboard and moved on.

  By the time she reached the chair where he sat and shuffled onto the cushion he'd thoughtfully put on the floor, her knees hurt like Hades.

  Claudio took hold of her chin and forced her to look at him. "Any reason why, you idiot, did you not cry yellow for this? He pointed at her red and scratched knees. That is where you should alert me. That is not acceptable, it is unnecessary. You will do well to remember that, kitten."

  He let go of her chin, sat back in the chair and steepled his hands to rest his chin. He looked, damn him, the epitome of patient man. Only his studied nonchalance showed he might in fact be an anxious one. Or at least a little bit wondering. She liked that.

  "I'm sorry Sir, I've cocked up again eh?"

  He shook his head. "No, I did that. Or didn't, depending what we're talking about."

  Seonagh snorted. "Yes, Sir."

  He smiled, and nodded. "So, your virginity? BDSM speaking?"

  She cast her mind back to their earlier conversation.

  "No, I don’t want to be a total virgin. What do you suggest, Sir?"

  "That you learn to behave like a good little subbie. Unless you really think you're a Domme?"

  Seonagh considered. "No. I know I'm not, that was just a 'what if,' maybe scenario. I don't want to tell someone else what to do. I have enough of that at work. Mind you, I'm still not sure if I'm subbie material, but I do know something is lacking."

  "Having your bottom smacked for being a brat as a kid?" Claudio studied her over his hands.

  She crossed her eyes and made a face. "It's illegal, doncha know."

  "Spanking an of age bratty sub isn't. Not if she doesn't safe word out. Stand up."

  His tone brooked no defiance. Seonagh scrambled to her feet and hovered in front of him. Her palms were clammy, her mouth dry, and her skin prickled. Did it mean he was going to administer a chastisement? Why did the thought of that excite her?

  "Touch your toes, kitten. Go on I know you can do it. You look athletic, and you crawl like a champion."

  "Yes, Sir." She hoped he meant crawl in the movement sense, not the creepy, smarmy way.

  It seemed so natural and right to answer him with his title and do as he asked. Seonagh bent down and gripped her toes. Her skirt slid from where she'd tucked it and covered her legs. How on earth she'd keep her balance if he touched her she had no idea.

  He chuckled and the deep resonating sound went straight to her clit. Dripping thong time again.

  “Good girl. That's a lovely view. You've too many clothes on but that's easily sorted." As she looked through her legs behind her his boot-clad feet came into view under the bottom of her skirt. Then the hem was edged upwards until jean clad legs came into view. ""Better, now I'll tie this out of the way. Next time you can take your dress or whatever off. This time, I find myself too anxious to see, touch, and taste you to wait." He evidently moved her skirt to his satisfaction and then stroked her bare leg from her foot to the edge of her lacy—and her more than damp—thong. "Ah, you are excited aren't you? Wet for me. I like that." He slid two fingers under the scalloped lace of the thong and caressed the edge of her cunt. "You do know we'll fuck afterwards don't you? My cock aches and is about ready to snap in half. I need to spank your pretty ass for your attitude and fuck you for the same reason. So contrary, so beautiful, and I bloody well hope, so mine. Therefore, color?"

  "Green." Why did he ask? Didn't he know if she weren't happy, his cock would ache for all the wrong reasons?

  "Good. Let me remove this pretty scrap of lace." He edged her thong off and warm air teased her pussy. "Now, kitten walk forward until you reach the arm of the sofa and bend over it. Put your head on the seat." He didn't move his hand from her crotch. If anything he moved it closer to the entrance of her pussy.

  Seonagh shivered and her fingers itched. It was so not easy to walk when he teased her cunt like that. A short sharp tap on her ass made her yip, jump, and squawk.

  "Exactly, move it, kitten. My patience isn't inexhaustible. When I say jump, you say how high, Sir and do it."

  How she wanted to. Sometimes discretion won over her impulsiveness, and she admitted, snottiness. This was one of them. Seonagh gripped her ankles and shuffled forward until her head bumped into the arm of the settee. Then she draped herself over it and wondered what the hell she looked like with her ass stuck up in the air. At least she'd dressed in a new and not raggedy lacy thong for him to remove. Some of them were, she accepted, more than a bit past their best.

