Cutter: Contemporary Romance Novel

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Cutter: Contemporary Romance Novel Page 24

by Joanna Mazurkiewicz

  “I’m not going anywhere. I’m a grown woman and I can do what I want!” she yelled, fighting the tears.

  Mason shifted next to him, not saying a word.

  “Mason, show her what we’ve got,” ordered Nassa, not taking his eyes off Sophia. Mason was holding a large white envelope in his hand. Reluctantly, he tore it apart and took out a large set of photographs. He put them on the table so Sophia could see them.

  “This man isn’t for you, Soph. He is still dealing and he is dangerous. I’m going to keep you away from trouble. Pack your stuff and let’s go home.”

  Sophia looked at the black and white photos of Harry, clearly showing him amongst a group of other men passing small packages around. Those photographs weren’t taken recently, but Sophia knew that her heart was going to rip out of her chest. She couldn’t breathe; everything around her was falling, crushing her to the ground. Her mind was completely blank. She looked at her father.

  “I don’t want to go back to London, Dad. I want to stay in Belfast,” Sophia said quietly, feeling the tears falling down like the first storm after a long summer.

  Chapter Thirty-six

  “Soph, darling, you still have another year of university to finish. Have you not listened to what I just told you? Harry O’Donaghue is a criminal, a social outcast. Half of his family is in prison and you have to get as far away from him as possible. I can’t believe that you were so stupid and got involved with him in the first place!”

  Her father didn’t understand. He’d already made up his mind.

  “I don’t want to go,” she whispered.

  “Stop this nonsense, Sophia. I’m not going to leave you here, wasting your life away with that criminal. If you won’t go back to London with me, I’m going to send these pictures to the police. You know what is going to happen later. Mr O’Donaghue goes to prison for a very long time and your career is down the drain.”

  Sophia felt like someone just shot an arrow through her heart. Her father had everything figured out. He was going to blackmail his own daughter. A wave of nausea hit her with the realisation. He was going to expose him and put him back in prison. Her heart pounded between her ribs, sending a cold shiver through her body. Her father was going to ruin her happy ever after.

  “Dad, please, you don’t have to do this. Why are you making me unhappy?”

  “Stop it, Sophia. You should have thought about before you started this silly romance. You are not going to ruin your life for that illiterate Irish criminal,” he fumed, his face purple with fury. “Now go and get packed. We have a plane to catch.”


  “And if you try to contact him again, I’ll send these pictures straight to the probation office. And to make sure you don’t call him, I’m taking your phone,” he roared, snatching her mobile from the kitchen side. Sophia was forced to watch as her father smashed her phone to pieces.

  Sophia wiped the tears from her eyes before she settled her gaze on Mason; he looked uneasy and troubled, shifting his weight to the side. No one had ever betrayed her as much as the man that was standing in front of her. He took part in this cruel plan; he’d humiliated her and followed the orders of her father without a question. She wanted to spit on him and scream that he was just a coward and greedy for the money.

  Sophia pushed her heavy, numb limbs and walked away, clenching her teeth. She closed her bedroom door behind her with a snap and covered her face with her palms, sobbing. In the past few weeks she was living in a perfect bubble, and now her dream was over. She was leaving Belfast for good, before she could even tell him how much she loved him.

  Then Vanessa burst into her room. “Sophia, what is going on? Why are your father and Mason here?” she hissed, approaching her.

  “I can’t explain anything right now. I have to pack and I need to leave,” she mumbled, looking at Vanessa. She went to the wardrobe and pulled out her suitcase, but Vanessa was right beside her, placing her palm on Sophia’s shoulder. She felt like she should stand up for herself, but she was so torn. Her father couldn’t manipulate her like that, but she couldn’t risk exposing Harry.

  “What? What do you mean he is making you go back? You’ve still got two weeks left. What about Harry?” Vanessa asked with horror in her eyes.

  “Vanessa, please stop. I’ll explain later,” she said, packing all of her clothes into her suitcase. She worked out the plan in her head. She was going to try to talk to her father. She was much stronger and braver than a few years ago. As an adult, she could, and should, do what she wanted.

  Vanessa tried the gentle approach, but Sophia wasn’t listening. She remembered the money that she withdrew from the bank a few days ago. Harry still hadn’t given her an answer, but she was going to give him the money that he needed.

  “Sophia, please talk to me. You are scaring me,” hissed Vanessa.

  Sophia handed her the envelope filled with cash that she withdrew since telling Harry about her wealth. She knew, deep down, that she was always going to end up giving it to him, but she didn’t think it would be like this. She squeezed her friend’s palm.

  “Listen to me, Vanessa, listen carefully. Harry’s mother has cancer and he is missing a certain amount of money to pay for the operation that will save her. This money is for him. When he comes back here later, you have to give it to him. Can I trust you with this?”

  Vanessa was staring at her with her jaw wide open, confused and bewildered.

