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Fueled by Lust: Severus (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 24

by Celeste Prater

  Night had fallen and the thick cluster of stars and a mountain range trailing the horizon were the only things her mind could grasp as familiar. Three purple moons were hanging low in the sky and bathed the landscape in white light. The largest looked like it was sitting right on top of the tallest peak. The moon was enormous and she could easily see the pock marks and deep fissures. Two smaller ones, though in comparison to Earth they were huge, were higher in the sky. She could see sparkling lights glowing within the shadows of the mountain. It had to be the city of Urbis Lina had spoken of. However, it was the sleek, black spacecraft that was glibly flying in their direction that had her jaw dropping. It landed a few feet away without disturbing the environment or making a sound. A door slid open and two large men exited. They made quick bows to Emperor Lucien, then stepped to each side of the opening.

  She couldn’t control her eyes after that bit of visual adrenaline. From what she could see, yellow trees and smooth, green rocks dotted the landscape around her. Dark, blue flowers lay in tangles around the base of the trees and spread outward toward the valley in a blanket of dark swirls. She stared stupidly at the magenta-colored grass below her feet. She’d expected different, but this was outrageous. It was beautiful. She dropped to her knees and buried her hands into the lushness. The ground vibrated each time she ran her fingers against the tendrils. A flower bent toward her and swayed against her skin. When she moved it aside, it came back toward her and touched the same area. It acted like a pet expecting to be stroked. She felt like she was losing her mind.

  She jumped to her feet and shrieked when a small animal—god she hoped it was an animal—darted across the grass and clasped her boot with hands sporting four appendages. It was the length and width of a ferret, but that was where the similarity ended. It was purple, like someone had dipped it in food coloring and was playing a joke on her. Its fur was sleek and she had an insane urge to pet the damn thing. The impulse stopped when she caught sight of the long, whip-thin tail acting like a windshield wiper on its ass. Two small, circular ears rotated front to back in lightning speed. A set of golden, almond-shaped eyes stared up at her and she actually believed it was smiling. The teeth were sharp, yet small, so at least she wouldn’t be completely eviscerated on her first night here.

  She wiggled her boot to get the apparition to disappear, but it scurried higher and wrapped its little arms around her ankle. It started emanating a pleasant clicking sound and blinked innocently up at her. Cassie started giggling. People giggle at hallucinations when their brain fries, right? She snapped out of her delusional walk down insanity lane when Lucien, the alien emperor, started laughing.

  “You have not gone insane, Cassie. That is a Lemarok. This is a special event. They are highly suspicious of anything except another of their kind. To be touched and claimed by this species is a high honor. Look, the brother has claimed Avelina.”

  Afraid to move her foot, Cassie turned and looked over her shoulder toward Lina. Of course. Her friend had the other thingy cuddled in her arms like a baby and it was splayed out as she rubbed its belly. Drusus was looking at Lina as if she’d personally placed the moons in the sky. Cassie glanced at the emperor. “So, how do I get rid of it?”

  Lucien’s smile was wide, showing perfectly straight, white teeth. “You do not. You’ve been claimed and it will stay with you until death. He will guard you. Only your mate will be allowed near you without a shrill warning to back away. It will either ride your leg all the way back to the city or you can let it perch upon your shoulder. Any Insedi you meet from this point forward will view you in the highest regard.”

  Cassie dropped her chin to her chest and heaved a long sigh. “Great.” She peeked at the Lemarok rubbing his cheek against her blue jeans. “Okay, buddy. You better be self-sufficient because I’ve killed more goldfish than you should be comfortable with. I’m giving you fair warning.” She heard Severus chuckling behind her. Reaching down, she opened her hand and the Lemarok grasped her fingers and proceeded to climb her arm like a tree limb. It curled up on her shoulder and wrapped its long tail around her bicep. He was locked in and ready for a road trip. At least he smelled good.

  Severus walked up beside her and leaned close to her ear. “I knew you were special, Cassie. Now the Lemarok has proven it.” He kissed her on the cheek and grabbed her free hand. “I need you, my love. I cannot wait a minute more.”

