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The Celestial Curse

Page 10

by Marie Cameron

  “Good morning.” They say, returning my greeting with a smile of their own.

  “Nothing much Amber we were just looking over some of the orders for next week.” Gail says.

  “Ah ok, I was wondering why the place was so quiet and you two had disappeared.” I say with a smile at the pair.

  “Oh I forgot to tell you we have one day a month where we are only open from one o’clock onwards. It gives us a chance to catch up on any paper work that needs to be finished for the bills and taxes etc.” Gail replies while Kate continues to type at the computer.

  “Which is a good thing Gail because; I wanted to talk to you about possibly taking on some clients of my own. Just one or two to begin with that wouldn’t mind me practicing tarot readings on them.” I say to Gail, who looks a little surprised but quickly agrees.

  “I don’t see why not, although we will need to make a description of you on the website for customers to view and book you on. We usually get a lot of bookings either there or over the phone.” She says. I listen and nod my head at the appropriate times while Gail rambles on about web designs and what descriptions to give about myself and my ‘talent’ as well as what cards I will be using. We talk shop for a further ten minutes before heading out into the main part of the shop.

  I busied myself with customers and maintaining the shop floor for the remainder of the day, which went by quite fast until Gail requested my presence in the office twenty minutes before closing. I leave Kate to man the front while I go to the office in search of Gail. I find her behind the desk and ask she sees me walk through the door; she waves me over to the computer.

  “Have a quick read through this and tell me what you think.” She says. I look to the screen and read through the personal description designed to give clients a little information about me and tarot readings. I scroll down the beautifully made page and feel excited in the new possibilities opening up before me. It’s like my path has a new direction and I am eager to follow it.

  “This is brilliant Gail! Tell me this isn’t what you have been doing all day?” I ask as it dawns on me that she has been back here slaving away all afternoon for me when I could have done it. Gail shrugs and gives me a little smile while I continue to scroll to the bottom.

  “We weren’t busy and you girls were handling the shop fine, so I decided to get started on your page and add it to the website. It gave me something fun to do so I’m not complaining.” Gail explains which makes me feel less guilty for not doing it myself.

  “Oh well in that case, you’re welcome.” I reply with a grin that she returns.

  “I was actually about to upload it before I decided to get your input on it so if you would like anything edited, then we can do that now.” She says while turning the screen back towards her.

  “Um not really, I don’t have a problem with anything that you have put. It all seems pretty straight forwards to me.” I reply while skimming through the text again.

  “Ok well I have already been through it so I wouldn’t change any more of it. The only thing left to do is upload it to our website.” Gail says. At my uh huh and a few clicks later my very own page is uploading, officially recognizing me a full time worker ready for my first client. The thought fills me with excitement, then fear. What if I forget how to read a reading? Or nothing makes sense to the client and they just end up as confused about the whole thing as me? Gail being the kind woman she is sees the fear on my face and pats my arm.

  “I know what you are thinking but everything will be fine. Trust me, once you have the first couple sessions out of the way, things will start to get better and alot easier. We can start you off as low fee to entice clients to try you out and when you start getting regular clients, then we can put your prices up to standard.” She says as she shuts down the computer and other various electronics around the room. I think about it for a second before agreeing that I am probably just a little nervous and that things will be fine. After all I trust in my guardian and my Celestial tarots to give me accurate information to pass onto the client.

  “Yeah you’re probably right. I think I am just a little nervous because I haven’t done a reading for a client before and I am still fairly new to the whole tarot thing.” I say as we make our way to the main shop part to help close up.

  After closing the shop and saying good bye to the ladies I make my way to my car. Since my magic lessons do not start until Monday, I set off home for that bath I missed yesterday and hopefully some girl time with April. I have missed not being able to spend more time with her over the past resent months, with how busy I have been but I know she understands that I am under a lot of stress at the moment and won’t hold it against me. The drive back is short and sweet. It helps when you know all the short cuts rather than having to take the motorway the entire way back to Leeds from Wetherby and I take advantage of them daily!

  Chapter Fourteen

  The weekend passed relatively quickly and before I knew it Monday had arrived. I worked through the day, had a little excitement when I saw I had some viewings booked for this week so totally looking forward to them. Gail gave me my schedule before I left this evening and I safely tucked into my bag.

  I am on my way to Lilith’s place for my first lesson and as I follow the directions given by the navigator I try to clear my mind of all distracting thoughts about the next couple of hours.

  Half an hour later I pull up to Lilith’s cottage. I lock the car and walk up to the door and ring the bell. I stand in the cooling breeze that says winter is definitely on its way and huddle tighter into the warm recesses of my coat. I hear shuffling on the other side of the door and look up as Lilith appears in the doorway.

  “Hello Amber. I wasn’t expecting you yet, come on in out of the cold.” Lilith says with a wave of her arm, welcoming me into the warm environment her coal fire has created.