  “Can’t you stay and give it to him yourself? He deserves that at least,” she whispered.

  “No, I have to leave now with my father. Tell him that I’ll call him and explain everything later.”

  She hated lying to Vanessa, but right now she had to hurry. She felt like millions of sharp razors were cutting through her heart. Vanessa was probably going to hate her for the rest of her life for this, but Sophia had no choice.

  “Soph, darling, please tell me what is going on.”

  “Vanessa! Go to your room before my father sees what you’ve got in your hands. Please,” howled Sophia, panicking.

  “No, Soph! This is my...”

  “Vanessa, I’m begging you. Just leave. I have to go. I love you.”

  Her voice trailed off and she pushed Vanessa out of the room. Her anxiety came back, forcing her back into the deep, cold water. She couldn’t breathe; she was slowly suffocating. Her skin burned. She closed her eyes, trying to handle all of these raw emotions. She looked through her things, looking anxiously for something sharp that could help her to deal with the panic attack. Her blood rushed to her ears, the dizziness hit her, and her pulsed throbbed.

  She found her nail scissors and lifted her shaking hand. She felt the blood that was pulsing through her veins, demanding to bring back the beautiful pain. Then she saw Harry in front of her and she broke down in tears, remembering her promise to him. She threw the scissors across the room, howling as the fear slipped into her bloodstream, attacking her cells.

  She wasn’t sure how she managed to finish packing, but when she looked around the room, she saw it was empty. Her heart broke into pieces and misery ate away the last parts of her soul. She couldn’t explain to him that she was leaving forever and they were never going to see each other again. Her father was waiting for her in the corridor, and Mason had disappeared.

  “Right. Let’s go then,” her father barked, seeing her emerging from the room.

  “Sophia!” shouted Vanessa, running out of her room and grabbing her in a tight hug. Sophia swallowed her tears; she couldn’t break in front of her.

  “Call me please,” whispered Vanessa before Sophia left the apartment

  “There is Mason,” her father stated when a brand new Mercedes pulled up on the main street once they stepped outside. Sophia hesitated, and her father gripped her arm, forcing her inside the car.

  “Dad, I’m an adult now. You can’t do this!’ she screamed through gritted teeth. Her father turned around, narrowing his eyes.

  “You are not wast
ing your life! Not here,” he pressed.

  “At least take me to him and let me explain.”

  Her father laughed and shook his head. “You won’t see him again. Just forget that you ever met him.”


  She didn’t even remember getting to the airport. She must have cried herself to sleep because her father’s voice woke her up. They had half an hour until departure. She kept whispering to herself that this wasn’t really happening, until people started to turn around to look at her. Mason tried to take her arm to help her along, but she jerked away, feeling sick just looking at him. Her father went to deal with the tickets, leaving her alone with Mason. Anger radiated from her skin, and she cracked her knuckles menacingly, imagining his death.


  She felt as though a volcano was pounding behind her eyes; hot rage burned in her veins when he said her name.

  “Don’t you dare talk to me, you scum,” she snarled.

  “I understand that you’re furious with me, but you need to understand that I didn’t know your father’s plans.”

  “You pretended all this time that you wanted me,” she hissed. “I let you into my life and you used me and manipulated me, all because of the money.”

  “I was only doing my job at first. My boss called, ordering me to keep an eye on you. Then you came to that bar and I decided to talk to you.”

  “I don’t want to listen to this anymore!”

  “I didn’t plan to get close to you, Soph, but you bewitched me. I didn’t want to carry on with the orders. I didn’t know that it was your father that wanted me to keep an eye on you.”

  “You make me sick, Mason. I wish that I had never met you in that bar. I wish you were dead,” she whispered. Mason’s face contracted with upset, and he ran his hand through his dark hair, looking at her with desperation.

  “I understand why you are saying these things, but if you hadn’t broken up with me for him, things would have been different. I was angry, so I called my boss and told him that you’d started seeing that criminal. If I would have known then...”

  His voice rang in her mind. She turned to him and slapped him. People stared. Her hand burned, but the soaring sensation in her stomach didn’t disappear.

  “You are dead to me, Mason. I hate you!”

  She started to walk away but he was still talking.

  “You are special, Sophia, and I have fallen for you. I can’t take back what I have done. I just want you to know that.”

  When she turned around, the tears were streaming down her cheeks. Maybe there was still a chance.

  “Then destroy those pictures, Mason. Please, I’m begging you. If you love me then do one decent thing and get rid of those pictures.”

  Mason drew a breath and his sorrow-filled gaze lingered on her face. Sophia searched his eyes and she waited, not breathing.

  “If I get rid of the pictures, will you give me another chance?” he asked in a husky whisper. Sophia’s cheek itched with heat. She wanted to gain some distance, but she knew she had to face him and tell him the truth. Uneasiness whipped through her and she stepped forward.