  * * * *

  Severus pushed the bathroom door closed and leaned against the wall. He’d finally gotten the Lemarok—or “Barney,” as Cassie had laughingly named him—settled into his new bed. She pretended like she was irritated with the adulation of the little creature, but he could tell she was warming up quickly to its soft clicks of satisfaction when she grudgingly patted his head or let him sit in her lap as she ate. She’d thought it hilarious when it trilled a warning any time another Insedi walked within five feet of her. A Lemarok claiming hadn’t occurred in fifty years, so she and Lina were now the talk of Urbis.

  The royal family had welcomed their homecoming with a lavish banquet and Cassie met his three cousins. Of course, she had them laughing within minutes of meeting her. He was sure Palaemon was half in love with her already. He’d have to keep an eye on that one. The emperor was an observant man and quickly noticed the languid glances and subtle touches Drusus was bestowing on Lina. He had pity on them all and called an early night on the festivities.

  Severus pushed away from the wall and walked into their suite. He liked saying “their.” He had been alone within these walls for many years, but that was now a thing of the past. Except, at the moment, his mate was down the hall with Lina. He had a few minutes to prepare before she returned. He opened the balcony doors to allow the fragrant scents of the night to fill the room. A soft breeze wafted across his skin, but not enough to extinguish the candles he had placed about the bedroom. It was cozy and romantic. Severus threw his towel to the side and crawled into bed. He didn’t want anything in the way when Cassie made it back to the room. He had every intention of ravishing her the second she returned.

  He laid his head back against the pillow and smiled to the ceiling. She had endured so much over a short period of time, yet she had not broken. She was a female of worth, and she was all his. He had so much he wanted to tell her and much more to show. His cock throbbed at the thought of touching her silky skin. He closed his eyes and brought back memories of her sliding along his body, the tightness of her sheath when he filled her, and the taste of her in his mouth. Despite the number of females that had passed through his life, she was the only one that had ever breached the cage he had placed around his heart. It felt good to lie still for a moment after that long drive and trek through the mountains. He’d forgotten how comfortable his mattress felt.

  Severus startled awake. He must have fallen asleep. Only one candle glowed in the darkness. He frowned when he couldn’t move his arms. They were crossed above his head and secured at the wrists. The room was dimly lit, but he could see two silk scarves binding him to the bed post. He glanced down and his breath caught in his lungs. Cassie was nude and straddled across his upper thighs. Before he could say anything, she placed a finger against his lips and bent down so he could hear her soft, husky voice.

  “Do you trust me?”

  Chapter 31

  Severus swallowed hard and quickly nodded.

  “Good,” she whispered. Cassie lifted her hand and slowly ran her fingers through his hair. Her words were low and secretive, sending a chill across his skin.

  “I adore your hair, Severus. I love the way it feels against my fingers.” She lowered her upper body against his chest, just enough so that he could feel her hard nipples tracing along his skin in a lazy pattern. He felt his body shudder and his cock rise hard against his stomach.

  She planted her hands on the mattress to each side of his chest and slowly slid her body up against his until her lips rested against his ear. Her silky hair glided along his shoulders and neck before falling away. Her
warm, moist breath moving against the shell of his ear had him moaning in need. Her words were no more than wisps of air against his skin, but were powerful in their message.

  “I know that you can tear through these binds in mere seconds, warrior. That makes me hot. My pussy is clenching and I have a fire behind my clit. I ache for you. I can’t look at you without wanting you.” Cassie’s lower body pressed against his throbbing cock. He groaned when she slowly rolled her hips and dragged her wet cunt up his length, then moved away. He felt marked. He was owned.

  “I want to explore your body and know that any moment you could lose control and stop me.” He was shaking now. Her words alone were enough to have his cockhead weeping in agony. He fought to keep from coming across his belly.

  “But you can take it, can’t you, baby?” she purred into his ear.

  He nodded, unable to find his voice.

  “Good.” She nuzzled her way over to his mouth and licked his lower lip. “Kiss me, Severus. I want to taste you.”

