Magic of the Heart

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Magic of the Heart Page 9

by C. J. Harte

  “Thanks, but—”

  “And maybe afterward we can rent a video and watch some movies. I really miss you.”

  “I think my mom has already made plans and—”

  “I’ll call her and work something out. I’ll call you right back.” Maggie hung up and dialed Maureen. Whenever her emotions threatened to get out of control, she switched to autopilot. Do, don’t think. She didn’t want to give Susan a chance to say no. Five minutes later she was again on the phone to Susan. “Your mom invited us for dinner. Want me to pick you up at work? We can ride to your house together.”

  “Thanks, but I don’t…Maggie, we need to talk—”

  Maggie interrupted and promised to meet Susan at her office. At five thirty, Maggie and her two children arrived, driven by Maya in one of the rental cars. Susan was grateful that at least no more limos would be pulling up to her house. Maggie had just said hello when she was pulled into Ed’s office. The children ran around until they found Susan’s office.

  “Miss Susan,” Beth said, “is Cady at your house?”

  Surprised at the question, Susan replied, “Yes, she lives there with me and her grandmother. Why?”

  “I wanted to play with her, but I thought she might be with her daddy.”

  Susan stared at her and tried to imagine where the questioning had come from. Lifting Beth on her lap, she said, “Cady doesn’t have a daddy. She lives with me and her grandmother. And you can play with her anytime.”

  “Me too?” D.J. added.

  “Yeah, you too. Come on. Let’s get your mom. I’m hungry.”

  Susan claimed Maggie, telling Ed to make an appointment during working hours. “I need to get these hungry kids fed, and me too.” She pulled Maggie out of her chair. “Don’t think about it,” Susan warned as he started to speak.

  “Okay,” Ed said. “Ms. Carson, can we get you in tomorrow to talk about some tentative plans? We just need a little more information so that we can put together a presentation and Susan can run the numbers.”

  Maggie quickly called Paul in Tampa and set up a meeting for nine the next morning.

  As they left, Maggie spoke. “Thanks. I tend to get excited about my work. I’m sorry.” Maggie ran her hand through Susan’s hair as they drove away.

  “Mmm. That feels good.” Susan leaned into the caress. Her previous anger dissolved with the gentle touching.

  Her mother met them at the door with hugs and ordered the kids off to wash hands. “Dinner is ready. Susan, you and Maggie clean up. I don’t want dinner getting cold.”

  Susan led Maggie to the other side of the house. Once they were alone, she felt strong arms encircle her. There was something about Maggie that Susan found irresistible. She wanted to stay angry, but her head was losing the battle with her body.

  “Susan, what’s the matter?” Without waiting for an answer, Maggie nibbled at Susan’s neck, moving from one side to the other.

  Susan’s knees shook, threatening to send her tumbling to the floor. She abandoned thought and gave in to her body’s burning need. She lifted Maggie’s face until she captured the warm lips. The kiss became demanding. Susan wanted to call her body a traitor but she couldn’t remember why.

  Maggie pulled away. “Have I told you how much I’ve missed you?” Susan shook her head. “I have.” As if to prove how much, she again kissed Susan, a kiss filled with promise.

  After dinner, they all adjourned to the family room. Susan watched as Maggie rolled on the floor playing with the kids. There was something childlike and innocent about her. Giggles filled the room as Maggie pretended to be a cat and batted at a ball on the floor. Complaining followed Susan’s disruption to put Cady in bed. In thirty minutes, all three kids were clean and tucked into bed. Susan, Maureen, and Maggie talked for another hour before Maureen claimed it was her bed time. As she hugged Maggie, she whispered, “Glad things are working out.”

  “Me too,” Maggie said. After her mother left, Maggie grabbed Susan’s hand. “Why don’t we take a shower and then go to bed? I’ve been dreaming all day about you being naked next to me. And”—she paused, lowering her voice—“what I wanted to do.”

