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The Celestial Curse

Page 13

by Marie Cameron

  The next couple of days pass quickly as I put my plans into motion. Aunt Betsy has offered to help me set up the part decorations and has recruited Caleb to help out too, which is fine by me since it means I no longer need to ask him myself. Having said that, there is still a little tension between us since we still haven’t spoken about what is going on with us since that last time we were alone together.

  It’s Wednesday morning and Gail has let me book off this afternoon using one of my holidays, so I can go party shopping. I booked off the day before the party, since it is a Friday, so I can set up everything at Aunt Betsy’s place. Duncan is going to go pickup my present for April next Wednesday and Aunt Betsy once again has agreed to help me out by storing it at her place in one of her many rooms.

  The morning passes quickly and in no time I say my good byes and rush out the door. Driving down the highway, I make a mental list of all the things I need to buy. Coming into Leeds city centre I find a parking space near Trinity shopping centre. I pay my parking fee and make my way through one of the many entrances to Trinity. I browse through every shop window I pass, going up levels and back down again until I find party stuff decorating one of the windows I had passed on my first walk around, but hadn’t noticed. I walk into the shop with my eyes set on the happy birthday banners and balloons. I take a basket and fill it up with a few decorations and plates etc. Thirty minutes later I pay before making my way out of the shop with two bags. Deciding I have enough for the party, I go shopping for a new outfit before heading for my car. I want to get this stuff put away at Aunt Betsy’s before it gets too late.

  I place the bags in the boot of the car before sitting in the driver’s seat. Backing out of the car park I head for the fastest route to Aunt Betsy’s. Hoping I do not run into Caleb again is becoming a reoccurring thing at the moment. He always appears either when I least expect it, or when I least want him to. Before it was because I just did not like him, now it is because I like him too much and find that I do not know how to act around him, after he kissed me. Even just thinking of that night makes me blush and squirm in my chair!

  Putting such thoughts out of my head, I turn into Aunt Betsy’s driveway, parking the car and walking up to the door. She answers after one knock and welcomes me with open arms. At least Aunt Betsy will give me something else to think about other than Caleb.

  Five minutes later with a cup of strawberry and mango tea, the first thing out of my aunts mouth is,

  “So why did you leave so fast the other night? I got the impression you wanted to talk to me about something, that is until you saw Caleb sitting in the lounge room.” She says all innocently. So much for not thinking or talking about Caleb huh! I let out the breath I had unconsciously held in at the mention of Caleb’s name and think of a quick response before the old meddler starts to make all sorts of conclusions on Caleb and myself. Remembering the original reason I had come to visit that night, I tell her about my tarot reading sessions and the success it has had so far.

  “Before your imagination gets the better of you Aunt Betsy, I only came around to tell you about the tarot readings I have been doing for people at the holistic centre. I even have my own client list now.” I tell her, which is true. Word of mouth has spread so far that I find myself giving readings to people who have travelled miles to have a session with me. And that reminds me of another matter I wanted to discuss with Aunt Betsy.

  “I actually wanted to talk to you about things my clients have experienced and told me about after having a session with me.” I say in all seriousness. Aunt Betsy listens carefully as I repeat to her what my clients have told me over the past couple of weeks.

  “Amber you do know the Celestial tarot cards are not normal cards, don’t you?” She asks me, to which I reply with a yes.

  “It is also the power you have within you that allows the cards to make the predictions and positive influences in people’s lives. Anyone else who tried to use the cards would not get the same response from them, because they are not you. The cards would act just like any other deck of cards, like playing cards.” I listen as she explains and I take in the things I did not previously know, or forgot, but I realise there is still a lot for me to learn when it comes to these powerful cards.

  “Anyway the cards are not what I was referring to Amber and I think you know that. Caleb and I had a long talk that night so I know there is something going on with you two.” I look at Aunt Betsy and sigh. For a split second I thought I might have gotten away with not talking about Caleb, but I was obviously wrong.

  “Oh um what did he tell you?” I ask her. I try to play dumb and get her to say how much she actually knows, rather than me telling her everything. I do not think Caleb would have told her much of anything.

  “Oh just that you two had a thing not long ago and that he isn’t going to wait any longer to pursue you like a man does a woman.” She says offhandedly. I stare open mouthed at her for a moment while I think of something to say.

  “It has been a love hate thing between us but I wouldn’t bring out the wedding bells anytime soon Aunt Betsy.” I say jokingly but the look in her eyes makes me nervous. Deciding that maybe giving her some small detail may actually be better than letting her think whatever is going through her mind right now, because I can guarantee it isn’t even close to what she is imagining!

  “I am only telling you this so that your imagination doesn’t get the better of you, but all we did is kiss. Yes there maybe sparks there but it doesn’t mean something more is going to happen. Not if his mood swings keep up anyway.” I say the last part under my breath but the old witch heard it anyway, if the chuckling is anything to go by.

