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Eclipse: Book Two of the Dark Tide Trilogy

Page 16

by Dayne Edmondson

  “I don’t know, sir,” Zigana said. For the first time since Martin had known Zigana he heard frustration in the Tactical Commander’s voice. “It’s as if the projectiles just disappeared. We saw the same thing when we used laser weaponry on the capital ships.”

  “Do you think it has a more powerful void shield? One which can absorb even railgun projectiles?”

  “It is possible, sir. It contains a greater mass and could in theory project a far more powerful void shield which would absorb even railgun shells.”

  “How can we defeat something that powerful?”

  “I do not know, sir.”

  “Keep firing. Perhaps launch the missiles into the ground around the ship to see if the explosions will break through and damage the ship.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Proximity alarms sounded at that moment. In all the excitement, Martin had forgotten the swarm of fighters heading toward them. “The enemy fighters?”

  “Yes, sir, the swarm has hit us. We have twelve breaches in our hull.”

  Martin closed his eyes. Please God, let us defeat these enemies aboard our ship.


  The Dauntless lifted into the air, turned and took off from the docking bay of the Independence. Derek watched them exit until they turned and were gone from sight. Alarms continued blaring. He turned and surveyed the Marines with him. Two squads. “Let’s find out where they need us, Marines.” He led the way out of the docking bay while he tapped into the local Marine channel.

  “We’re detecting a concentration of skitterers on floor twenty-six,” one voice said. “They’re attacking the crew quarters.”

  “Engineering is under heavy assault. The doors are barricaded but they’re about to breach.”

  “We’re up against two commanders here in the mess hall. They’re slaughtering us.”

  “Shit,” Derek said. “Everyone needs us.” Crew quarters, engineering or the mess hall. His eyes grew wide. Clemence and Ben are on floor twenty-six. “We’re going to floor twenty-six,” he told his squads. He chimed in on the channel. “Two squads of Marines heading to floor twenty-six.”

  The thirteen Marines took a lift to floor twenty-six. Derek could hear screams and laser fire in the distance. They moved down the hallway, watching for any signs of enemies. They passed countless doors to quarters. “Are we behind them or in front of them?” he wondered aloud, but then realized they were heading toward the outside of the ship, so they would come up behind the defenders. Several seconds later they turned a corner and there they found a makeshift barricade with a group of Marines fighting desperately to hold back a surge of Krai’kesh skitterers.

  “Attack,” Derek ordered before charging on ahead, drawing his sword as he ran. He heard the rattle of black steel behind him as the other Marines drew their blades. Derek was the first to come up behind the embattled Marines. He rushed up to a Krai’kesh skitterer pressing hard on a Marine and stabbed it right in the face.

  The rest of the Marines with Derek surged forward, relieving the existing dozen Marines manning the barricade. Too many corpses lay on the ground for Derek’s liking.

  After the wave of Krai’kesh had been defeated, Derek deactivated his helmet and faced the Marines they had saved. “Looks like we were just in time.”

  “Yes, good timing, Lieutenant,” a female voice came as a Marine with a Lieutenant rank removed her helmet, revealing blond hair and a narrow face. “Where did you come from?”

  “We just got dropped off,” Derek said. “We heard the crew quarters were under attack, figured we’d come on up. How far did they get?”

  “They hit about a quarter of the deck,” she gestured toward the direction the Krai’kesh came from. “I doubt there are any survivors in that area.”

  “Damn it. I’m looking for someone. Two people. They’re children. They were somewhere on his floor.”

  “You’re welcome to look. My men and I need to get moving. Engineering is the next highest priority.”

  “I understand, thank you, Lieutenant.”

  “Of course, Lieutenant.” She smiled grimly before leading her Marines back toward the lift.

  “Spread out,” Derek ordered. “Search every quarter. Send any survivors toward the lift and tell them to head to the docking bay.” He paused. “If you find two children, a boy and a girl named Clemence and Ben, bring them to me. They’re near and dear to John and Ashley.”

