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A Guardian's Loving Caress (Enigma, Maine)

Page 5

by Iris Abbott

  She shivered and wrapped her arms around herself as if to ward off the cold. “Law enforcement set up a sting operation and caught the leader of the cartel. He had dual citizenship and was able to slip across the border anytime he wanted. The prosecutors wanted a slam-dunk. Even though they had made a deal with both the construction company owner, and the contractor, they insisted that I testify too.”

  She gave him a weak smile. “I received several death threats, so the Houston Police Department kept me in protective custody. My townhouse was vandalized and later set on fire. I knew the drug lord meant business, and so did the police. They contacted someone from the Federal Witness Protection Program. Someone in the program created a new identity and life for me.”

  She looked at him again, but this time she wasn’t smiling. “They moved me to Kansas. I couldn’t be an architect anymore. That hurt more than anything else did. The program set me up as the manager of a large art and craft store. I lived that life for about three months.” She shuddered.

  “Then I started to get a strange feeling. I knew something bad was going to happen. I started making plans. A week later, someone broke into my house with bullets flying. I ducked just in time and barely missed taking a direct hit to the head. Only a trained killer could have made that shot. I slipped out a back window, climbed a fence, and crossed over a couple of my neighbors’ backyards. The only thing I had time to grab was my backpack. It had all the cash I’d been saving, my real identification, and an extra change of clothes. I ran five miles to the bus station. I bought a ticket for the next bus out of town and I rode all over the country until I found myself here in Enigma. Something about this town called to me. I got off the bus and I’m still here, at least for now.”

  More and likely it was someone not something. Most witches could sense other witches. Lucian was willing to bet that what she felt was a familial connection to Brianna and Brittany. The magic inside her recognized home and family even if she didn’t. “You’re safe here, Jessica. You have to believe that. You don’t need to run anymore.”

  “I want to believe you, Luc. I really do, but how can small town law enforcement keep me safe when the United States government couldn’t?”

  He could answer that, but he knew she wasn’t ready to hear what he had to say. “I can give you another reason to stay.”


  Jessica’s gut clenched in answer to that statement. She knew what he meant. It seemed they’d been building toward this moment all night. She moved so that her knees were on either side of his hips. She wrapped her arms around his neck and slowly lowered her lips to his. “I need this. I need you,” she whispered. She slid her hands under his T-shirt and lightly ran them over his chest.

  “I need you too,” Lucian promised. He nibbled on her earlobe. Jessica sighed. One more nibble, then he ran the tip of his tongue along the shell and outer rim of her ear.

  Jessica could hear and feel his hot breath. She’d never thought of her ear as being an erotic zone, but her body tensed and a sudden shudder ripped through her upper body. Jessica arched her back, and moved away. “I want to see you,” she grabbed the helm of his T-shirt and yanked it over his head.

  That was all the encouragement Lucian needed. He turned her so that she was cradled in his arms, then he stood in one swift movement. Lucian could see the small bedroom from where he was standing. He walked so fast, he was almost running.

  He sat Jessica down on the edge of the bed and clothes starting flying, his and hers. Jessica didn’t have pesky hiking boots to deal with and was done first. She flung back the covers and crawled into the center of the bed. She wasn’t normally this brazen, but tonight was about new things, and she wanted Lucian far too much to act or feel like a prude. She leaned back on her elbows, which thrust her breasts forward. And she parted her legs to offer Lucian a good look at just what she was offering him tonight.

  When Lucian was naked he joined her on the bed. “Beautiful,” was all he managed to get out between clenched teeth. She deserved some foreplay. He was trying his best not to pounce on Jessica and immediately fill her with his throbbing erection. Instead he straddled Jessica’s knees and looked down at her body which was open and on display just for him.

  He circled her nipples and the outline of her breasts with shaking fingers. Then he bent down and flicked his tongue in and out of her belly button a few times. He lifted his head and kissed the inside of both her parted thighs. He was careful oh so careful not to actually touch her main erogenous zones. He wanted to tease her into a wanton frenzy and it was working.

