Society Girls: Rose

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Society Girls: Rose Page 9

by Crystal Perkins

  “I didn’t need to know that.”

  “Yeah, well I needed to say it to someone.”

  “She’s…different. Her mind works differently than ours, and sometimes she can’t handle things the way others would.”

  Thank God she didn’t say like “normal” people would, because I’d have to punch a woman, and then I’d die.

  “You think I don’t know that? I put up with this situation for far longer than I should have, because I knew she was struggling. There’s only so much I can take, Rei, and being used like that, over and over again…I couldn’t do it any longer.”

  “Just talk to her. She knows she was wrong. I obviously didn’t know all the details until now, but I know she’s sorry, and she’s hurting.”

  “You know how to go right for the jugular, don’t you?”

  “I was hoping to avoid slamming you into the wall, and knocking some sense into you,” she tells me with a shrug.

  “I’m not promising anything.”


  I don’t need the coffee or water, because I’m completely sober right now. Annoyed, scared, and maybe just a little excited, too. I’m not ready to just move on like nothing happened, but if there’s really a chance for us, I’m willing to walk towards it. Walk, not run, but make a move in that direction.

  Opening the door, Reina walks out in front of me. She opens her mouth to say something, but Luke Griffin’s already punching me before I can hear it. I stumble into the doorway, and clench my fists at my side.

  “What the ever-loving fuck?”

  “I told you not to hurt her.”

  “I love how everyone only cares about Rose. I was the actual one hurt, okay? I’m the damn injured party here.”

  “I listened to what you told us, and I felt for you, but she’s trying tonight. While you’re acting like the manwhore everyone thinks you are.”

  “Shut up, Luke.”

  I didn’t see Rose approach us, but there she is. Wearing that stupid dress, and shaking. I fight the urge to take her in my arms when I see her lips moving. I know what she’s doing, but I can’t talk to her about it in front of everyone.

  “Rose, he’s an ass.”

  “You…you punched him, even though I told you not to. I can take care of myself.”

  “Against him? He’s a bastard.”


  “He blew you off, and made you cry. Why are you defending him?”

  “Because this is between me and him.”

  I hold out my hand to her, because she’s crumbling fast, and even if no one else sees it, I do. “Let’s go talk.”

  She takes my hand, and I lead her away from everyone. I think about going back into the room with her, but I can’t be in a closed space and still do what I need to do. I’m likely to kiss her, and let myself be talked into anything, because she’s got her mouth on me. I take her outside, walk as far as we can possibly get from everyone, and let go of her hand as I sit across from her at one of the tables.

  “Go ahead; I’m listening.”


  “Um. I don’t know. I’m sorry. I know I need to say that, but I don’t know what else to tell you.”

  “What are you sorry for?”


  “I need the specifics, Rose. I need to know you understand what you did to me.”

  I think I know, but I can’t be sure. I don’t always understand people, and emotions. I want to cry, and run away, but I stay and talk instead.

  “I’m sorry for using you that last morning we were together.”

  “You used me a hell of a lot more than just that one time.”

  “You never complained.”

  “No. I guess I didn’t. Doesn’t mean I didn’t hate just being your regular fuck.”

  “I came here like this for you.”

  “You think I want you like this?”

  “I look like the women you date.”

  “I don’t date them.”

  “The women you sleep with when I’m not around, then.”

  “You believe what you want to believe, Rose. Let me tell you this, though. I want my Petal, my beautiful, brilliant woman who counts when she’s nervous, and makes me feel things I never thought I’d feel in my life. I don’t want a copy of the women I settle for when the one I want is off with other men, pretending I don’t exist. Yeah, I fucked up when we first met years ago, but I’ve never done anything since then except try to prove to you that I’m more than what everyone else thinks of me. I’ve told you over and over that I only want you. That I want to be with you, but you just won’t believe me.”

  “What did you mean about me counting?” I ask, focusing on the part that freaks me out the most.