  The Marines spread out without a word, opening doors along the hallway and entering. Derek entered the area where the Krai’kesh had come from. All the doors were open. He entered the first room on the right. Inside he found the bodies of two people, a man and a woman. One lay on the floor with puncture wounds in the back, while the other lay in bed, impaled through the chest. Not exactly a peaceful way to go.

  He searched several more rooms, all with the same result. The Krai’kesh had swept through before the occupants of the rooms even knew what hit them. One room had its door closed. Derek tried the button to open it, but it would not open. He tried again, banging on the door. He heard movement inside the room. “Is someone in there?” He asked, stepping back and pointing his rifle toward the door. It could have been a Krai’kesh lying in wait.

  “Derek, is that you?” the voice of a young girl broke the silence.

  “Clemence?” Derek asked in shock. “Yes, yes, it’s me. Open the door.”

  “We can’t, it’s stuck. We’ve been locked in here for several hours. We called maintenance but no one came. We heard footsteps outside earlier, but no one came for us."

  Derek closed his eyes and hung his head in relief. Saved by a stalled door. “You’re safe now. I’ll get someone up here as soon as possible to get you out of there. Just hang tight.”

  “Okay,” Clemence said.

  John and Ashley will be so relieved - given the circumstances.

  It was several minutes before maintenance arrived at the floor and cut through the metal of the door. Inside Clemence and Ben sat on the bed hugging one another. They ran to Derek as soon as they saw him. “Oh Derek, we’re so glad to see you,” Clemence exclaimed. “Where are Mom and Dad?”

  She had become accustomed to referring to John and Ashley as “Mom and Dad” in the short time since being adopted by them. It seemed like a good sign to Derek.

  “They had to fly off somewhere, sweetie. They’ll be back soon.”

  “Are the Krai’kesh still out there?”

  Derek nodded. “I’m afraid so.”

  “Oh. Will you take us to our parents?”

  “Honey, I,” he stopped. They had lost everyone. He could only imagine what was going through their head concerning the possibility their new parents could die too. “I will take you to the docking bay. We can watch for the Dauntless there. Deal?”

  “Deal,” Clemence said, nodding. Ben nodded his agreement.

  Derek held out his hand. Clemence grabbed it. “Let’s get out of here then.”

  The rest of the Marines had evacuated the living from floor twenty-six. Derek and the two children headed toward the lift. “Take the rest of the Marines and head to the engineering deck,” he told his Sergeant. “I’ll be along shortly, after I see Clemence and Ben are settled in and safe.

  The Sergeant saluted him. “Of course, sir. We will do as you say.”


  “A second round of missiles have detonated, sir,” Zigana reported from his station.

  “Damage report?”

  Zigana shook his head. “Unable to discern, sir. It did not disrupt the gravity wave connected to the moon.”

  “Keep firing. Order the rest of our ships to fire as well.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “And put me through to the Dauntless.”

  The image of Captain Edgerton appeared above the holo-display moments later. “Admiral Martin,” he said in a much more somber tone than in the past.

  “Captain Edgerton, I need your help. I suppose you see the large enemy ship which has landed on the surface
of Eligar II?”

  “Yeah, we were just turning around. We were almost to the moon.”

  “Good. I need to ask a favor of you.”

  “Name it, Admiral.”

  “Go down to the surface of Eligar II, to Hergden Fortress, and rescue my wife.”

  “We’re on it, Admiral. We’re going to make a quick stop on our way, though, and grab Lieutenant Jamison. He rescued our kids a few minutes ago. We need to pick them up.”

  “You don’t trust they’ll be safe aboard the Independence?”

  "I didn't say that Admiral," John's voice possessed an edge. "But right now I trust what I can fly and control and protect personally. Anything can happen. It’s nothing personal.”

  Martin shook his head. “I know. I’m sorry for snapping at you, Captain. You’re doing what you feel is best for you family.”