  Jessica’s whole body was taut with anticipation. He was so close, but every time he got near where she wanted him to touch the most, he backed off. She thrashed her head from side to side while her fingers clenched the cotton sheets. She arched her back trying to find solid flesh to rub her aching breasts against, nothing. When that didn’t work she rolled her hips trying to jar his hand closer to the swollen bundle of nerves begging for his touch. All she received for her effort was a chuckle. Okay, if he wanted her to beg, she would.

  “Lucian, please,” she pleaded. “Touch me on the hot spots, please!” She let go of the sheet and wrapped both arms around his neck. She cupped the back of his head and pulled his mouth down to her breasts. The hot, wet mouth closed over one nipple and Jessica let out a little sob of relief. His tongue flicked against her nipple bathing it in warmth. His teeth grazed her pebbled nipple and lightly bit down. She felt the pull all the way down to her core, and she screamed his name.

  Lucian was feeling adventurous. He wanted to possess this woman in a way no one else ever had. He let go of her nipple with a little plop. He claimed her lips for a brief kiss. He nipped her lower lip with his teeth and pulled away. “Let’s try something new,” he said right before standing.

  Jessica felt the absence of his flesh against hers and almost panicked. Her eyes flew open and she looked at Lucian. Did he think this was over? Were they moving too fast for him? “Where are you going?”

  “Right here, sweetheart.” He stood right next to the edge of the bed. “Get down on all fours with your knees on the edge right here in front of me,” he commanded. “Keep your legs between mine. I want your knees as close together as possible.”

  Jessica had never been the adventurous type in or out of bed, but right now she’d do almost anything to have him inside her. She rushed to obey. She was thankful her body was in shape from jogging and flexible from yoga. She had a feeling she was going to need both of those traits to keep up with Lucian in bed.

  Lucian moved in behind her. He placed his legs on either side of hers and wrapped his hands around her hips. He gently moved her hips back and forth a couple of times. “Loosen up baby, let me do the work.” He moved one hand to the shiny, wet lips guarding her feminine core. He carefully used a finger to separate the pink flesh that was coated with the juice of her desire. Then he slid it inside the tight warm sheath.

  She shuddered at the feel of his thick finger rubbing against such a sensitive area. She forgot his request to let him do all the work. She thrust her hips backwards seeking more. What she got was a light slap on the buttocks. She jumped from the contact, but before she could protest, the sting faded into a pleasurable burn. A loud moan escaped from between her clenched lips.

  “That answers that question. I thought you might be the kind to like a little erotic pain with your sex.” Jessica who would have never thought such a thing before tonight mumbled an incoherent agreement. “Remember let me do the work,” Lucian reminded her.

  Jessica lowered her head and closed her eyes. The waiting was going to kill her. It was too much. “Please, Lucian,” she begged. She bit her bottom lip and her fingernails dug into her palms. Knowing she was that close to Lucian and unable to move her body was pure torture.

  She felt something nudge her vagina. It was too thick to be his fingers. She knew it was time and she released a breathy little sigh of want and need. His other hand came back to her hips. H
e used both hands to propel her hips back and forth. His erection finally entered her and then moved in and out in a steady rhythm.

  Jessica hadn’t had sex in a couple of years. She thought it might be a tight fit, but in this position she was totally filled. His erection touched every nerve inside her. He stretched her until she felt that bite of pain, the one that quickly blurs to pleasure. “More,” she begged. He complied and she rewarded him with a moan of pleasure.

  She was so tight around him. Her flesh surrounded and then squeezed his erection. Lucian had never felt anything this good. He sped up his thrusts and moved one hand down to the sensitive bundle of nerves above her entrance. He tapped it with a finger and was rewarded when her muscles flexed around his erection.

  He wanted more of that feeling. He settled a finger on top of that extended flesh and rubbed. She arched her back and he could feel every muscle in her body tighten. He thrust harder and faster. His finger rubbed in time with his thrusts.

