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Seventh Mark (Part 1 +2)

Page 22

by W. J. May

  Then she did the strangest thing, she sniffed the air.

  What the heck?

  “Still liquorice.”

  “What?” I tried to twist to see it, but everything hurt and I’d never been able to see it properly anyway since it lay in such an awkward spot. I reached awkwardly, trying to find the mark.

  Blue eyes bigger than I’d ever seen on her, she blinked rapidly. “It looks like it’s been burned.” She straightened and dropped the wash cloth. “I-I think you can do the rest yourself.”

  I grabbed her wrist before she could escape. “What are you not telling me?” I spoke barely a whisper. My heart thundered against my chest. I gripped her tiny arm with a strength I never knew I had.

  Michael banged on the door. “Is everything okay?”

  I tugged Grace’s arm. “We’re fine,” I called to Michael, and then mouthed to Grace, “What?”

  She grazed her teeth over her bottom lip and then leaned forward, so close I could feel her lips press my ear as she spoke, barely above a whisper. “Yours is the same mark the Grollic has on their chest, by their heart. It’s in the same spot, just on your back. By your heart.”

  The Seventh Mark. Damon’s haunted words echoed inside my head. “It doesn’t mean anything.” The words were false but I said them anyway. I glanced at the door then back at her and shook my head.

  “I won’t.” She knew I didn’t want Michael to know—yet.

  “I’m okay to finish on my own.” I let go of her wrist and reached for the wash cloth.

  “You sure?” Grace seemed relieved. “Let me grab you a towel and robe.” She disappeared through the door and told Michael to make some tea. She came back a moment later and set the soft fluffy towel and robe on the counter. “Call me if you need help getting out.” She grinned sheepishly. “Just so you know; the same still goes, ‘kay? I like you for who you are, not the past.” Then she was gone again.

  I sank back down into the now cooling water.

  Could Michael have heard our conversation? My heart thumped against my rib cage. Maybe he hadn’t paid attention and figured it was girl stuff we were whispering about. Would she tell him? Or worse, tell Caleb? I rubbed my temples. Her instant change in reaction worried me. Needing a distraction, I washed and soaked until the kettle began to whistle. I slowly got out of the tub. Using scissors from a drawer I cut the tank shoulder straps and then carefully wrapped myself into the bathrobe. Ugly purple, green and blue blotches covered my body. The four jagged, welted lines on my shoulder looked angry so I left the robe to hang off my shoulder and let them air dry.

  I like you for who you are, not your past. The meaning of Grace’s words sunk in. She didn’t care. She’d risk everything to be friends with the enemy, the forbidden.

  In bare feet, I padded back to the main room, and slowly lowered myself to the futon bed. Soft and inviting. It eliminated my worries about Grace—for the moment.

  Michael walked over carrying a tray and set it down on the bed beside me.

  “It’s safe, I didn’t make it. Emily made the soup.” He gave a quick smile. “I did make the tea and it’s herbal, so I can’t really screw it up.” He pointed to a little bear. “Just in case, there’s some honey.”

  The soup smelled good. My tummy rumbled in agreement. “How long have I been sleeping?”

  “All night.” Michael reached over and grabbed a brown paper bag from the chair beside the bed. “And most of the day.”

  I glanced out the windows. The grey clouds hid the sun so I couldn’t tell if it was afternoon or dusk.

  “Eat. I’ll fix your shoulder.”

  My heart sped to an erratic rhythm again. “My shoulder?”

  Gauze, tape and bandages were dumped out of the bag. “I promise it won’t hurt.” He lifted two fingers. “Scouts’ honor.”

  Warmth crept to my cheeks and face.

  Michael chuckled. “Feeling modest? Don’t worry. I’ll keep my eyes averted.” He kissed me lightly on the lips.

  Even his touch didn’t distract me from my worry. If he sees my birthmark. If he knows. I held my breath. If he heard what Grace said, he’ll make sure to see it now. I grimaced.

  “Sorry.” Michael quickly leaned back, obviously mistaking my facial expression for pain. “I know it hurts, but we need to get those wounds healed.”