  Susan leaned against the side of the Jacuzzi, allowing Maggie’s hands to slowly move down her body. When Maggie reached her feet, she lifted them and held them against her breasts. Susan was in heaven. Maggie tenderly massaged the bottoms of the feet, then slowly worked up the legs. By the time Maggie stroked her thighs, Susan was having trouble breathing. She tried to pull Maggie closer, but Maggie pushed her away.

  “Be patient. Enjoy.” Maggie’s hands drifted slowly to the inside of Susan’s thighs and briefly touched her heated center.

  Susan wanted more. Instead Maggie traced circles on her hips, thighs, and stomach in ever-widening arcs. Susan groaned, wondering how much longer she could last. All motion stopped. Susan opened her eyes only to be captured by eyes dark with desire as Maggie slowly moved down between her legs. It was enough to ignite a wildfire in Susan. She was floating out of control.

  Maggie’s hand slid between wet thighs. Her mouth was consuming. Her fingers explored Susan’s body. She wanted to feel Susan come. Maggie’s own body burned with desire. Maggie sucked on Susan’s swollen clit. “God, I want you.”

  “Maggie,” Susan said as she came. For a few moments she leaned against the tub and relished the pleasure coursing through her body. When she was finally able to breathe, Susan said, “I love you.” Susan’s heart raced as she saw a lopsided smile make its way across Maggie’s face. Beautiful warm eyes and that wonderful, miraculous grin again drew her in. Susan let her hand wander until she could bury it in wetness. Maggie’s breathing became shallow. Susan wanted to show Maggie how much love she felt. You must love me, Susan prayed as she made love to Maggie.


  The rest of the week was a mixture of chaos and lovemaking. And little sleep. Susan finally understood why her friends disappeared at the beginning of a new relationship. Maggie was an incredibly responsive lover. And tireless.

  On Wednesday, they flew to California for meetings with Maggie’s manager. Maggie was surprised at Susan’s aggressiveness when it came to business. She knew Susan was bright and knowledgeable, but this was a new side she hadn’t seen before. Another thing to admire, she thought. Karl was out of his league, she decided, if he thought he could browbeat Susan. Maggie desperately wanted to watch him try. Instead she excused herself and called Maya.

  “Where are you?” Maya asked.

  “We’re in Los Angeles. Did you get my messages?”

  “Yeah, I got all of them. Disney has a script they want you to read. They’re going to send someone over to have breakfast and discuss it with you. Just give me the date. I’ve got a studio in Orlando set up for you to redo your track.” Maya searched for her notes and read the date off. “Karl is anxious to book more dates. Have you talked to him?”

  “Yes, we’re at his office now. No more dates. Not until I see how the first month goes. I’ll talk to him.” She was frustrated at having this same conversation. “What else?”

  “One of the Orlando TV stations called, and they want an exclusive interview. I explained you don’t give many interviews, and certainly not exclusive—”

  “Exclusive! Who the hell do they think they are?”

  “Look, M.J., I’m the messenger. Karl thought it was a great idea since you were in Orlando anyway.”

  “Fuck. Just set it up. And make sure you get a list of the questions beforehand.” She hated this part of her public life. Too many misquotes and two many intrusive questions. “And limit the interview to twenty minutes, no matter what Karl says.”

  “Anything else?”

  “I’ll talk to Karl. You take care of the other stuff. Stay in touch.” Maggie hung up. The door to Karl’s office opened and he came out. “How’s it going?”

  “She’s tough, but smart. Definitely a keeper.” Karl winked.

  “Karl, I just got off the phone with Maya. No more dates until
we’ve been out on tour for at least a month. And the interview in Orlando—twenty minutes fixed format with questions submitted beforehand, or no interview.”

  “Christ, M.J., the station needs lots of tape to edit. They’re not going to like it.”

  “Twenty minutes. I want the questions at least three days before.”

  Karl took a deep breath. “Done. You know you were less demanding ten years ago.”

  “Ten years ago I was lucky if I got an interview once a year even when I sat in the newspaper’s office.” In the last ten years she had lost her privacy and resented it.


  “I’m impressed,” Maggie said as they headed back to the airport. “I’ve never seen Karl back down from anyone. How did you get him to change that schedule?”