  Jessica couldn’t stand it anymore. She bucked her hips and pressed back into Lucian. She just needed him to go a little deeper. She was so close, she was right there. He moved in and out one more time. He hit that one sweet spot inside her and she went off like fireworks. Her entire body shook. She screamed his name and then her arms gave out. She fell onto the bed.

  Lucian didn’t let go of her hips. He thrust in twice more and then stopped with his erection deep inside her. In the aftermath of her climax, her muscles clutched his erection and then it was his turn to go over the edge. He leaned down and sprinkled tiny kisses all over her back and shoulders.


  Jessica woke with a start. Maybe it was the sound of running water; maybe it was the rapidly cooling, empty side of the bed. No, something else had startled her awake. She felt like she was cloaked in a dark fog of gloom. After the wonderful night of loving she’d just experienced she should be sated and well relaxed. Instead she was jumpy and coiled tighter than a spring. Trouble was coming and because of the oppressive weight of what she was sensing, it was coming soon.

  The water shut off and a very relaxed looking Lucian strode out of the bathroom. The little white towel wrapped around his hips did nothing to hide the magnificence of his body, a body that had shown her unparalleled pleasure the night before.

  Lucian was humming under his breath for the first time ever in his long existence. He was looking forward to waking Jessica with hundreds of small kisses all over her body. That delicious thought was wiped from his mind as soon as he took two steps into the bedroom. The air in the room was intense, fraught with tension and danger.

  Jessica was sitting up in bed with the sheet pulled up to her neck. She gave him a wary look that almost spilt his heart in half. He knew this was about more than second thoughts. He rushed to the side of the bed and sat down right next to her. He was relieved to see that she didn’t try to back away or put more distance between them. “What’s wrong, Sweetheart?”

  “I don’t know, but something bad is coming. I can’t explain how I know, I just do.”

  “I believe you and I probably understand the cause of your sixth sense better than you do. Any explanations are going to have to wait. I feel exposed here. I want to get you to my estate right away. The security is top notch. This inn is not safe.”

  Jessica watched as Lucian pulled on a pair of skintight black jeans. She knew she should be getting dressed instead of ogling him, but the view was too good to give up. He pulled a shirt on and then stopped to look at her. Jessica realized she’d been caught staring. She gave him a saucy smile. “It’s your fault,” she teased. “I just can’t take my eyes off of you.”

  Lucian wanted to bask in the warmth of her compliment, but she was in danger and her wellbeing was worth more than his pumped up ego. “Time is important! You need to get dressed and packed right now. I’ll contact the owner and take care of checkout and the bill once you’re safe.”

  “All right then,” Jessica grumbled. She threw back the covers and hopped out of bed. She quickly dressed in a pair of thin gray sweat pants and a tank top. She wanted to be comfortable if she went on the run again.

  Then just like that time was up! A loud knock reverberated through the room. “Room Service,” a gruff voice called out.

  “I know everyone that works at this inn. That voice doesn’t belong here. Lock yourself in the bathroom now.” He spurred her into action by pushing her behind him. “Now,” he hissed at her just as a loud thump and the sound of splitting wood filled the room.

  Jessica knew this had to be about her and she didn’t want to leave Luc to fight her battles alone. Yes he was strong and athletic, but was he really any match for a well-armed thug. Instead of hiding in the bathroom, she ran to the small sitting room. When she’d checked into the inn she’d scouted out all the available exits. There was a set of French doors that led to a small balcony. It was their only hope!

  She couldn’t resist peeping around the doorjamb to see what was going on. A man big enough to pass for an NFL linebacker rushed through the door with gun in hand. Lucian was right there waiting for the intruder. He gave a strong, high kick to the man’s hands. The gun was knocked loose. It flew through the air and skidded across the floor.

  Lucian had a fighting chance now. She ran to the French doors and unfastened the lock and deadbolt. She threw them open and stepped outside onto the small balcony. This is why she’d chosen the second floor. It was high enough to cause trouble for someone wanting in, but low enough she could make a hasty escape.