  He moved around to bandage my entire shoulder and true to his word, kept his eyes on my face, only double checking the tape. If he knew about my birthmark, he never said. I’ll tell him another day, when I’m a bit stronger. Or when I’m forced to tell.

  I ate two bowls of soup and drank the tea (with a spoonful of honey). Michael cleared the dishes and then settled beside me.

  “Do you think the claw marks will scar?” A constant reminder of Damon.

  “I don’t know. It doesn’t matter, does it?” Michael said. “It’s just a mark. Something to show where you’ve been and how you made it through.”

  “I like that.” I rested my head on his chest. He smelled wonderful.

  “Good.” He sighed, taking my hand in his and tracing his thumb along the top of mine. “I was so worried about you, and when I saw you come charging towards me while fighting those Grollics, it terrified and thrilled me at the same time. I still don’t fully understand what you did, but you’re safe, and that’s all that matters.”

  I smirked, then had to stop from the soreness. “I figured you needed some help.” I tried to hide a yawn, but it snuck out. “You needed a knight in shiny armour and I happened to be around.”

  “Sleep. You need it. We can talk tomorrow.”

  I closed my eyes. An image of Damon’s mark flashed behind my lids, this time on my back. “Don’t leave me, please?” I whispered.

  “I’m here all night –”

  “I mean ever. Don’t ever leave.”

  He squeezed my hand. “I’m not going anywhere. My place is by your side. Now sleep.” He kissed the top of my head.

  Early the next morning, I woke from trying to shift my legs. I hurt all over. If that was even possible. Every muscle and bone ached, even my skin screamed at me to lie still. I tried to hold in a groan, but it escaped. Michael instantly sat up with concern, which didn’t help as his sudden movement caused me to drop from his shoulder to the bed.

  I cried out and swore. It took a moment to catch my breath. “I’m a little sore,” I whispered hoarsely.

  Michael nodded, his eyes full of sympathy.

  “I guess being thrown across the room and hitting a wall makes the average human a little tender,” I joked. “I saw Caleb throw you and you got up like nothing happened.”

  “It did hurt, but by the time I stood, any broken bones were healed. I was pretty ticked off that night to even notice the pain.”

  “Maybe I’ve cracked a rib or two. I'm really aching.” I tried to grin and make light of how I felt. “It could be a lot worse.”

  “Don’t even go there.” Michael shook his head. “Been one heck of a weekend, and it’s only Sunday.”

  I groaned. “I’ve already missed a week of school.” I’m officially eighteen. The thought made my shoulder burn.

  Michael leaned over and grabbed his phone from the night stand and started to check his messages. “I wouldn’t worry too much. Grace can go tomorrow and get the work you’ve missed.” His eyes scanned his phone. “Caleb wants to see us.” His fingers began tapping over the keys. “I’ll text him to wait till tomorrow.”

  I lay quiet a minute, thinking about the past few days and what Damon had said. When Michael put his phone down I spoke my thoughts aloud. “I’d like to find out about my past. Damon said I’m the seventh descendent of Bentos. If the Grollics could find out about my history, so can I.”

  “I bet we can find something online,” Michael said, lightly rubbing my arm. “And I can ask Caleb. He’s got connections.”

  “This is something I want to do on my own. For the first time in my life, I’m curious to know who my parents are, or if they’re still al
ive. I need to do this myself, and I need to go back to Niagara Falls.” Childish hope still filtered through my thoughts. I wanted to know if my mother had tried to hide me, or if there was another reason why I knew nothing. I also needed to figure out the freaky birthmark on my back. “You know, I’d really like to know how I landed up with the Grollic book.”

  “Maybe it was destiny, and the book found you.” Michael wrapped his long arms around his knees and clasped his hands together. “Fate has its own plans. I’ve learned that you don’t mess with them.”

  He looked so cute, and young sitting like that. Too young to be spouting about destiny and fate. I forced myself to sit and brought my legs over the side of the futon bed. I groaned as I reached for my jeans.

  “Rouge, take it easy. We’re not leaving now.”

  “I know, but now I have some questions for Caleb.”