  “He’s driven by money,” Susan said, still feeling the adrenaline flowing.

  “Susan, he’s also very loyal. Yeah, he’s got his prickly side, but he’s never, and I repeat, never, betrayed me. He’s worth the money.”

  Once on the plane, Maggie quickly fell asleep, leaving Susan to question interfering in her business. After all, she reminded herself, she was just a bean counter. Maggie had never said anything that indicated she was more than a friend with benefits.

  They arrived back in Orlando around midnight. After her in-flight nap, Maggie was rested and aroused. Susan was exhausted and frustrated. She still didn’t understand her role in Maggie’s life. When they got to the house, Susan reminded Maggie they had an early meeting and then crawled into bed. By the time Maggie had showered, Susan was fast asleep.


  On the second trip to California, Maggie gathered her staff together to discuss the upcoming tour while Susan met with potential investors Ed had lined up. During the afternoon they went over various accounts with Karl and his staff. Still energized, Maggie took Susan to her favorite woman’s bar, where they danced until two. Several women greeted her when they arrived.

  “Are you a regular in this place?” Susan asked.

  “I’ve been here a few times, but two of the women we just talked to have worked on some of my West Coast concerts. You’re not jealous, are you?”

  Susan’s emotions were all over the place. “Should I be?”

  “Not on my account.” Maggie’s face lit up. “Do you want to be jealous? Should I do something to make you jealous?”

  Susan stiffened. “I don’t do jealous. I’m simply asking a question.”

  Maggie stopped dancing and led Susan back to the table. “Susan, you have nothing to worry about.” She rubbed the palm of Susan’s hand with her thumb and waited for an answer. Maggie’s expression was hopeful but Susan remained silent. “Come on, it’s late. I’ll call the pilot and tell him to have the plane ready.”

  After take-off, Maggie again fell asleep as they flew to New York. While in the city, they checked out three recording studios and spent time with more investors. By seven that night they were headed back to Florida.

  “I guess this is called life in the fast lane,” Susan said as she boarded the plane. Her life was spinning out of control, caught in a whirlwind with Maggie as the vortex.

  During the following week Susan, Ed, and Maggie spent endless hours discussing details of the proposed production company and the amortization of costs. Maggie’s business acumen continued to surprise Susan.

  “So you’re telling me that because this is considered a high-risk venture, the backers get a higher rate of interest on the money they loan?” Maggie asked.

  “They also realize there is no guarantee on their investment.”

  “I’m no fucking fly-by-night sensation. Everything I have recorded in the last eight years has been solid. This is usury.”

  “That’s why we’re trying to set up your own production company,” Ed reminded her. “But we have to get backers for the initial startup.”

  “Why can’t Derek and I put up the money?”

  “You can,” Susan said, “but you’re talking about tying up a significant part of your assets for an indeterminate period of time. If you commit too much, you could lose everything. Observing your lifestyle, including these planes we’ve been chartering, you’ve got high fixed expenses and you spend freely.”

  Maggie glared at Susan. “Are you criticizing my life?”

  “No, I’m just making an observation.”

  “What about you? You were traveling first class when we met. There are cheaper ways to travel.”

  Susan fought for calm. “My house is paid for. My car and furniture are paid for. We have a 401K at work and Ed gives me substantial bonuses, most of which I invest. The first-class tickets are charged to whatever project we’re working on. Any more questions?”

  Maggie left the room in frustration but returned twenty minutes later. This time the questions were detailed.

  The next two days were spent in a studio in Orlando while Maggie finished up a track on her new CD. After the recording sessions were done, Maggie and Susan were flying to Nashville, New York, and California, still looking at recording studios and asking questions. Any time Maggie and Susan were alone was spent in passionate lovemaking.

  Ed continued contacting investors and writing the business plan. As a result of the tie with M.J. Carson, two more clients were referred to the firm. Business was booming.

  Susan, however, was exhausted. “And I used to think my life was boring, ordinary. I just want my own bed.”


