Friends With Partial Benefits (Friends With… Benefits Series (Book 1))

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Friends With Partial Benefits (Friends With… Benefits Series (Book 1)) Page 6

by Luke Young

  “Would you keep your voice down,” Jillian shot back. She pulled her sunglasses off, looked her friend in the eye, and said sternly, “I didn’t touch it or anything else that you might think… and I’m not saying anything else about it.”

  “Okay. Okay. Relax. You’re no fun.”


  Brian finally woke up on his own and yawned as if he was still tired. When he sat up, nothing about his sheets or boxers seemed out of order. He was completely unaware that Rob’s mother had been in his room, much less that she had become intimately familiar with him. Hearing laughter outside, he got out of bed and looked through the window toward the pool area.

  Jillian and another woman were sitting in lounge chairs by the pool, talking and laughing. Jillian was in a much less revealing bathing suit than the amazing one he had seen her in the previous day, but the other woman appeared to be wearing the smallest suit he’d ever seen. The top looked to be made up of two tiny nipple-covering triangles connected with a thin string, while the bottom consisted of a super-tiny, white rectangle that barely covered her front and was connected with strings that tied on each side of her hips. He was far enough away that from his vantage point, it looked like she was possibly wearing no bottom at all. Jillian’s guest adjusted her chair to a flat position and lay face down with her best asset pointing right at him.

  Brian watched her, open-mouthed, as she changed positions. He adjusted his shorts. Looking down, he contemplated a trip to take care of his issue but thought it probably would be inappropriate to do that after watching Rob’s mother and her friend. But… maybe another glance wouldn’t hurt.

  When he looked again, he found Jillian kneeling next to the other woman’s chair, holding a bottle of suntan lotion. The woman in the tiny white bikini lifted her shoulders from the chair and held herself up with one hand while with the other she reached around and untied her top. The fabric fell from her full breasts, and they were completely exposed to him from the side. He almost became suspicious, as she seemed to remain in that position way longer than necessary and for no apparent reason. Tilting his head to focus on a nipple, he forgot his concern, staring even harder at the breathtaking globes while his heart pumped faster and his shorts grew even more uncomfortable.

  Poolside, Jillian rolled her eyes while she waited to apply the lotion as Victoria’s never ending bikini top adjustments continued. It wasn’t until her friend managed to somehow drop the bikini top onto the patio that she eyed her suspiciously. Staring in disbelief, Jillian watched as Victoria reached over to try to collect the top. After picking it up, she dropped it again. This time, it was further from her, and retrieving it required a longer stretch toward Brian’s window. Following the second drop, Jillian looked up at the window and spotted Brian standing there.

  Their eyes locked together before he quickly disappeared from sight.

  Frowning, Jillian glared down at Victoria as she finally grabbed the top and settled down flat. Instead of applying the lotion, Jillian slapped Victoria once on the ass and returned to her seat.

  “What the hell was that for?” Victoria asked.

  “You know what that was for.”

  “I really don’t.”

  Turning over, Victoria, seeming somewhat confused, secured her top while looking at Jillian.

  “Show’s over.”

  “What?” Victoria asked, trying to sound innocent but doing a poor job of acting.

  “I saw Brian up there in the window and your oh-so-obvious routine of, ‘Oh, I dropped my top, and I can’t reach it. Let me stretch my tits over and try… oh, I just can’t…’” Jillian said, acting out a mock-sexy stretch while pushing her breasts together with her hands.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Victoria claimed. “I didn’t push my breasts together like that at all.”

  Jillian looked over at Victoria’s lap. “From here, it looks like you’re naked from the waist down. I’m glad Rob’s not here. Where would someone even buy a suit like that?”

  “Online. I’ll e-mail you the site name.”

  “Please, don’t,” Jillian said.

  “I think Rob would somehow be able to handle seeing me in this suit. You don’t think he’s ever seen a women in a small bikini before?”

  “Not like that, he hasn’t.”