  Her sensual energy bounced against his skin, demanding entry. He opened his channels and reveled in the feeling. Severus jerked his head up and thrust his tongue into her mouth. She was nectar to his hunger. He growled as she sucked gently and then retreated.

  “Mmmm, you taste magnificent.”

  She nipped his lower lip before he could protest and proceeded to kiss her way across his cheek, down his throat, and across his laboring chest. She paused above his heaving pecs and smoothed her hand across the quivering muscle.

  “Look at you. You’re perfection. So powerful.” She lowered her hand and lightly scratched her nails across his abdominal muscles, causing them to tremble and tighten. “You make me feel protected and safe, my love.” Her fingers traced along the raised muscle running from his hip to his groin. She pressed her forehead against his pec and groaned. “This is so fucking sexy. My mind blanks out when I watch these muscles move when you’re fucking me.”

  Gods! He loved her voice, so sensuous and mesmerizing.

  Cassie kissed his damp flesh and dragged her lips across his skin until she stopped at his nipple. She took her time licking across the hardened flesh. When she blew softly across the straining skin, he shivered. He had no idea how sensitive his nipples were until Cassie focused on them. He felt his belly quiver and his cock bounced repeatedly against his stomach, demanding release. He almost pulled free of the bindings, but stopped as her lips began descending further down his chest and across his stomach. When she quickly swiped her tongue across the head of his cock, his back arched and he gritted his teeth. Don’t come…don’t come…don’t come, became an insistent chant in his addled brain.

  Severus felt like he was going to lose his mind as her warm hand wrapped around his cock and slowly slid to the top. Her thumb swirled around the tip and spread the copious liquid across his flesh as her other hand caressed his tightened balls. His chest heaved as he tried to maintain control. He didn’t recognize the gravelly state of his voice.

  “Baby…please…I need you.” He shuddered when he felt her warm breath flutter across his most sensitive skin. Her sultry voice washed over his senses.

  “Is this mine, Severus?”

  “Ahhh! Fuck yes! It’s all yours, baby. Lick me. Do something.”

  “Do you want to be in my warm mouth, Severus? Do you want to feel my tongue moving on you?”

  Severus’s hips rolled and tightened as her thumb continued to slip back and forth across his fluids. He was on fire. “Yes…Yes…Yes! Ah, gods! Help me!”

  Every muscle in his body shuddered as her mouth enveloped his screaming flesh. He felt himself slide easily against her tongue and lodge at the back of her throat. Her warm hand gripped the length she was unable to take and began to pump up and down as she hummed her approval and slid him into her throat. Brilliant white light flashed across his vision as he shouted her name. He pulled his legs up and pushed hard into the mattress with his heels. He clamped his thighs against her body in an attempt to dislodge from her. The pleasure was too intense. He wouldn’t survive. He instinctively reached to grab her head and the binds immediately tightened on his wrists. He groaned at the erotic feeling. Never had he been tied by another. Never had he been as helpless before another. Never had he loved another as he did in this moment. His cock kicked hard in her mouth. “Cassie…stop, baby…I’m going to come in your mouth…I want you…I want to be inside you.”

  Cassie undulated her tongue along the underside of his cock as she glided back to the tip, sending him into further madness. She suckled once more, swirled her tongue around the top, and removed her mouth.

  He had no time to catch his breath as she pushed his legs aside, slid back up his body, and straddled his thighs. She was breathtaking. Her nipples were standing erect on her heaving chest. Her golden hair lay across her shoulder and her skin was flushed a beautiful pink. Her lids were at half-mast and her amber eyes were locked onto his. She rose higher on her knees, wrapped her left hand around the base of his throbbing dick, and gently squeezed as her right hand dove between her legs. His gaze fixated on her finger swirling across her distended clit. Her pussy was glistening with her juices. He was so turned on, he had a hard time breathing. His eyes leapt up to hers when he heard his name.

  “Severus. See how wet you make me?” She dipped her finger into her channel and trailed the juice across her thigh then back over to her clit. Her pink tongue darted out and licked her lower lip.