  Chapter 27

  It took a bit of time getting dressed and trudging through the snow to the house, but I managed. If I closed my eyes and focused on breathing through the pain, maybe I could wish and force the soreness and bruises to heal faster. Even though Michael offered several times to carry me, I refused. I wanted—I needed to do this on my own.

  Grace met us at the door, with a wrinkled brow and eyes full of worry as they flitted back and forth between us. “Everything alright?”

  “Fine,” Michael said. “We need to talk to Caleb.”

  “He’s in his office with Seth.” Grace continued to stand in the doorway. She must have realized she was blocking us out as she suddenly jumped back. “Sorry.”

  Michael nodded and with his arm tucked tightly against my waist, he helped me to the office. He rapped on the wood once and pushed the door open.

  “Rouge!” Seth stood leaned against a case of books but jumped and rushed toward us. He leaned in to hug me, but Michael put a strong hand on his chest and simply shook his head once.

  Embarrassed, I stuttered, “I-I’m a bit s-sore.”

  “We were just talking about you.” Seth straightened and chuckled. “Have you figured out more about your Bentos book?”

  All three men looked at me, particularly Caleb. He sat rod straight at his desk, hands spread on the wood with the tips of his fingers white from pressing against it.

  “No. I haven’t really thought about much since yesterday.” Only yesterday? It felt like a lifetime ago now.

  Caleb slapped a hand down on top of the desk. “There’s word some beasts have headed east. I believe they are either a part of this pack or related somehow.” He stared at Michael as if he expected him to say something. Michael didn’t.

  Seth clapped his hands. “Enough hunting for one weekend, don’t you think Caleb?” He glanced at his watch. “And I need to get back to my understudy. The Higher Coven will meet again in a few weeks. We can then discuss any new matters that have come to our attention. Take a break, Caleb.”

  Caleb glowered at Seth. I never knew what the word actually meant, but seeing Caleb’s eyes narrow and the anger on his face gave the word more meaning than any dictionary ever could.

  “You’re going?” I said to Seth. I’m gonna miss your humor. It sure worked nicely with the serious one.

  “Come and visit anytime… with Michael, of course.” He winked and gave a sideways nod in Michael’s direction. He turned to Caleb and touched two fingers to his eyebrow in a small salute, then disappeared out of the room before I could even turn my head to follow.

  Silence filled the room as all three of us watched the closed door. I inhaled a slow, deep breath and tried to focus my thoughts. What should I ask Caleb? How much do I share? Or how much does he already know? I exhaled and stepped in front of the desk.

  Standing in front of his large leather chair, Caleb crossed his arms over his chest. Still a massive figure, it was intimidating to look up. He stared at Michael and then at me, his eyes hiding something behind their blue color. “Why haven’t you been reading your book?”

  “Pardon?” He didn’t have the decency to ask how I felt? I’d flippin’ saved his understudy! He could show me a tidbit amount of respect.

  “My concern is that yesterday’s outburst may stop you from being able to read the book. We don’t want to hinder your gift.”

  “I’ll look when I’m ready,” I snapped. “Why are you so concerned about the book?” A weird sense of protectiveness surrounded my thoughts toward the journal. It was mine, not anyone else’s. Especially not his.

  He tsked. “That book could be the key to stopping their race. Make them instinct. Why wouldn’t I be anxious?”

  Michael shifted beside me and walked over to a case of books. He took the same position Seth had earlier when we’d walked in. A thought crossed my mind. He’s the referee.

  I huffed. “Is it the book, or me, Caleb? What’s got you so pissed?” My heart thundered at the accusation but, somehow, I knew it was right.

  Caleb’s eyes grew wide then hardened. “Both,” he spat. “The book for its history. And you… you for your damn ability. You’ve suddenly become a very important asset.” He sighed and dropped into his chair, his facial features softening. “You’re an asset to this family. I-I’m glad Michael took you under his wing.”

  Michael stepped forward. “I didn’t take her—”

  Caleb waved his fingers. “Irrelevant.”