  “Well honey I think you need to watch yourself where Caleb is concerned because I think he is done waiting for the curse to be lifted before he makes a move on you.” Chills race down my spine as Aunt Betsy gives her advice with a shrug of one shoulder.

  “Um thanks for the heads up.” I say not really sure what to say at this point. Although mentioning the curse I wonder if she has found out anything on having it removed. Neither Caleb or Aunt Betsy have said anything to me about it, since the day Aunt Betsy said she was going to ask around the witch covens to see if she could learn anything from the others. I decide to ask anyway for my own curiosity more than anything else.

  “Did you manage to find out anything from the covens on how to lift the curse?” Aunt Betsy sighs and states that she is still looking for answers. No one seems to know what spell was used and without knowing what spell it was, then they would not know how to reverse it.

  “Although they do think Clarabelle may have used one of her made up spells as the curse.” I think for a second and almost instantaneously come up with a possible idea!

  “By any chance did Clarabelle store her spells and potions in something, like a book perhaps?” It’s a long shot but I figure we don’t have anything to lose at this point. Aunt Betsy mulls over the thought before answering.

  “She most likely did record her spells, potions and even inventions, but the more important question is, if there is indeed a book then where is it now?”

  “Well if she died outside her home, then the first place I would look is at the cottage.” I say still thinking through the probability of any of Clarabelle’s magical stuff surviving the test of time. And even more so, hoping we are lucky enough to find it. If it was me, I would have put some sort of magic protection spell on anything that was of worth to me to make sure no one could touch it.

  “You’re forgetting Amber that people will have gutted out the cottage, probably right after poor Clarabelle was buried.” She does bring up a valid point. I think back through the stories I was told as a child for any clues that might have an answer.

  “In the stories I was told as a child, Clarabelle had a working conservatory that she used for anything relating to magic. Is it possible it could still be there?” I ask with rising hope.

  “I don’t really know, I suppose it could still be the
re, although it would have been modernised by now.”

  “What if no one knows it’s there?” I ask as my brain spews out more ideas on where Clarabelle could have hidden such a book, if she had actually created one.

  “What do you mean? You’re not making much sense now Amber.” Aunt Betsy is starting to lose the plot now, she just isn’t thinking along the same lines as me, but I think I may be on to something here.

  “What if Clarabelle had a secret room to her conservatory that she protected from others with a spell? Is there a chance it could still be there?” Excited at my own thoughts has me sitting at the edge of my seat. Aunt Betsy is coming around to my way of thinking now and it is beginning to show in her eyes. She wants to have hope that we are finally on to something but doesn’t want to build the hope up too much, that is devastates us if we are wrong. Which I can understand, but what is that saying? Nothing ventured, nothing gained…

  I am willing to venture in the hopes of gaining the knowledge of Clarabelle’s powers.

  “I think we should at least go and check it out. Who knows, maybe we will get lucky and if not then, it will have been a great get away weekend.” I say to Aunt Betsy, hoping to appeal to her sense of adventure. She thinks it over before finally agreeing that we have to check it out no matter how small our chances of success.

  “Caleb will want to come along too. He will be able to tell if something is different from about four hundred years ago.” Sarcastic colours her tone and makes me laugh.

  “Ok I will call him this evening and extend the invitation.” Finally after a long time I feel useful again rather than a failure. These magic lessons have taken more out of me than I had previously thought. I wonder if doing a reading on myself would give me the same results as it does for my clients? I guess it is something to think about on the way home. Five minutes later I say my goodbyes to Aunt Betsy and head home.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  The self-reading has played on my mind since I left my aunt’s house and somewhere between there and my apartment door, I had decided to give the reading a try. So here I am, sat on my bed shuffling the Celestial tarot cards. I use the Celtic cross spread, just like I do for my clients and lay out ten cards one by one, after cutting and re-shuffling them. I ask my question all throughout shuffling until I lay out the cards. My question is “Will situations in my life start to improve?” And as I lay out each card, a breeze softly grazes my cheek and makes my hair whisper around my face, letting me know that my guardian is making her presence known. Reassured by a higher power, I look at the cards before me. The cards are as follows;

  Two of Pentacles (Present) – Maintaining the balance within more than one area of life.

  Two of Swords (Influences) – Stalemate or a deadlock where a decision is to be made but due to feelings of confusion, a new logical approach should be made.

  Knight of Swords (Past Issues) – Swift moving energy is brought by this night as is a great deal of strength that could bring about adventures. As a young man, he would be serious and quick witted as well as impatient.

  Eight of Wands (Immediate Past) – Fast pace process after delays, could include a chance to travel.

  Nine of Wands (Crowning Thoughts) – Perseverance along with courage and determination are keys to success. Now is not the time to quit.

  The High Priestess (Immediate Future) – Follow your intuition and trust your instincts. Can indicate a secret being found out that would benefit you in some way. Also shows potential that has not yet been explored or fulfilled.

  Five of swords (Your Fears) – Represents dishonour, defeat, loss and deceit, is usually seen as a warning of some kind.