  John held Martin’s gaze for several seconds. “We’ll bring her back to you, Admiral, or we’ll die trying.”

  “That’s all I can ask,” Martin said.


  Selene watched through her viewport as another wave of railgun projectiles and missiles hurtled from the fleet toward the surface of Eligar II. Are they even doing any damage? Sure doesn’t seem like it. The gravity wave continued pulsing and the moon seemed closer to the planet than it had minutes earlier.

  Target lock warning alarms shook her out of her musings, however, and she juked to the side to avoid a pair of projectiles from two enemy fighters. She retaliated by destroying one and damaging the second.

  The enemy swarm still surrounded the Independence. Despite the Federation fighter’s best efforts and the point defenses of the carrier the enemy fighters seemed endless. They seemed to have a vendetta against the Independence. Well, I’d be pissed too if one ship had been there every time I was defeated.

  “I’m caught in the gravity well,” a fighter came over the flight group channel. Selene checked their identifier. Victory Seven. “I can’t break free. Thrusters at maximum. I’m being pulled toward the planet.”

  “Evacuate now,” Victory One said. “Punch it!”

  Selene watched as the icon of Victory Seven turned to yellow. The beacon showing the location of the pilot seemed to remain stationary for a moment, but then continued its original trajectory.

  "I'm still caught in the gravity well," Victory Seven said, panic creeping into her voice. Her speed had increased too, due to her decreased mass. Selene's HUD had estimated ten seconds before she hit the atmosphere. EV pods withstood atmospheric insertion but not at the velocity she was traveling at. Seconds later, before anyone in the fighter group could take any action, Victory Seven's pilot let out a horrifying scream before the link closed. The yellow icon died on the HUD.

  “Keep alert, people, stay out of that gravity well at all costs,” Victory One said. She did not sound shaken at all. She’s probably seen everything at least once. I doubt anything surprises her now.

  Selene sought out her next target.


  Derek watched as the Dauntless entered the docking bay of the Independence. Clemence and Ben stood at his side. “There they are,” he assured them.

  John and Ashley descended the ramp. The two children ran to them and gave them each a hug. “There's my kids,” John said, smiling. He made eye contact with Derek and mouthed “thank you.”

  Derek nodded.

  “You coming with us, Lieutenant?”

  His Marines were fighting. Could he just abandon them?

  “We are going down to rescue the admiral’s wife. We could use you.”

  Derek nodded. “I'm with you.” He followed them up the ramp into the Dauntless and settled into his usual seat in the cockpit. John and Ashley settled Clemence and Ben into their seats and strapped them in before entering the cockpit.

  “All right, here we go,” John said, pushing the throttle and bringing the Dauntless out of the docking bay of the Independence. They streaked toward Eligar II.

  They passed many transports as they made their way to the surface. Mass evacuations were still underway.

  “Why did the Admiral ask us to go? Or you, rather.”

  “He said his wife is stubborn. Surprise, surprise,” John said.

  Ashley gave him a look. “Says you. You're as stubborn as a mule, dear.”

  "So anyway," John continued, ignoring Ashley's comments, "we have to convince his wife in person."

  “What about that super ship?”

  “Well, you know, we are going to ignore it for now. Martin’s wife is priority.”

  “Is there nothing you can do?”

  “We’ll do all we can,” Ashley assured Derek.

  The Dauntless broke through the atmosphere of Eligar II and headed toward Hergden fortress. In contrast to the battle hours earlier, the courtyard was empty. Not a single ship lay there. In the far distance a vortex of debris, clouds and other matter streamed toward the gravity well projected by the super ship.

  Upon entering the fortress, they found a handful of guards. One of them stepped forward. “Who are you?”

  “I'm John Edgerton,” John said. He pointed to Ashley. “This is my wife, Ashley. And then there is Lieutenant Jamison. We are here to see the Governess.”

  “Right this way,” the guard said, leading them further into the fortress. As he walked down the main hallway Derek could hear men, women and children. There are still civilians here, Derek realized.

