Book Read Free

Lion Ben of Elm Island

Page 25

by Elijah Kellogg


  The only Original American Juvenile Magazine published once a Week.


  Who writes for no other juvenile publication--who contributes each year

  Four Serial Stories,

  The cost of which in book form would be $5.00--_double the subscription price of the Magazine!_

  Each number (published every Saturday) handsomely illustrated by THOMAS NAST, and other talented artists.

  * * * * *

  Among the regular contributors, besides OLIVER OPTIC, are

  =SOPHIE MAY=, author of “Little Prudy and Dotty Dimple Stories.” =ROSA ABBOTT=, author of “Jack of all Trades,” &c. =MAY MANNERING=, author of “The Helping-Hand Series,” &c. =WIRT SIKES=, author of “On the Prairies,” &c. =OLIVE LOGAN=, author of “Near Views of Royalty,” &c. =REV. ELIJAH KELLOGG=, author of “Good Old Times,” &c.

  Each number contains 16 pages of Original Stories, Poetry, Articles of History, Biography, Natural History, Dialogues, Recitations, Facts and Figures, Puzzles, Rebuses, &c.

  OLIVER OPTIC’S MAGAZINE contains more reading matter than any other juvenile publication, and is the _Cheapest and the Best_ Periodical of the kind in the United States.

  TERMS, IN ADVANCE. Single Subscriptions, one year, $2.50 One Volume, Six Months, 1.25 Single Copies, 6 cts. Three copies, 6.50 Five copies, 10.00 Ten copies (an extra copy _free_), 20.00

  Canvassers and local agents wanted in every State and town, and liberal arrangements will be made with those who apply to the Publishers.

  A handsome cloth cover, with a beautiful gilt design, will be furnished for binding the numbers for the year for 50 cts. All the numbers for 1867 will be supplied for $2.25. Bound volumes, $3.50.

  Any boy or girl who will write to the Publishers shall receive a specimen copy by mail free.

  LEE & SHEPARD, Publishers, 149 Washington Street, Boston.


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