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Make Me Yours: A BWWM Billionaire Love Story

Page 8

by Cher Etan

  “Meaghan,” he whispered.

  “Dean,” she said right back in the same tone.

  His hand was moving faster and faster. He took it up to his mouth and spat on it and then put his hand back on the tip of his penis and ran it down to the base, a slow long motion that had them both moaning in synchronized biting pleasure. It didn’t take long before long ropes of milky substance were flying across the room and landing everywhere.

  “Oh my God that was hot,” Meaghan whispered taking a deep breath.

  Dean walked toward her, coming to a stop above her and staring down at her.

  “Take your jeans off now,” he ordered and she hastened to obey, kicking them away from her as her eyes held Dean, or he held her gaze. It was hard to tell through the haze of desire she was floating in. He bent forward, still maintaining eye contact gaze shifting from her eyes to her mouth. Her mouth softened inviting him in and he bent forward taking her mouth as if it was food and he was starving. The kissing went on for a long time, with both of their initial lust sated they could take the time to savor just this; holding each other, sharing air and saliva – tasting and biting; enjoying the sensations of loving and touching without sexual gratification.

  Soon though, the kissing took on a more desperate texture and the touching became more passionate, more frantic.

  “Dean,” Meaghan pleaded legs going around his waist and her hips thrusting upward, asking without words.

  Dean’s hands on her thighs were strong, pressing down into her flesh with no thought to whether or not he was hurting her. He was too far gone; not that she was complaining. He spread her legs wider and thrust into her, pressing slowly into her until she was sobbing with need.

  “Dean please,” she cried eyes scrunched closed and breathing through her mouth in great big bellows of want.

  “Please what baby? Tell me,” he growled hoarsely into her ear as his hips went in and out of her like pistons.

  “Fuck me harder,” she whispered, blown away by her own daring. She could hardly believe she’d said that.

  It was a red flag to a bull; whatever tenuous control he’d been holding on to broke. He was a wild animal pistoning into her and then swiveling his hips to get even deeper. Meaghan suspected she was going to have bruises on her intestines in the morning. Still, she wanted him to go faster. Harder. More and more; it could never be enough.

  “Love you so much,” she murmured into his neck as he pressed her down into the mattress.

  He froze for a second and met her eyes with his. “I love you too,” he said and then put his head into her neck and fucked her harder yet. Meaghan could feel the wave coming to overwhelm her, building up in her body until she had to let it go before it drowned her. She arched backward, letting it all go as wave after wave of emotion trembled through her making her whole body shake. She heard Dean give a shout as her orgasm triggered his own and the feel of his seed spilling into her made her shudder all the harder. She wondered if she was going to black out again. She didn’t though, but her whole body was weak and drained. She turned the side, tucked her hand inside the pillow and closed her eyes, falling asleep right away.

  “Good morning babe,” a voice woke her the next morning and she struggled to open her eyes.

  “What time is it?” she groaned.

  “Nine in the morning. Dad is expecting us before noon so you need to get your lazy ass up.”

  Meaghan sat up startled. “He’s expecting us!?!” she repeated.

  “Yeah,” he said.

  “Why?” she complained.

  Dean put the coffee cup he was carrying down on the bedside table and turned to face her, “Have you already forgotten all about your T-1000 thing that you were going to tell him about?”

  “Well yeah…I mean no of course I haven’t forgotten but I didn’t expect that it would be this soon. I don’t have anything to wear,” she wailed.

  Dean laughed. “What’s wrong with your jeans?”

  Meaghan flopped back on the bed and shook her head. “You don’t understand anything do you?” she said in despair.

  “We can pass through DVF and pick something up if you want,” he suggested.

  “I can’t afford Diane von Furstenberg!” Meaghan laughed.

  “I can,” Dean said.

  “Well thanks but-“ Meaghan began.

  “Are you or are you not my girlfriend?” Dean interrupted.

  Meaghan stared apprehensively at him as if she suspected a trick. “I guess I am.”

  “Good, well if you read the fine print of your girlfriend contract it stipulates that I may buy you clothes for special occasions, not so special occasions or just a whim as I please,” Dean said.