  Hands on my hips, I stiffened. “Whatever you think, Caleb, I don’t really care. That’s irrelevant.” I forgot about my body’s discomfort. “There are a few things I want to know. I need to find out about my past. I’m heading back to Niagara Falls. I’m going to find out who I really am.” I shot a glance at Michael when he uttered in surprise. This time I held my hand up to stop him from saying anything. “Damon said the Grollics knew about me when I knew nothing about myself. How can that be?”

  Caleb now averted my gaze. “Sometimes the past should remain buried. Sometimes it is not our right to dig into it.”

  “Whatever,” I snapped, watching Michael’s head twist in my direction, his mouth dropping open in surprise. “Michael’s coming with me.”

  Caleb stiffened. “He cannot leave now! After what has happened, and the Coven gathering shortly, he cannot be absent.”

  “I’m going.” Michael strode in front of the desk, taking my hand in his. “You don’t need me here. There is no way I’d let Rouge go on her own.”

  “Now is not the time to go on a treasure hunt.” Caleb glared at me. “You’re a liability.”

  “I thought I was an asset.” I sighed. Whatever I’d hoped Caleb might know he either wasn’t going to share it with me or simply didn’t know. Fighting him wasn’t going to get me any closer to the truth.

  “Have you memorized the book? Are there more words you can command or speak?”

  He was never going to let up on the damn journal. “No. I haven’t touched it since yesterday. Trying to deal with all this crap seems enough on my plate at the moment. I’m not sure if this ability isn’t more of a curse.”

  Caleb leaned forward, resting his large hands on the desk to get closer. “It is a gift and you need to develop it. If you truly love Michael, you will see that it’s a way to protect him, to protect all of us.”

  “Caleb!” Michael warned.

  “Michael, please,” Caleb said. “You wanted this girl and brought her here. You had us hunt to save her. This gift is meant to be used for us, not against.”

  Caleb’s right. I loved Michael, and if I could protect him in any way, I would do whatever I could. “I need to find out about my past, and I want to find out about this thing I can do.” I refused to call it a gift. I had no idea what it was and until I learned more, I somehow didn’t trust it.

  “If Rouge wants to go, I’m going with her.” Michael pointed a finger at Caleb. “If she wanted to study the Grollic book, there will be no pushing from you or the Coven. She is not one of us. We give her the freedom to do as she pleases. No pressure. I will not allow her to be used as a pawn for your games.” He gently pulle
d my fingers, still interlaced in his hand toward him.

  Without another word, we walked out of the office. Michael nodded at Grace as we walked by her in the living room, continuing through the kitchen and out the door to the cottage. We walked in silence till we got inside the pool house. I never thought about one ounce of pain as we moved.

  Michael closed the door and stood inches from me. “I’m so sorry I spoke for you, but I cannot let you become a pawn in Caleb’s games. I know he’s already making plans to use you, and I refuse to let that happen. The Coven would jump at his suggestions if he tells them of the potential power you have. I promise you, I will not let that happen. We will leave before I allow that. No matter what I agreed to before I met you.”

  Before? I pushed the question out of my mind and put my hand on his warm cheek. “You can’t run from what you have spent a lifetime building. You were part of this Coven, long before you knew me.”

  Michael rested his head on the wall and sighed. “Let’s travel that road when, or if, we ever reach it.” He chewed his lip for a moment, and then straightened. “I still have a birthday present to give you.”

  I’d completely forgotten.

  “Go sit on the futon.” Michael walked over to the stand on the side I slept on and opened the top drawer. He came around and kneeled down so we were almost at the same height. He held his hand palm up towards me. On his hand rested a very pretty, small, sparkly, garnet-red wrapped rectangular box.

  I looked at his face to see if it would give anything away. His expression betrayed nothing, even his eyes remained a cool blue. With both hands, I gently lifted the box from his and lifted the lid. A small chain slid to the side. I glanced up.

  His eyes darted from my hands to my eyes and back down again. Worry created small lines between his eyebrows. Dropping my gaze, the inside of the box stole my breath away.

  Inside laid his Siorghra on the black velvet. The beautiful Celtic silver design glistened off the red inside it. Slowly and with shaking hands, I removed it from the box and, without saying a word, held it out to him. I turned and lifted my hair out of the way so he could put it around my neck.


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