  “You know what I mean. If that’s all you got from what I said, though, there’s nothing more for us to say.”

  “I don’t know what to do. What can I do, Ares?”

  “Be yourself. That’s who I’ve always wanted. Not this,” he says, motioning to me.

  “I’m not glamorous.”


  “Why me?”

  “Why not, Petal? Have I ever made you feel like I cared about glamour?”

  “No,” I admit.

  He’s told me I’m sexy in coveralls with grease on my face, or when my hair’s in a sloppy bun, and I’m wearing a baggy sweatshirt. Never once has he complained about what I was wearing, or how I looked. I did that. Me. I’ve been comparing myself to the women he gets photographed with, while he’s been telling me I’m who he wants, with both his words and his actions.

  “9. 54. 61.”

  What is he doing? “Ares?”

  “Remember that always. It’s the only thing I have left for you. If you can allow yourself to believe it, come find me.”

  “How? How do you know the numbers?”

  “Maybe one day, I’ll be in a place to tell you, but I can’t while you’re trying to look like someone else. I can’t look at you like this, and give you any more of my truths.”

  He stands, kisses the top of my head, and walks away from me. I don’t notice the tears running down my face, until they drip onto my hands, where I have them clasped in my lap. I need to concentrate, and work out the numbers he gave me. I also need to work out how he knows what I do. But right now, I just need to cry.



  It’s race day, and I know she’s out there in the stands. I couldn’t have her in the pit this time, but I’m told she picked up the ticket I left for her. I shouldn’t want to see her, or have her see me, but I do. My feelings are just as strong now as they ever were, and I want her here, watching me race in Vegas.

  “You’ve got this,” Jerome says, placing his hand on my shoulder.

  “I do,” I agree, putting my head back where it needs to be.

  “Climb on in.”

  I put my helmet on, and get inside my car, checking everything out, even though it’s already been done. My car itself has been checked dozens of times, by different people, because it could easily become a death trap if something goes wrong.

  And, because the Society still hasn’t figured out who messed with my other cars, or tried to kill Rose. Honestly, I’m not sure if they’d still be looking if they unknown person hadn’t gone for one of their own. Not after I walked out on Rose. I did it for my own sanity, and because I need her to fight for us, but I know they’re angry at me, all the same.

  Pulling up to my starting line, I put myself in the race, shutting out everything—and everyone—else. Engines are revving all around me, and I rev mine in tune with the music of the other cars. This is what I love, what I work my ass off for, and there’s a good chance I’m going to win today.

  We get the green light, and go. The first few rounds weed out the guys and girls who aren’t at the level the rest of us are. There are ten of us left fighting for the win when we go in for our first pit stop. It all goes as normal, with my tires being changed, my fluids being checked, and any
minor adjustments being made. I drink some water, and then I’m off.

  I notice the shaking once I’ve turned my second lap after the stop. Something is wrong with my car. I talk to Jerome and the guys, letting them know there’s a problem, and I’m pulling in again on my next pass.

  I don’t make it that far. The wheel freezes in my grasp, the brakes aren’t engaging, and I’m heading straight for the wall in front of me. All I can do it watch as it comes closer, and closer. This is gonna hurt.


  I know something’s wrong before Ares and his car head straight for the wall. I saw the slight tremor in the car, and I’m running down the stands while everyone watches in horror. I fight off the security personnel who try to stop me when I hit the track, because I need to get to him. His car isn’t on fire yet, and I see them pulling him out, but he needs me.

  I’m pulled to a stop by a hand on my arm. I pull away, and fight. I’ll fight every single person who tries to keep me from the man I love. I fight, and fight—losing precious minutes—until a gun is in my face.

  I weigh my options, and am just about to attack, when Aiden is in front of me. “Stand down, Rose.”

  I do as he says for a moment, but then I’m racing to Ares car. It’s already being lifted up onto the tow truck, and I crouch beneath it, looking for the box I know is there. When I saw his car start to have problems, those threads I couldn’t connect suddenly came together, and I knew what was going on.