  The coarse tweed material of the seat tickled her cheek and she twitched her nose. She always knew her lack of domestic eagerness would call her out one day. Dust teased her nostrils and she sneezed. "Bloody dust bunnies. Just have to get in on the act."

  "Steen eyia sue—bless you."

  She sneezed again. "Thank you. All done now."

  "I'm glad to hear it," Claudio said gravely. "Cradle your head on your elbows if it makes it more comfortable."

  He stilled his questing fingers, on the soft skin between her clit and channel. Seonagh wriggled and got into what she hoped was the best position for what? To be smacked like a recalcitrant child. Could she accept that?

  "Perfect, kitten." He began to stroke her pussy. "And oh so bare here. Just what my subbie needs."

  God, I hope so, all of it. I'm so not sure. But, nothing ventured and all that.

  "You remember your safe words?" His voice was low, soothing and curled around her like a comfort blanket. "Tell me, kitten."

  “Red, stop, yellow stop I need to ask something, green go on."

  "Good, kitten." A large and slightly calloused hand caressed the globes of her ass, in gentle, unthreatening circles. She loved it. The touch, the hint of things to come, the scent of him, which surrounded her. Male, dominant and all for her. The way her clit throbbed and her pussy muscles clenched in anticipation, plus the wetness now coating her thighs were more than a turn on. Could you come from expectation alone? Seonagh cleared her mind and let herself feel.

  "Stay like that, kitten. Your ass is so pretty, quivering and ready to be reddened. I won't be a moment."

  Footsteps receded and Seonagh listened to the noise of a door opening. The kitchen? Probably though she had no idea why. Maybe he wanted to wash his hands or something. A few moments later she heard it—she assumed it was the same door—close and the gentle thud of footsteps on carpet as they approached.

  He touched the crown of her head.

  "You know why I'm punishing you, don't you?"

  Do I? She tore her mind away from his touch. "Um, you said I was bratty." Whatever you mean by that.

  "You were. Bratty to me in your responses to my questionnaire. Bratty to your fathers the other week. That is not acceptable, kitten. Ten punishment spanks."


  "Thank me, kitten."


  "Pardon, Sir. That's twelve. Thank me for showing you the error of your ways." His hand stilled and he pinched the soft skin of her butt. "Waiting."

  "Thank you, Sir." That's fucking screwy. Who the hell is he to tell me how to behave?



  Something hit her ass and it wasn't hi
s hand. It stung like hell. She tried to sit up, but he held her firm. The next blow was harder, and the third even more so. She saw red.

  "Fucking hell get off me now. Red, scarlet, take your bloody hands off me now." She screamed and jerked upward. "Do not touch me, you asshole. How dare you think you should fucking beat seven shades of shit out of me? Punishment? What the fuck. It's supposed to be a good pain not bloody torture. Fuck off." She began to sob.

  "Seonagh? Kitten, breath slowly. I won't do it if you don't want me to. I might be a sadist, but I'm not cruel, even if that does sound like an oxymoron. Or unsympathetic. Come on now, ssshhh."

  She realized she was lifted and cradled into his arms.

  "Do we put punishment spankings on your hard list? Before you've even had one?" His tone was both tender and humorous.

  "What?" What on earth was he saying? She'd felt his hand and cried red hadn't she?

  "Sorry, I mean what, Sir." No need to annoy him any more than I have.

  "Do you?"

  Now she was confused. He sank in an armchair and settled her on his knee, with his arms around her and then he tutted. "No subbie blanket, I forgot to pick up the throw. You'll have to absorb my body heat instead. Now what was that all about? Why didn't you just say red before we started?" He kissed her nose. "Not as sure as you thought you were, eh?"

  Seonagh wrinkled her face and wriggled on his lap. Something struck her.

  "My bum isn't sore."

  "Why would it be?" Claudio sounded puzzled. "What do you mean, my kitten? And until you say red, no dice, no go, goodbye, I'll call you that. Okay?"

  "But…" Seonagh lifted up somewhat reluctantly, out of his arms and turned her body so she could see his face clearly. "Did I not?"

  "Did you not what, kitten?" He traced the curve of her neck from her jaw to the edge of her loose, floaty top.

  "Call red?"

  He shook his head. "You groaned, looked up at me, said ready…your eyes rolled and you were out for the count. Scared the shit out of me."


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