  “I’m in love with Harry, and it would never work between us,” she exhaled. She couldn’t pretend that there was something between them. Mason watched her for a long moment, and then he shook his head and walked away as her father approached. She knew that Mason wasn’t going to do anything for her. He might love her, but he wasn’t going to let her be happy with someone else. She was going home and no one was going to stop her father.

  Chapter Thirty-seven

  Harry arrived at Sophia’s apartment in a good mood. His mother enjoyed herself last night and Aunt Claire was going to visit her more and help Harry out with her care. Caroline called him this morning and ordered him to speak to Sophia about how he felt about her. Their conversation was short but intense. Caroline was always straight to the point and she adored Sophia.

  Harry smiled standing in front of Vanessa’s door, thinking about tonight. He was planning to take Sophia out for dinner, and then bring her back to a hotel. He wanted to tell her how much he was in love with her weeks ago, but he was scared, and today he knew that he didn’t want to wait any longer.

  “Are you all right? You look a bit pale,” muttered Harry, walking through the door as Vanessa opened it.

  “Harry, I need to tell you something,” Vanessa said, standing by him.

  “Can it wait? I want to tell Sophia about my plans for us tonight,” he said, beaming.

  “No, it can’t wait, and you can’t tell Sophia about any plans – she isn’t here.”

  Harry didn’t get what she was saying, but he noticed her eyes were red. He tried to stay calm.

  “What do you mean, she isn’t here? Did she go out to get something?”

  “Harry, listen to me. Sophia’s father arrived a few hours ago. Something happened and she told me that she had to go back home with him. She asked me to give you this.”

  Harry was staring at Vanessa, only partly comprehending what she was saying. He looked at the envelope that she was holding. He took it and peered inside.

  “What the hell is this?” he asked, feeling a cold sweat run through his body.

  “She said that it’s the money for your mother’s operation and I had to give it to you. She was really upset, Harry, but she didn’t want to tell me anything. She kept saying that she had to go,” Vanessa mumbled with a breaking voice, pacing up and down.

  “Where is she?” he whispered.

  “Her father took her away to London. Her plane left an hour ago.”

  Harry paced around the room, feeling like his head was about to explode. Sophia wouldn’t just leave him without talking to him first.

  “Talk me through exactly what happened when I left her this morning,” Harry demanded.

  Vanessa sucked the corner of her mouth and wiped her streaming eyes.

  “Her father knocked on the door and she went to get it. He was with Mason, that guy that she briefly dated –”

  “Hold on. Mason, that dark-haired prick? What the hell he was doing up here?”

  “Mate, just let her finish,” Timothy said, stepping between Harry and Vanessa.

  “I didn’t understand this either, but her father asked us to leave the kitchen while they talked. Then I went to her room and she was already packing. She said that her father was making her go back, and I just got the feeling that if she didn’t obey, something bad was going to happen. Then she gave me the money and begged me to give it to you.”

  “Let me call her. She’s bound to pick up. Maybe this is whole thing is a huge misunderstanding,” stuttered Harry, slowly losing control as he pulled out his phone.

  “Harry, her phone was in the kitchen, utterly smashed to pieces. I’m not sure if her father did it, but it’s likely.”

  Harry bellowed with anger and tossed his own mobile on the floor, ignoring the way the screen shattered. He didn’t understand anything. Sophia wouldn’t just leave. Something must have happened.

  “Call her at home in London, talk to her mother. I need to know what is going on,” he demanded.

  Vanessa glanced at Timothy with desperation and swallowed hard.

  “I haven’t got her other number; I only ever had her mobile number. Oh, Harry, I have a bad feeling about this. Her father has a lot of money, and she kept telling me that her parents never wanted her to come here.”

  “What about email or Facebook? There must be a way that I can’t get through to her, for fuck’s sake,” he shouted, clenching his fists. “I don’t like that this other guy was here. Did she not try to pass any message to me?”

  “I’m sorry, Harry, but she didn’t.”

  His heart ached for her, and panic filled his stomach. He couldn’t believe that Sophia would ever have behaved this way. Why didn’t she call him, before the phone was smashed? She wouldn’t just leave her job without giving notice. He thought that this wouldn’t have happened if he didn’t leave her thi
s morning. Now she was gone. Harry felt painful tendrils of fear burrowing through his stomach. He was afraid that he lost her.


  Sophia tried to talk to her father on the way home, but he didn’t want to listen. His decision was final and nothing was going to make him change his mind. Sophia couldn’t disobey; she had to do whatever her father wanted, otherwise Harry’s life was in danger. She couldn’t let Harry go back to prison. She couldn’t let his mother suffer because of what she felt for her son.

  Her skin itched for his touch and the warmth of his body. She couldn’t imagine seeing Harry when he finally realised that she was gone forever. Mason was going back to London with her father. She stopped acknowledging him, imagining that he wasn’t sitting behind her.


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