  She slung one leg over the balcony and then the other. Her hands had a tight grip on the iron bar. She dangled over the side and stretched as far as she could. It wasn’t that much of a drop and there were shrubs underneath to cushion her fall. She would be ok. She had to do this.

  The sound of flesh hitting flesh and the splintering sound of wood as furniture got in the way spurred her into action. She held her breath, closed her eyes, and let go. She got scratched in a few places from sharp twigs in the shrubs. Otherwise she was fine, nothing broken. Lucian however might not be as lucky. She didn’t have any time to waste.

  She didn’t know why, but she found herself running toward Witch’s Brew. The shop was nearby and she’d felt a connection with the woman who owned it. Jessica just knew that Brianna would be able to help. She was surprised when she turned the corner and ran right into the very woman she was trying to find.

  “Help!” She bent over almost double and rested her hands on her knees. Her heart was about to beat out of her chest, and her breaths were coming out in sharp wheezes. “Lucian needs help.” She tried to slow down her breathing and her words so that Brianna could understand what she was trying to say. “We need to call the police. Someone broke into my room and Lucian is fighting for his life!”

  “Oh I’m quite sure Lucian can take care of himself. That intruder is going to get exactly what he deserves. This I want to see! Come on!” Brianna breathed an inner sigh of relief. Lucian could best anyone or anything in hand-to-hand combat. And Brianna loved to watch good battle evil, especially when she was so certain of the outcome.

  Jessica allowed the woman to pull her into the entrance of Inn Enigma before she found her voice. “Wait! I don’t want you to get hurt. I will have enough on my guilty conscience if anything happens to Lucian. Let’s just call 911.” She didn’t want to have to explain this mess to the cops, because she knew they would hold her in custody and contact the United States Marshals Service. She didn’t want anything to do with them or witness protection ever again. She would do it though if it meant keeping Lucian and Brianna safe.

  Brianna wasn’t listening however. She charged up the stairs and Jessica felt she had no choice but to follow. The hallway was eerily quiet. The only thing Jessica could hear was the frantic beat of her heart. She grabbed Brianna’s hand and motioned to the room she’d been staying in.

  Jessica knew there hadn’t been too many other people staying at the inn, but she was surprised someone hadn
’t heard the disturbance and come running. The door was hanging half off its hinges, thanks to the invader who had kicked it in. She slowly pushed it open with one of her feet. Please don’t let Luc be dead, please don’t let Luc be dead, she chanted inside her head.

  She kept her body behind the wall, but slowly moved her head around the doorjamb to have a look inside. She released the breath she’d been holding with a giant whoosh. Lucian was alive and well. He was barking something about cleanup into his cell phone. Jessica almost felt bad for whoever was on the other end of the phone.

  The attempted assassin was slumped on the floor. He was either unconscious or dead. And Jessica couldn’t find it inside herself to care which one. After all he’d come there to harm her, and in the process targeted Luc too. He deserved every bad thing that happened to him.

  Lucian could sense Jessica. He turned toward the door and soaked up her presence with irises that were still outlined in yellow from the bloodlust of battle and the presence of his cat so close to the surface. After he’d questioned and then permanently silenced the intruder, he’d checked every inch of the hotel for Jessica, but he already knew she was gone.

  He’d just called Phillip Saint John to come in and clean up this mess. His priority hadn’t been clean up and disposal, it had been the burning desire to go after Jessica. He was relieved to see her standing there. He was happy that she hadn’t run from him. He ended the call with Saint John and opened his arms wide for Jessica.

  Jessica tensed waiting for Lucian’s reaction. When he opened his arms to her she didn’t even hesitate. She ran straight to him. She launched herself into his arms. Jessica wrapped her arms and legs around him and held on like a limpet clinging to a rock. She peppered his face with tiny kisses. “I was so scared for you. Sorry I left you, but I went for help,” she explained. “I found Brianna from the Witch’s Brew.”


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