  “I’m sure he’s seen lots of girls naked, and—”

  “I don’t want to think about that. Plus, he really doesn’t need to see his mother’s middle-aged friends traipsing around nearly naked.”

  “They have even more revealing bikinis than this on that site.”

  “That, I can’t imagine. Does your entire ass need to be sticking out like that? We’ve got young, impressionable men here. They really don’t need to see that.”

  “How do you know what they need to see?” Victoria asked.

  “Brian is hurting right now. He’s in love with this girl, and she’s toying with him, or something. He’s going through a lot.”

  “In that case, this is exactly what he needs.”

  “I doubt he could handle you now… or ever,” Jillian said.

  A sexy, evil look crossed Victoria’s face, and she said, “I would be gentle with him… at first, anyway.”

  They both relaxed into their lounge chairs. Jillian began to daydream about Brian in bed and attempted to rewrite the scene from the novel she had been unable to finish, but this time without ED or STDs or any other nasty, sex-destroying acronym.

  Katrina peeled the sheet carefully off Dallas, exposing his muscular body and six-pack abs. She quivered when she spotted his cock straining against the taught fabric of his perfectly white boxer shorts. She noticed the large head of his sex poking its way through the access flap. Katrina licked her lips, knelt next to the bed, and reached though the flap to gently extract him.

  Pulling his gorgeous penis out, she wrapped her delicate hand around him. She glanced at his face; Dallas was staring dreamily at her. Slowly, teasingly she licked her lips, and then she…

  Jillian sat up quickly. A breakthrough! she thought. There was no ex-husband drama clogging up her thoughts. Jillian stood. She had to capture this into her computer right now, before she forgot a word.

  Victoria glanced at her. “Where are you going?”

  “I just remembered something that, uh, I need from the store. I’ve got to write it down.”

  “What is it?” Victoria asked.

  “Remember, you stay out of the pool.”

  Victoria glared at her as Jillian took off toward the house. Jillian didn’t want to tell her the truth about the scene that she had in her head. Victoria would hound her until she spilled the details, and once she told her, she’d never believe that it didn’t happen exactly that way between her and Brian.


  Fighting his urges, Brian instead put on a sleeveless shirt and shorts and went downstairs to the home gym. The gym overlooked the pool and was better equipped than some professional gyms he’d been in. He started on the treadmill and found the fact that it featured a clear view of Victoria sunbathing made it more than a little distracting.

  He watched as Jillian approached the house. She spotted him on the treadmill and waved. Brian waved back, and then he watched as Jillian returned to Victoria and appeared to be scolding her about something. Victoria looked away, frowning. After a pause, she looked back at Jillian and nodded reluctantly. As Jillian walked toward the house, Victoria removed her sunglasses.

  She waited until Jillian had entered the house before she made eye contact with Brian and waved to him. When Brian spotted her waving, he smiled and waved back. Picking up a spray bottle, she began squirting water on her stomach, arms, and neck. Then she spent a lot of time dousing her tiny bikini top with the cool mist. Victoria’s nipples began to harden and show through the fabric.

  Brian couldn’t tear his eyes away from her chest, as her breasts appeared like they were coming into focus on a developing Polaroid. That’s when he lost his balance. Coming down half
way off the treadmill’s belt, his foot twisted. When he tried to steady himself, he fell, landing on his hip, sideways on the belt. He shot off the back of the treadmill, skidding onto the padded floor.

  Victoria watched him as he tumbled out of sight. She got up and tried to spot him on the floor, to see if he was okay.

  Brian popped up quickly, as if nothing had happened, and he lunged to turn off the still-running treadmill.

  Concerned, Victoria rushed to the gym.

  Brian took a seat on a weight bench, as he was still a little dizzy from his fall.

  Victoria entered the room. “Are you okay?”

  He looked at her, surprised. “What? I just… Yes, I was all done.”

  “I saw you fall. Are you okay?”


  “Yeah, it looked like you took a big tumble there,” Victoria said as she approached him with her nipples responding impressively to the super-cold room.