  I’m pulled out from under the car, just when I see it. Aiden stands me up, and I see why no one else has touched me. I need to go, and be with Ares, because I think I know his did this now as well as knowing how it was done. He can’t be alone.


  “Is already on his way to the hospital. You have to stop fighting everyone.”

  “Oh. Okay. I need to be with him.”

  “The only place you’re going is a jail cell,” the man with the gun from before tells me.

  “What? No! I need to see Ares.”

  The man reaches for me, but Aiden stops him. “No one touches her. We’ll take her to a judge, to determine competency, but until then, you keep your hands off her.”

  Competency? What is he talking about? I’m competent.

  “Yeah, you’re right. With all those numbers she was reciting, she’s probably better off in the loony bin.”

  Numbers? No, oh no. Please, no.

  “Aiden, what did I do?” I ask as he leads me away.

  “Exactly what I would’ve done if Ellie had been in that car. Unfortunately, not everyone has the commitment we do. Or understands it.”

  “I’m in trouble.”

  “Yeah, but we’ve all got you, Rosie.”

  I don’t remember the ride to the courthouse, or how I get inside, because the numbers are starting to take over.

  47. 40. 32. 36.

  “Stop,” I whisper to myself.


  It’s Reina’s voice, and now that I’m concentrating, I feel her behind me. “Rei…the numbers.”

  “You’re safer in the hospital, Rose. Safer than in jail. Let the numbers take over. Embrace them, and let them control your brain.”


  “We’ll take care of him, I promise. Let yourself go, and when it’s time, you’ll bring yourself back.”

  “What if I can’t?”

  “You can. I know it, and so do you. Let go, beautiful girl.”

  “I…I can. I will. I have to tell you what I know, but the numbers are coming.”

  “Tell me the numbers. I know your code.”

  55. 66. 115. 21. 64. 46.

  That’s the last number I can get out as I succumb to the numbers in my head, and let everything else go for right now. I don’t know what happens at this hearing, but I feel myself being moved. I feel another car or van, and then I feel nothing.


  I don’t know what day it is when I wake up, and I’m really not sure what hospital I’m in. All I know is I hurt all over, and that I’m alive.

  “You’re awake! How are you feeling, Mr. Dixon?”

  A middle-aged nurse in Avengers scrubs comes to stand over the bed. “Well, I’m alive.”

  “Yes, you are. You’re also safe from that crazy woman,” she tells me as she starts to check my vitals.

  “Crazy woman?”

  “Rose something or other. She beat up a bunch of security guards trying to get to you on that track, and just when she was about to be taken down, Aiden Ford stepped in. Surrounded her with his Secret Service detail. An abuse of power if I ever saw one, and of course his father is standing behind him.”

  Thank God for Aiden, and his dad. He usually refuses his detail, but with the track so crowded, I know the VP must have insisted. Both of them saved Rose.

  “And everyone thinks she was probably the one who messed with your car, as she’s a mechanic and all,” she continues.

  Wait, what? “Rose didn’t do it.”

  “Honey, you hit your head pretty hard, and I think the police know better than you do.”

  “She’s in jail?”

  “Not after going off the rails like she did. Reciting numbers over and over. She’s lucky to be in the mental ward right now.”

  “I need to see Reina Corrigan.”

  “Yeah, well, I need to see God most days, but we can’t always get what we want. Although, you being famous and all, she might just pay you a visit,” the nurse says.

  “I need a phone.”

  “What you need right now is more rest. I’ll ask the doctor if you can make calls tomorrow.”

  Tomorrow is too late. “I need the phone now.”

  She shakes her head, and walks out. I look around, but there’s no phone in here. I can’t let Rose stay in a hospital, or jail, or anywhere where I can’t help protect her and her beautiful mind. Mustering as much strength as I can, I pull myself out of the bed. I can barely stand on my shaky legs, but I hobble to the door, pulling my IV behind me.