  They entered a makeshift command center within the fortress. An antiquated sensor display showed the super ship. “Ma’am, you have visitors.”

  The Governess looked up from the tactical map she had been reviewing. John opened his mouth to speak but she spoke first. “I know why you are here. Save your words. I will not leave my world.”

  “It's not that easy, Governess, and you know that.”

  “Oh, but it is. I will not leave my planet until it is safe or has fallen. So, would you take me kicking and screaming back to my husband?” She challenged John with her glare.

  “We have room aboard the Dauntless,” Ashley said. “We can evacuate the remaining people in the fortress.”

  The Governess shook her head. "They are not the only people left in this world. Several people could not make it to the fortress and are stranded out in the world. I cannot leave them.”

  “But you cannot help them from within this fortress,” Ashley argued.

  The Governess smiled sadly. “If you wish me to come with you, save my world. For otherwise you are wasting your breath.”

  “So, if we destroy that super ship you'll come with us?” John asked.

  “Yes, if destroying it saves my world, I will come with you.”

  John nodded. “Deal. We will return soon.” He turned to exit the command center.

  “You will fail,” the Governess said.

  “With respect, ma’am, leave the pessimism to me,” John said. He smiled at the Governess over his shoulder.

  The three did not speak until they were back aboard the Dauntless. Derek spoke. “So, do you have a plan?”

  John didn't turn and look at Derek. “Not a one.”

  “You spoke with such confidence though.”

  “Son, I once heard a phrase ‘fake it till you make it.’ Well, I'm faking it to the max.”

  “We are doomed,” Ashley said.

  “Hey, what did I say about pessimism?”

  We need reinforcements. He opened a private link.

  Chapter 16 - Relief

  “Sir, another wave of projectiles is coming from the enemy capital ships.”

  “Damn, those ships are a thorn in our back.” He thought for a moment. “Open a channel to the Nightblade, please.”

  The display changed to the image of the Supreme Commander. “Admiral, it seems our weapons are having little to no effect.”

  “Yes, sir. But we are being pounded from behind by the remaining capital ships. I recommend we turn our weapons again on the enemy. Our ships are no use if they are destroyed.”

  The Supreme Commander pursed his lips. “Yes, I think you're right. We will order the fleet to turn to the enemy capital ships.” He paused as his Tactical Commander spoke to him. “Surface scans show a ship bearing the signature of Dauntless is heading toward the super ship. Is that your doing?”

  I told them to get my wife, not go after the super ship. “They were sent to bring my wife back. I don't know what they are doing now.”

  The Supreme Commander laughed for the first time Martin had ever heard. “I've never known what John Edgerton was doing.” He sobered. “But I trust him and Ashley.”

  “Then I will trust them,” Martin said. He ended the link. “Are we turning the fleet, Zigana?”

  “Yes, sir, the orders have gone out from the Nightblade and the other ships are turning.”

  “Fire everything we have. At least this way we can make some impact.”

  What are you doing down there, Captain Edgerton?


  “There it is,” John announced as they approached the super ship.

  "It's like a pool of darkness," Derek said. It was difficult to even see the giant ship. It rose like an obsidian mountain from the ground. If he did not know what it was, he would have thought it nothing more than an odd-colored mountain.

  “It's the gravity,” John said. “Jason could explain it better, but I think the gravity is bending the light, absorbing it and not allowing much to escape.”

  “Like a larger version of the void shields used by the Krai’kesh commanders.”


  “But then why did railgun shells not affect it?”

  Ashley answered. “The gravity well is greater with this ship. The shells cannot achieve escape velocity.”

  “We must shut that down. There’s no way to destroy it,” Derek said. “We have to get inside.”

  “How do you propose we do that?” John asked. “And even if we do, how can the three of us face who knows how many enemies within?”

  “I called for backup,” Derek said. “They'll be here soon. But I think it will take magic to get inside.”


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