  Severus couldn’t take it any longer. He was mindless. He shoved his head back against the pillow, arched his back, and undulated his hips against her. He growled between locked teeth. “Put me in you. Now. Do it. I need to be in you.”

  “Look at me, Severus.”

  He hadn’t realized he’d shut his eyes tight against the excruciating pleasure. What he saw next almost sent him into the mists. Cassie was rubbing her glistening finger across her nipples. Her golden eyes were glimmering with desire as she released his cock, crawled up his chest, and presented him with her beautiful breasts.

  “Taste me, Severus. Taste my desire for you.”

  Severus panted and waited for her to move those lush mounds closer. He felt her pussy glide along the tip of his shaft and he moaned as he sucked a nipple into his mouth. Her taste burst across his senses. Orange blossoms. He sucked her flesh hard against the roof of his mouth until he heard her whimper in pleasure. He released the breast and turned his head to lick and suck against the other. He wanted between her legs. He wanted to push his face against her sweet pussy and drink his fill. He wanted to bury his cock deep inside her while he kissed her senseless. He tightened his fists and began to thrash against the binds at his wrists. He sucked in a breath when Cassie rose to her knees, grabbed his cock, and impaled herself on his hardened flesh.

  Her moan of pleasure as she wiggled to take his girth inside and the fire licking across his balls kicked his instincts into high gear. The sound of tearing fabric and the cracking of wood barely registered in his brain as he stared at the goddess in command of his body. She had leaned slightly backward, her back arched and breasts thrust forward as she dug her nails into his thigh muscles and rode him hard into the mattress. He felt his chest rumble with an unleashed growl as he focused on his dick sliding in and out of her sheath. Her juices coated his skin and glistened in the candlelight. In a stupor of blinding need, he raised his eyes to her face when he heard her moan long and loud. Cassie’s heavy-lidded gaze was focused above his head, her words heaving from her reddened lips.

  “That’s it, baby. Tear yourself loose. Come and get me.”

  Severus released a roar and tore away from the restraints. The beast was free and he had no control left to stop its focused pursuit of its mate. He rolled Cassie to the mattress and drove hard into her body. He grunted and moaned as she dug her nails into his back and wrapped her legs tightly around his waist as he pounded into her. Her pussy braced and fluttered against his cock until he thought he would move into insanity. He locked his a
rms on each side of her waist and watched her breasts bounce up and down on her chest as his hips slammed against her.

  The sound of flesh smacking against flesh, her soft cries, and the predator tooth dragging across her skin ramped his need to a feverish pitch. He wrapped his arms underneath her and rolled them closer to the nightstand. He grabbed the lube he had laid out earlier, clamped it in his teeth and rolled them back into position. He withdrew and flipped her over, shoved a pillow beneath her stomach and impaled her pussy from behind. He stayed buried to the hilt as he removed the cap to the lube and threw it to the side. He pressed the tip against her anus and squirted a generous amount against her quivering flesh. His voice was unrecognizable.

  “I’m going to fuck you here, Cassie. I’m going to push my cock deep inside you and I’m going to make you my mate.” He swirled the liquid across her puckered hole and slid two fingers inside. As he worked the lube in and out, his cock kicked in anticipation when she moaned and milked at his flesh. Her words were soft and pleading.

  “Yes…Yes. Take me, baby. Make me yours.”

  He needed no further approval. He pulled out of her warm sheath, quickly applied the lube, and pumped his fist up and down his flesh.

  “Spread those legs, baby,” he demanded. When she complied, he brought the head of his cock to her tiny opening and pushed inside. He paused when she clamped down hard on the tip and released a soft whimper.

  “Relax for me. Let me make it good for you, baby. You can fit me inside. It’s going to feel so good. Trust me. Yes. Yes, like that. So good. Feel me sliding in? Ah, gods, you’re so tight. Relax. Ummm, yes move back on me like that.”

  Severus could barely contain himself when she relaxed and he pushed through the tightest of the muscles. When he slid all the way in, his chin dropped to his chest and he took several deep breaths as he stilled and let her adjust to his size. She was panting heavily and mewling.


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