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An Ordinary Me

Page 11

by Brooklyn Taylor

  “I am never drinking like that again. I don’t know how my mom likes this feeling.”

  “I don’t know. I brought it for us to share but you hogged it. Looked like you enjoyed yourself though. You needed a night to let go and not think about everything.”

  “Yeah I guess…”

  “Do you remember anything?”

  I blinked my eyes and then lay back on the bed looking at his ceiling fan. Just looking at the fan going round and round was making me dizzy. Great, how in the hell am I going to make it through the day?

  “I remember us getting to the dance and standing around. I even debated on leaving since it was boring.”


  “Nothing is really ringing any bells.”

  “Well…” Dylan sits down on the side of his bed. “I better fill you in, loverboy.”

  I sit up. “Stop screwing around.”

  “Do you remember who your date was?”

  “Yeah, Andrea.”

  “Then could you explain why you were kissing Reese out on the dance floor? I don’t think she saw it because she was in the restroom but I know others did. You were in the center of the dance floor but you stopped and started kissing her.”

  I closed my eyes trying to remember. “Damn it. How could I be so weak?”

  “Alcohol. Dude, if you like her, do something about it. Autumn said Reese likes you. I know you know it. I see how you look at her. You want it just as bad as she does.”

  “Won’t happen. I won’t let it happen.”

  “Why in the hell not?”

  “Do you not realize what I come from? Look at what I have in life.”

  “Garrison, because you think your parents are trash doesn’t mean you are. They are the ones that made the stupid mistakes over and over not caring about their son or themselves. That is what makes them trash not you. You just got dealt a shitty hand. You are nothing like them and never will be. In fact, you are the exact opposite. I know how much it bothers you. You have done this to yourself for years.”

  I didn’t say anything. I knew he saw right through me. We had known each other for far too long for him not to know.

  “Why would you turn away someone that really does like you, maybe even love you?”

  “I already told you why.”

  “So you are going to torture yourself the rest of your life because of something you have no control over?”

  “For now I am.”

  “That’s a shame. You know it might be too late when you do finally come around. A girl like that isn’t going to stay single forever. She’s the real deal.”

  “I know. I guess I have to take my chances.”

  “What are you going to do if she asks you if you remember?”

  “I’ll play it off that I don’t remember and that I was drunk. Hell, I remember seeing her walking back to Cannon and my heart feeling like it was in a vise grip and then drinking some more. Apparently more than I intended.”

  “I don’t think Reese is going to buy that but hell when have you ever listened to me.”

  I stood up and made my way to the bathroom. “I got to get home.”

  “Yeah whatever.” He went back over to his computer that he was on when I woke up.

  Chapter 11

  One month later


  For the first spring break in my life my family is staying in town. My parents used to take vacation and we would go out of town. I was always jealous because I missed out on all the fun things around here. Autumn would always brag about what she did and I was envious.

  The week will consist of staying up late, hanging out in the sun, the mall and no schedule whatsoever.

  I had slept late today and was slow moving. I get a text from Autumn that gets me moving rather quickly.

  Autumn: Get your ass ready, Reese. I’m coming to get you. We are going to Guadalupe River to hang out. Most of the senior class will be there. It is the first time you are here to go with me and I am pumped.

  Reese: Ahhhh. Girl, I got up like ten minutes ago! You could have given me a little notice. I haven’t even shaved. My hair is atrocious and I’m a mess.

  Autumn: I’ll be there in 20 minutes.

  Reese: WTH?

  Autumn: And wear the bikini we bought last week at Wet Seal. I’m wearing my matching one.

  Reese: I don’t know… I wasn’t planning on wearing that till this summer.

  Autumn: On my way. I’ll honk when I get there. Be ready.

  Reese: Whatevs.

  Holy crap. Twenty damn minutes. That’s Autumn, always going on a whim and never putting thought into anything! A little warning would have been nice. I have to admit, not thrilled about wearing a bikini like Autumn’s. I had agreed to buy the matching one but I didn’t think I would be wearing it in public so soon. I was counting on wearing a tank over it but I know Autumn isn’t going to accept that.

  I took a quick shower and did a quick job of shaving, washing and blow drying my hair. Yeah, stupid, about to go swim and doing my hair. The Guadalupe River was a high school hangout and spring break was the official kick off of it. A lot of people even camped out there throughout the week. It had small cliffs you could jump off if you were brave enough, which I'm not. I am afraid of heights and there is no amount of convincing that will make me change my mind.