  “I am sorry to be early but it was a little too nippy to wait in my car. I didn’t actually think about if you would mind me coming early.” I reply regretting my impulsive decision that was brought on by the thought of something warm to drink and a nice cosy fire to warm myself up at. Seeing me eye up the fire longingly, Lilith tells me to go sit down while she makes some hot chocolate. Thinking you don’t have to tell me twice, I peel off my short summer coat and hang it on a peg near the front door before just short of running for the big comfy chair sat in front of the fire place. The chair is so big it makes me feel like a child again sitting in its cushiony depths.

  Just as I begin to relax Lilith comes out with two cups of hot chocolate, passing me mine before sitting in the other chair opposite me. We sit in silence for several minutes enjoying the warm fire and our drinks before Lilith broaches the subject I had come here for in the first place.

  “Since this is the first day you have been to this type of lesson, we can start off by giving you some exercises to complete before we go on to the actual magical side of the lesson, where I will teach you how to build up your magical strength and use it.” She says. I listen with rapt attention as she details what our first session is going to be.

  “But before we get on to any of the exercises, why don’t you tell me what the deal is with you and Caleb?” Lilith requests.

  “There is nothing going on between Caleb and me, why do you think there would be something between us?” I mumble rush my words as she stares at me and my cheeks begin to heat with a blush. I can feel her eyes on me as I look at the floor and finally let out a sigh. It would be good to talk to someone who may be able to shed some light on tings. I decide to trust my instincts.

  “The truth is I don’t really know what is going on with us. It like one minute something could happen, then the next he seems distant and not interested. I did kind of see him flirting with another woman so I decided to go on a date with a guy from university, which actually turned more into a new friendship since we has so much in common but no spark. I am not really sure what to do with how I feel about Caleb to be honest.” I sigh as I make m
y last remark and look to Lilith to see what she thinks.

  She takes a couple minutes to mull over my dilemma before looking towards me and gifting me with her advice. I am sure she does not meddle in people’s problems very often so I listen intently.

  “If I were you I would stop trying to make him like you. Just act like you don’t care whether he likes you or not and go with the flow. If he does like you then he will let you know in his own time for example, on a date. If it turns out he does not like you that way anymore then remain friendly towards him and move on.” She says.

  “Ok I guess I can do that. It is not like I don’t have enough to keep my focus on at the moment anyway.” I reply disheartened with my options but willing to give it ago none the less. After all I do really have other things to keep my attention on, like the things I will be learning from Lilith. I should also start practicing more with the Celestial tarot cards so that when I start getting clients I will be more confident when reading for them.

  “Ok good.” Lilith says before standing up and sitting on the floor in front of the chair she just vacated from.

  “Shall we start with today’s lesson then?” She asks and at my affirmation, invites me to sit on the floor opposite her with my legs in the lotus position. When I am sat as comfortable as possible she begins.

  “Ok, I want to listen to my voice and do as I instruct. I will guide you through this first attempt and then you can practice at home, so close your eyes and clear your mind.” I close my eyes and picture a black blank canvas.

  “Good, now slow down your heart beat by breathing as slowly as you are comfortable with while keeping that clear mind.” I slow my breathing and almost instantly felt the difference, not just in my heart beat but in the rapid thoughts flowing through my mind. I listen as she guides me through the meditation, the images flowing through my mind with ease. Places of complete peace and serenity. After describing a few places that are designed to relax the mind, she tells me to pick the one I was most drawn to and imagine myself there, sitting as I am here in her living room.

  I remember the tropical place where the sun warms my back and the breeze covers my senses in the salty sea air from the ocean in front of me. This choice gives me a great sense of satisfaction and I feel myself relax further into the scene. Lilith continues to give me direction although I do not actually hear her anymore. It is more like a presence that I follow without giving a second thought.

  I spend the next ten minutes absorbing the vibrations and energy around me, completely relaxed while feeling the waves, wind and sun on my skin. Faintly I hear Lilith’s voice in the background getting louder as the seconds pass by.

  “On the count of three I want you to open your eyes; one, two and three.” I open my eyes to find myself sat in Lilith’s living room again. She smiles at me and helps me to my feet. Pins and needles have set in my lower legs so I gingerly make my way to chair behind me and sink into the cushiony depths.

  “How did you find your first experience of subconscious astral projection?” Asks Lilith, I think for a moment before answering.

  “It was different but a pleasant experience. One I would like to try again.” I reply. Lilith smiles and nods her head.

  “Good because that is your homework for the next couple of days. Our next meeting is on Wednesday so I want you to practice the meditation you just did but set an alarm for two and a half hours to bring back your subconscious to the here and now.” I nod to show my understanding and look at the time. My eyes widen when I see the time. Two hours have passed by but I could have sworn we only started roughly thirty minutes ago. I look to Lilith who smirks.

  “Time flies by when you meditate. That’s why I said to set an alarm, wouldn’t want you to spend too much time meditating just yet. Not until you learn to control your exit without using something or someone to snap you out of it.”