  Brian took a good, long look at her bathing suit top, which was now nearly transparent, and just a few feet away. “I, uh…” was all he could manage as his eyes lingered.

  “You sure you’re okay?”

  “Yeah,” he said.

  “I’m Victoria, by the way. Jillian’s friend.”

  Still mesmerized, his eyes wandered down to the bikini bottom, which appeared to be not even close to being big enough to cover her. As he looked closer, he noticed it clearly showed much of what was going on down there. He swallowed hard, and then he looked up at Victoria’s face as she eyed him expectantly. When he saw her grinning, he snapped back to earth. “Oh, sorry. I’m Brian Nash. Rob and I…”

  “Sure, Brian, I know who you are. I’ve heard a lot about you,” she added with a sexy smile.

  Brian’s only response was a confused look.

  Walking over to the leg curl machine, she ran her hand along the footpads as she said, “You look like you work out a lot.”

  “A couple times a week,” he bragged.

  “Do you know how to use this machine?” Victoria asked.


  “Would you mind showing me?”

  Brian walked over and pointed out how she should climb onto the machine. Victoria did as he instructed and lay on her stomach; he helped direct her ankles under each pad. After adjusted the weight to the lowest setting, he assisted her with the first repetition by pushing on the footpad. As she brought her heels nearly up to her butt, Brian stared at her amazing ass, focusing on the tiny string, which disappeared between her cheeks. As she pretended to struggle with the exercise, he moved closer, pushing harder on the footpad to help her curl her legs to the final position, mere inches from her rear.

  As he did this, he noticed her swimsuit—if you could call it that—had virtually disappeared, and she was on full display for him. He slumped against the footpad, paralyzed by the sight. His sudden weight on the apparatus prevented her from returning to the starting position.

  Looking into the mirrored wall, she saw what he was up to and allowed him to have a moment. When it started to feel uncomfortable, she said, “I think I’m done.”

  “What?” Brian asked, dumbfounded.

  “Could you, uh…?”

  He snapped out of it and stood up. “Sorry.”

  She brought the weight down, slowly slipped her legs from behind the pads, and sat up on the machine.

  “How’d I do?”

  “Great. Your form was… perfect,” he said.

  Moving to the bench press, he loaded two forty-five-pound plates onto each side, as Victoria looked on while stretching from side to side. This was a total of two hundred and twenty-five pounds, of which Brian could normally do two sets. But that was generally after a few warm-up sets at a lower weight. It was twenty pounds short of his maximum, but he was in the mood to impress Victoria, so he figured he would start there.

  She moved to the yoga mat, about ten feet away, and watched Brian in the mirror as he lay back on the weight bench and prepared to lift the bar from the rack.

  After adjusting his hand position, he glanced over at her as she worked herself into the downward-facing-dog yoga position, her string-covered ass staring back at him. She held the position, and she looked great.

  Brian exhaled deeply, lifted the weight off the rack, and brought it down to his chest. He heaved it back up for one good repetition. Feeling strong, he steadied the weight above his chest, preparing for his second rep, and looked toward Victoria again, just as she was adjusting to a position with her legs spread. At that moment, her bikini bottom came untied on one side and slipped from her hip, exposing a gorgeous view of half of everything she had. Brian’s eyes widened. He brought the bar down to his chest a little harder than he intended, and he seemed powerless to push it up.

  While Victoria remained preoccupied with grabbing the loose string of her bikini bottoms, he made grunting noises. Looking at him through her knees, she realized he might be in trouble. She quickly straightened and rushed to him, as the other side of her swimsuit bottom became untied and fell from her body. She stood next to him, unsure what to do, considering she was completely nude from the waist down and only a foot from his face.

  Brian again struggled to lift the weight from his chest and failed, as he looked right into her beautiful midsection.

  “Help me!” he finally blurted out.

  Shaking her hands in a panic, she paused to think. Then lifting one leg over him, and straddling him—her naked parts just six inches from his face—she grabbed the bar with two hands and attempted to lift it away from him. He looked directly at her womanhood and froze. He didn’t or couldn’t attempt to help her at all. Instead, he stared as if he were in a trance. She struggled once more before losing her balance and falling back, landing right onto his groin and causing him to yell out in pain.