  The Guadalupe had an area you could lay out and soak up the sun and that is exactly what I was planning on doing. I’ll bring my stack of magazines. Chances are Autumn will be hanging with me only for a short minutes before she heads off with Ryan. Cannon is supposed to be there too. I’m not really sure how to act around him since I would rather be with Garrison but now I’m to the point of not hiding it. Yeah, I’ve said it out loud but not sure I will be able to say it to anyone else yet. Cannon likes me, even if they are for the wrong reasons. Garrison is one of my closest friends, and he doesn’t like me that way but yet I can’t help to feel the way I do about him.

  I was pacing by the kitchen when Autumn pulled up honking. I texted Mom a quick message letting her know where I was going. She has been a lot more lenient and extending the olive branch. All it will take is one screw up and she will be reeling that rope back in.

  Autumn was honking the horn impatiently waiting for me to get in the car and revving her engine of the old Honda that had seen better days.

  I locked the door and ran to the car. “Hold your horses will ya? I’m going as fast as I can.”

  She rolled her eyes and hit the gas pedal.

  “What’s the rush anyway? Remember no schedules, no rushing, it’s spring break!”

  “I wanna get there and get a good parking spot. If you remember I go here every year. If you don’t get a good spot you have to park down the hill and walk like a mile.”


  “I don’t want to have to walk.”

  “Good Lord.”

  She turned on our favorite song and we sang on our way jamming. I was getting a little nervous reminded I didn’t particularly like to show off my body. We pulled up fifteen minutes later and I was still fidgeting.

  “What is wrong, Reese?”


  “Stop it. I know what you are thinking. Stop! You look great! A little self confidence wouldn’t hurt ya, you know?”

  “Says a girl that is the same age and looks about three years older.”


  I followed her to the collection of people dancing around having a good time. I picked a corner and laid my bag down and pulled out my towel to get it situated. Autumn followed suit.

  I sat down and observed the students hanging out around me. Ryan, Cannon and the normal gang of jocks were in one section talking crap daring each other on which cliff they were going to jump off. Cannon of course was strutting around acting like his crap didn’t stink. I don’t mind a like ego but good God really?

  All the guys got up and headed to the series of cliffs and Autumn jumped up not wanting to miss a minute o
f it. She always loved the action.

  “Come on, Reese, this is going to be sweet!”

  “Nah, it’s okay, ya’ll go ahead. I’ll catch up in a bit. I wanna just lie out and soak up some sun.”

  “Party pooper.”

  It didn’t take her long to go ahead without me. I turned over on my stomach and pulled out a magazine and started to read. I could hear the talking from a distance over the few people remaining that were around me chilling. I started to zone out relaxing not really paying attention to the articles and pictures I was flipping through. It was simply to make it look like I was doing something. I was thinking of only one person and wished he would show up.

  I felt drops of ice cold water on my back. “What in the hell?”

  I roll over and screech getting ready to let someone have it when I see who it was trying to get my attention.

  It’s Garrison and he’s sopping wet from the river.

  I sat up and smiled ecstatic. “Hey you! I think that water is cold enough. Did you really jump in already?”

  “Hell ya! I’ve been coming here every year. I love it. Spring fed water that is icy but you get used to it.” He winked at me.

  “Yeah, when your limbs are numb.”

  He laughed. “True that. Scoot over so I can sit with ya. Where is your posse?”

  “Ha ha! They went to the cliffs. They were having some stupid contest.”

  “Every year they do.”

  “Where is Dylan?”

  “He is still down there swimming with some girl he met earlier.”

  “Good for him.”


  “So…” I repeated.

  “I’m glad you’re here today.”

  “Me too!”

  Just then I hear Autumn, Cannon and Ryan walk up.

  “Hey, Garrison,” Autumn said sweetly.

  Cannon immediately started in on Garrison. “Why are you sitting with Reese?”

  Garrison didn’t even blink his eyes with fear. Clearly this is something that had been going on for years. Still didn’t know what happened but it must have been intense.

  “As if it is any of your business. I can sit where I want.”

  “Not if she is dating me.”

  Cannon got right in front of Garrison so Garrison stood up getting ready for whatever was about to happen.

  Garrison was getting really agitated and I didn’t blame him a bit. “Get out of my face, man.”

  Cannon stepped closer.

  And then Garrison had had enough. Garrison pushed him and Cannon went flying back in the sand. Dylan was there right beside Garrison and instead of pulling him back he was encouraging him.

  Cannon tried to get up but stumbled.