  Looking out into the hall, I don’t know which way to go. I use the wall to hold me up, as I move along it, until I see a sight that makes me smile.

  “Kenny,” I call out.

  The good doctor turns and runs to me, catching me as I slump into his arms. “You cannot be out of bed, Ares.”


  “Is being taken care of.”

  “She didn’t do it.”

  “We know.”

  “I need Reina.”

  “She’ll be here when you wake up again, but you need to rest.”


  I’m so tired, and I don’t know how I’ll make it back to my bed, but then I feel myself being placed into a wheelchair. I don’t know who it is, but I’ll thank them later. Right now, I close my eyes, and trust in what Kendrick told me.


  9. 54. 61.

  48. 48. 48. 48.

  9. 54. 61. 9. 54. 61.

  48. 48. 48. 48. 48. 48. 48. 48. 48. 48. 48. 48. 48. 48. 48. 48. 48. 48. 48. 48. 48. 48. 48. 48.

  9. 54. 61. 9. 54. 61.

  43. 43. 43. 43. 43. 43. 43. 43. 43.

  9. 54. 61.

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  9. 54. 61. 9. 54. 61.

  48. 48. 48. 48. 48. 48. 48. 48. 48. 48. 48. 48. 48. 48. 48. 48. 48. 48. 48. 48. 48. 48. 48. 48.

  9. 54. 61. 9. 54. 61.

  43. 43. 43. 43. 43. 43. 43. 43. 43.

  9. 54. 61.

  48. 48. 48. 48.

  9. 54. 61. 9. 54. 61.

  48. 48. 48. 48. 48. 48. 48. 48. 48. 48. 48. 48. 48. 48. 48. 48. 48. 48. 48. 48. 48. 48. 48. 48.

  9. 54. 61. 9. 54. 61.

  43. 43. 43. 43. 43. 43. 43. 43. 43.


  This time, when I wake up, my arms are bound to the bed. I pull against the restraints, but they’re not going to come off. What the fuck is going on?

  “We had to restrain you for your own good,” Jerome says, stepping out of the shadows near my bathroom.

br />
  “When you tried to leave, despite your injuries, it became apparent that you aren’t able to make decisions on your own. I had your lawyers invoke my Power of Attorney.”

  “I wasn’t trying to leave, and you had no right to do that,” I tell him, pulling again, because I will not sit back and let my choices be taken from me.

  “Relax, Ares. I’ll take care of everything while you recover.”

  “What do you mean by everything?”

  “He means, he’s been plotting with your biggest rival to take down you and your team. Rose found the things he’d done to your cars, and he tried to kill her because of it. When that didn’t work, he tried to kill you, because he’s the beneficiary of the racing team in your will. You didn’t die, so he found a judge willing to agree that you’re incapacitated,” Reina says, moving out from behind my bed.

  I had no idea she was back there, and obviously, Jerome didn’t, either. He steps back as she advances, but still tries to talk his way out of everything.

  “That’s slander, Mrs. Corrigan.”

  “Not with the proof I have, and the confession from your real employer.”

  “You’re bluffing.”

  “I don’t bluff.”

  “Why would you do this? You’ve been with me from the start, mentoring me and guiding my career. We’re in this together.”

  “Together? You get all the press, and all the glory. The women, too. I want my day in the sun. We all do.”

  “That’s going to be hard to do in prison,” Reina tells him.

  “I’m not going to be taken down by a socialite,” he says, pulling a syringe from his jacket, and lunging for her.

  She easily flips him, rolling her eyes as she readies for his next move. “Why must so many men underestimate me?”

  I know it’s a rhetorical question, but I answer her anyway. “No clue, ladyboss. No clue.”

  She knocks Jerome around a little longer, and then the FBI is here, taking Jerome into custody. I was expecting Metro, but I guess his crimes must have crossed borders. Reina tells me everyone else involved is already in custody, but that’s not what I care about right now.


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