  It was at that the moment that Jillian walked into the room. She spotted Victoria nude from the waist down, sitting on top of Brian as he fought to balance the weight on his chest. Jillian rushed over.

  “Victoria, what the hell are you doing?”

  “I’m trying to help him.”

  “Why are you naked?” Jillian asked.

  “I’m not naked—not completely anyway,” Victoria insisted.

  “I told you to stay out of the pool.”

  “I didn’t go in. I swear.”

  “Then why can I clearly see your nipples? Your top is soaking wet,” Jillian said curtly.

  “I, uh, was hot, so I used the spray bottle.”

  Jillian glared at her, since that was a clear violation of the spirit of her no-using-the-pool rule.

  Struggling to speak, Brian groaned, “GUT HIR UF ME!”

  Jillian heard something, but she couldn’t make it out. She leaned in close to him, and he tried again.

  “Get. Her. Off. Of. Me.”

  “Oh.” Jillian gave Victoria an annoyed look. “Could you get the hell off him?”

  After getting to her feet, Victoria moved away from the bench, while Jillian got behind Brian, in the proper spotting position. She counted to three, and together they returned the bar to the rack. Still lying on the bench, Brian breathed deeply.

  Jillian glared at Victoria. “Why were you giving him a lap dance?”

  “I wasn’t,” Victoria shot back.

  “And why aren’t you wearing bottoms?”

  “They fell off when I was doing some stretching,” Victoria said casually.

  “Maybe because you’re not wearing anything close to proper workout attire?” Jillian looked down at the still-uncovered Victoria, noticed she was hairless down there, and said, “My God, you’re completely shaved?”

  “You like it?” Victoria asked.

  Jillian didn’t respond, so Victoria looked at Brian who was, of course, staring right at it again.

  He glanced up at Victoria’s face, smiled, and returned his attention to the area in question. “Personally I prefer a ‘landing strip,’ but now you’ve got me rethinking that… I do like it.”
r />   Victoria smiled as Jillian pondered what exactly a ‘landing strip’ was, but she let it go rather than ask.

  The women both looked at Brian and noticed his shorts, which sported a slight bulge, as well as a big wet spot in the center.

  Victoria laughed. “Looks like someone got a little too excited.”

  Sitting up, he looked down at his shorts and said defensively, “I did not.”

  Brian and Jillian gave Victoria a suspicious look.

  Victoria made a face, looked down between her thighs, and then back to Brian’s shorts. “Okay, maybe it was me.”

  Victoria ran a hand down between her legs, as Jillian looked on with a horrified expression and Brian watched, open-mouthed. Pulling her hand back, she said casually, “Yes, you’re right—it was me. Sorry about that. I’m really, really weaa—” She stopped talking when she saw Jillian’s dismayed look and then hurriedly said, “Sweaty. I’m very sweaty. It’s hot out there. That, um, Florida humidity, and all.” Victoria repeated towards Brian, “Sorry.”

  He simply looked at her like a lost puppy. “Don’t worry about it.”

  Catching Jillian’s glare, Victoria asked, “What?”

  “I told you to put on the cover-up.”

  “There wasn’t time. I saw him fall off the treadmill and rushed in to help.”

  Jillian inquired of Brian, “Is this true?”

  “I did sorta fall off the treadmill,” Brian admitted sheepishly.

  Jillian grabbed a towel from a table and tossed it to her friend. “Would you please put this on? Why don’t you do us all a favor and go back out and work on your tan?”

  Looking a little sad, Victoria held the towel for a moment before reaching down to pick up her bottoms. She walked from the room, not bothering to wrap the towel around her waist.

  Brian said, “Thanks for helping me. I’m not sure what happened. Usually I can handle that much weight.”

  “I think I know what happened,” she said.

  Brian stood and shot her an embarrassed grin as she added, “Sorry you had to see all of her like that just now. It was—”


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