  Strength (Environmental Factors) – Gentleness with inner strength and courage. Patience, diplomacy and charm, these are all classed as feminine qualities.

  Ace of Swords (Your Hopes) – Victory and triumph over adversity is achieved through one’s own efforts, therefore signifying strength and clarity of thought.

  The Wheel of Fortune (Outcome) – The destiny card! It brings hope for a change in positive luck, the start of a new cycle and progress in all areas of life.

  I sit and look over my reading. Grabbing a pen and a notebook from the draw beside my bed, I write down the spread and make notes at the bottom. With renewed hope that I am on the right path and hope of a change of luck for the better coming my way, I quietly say thank you to my guardian for her advice and pack away the Celestial tarot cards. Too preoccupied with my thoughts I do not notice when my guardian appears behind me in a wisp of white smoke, then disappears just as quick as she appeared.

  The front door slams and footsteps can be heard walking down the hall way. I get up and walk to the closed door; I hear giggling just as I reach for the handle so I pause before opening the door. April and Duncan’s voices murmur through the wood of the door as they pass my room and a door slams shut further down. Not really wanting to listen to my friends getting lovey dovey with each other, I pull out my cell phone while pulling on my trainers and coat. Four rings later Caleb answers his mobile.

  “Meet me at that café down the street from me.” I say while shutting the apartment door behind me.

  “Ok I will be there in ten minutes.”

  “Ok, bye.” I end the call and exit the apartment building. I walk with a bounce in my step and a peppy smile on my face, knowing that I am finally doing something helpful in getting the curse removed from Caleb.

  My hair whips around my face as the wind blows it in all directions, but walking into the café has the strands settling around my face like cloud. Since I am the first one here I order myself a coffee and sit down at a table near the back of the room for that added sense of privacy. Sipping my scalding almost black coffee, I watch as customers come and go from the warmth of the indoors and back out into the freezing winds. Caleb walks through the door a moment later looking dapper in his long woollen trench coat and warm looking man boots. I take note of his appearance while he walks up to the counter and orders a hot drink for himself. He searches the tables until his eyes meet mine, I give a little wave and he returns a small smile to show that he sees me. Picking up his drink when told it is ready, he then makes his way over to where I am sat, huddling into my coat with my hands wrapped around the coffee cup. As he gets closer I try to remember what it was I asked him to meet me for, but as usual my brain forgets how to function and my hands start to slightly tremble.

  He sits opposite me and mimic’s me holding the cup. His big hands dwarf the mug sitting between them and I feel the urge to giggle. Of course I starve off the impulse and get right down to business.

  “Aunt Betsy and I have decided we are going to go to the cottage that Clarabelle lived in, to see if she left anything that would give us a clue about how to break the curse she cast on you.”

  Caleb remains silent until I finish speaking and even takes a sip of what looks like coffee, while thinking over what I said.

  “We have already searched the cottage years ago Amber, it was actually one of the first things we did when we found out about the curse.” Caleb says, so matter of fact that I for a split moment, my hope vanishes and is replaced by doubt and hopelessness. That is until I remember one tiny little detail that he seems to have forgotten.

  “Yes but none of you are descendants of Clarabelle and as her chosen heir who is supposed to inherit all her magical powers, which by the way, is a lot harder to learn than it looks! I just think if anyone would be able to find anything she left behind, it would naturally be me. And who knows what else we could possibly find!” I say trying to appeal to his better judgement. It doesn’t take long before I manage to convince him enough for him to agree, that it might be worth me having a look around the place.

  “Great, ok so we were planning on going this Saturday and staying until Sunday. That gives us plenty of time to look around for any hideaways Clarabelle may have.

  “Amber you and Betsy just make the plans and I will follow whatever you two want to do this
weekend but it will come at a price.” As curious as I am to find out what he is talking about, I am also having a strong gut reaction to tell him to take a hike! But of course curiosity causes me to ask the question before it is even fully formed in my mind.

  “What price Caleb? What are you talking about?” I say confused.


  I watch as confusion crosses Amber’s beautiful features, eyes wide innocent like and lips slightly parted. Her shapely eyebrows even add to the allure as they descend softly, which shows even more confusion to seep into her expression.

  A year ago if anyone would have told me that I would fall for a girl barely out of her teenage years, with an innocence radiating from her like waves, I would have admitted them to the nearest nut hospital and had them treated for lunacy! I watch the expressions in her eyes when I tell her my condition to going with her, to help at Clarabelle’s old cottage. To be honest, that place still gives me the creeps.

  “You have to agree to go to dinner and a movie with me, before Saturday as a date.” It takes a couple seconds for my words to sink in but when they do, it is priceless. She blushes scarlet red and stutters as her breathing becomes erratic. She blinks repeatedly while looking down at the cup threatening to break under her clutching hands. Or it would if she was actually strong enough to break anything. I keep my expression neutral while laughing inside. Finally she squares her shoulders and looks me dead in the eyes.


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