  “Really?” Meaghan asked.

  “Really,” Dean confirmed.

  “Well…the woman is always the last to know,” she said ruefully.

  “So hurry up and have your breakfast so we can go shop before your big meet!” Dean said clapping his hands like a track coach and exiting the room to go put some breakfast together.

  Meaghan rose slowly shaking her head and went to shower.


  They did stop off at DVF and Dean made her choose the dress she liked without allowing her to even peek at the price tag. It was too comfortable, too easy to let him just take over and pay for her clothes. Meaghan didn’t want to get used to this. It was way too domestic and spoke of long days and longer nights…together…forever. Meaghan shied away from that thought, not wanting to let herself even think about such things.

  They drove to Dean’s parents house…did she say house? She meant hotel. It was that huge and as far as she knew there were only two residents living in it right now. Of course there were also probably like a zillion maids and butlers too. She took a deep breath and took Dean’s hand. All the years she’d known him and this was the first time she was visiting the home where he grew up. It brought home all the differences between them. The trailer where she grew up could probably fit snugly in the foyer of this house, with space left over. Meaghan found that her palms were sweaty and she was breathing really fast.

  “Just relax,” Dean murmured to her. Easy for him to say, it wasn’t him on the chopping block here. He took her hand in his and led her up the stairs. The door was opened by a butler dressed in a tuxedo and Meaghan knew she was completely and utterly lost. He led the way up to Dean’s father’s room and Meaghan cursed the fact that she’d forgotten to bring notes. Bad enough meeting him as Dean’s girlfriend but she didn’t also want to seem like an incompetent doctor. Dean told her to wait while he explained the situation to his father.

  “I won’t be long,” he murmured as he went into the room. Meaghan crossed her arms and waited, trying to slow her rapidly beating heart. Dean hadn’t lied, he was not long and soon he was leading her in to a room that looked familiar because it was set up like a hospital room. The man on the bed was hooked to various machines, a heart monitor, dialysis machine…yet she could see that effort had been made to brighten the room. The bed was facing a wall of windows which let the sunshine in and provided an unhampered view of the entire garden. There was a basket of fruit artfully arranged on the bedside next to him and the shelf by the wall was lined with flower arrangements probably sent by people paying their respects to the man in the bed. He had Dean’s eyes…and they were studying her intently like if he looked hard enough he could read her mind. They were still sharp with intelligence in his mutilated face but Meaghan could see that he was once as good looking as his son. He had a thick head of white hair cut short to frame his head.

  “Dad, this is Meaghan…my girlfriend,” Dean said. There was an ever so slight tremor to his voice that Meaghan only noticed because she knew him well. She glanced at him briefly and then back at his father.

  “It’s nice to meet you Mr. Wesson. Dean talks about you all the time,” she said.

  “Not all the time,” Dean said in protest looking at her.

  “Yeah okay not all the time. Sometimes h
e talks about himself too,” Meaghan teased grinning back at Dean – for a moment forgetting where she was. She started briefly when she remembered and looked back at Dean’s father to see him smiling slightly. She was grateful for that but didn’t take it for granted.

  She cleared her throat and stepped forward. “Mr. Wesson, Dean might have told you that I’m a doctor?” she waited to see if there would be any response. Mr. Wesson inclined his head briefly in acknowledgment and she continued.

  “Well I was telling him about this technology that might improve your quality of life and he suggested that I run it by you. So here goes,” Meaghan said taking a deep breath and explaining about the robotics and how it worked. Dean’s father watched her lips as she spoke and he seemed to understand what she was saying but she didn’t know if it was possible for him to respond.

  She told him that she’d spoken to the relevant people, at Dean’s request and they’d indicated a willingness to work with the Wessons on this. Normally at this stage she would ask if the patient had any questions but in this case she didn’t know if there was any way for him to ask. So she turned to look at Dean for guidance. Just then Poppy blew into the room like a hurricane.

  “What are you doing in here?” she demanded of Meaghan as if she’d sneaked into the house uninvited.

  “Mother. You remember my girlfriend Meaghan don’t you?” Dean said moving between his mother and Meaghan.