  “Ok well I think it’s time for me to set off since it is later than I though.” I say as I stand up. Lilith leads the way to the hallway where my coat is hanging on a peg and passes it to me.

  “If you have any questions Amber then you can give me a call. I programmed my number into your phone while you were meditating so use it. Also remember what I said about Caleb. Let things happen in their own time and don’t stress yourself out about it ok?” I decide Lilith gives good advice so I promise to follow her wisdom. We say good bye and I walk to my car. As I settle into the driver’s seat I think of all the new possibilities that have been opened up to me through meeting Lilith. I start to feel a little giddy thinking about learning real magic from a real magic teacher.

  I drive home thinking about the day’s events. It really was a great experience and one I hope to be able to do again on my own. My mind comes back to the present to find myself pulling up onto my street. I park my car outside the building in the car park while thinking of the possibilities of using magic. I have more confidence now of finding a cure for Caleb’s curse than I did before and so my spirits are high as I walk from my car to the apartment. I keep that feeling for the rest of the night and hopefully it will still be there when I wake in the morning.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Morning came way too soon!

  I like my sleep but before I knew it, I was out my bed, through the bedroom door and out the apartment heading for the little café a couple streets over for a lovely hot breakfast sandwich and a steaming cup of cappuccino. I pressed snooze and didn’t wake in time this morning to grab something from the kitchen, hence the rush this morning and why I am currently standing in line for my breakfast. Patience is not my strong suit so I find myself fidgeting with the strap of my bag while I wait for the queue to hurry along.

  Slowly it dwindles down to a couple in front of me who thankfully, are quick to order and be on their way.

  “Hi can I have a large cappuccino with hazelnut syrup and a breakfast deluxe sandwich to go please.” I say to the girl behind the counter. I give my order and pay before standing off to the side. While I wait I casually look around the room. Sat off in a corner all by himself is Duncan. I haven’t seen him since that night I had done that tarot reading for him and April due to having been busy with work commitments and now the whole learning magic thing. I decide I might as well go say hello while I wait for my order so I make my over to his table and sit down facing him.

  Startled he looks up and takes a second to recognize my face.

  “Amber! I wasn’t expecting to see you here. How are you doing?” He asks with a genuine smile.

  “Im good thanks Duncan. I’m working full time now so haven’t had much time for socializing unfortunately.” I say with a playful pout before continuing,

  “But hopefully we can get together at some point and catch up after all, you and April have some gossip to spill me thinks.” I laughingly taunt. April doesn’t know I’ve heard her and Duncan talking on the phone at night sometimes when I have come in late but I think things are starting to get interesting between the pair.

  “Um, I think I will leave April to do the spilling.” He replies blushing slightly, which shows me a hint of the vulnerable boy he keeps hidden behind that sexy confident badass persona, he sometimes pretends to be.

  “Ah ok but you do understand the way girl talk works right?”

  “I don’t think any guy will ever understand the way girls talk but please do enlighten me into the female mind.” Duncan says as he looks at me sarcastically. I give him a look of my own just before my name is called to collect my order. Calling to the girl who served me earlier that I am heading to the counter, I give one last look at Duncan. I look him up and down lazed over the back of the seats, taking in the cocky smirk of his mouth and the challenge in his eyes I make my threat.

  “Just for that sassy mouth of yours I will make you a deal. By the end of tonight I will know your deepest, darkest, most embarrassing secrets and I will hold no shame in posting said secrets to every girl within a fifty mile radius and watch the chaos take hold unless you do one very tiny
thing for me.” He listens intently for me to continue. I must have guessed right that he and April have gotten pretty close for him to be worried about what she might tell me of his personal details. In my mind’s eye I rub my hands together in glee, while back in reality I continue with my negotiations.

  “I promise not to ask April more than the usual girl stuff in a new relationship and leave all the naughty embarrassing stuff between you two, but you have to go pick up April’s birthday gift for me and keep it a secret from her.” I say. Seeing that I caught him off guard with my request I quickly nip over to the counter and pick up my order and return to the chair I was previously sat in.

  “All you want is for me to pick up a gift and keep it from April until her birthday? May I ask why?” He asks.

  “Every year we try to guess what the other has gotten for our birthday but last year April got really close to finding my hiding place. This year I have gotten her something really precious to her and I don’t want to take any chances of her finding it.” I try to portray the importance of my request through my posture and words. I exhale as he nods his head once.

  “Ok. I will help you as long as you don’t try to dig up any dirt on me to use in the future. I know April wouldn’t stand a chance against you in an interrogation for knowledge.” He says with a little respect shining in his eyes and a tilt to his lips.

  “Ok done!” I beam and jump to my feet.

  “Ok I will call you with the pick-up location and a description of the item when it is ready for collection.” I say before turning around and heading for the door.

  “Bye.” I wave over my shoulder, walk out the door and head to my car. I drive to work relatively happy with my morning so far and hope the rest of the day goes just as well.

  Chapter Sixteen


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