  On Sunday, Susan slept late but still was up before Maggie. It was hard to leave her lying there asleep, but Susan wanted some quiet time, maybe even time with her family. As she approached the kitchen, she gave up on quiet. Cady, Beth, and D.J. were sitting at the table in the midst of a rather loud song that her mother was teaching them. Susan hesitated before entering, knowing some of the songs her mother knew were definitely R-rated.

  As soon as she entered the kitchen, Cady ran up. “Mommy!” Susan hugged her and joined the others at the table. Susan suddenly realized how much of her quiet life she missed.

  “Good morning. Want some coffee?” Her mother placed a cup on the table. “Breakfast is almost ready. What time did you get in last night?”

  “Around eleven. Our plane was delayed.”

  “We were talking about going to the mall and doing some Christmas shopping. Would you like to come along?”

  “That sounds like a great idea.” Susan was pleased at some normalcy. That feeling ended when she returned to her bedroom. Maggie was still asleep, but parts of her body were exposed. Susan couldn’t believe how quickly she was aroused.

  “Hey, sleepy.”

  “Mmm. What time is it? How long have you been up?”

  “Since eight. Mom, the kids, and I had breakfast and we chatted and then I read the paper. Guess what? You were in the entertainment section.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Maggie stared up at Susan. God, she’s beautiful. I can’t believe how fucking happy I am. Grinning, she sat up and only briefly wondered what was in the paper. “Any reports that I have been seen with a beautiful woman are true.” She playfully pulled Susan onto the bed, quickly covering her with kisses. Her heart was full.

  “You are insatiable.” Susan laughed. Kisses trailing down her neck distracted but did not deter her. “Mmm, I didn’t know you’d made a movie.”

  “God, Susan, do you know how sexy…” Susan’s words finally pierced the wall of sexual arousal Maggie felt building. Just as quickly the wall tumbled. Maggie began rummaging through her luggage for her appointment book. “Oh, fuck. Damn, damn, damn. Where the hell is that PDA?”

  Susan stared in amazement as a naked and agitated Maggie threw clothes, shoes, and other objects into the air. “Maggie, we need to work on your vocabulary.”

  “Oh, shit.” Maggie pulled the PDA out of the depths of clothes. “Fuck! I’m sorry.” She again began digging through her luggage, this time pulling out clothes. “We’ve been so busy. I’d forgotten. I know, how could I forget?” Maggie
looked at Susan then groaned. “God, you’re beautiful. How would you like to go to L.A. tomorrow night?” Without waiting for an answer, Maggie rushed over to Susan and began kissing her.

  “Stop! Los Angeles? I can’t.” Susan pulled away. “Maggie, stop!”

  Maggie sat naked in the bed, pouting.

  Susan started again. “What about the movie?”

  “I’m sorry. I rely on Maya to make sure I don’t miss appointments. I haven’t talked to her in the last couple of days. The movie opens day after tomorrow. The studio wants it out before the end of the year so it will be eligible for this year’s awards. I finished it so long ago I’d forgotten.”

  Susan stared incredulously. “Awards? Movie? How can you forget something this big?”

  “To be honest, we’ve been kinda busy.” The blush creeping up Susan’s neck caused Maggie to smile. “Do you know how wonderful you are?” She kissed Susan’s eyes and nose. “Karl left a message a month ago about the opening. He thinks I’ve a good shot at a nomination. But it needs to get exposure in the New York and California markets. We’re doing a media blitz over the holidays and into the first of the year. This,” Maggie paused for effect, “is the official end of my vacation.”

  Susan didn’t know how to respond. “An Academy Award nomination?” Susan sputtered. “How can you forget you made a movie that may earn you an Oscar?”

  “To be honest, I did it last year. If Maya and Karl hadn’t reminded me, I wouldn’t know what you were talking about.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  Maggie smiled. “Don’t try to. Karl sent me the script and arranged the screen test. The studio and the director were impressed, but it took time to arrange the financing. We shot the movie and it took a while to edit and get it ready for distribution. Now, will you go? I really want you there.” To emphasize her point, Maggie began caressing Susan’s back and ass. “I really do want you there.”


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