  Garrison was still pissed and I could see the anger steaming off him. “Come at me again and we will see how well that nose has healed.”

  What does that mean, I wondered?

  Cannon stood up and walked right up to me.

  “Reese, you make a decision now! This loser or me?” He pointed back and forth.

  I stood up to where I was eye to eye to both of them. I looked at Autumn, and she knew already who I was going to pick.

  I took a deep breath and swallowed. “Cannon, you only want me for one reason and that is not gonna happen. You love the chase.”

  “Bullshit. Is that what drummer boy told you?” Cannon spit back.

  Garrison didn’t say anything. He just stood there watching Cannon. His eyes were fixed on him watching his every move.

  “I’m not stupid, Cannon, I was the fall back girl. The girl you called when the other girls you were dating were busy. Or the girl that was a conquest that you so badly wanted to conquer. I let it happen because to be honest it’s fun hanging out till you get all touchy feely or start to act like an asshat. You were never and I repeat NEVER going to get my firsts. We may have known each other when we were kids but that was a long time ago. I, frankly, don’t like the person you have become.”

  The crowd started laughing and I heard a few, “She burned you,” and, “Ouch.”

  Cannon was not going to let me have the bigger hand and I never thought for a minute he would.

  “You’re right on some many fronts there, Reese. I can’t believe you would choose this trash over me. Big mistake! Garrison is and will always be trash. I felt sorry for you and that is why I dated you. You are so naïve. I knew I would eventually get my way with you after a matter of time. That was all you were for me. A fun time, and that I could break you in. Your loss. You’re not good enough for me anyway, never were and never will be.”

  That was enough to make Garrison snap, and he went after Cannon tackling him to the ground.

  As Dylan and Ryan pulled Garrison off Cannon, Dylan tried to calm him down. “He’s just trying to get under your skin, Garrison, screw it. He’s not worth it.”

  Cannon smarts off, “Keep the bitch. I have fifty more sitting around here waiting for me anyway.”

  Cannon stumped off already putting his arms around another girl and sticking his tongue down her throat

  Garrison sits back down beside me and is trying to catch his breath. “Garrison, you are one of my best friends. There is no one I would choose over you.”

  Autumn clears her throat.

  “Okay, sassy pants, other than Autumn.”

  She smiled and said, “That’s what I thought.”

  As the crowd disperses and goes about the day, Garrison reaches for my hand.

  “Let’s go swim.”

  “Are you crazy?”

  “Yeah, but you already knew that, didn’t ya?”

  “Fine, you talked me into it. But if it is too cold I am only putting my feet in!”


  I knew as well as he did that he wasn’t going to let that fly. He was going to get me into that river whether I wanted to or not.


  I walked Reese down where I had been swimming my entire life. My aunt used to bring me here to swim and picnic. It’s actually private property but my aunt is friends with the owner which provides me access.

  “Wait, Garrison, this says private property. I am not going to get in trouble for going on…”

  “Reese, I have been coming here all my life. My aunt is friends with the owner. I would never take you anywhere you could get into trouble. Come on… I’m not Cannon.”

  “I didn’t say you were.”

  “Trust me.”

  I began walking towards the tree that had a rope swing. I turned back and smiled at her.

  “You game?”

  I could see she was really thinking about it.

  “How about you get on it and I will just swing you out and you can either stay on or you can jump off. Up to you.”

  “Are you serious?”

  “Very.” I grabbed the rope and motioned her over.

  She walked over to it and jumped on. She was already giggling and I loved the sound of her laugh.

  “Hang on tight!” I pulled back to get her going before I pushed her out and her hair blew in my face. Hmmm coconut?

  I let go and she yelled as she went out over the water. She came back over the shore and I pushed on her as she passed me giving her more speed.

  “I’m gonna jump…” I hear her talking to herself. 1… 2… 3… and then I heard and saw water splash.

  She hadn’t come up yet and I wanted to be right beside her when she came up so I stepped back and took a running jump in. I landed not far from where she surfaced.

  I hear a screechy yell. “Holy crap it is cold.” She was trying to push her hair out of her face. She still had a smile on her face.

  “You’ll get used to it after a while.”

  “Brrrr. I doubt that. I bet its perfect in the summer though.”

  “Yeah, it really is… In the summer we will tube it. See those tubes right there?”

  I pointed to them and she shook her head.

  She continued wading in the water. “Garrison.”
/>   “Yeah,” I replied.

  “Thanks for bringing me here.”

  “Thank you, Reese.”

  “Thank you for what?”

  “Thank you for being you.”


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