  “No, I can’t say that I do,” Poppy said still glaring at Meaghan. “As far as I know your girlfriend’s name is Samantha.”

  Dean rolled his eyes, “Mother, Meaghan has a proposal that might help dad. Would you like to stow your crap and listen?” he asked making Meaghan hide a smile. Poppy looked totally shocked and Jeffrey looked amused.

  “Well, I see she’s dragging you down into the gutter with her. You never used to speak to me like that.”

  “You used have more respect for my friends,” Dean countered.

  They glared at each other as if they were in a Mexican stand off and Meaghan knew she had to do something.

  “Er so what should I tell the Brain Lab people? Would you like to see if this initiative would work for you?” she asked Jeffrey. She could see his eyes lighten in amusement as if he knew exactly what she was doing. He nodded his head slightly, more of a lowering and raising of his lashes actually.

  Dean turned to smile at his father. “I have a good feeling about this dad, pretty soon you’ll be riding around saying ‘Come with me if you want to live’,” Dean had Arnold’s accent down and Meaghan had to stop herself from giggling. Jeffrey smiled his amusement and Poppy looked like she wanted to protest but didn’t know about what.

  “Well we should leave you to rest. I’m sure Dean will keep you updated,” Meaghan said shifting her legs in a way that said she wanted to get moving. Dean took the hint and took her hand, nodding at his father and ignoring his mother, he led her out.

  “Well that was only about half as bad as I thought it would be,” Meaghan said when they’d exited the building.

  Dean shrugged, “I don’t know. I think you were brilliant.”

  “You’re biased,” Meaghan protested.

  Dean stopped and took her lips with his, kissing her thoroughly.

  “Yes. I am,” he said.

  Chapter 8

  Poppy walked into the offices of Drs. Dreyfuss and Dreyfuss, bypassing the receptionist who made only a token attempt to stop her – she was well known in that office – and proceeded to barge into Dr. Dreyfuss senior’s office like a whirlwind of temper. Luckily the doctor was between patients so no-one other than himself was there to witness the dressing down he was getting by one of his more influential clients. It was only because she was influential that Dr. Dreyfuss did not have her thrown out of his office forthwith.

  “How incompetent are you people here? Why did you not inform my husband that it was possible to improve his quality of life through robotics? Why did we have to hear it from some upstart gold digger trying to worm her way into my family?” she demanded. Dr. Dreyfuss had sat up at the word ‘upstart’, his eyes widening as he tried to make sense of Poppy’s words.

  “Mrs. Wesson, kindly have a seat; will you drink some water?” he tried to stall only to be bulldozed out of the way like a piece of flax weed.

  “If I wanted water Dr. Dreyfuss I would have asked for it. And I will thank you not to patronize me with your smarmy tone. I have a good mind to take my business elsewhere. How could you be so remiss?” she hissed.

  “Mrs. Wesson, the treatment you speak of is at an experimental stage as we speak. I cannot believe you let some charlatan turn your head like this Poppy. You know that your family’s welfare is foremost in our minds at all times,” Dr. Dreyfuss soothed.

  Poppy allowed herself to be led to the chair and deposited in it as a glass of water was placed in her hands. Dr. Dreyfuss retreated back to his chair and sat forward, hands steepled on the table and face leaning into his hands.

  “Now,” he said. “Tell me all about this woman and the treatment she suggested.”


  Said woman was ensconced in her office trying to catch up on her medical reports when a soft knock on her door distracted her. She glanced up at it, giving vague permission for whomever it was to come in and then went back to her work. Dean stuck his head in the door grinning at her.

  “Hey beautiful,” he said making her smile in spite of herself.

  “Hey yourself. I’m working, what're you doin’ here?” she said pretending to be intensely interested in the papers on her desk.

  “I brought you a sandwich,” he said extracting one of his hands from behind his back to present her with a brown paper bag with the name of one of her favorite deli's emblazoned on it. Her eyes brightened and she grinned happily at him.

  “Oohhh! Come in, come in,” she said standing up and ushering him enthusiastically into the room. He laughed at her but came in and carefully closed the door behind him; going so far as to turn the lock.

  “Hmm,” Meaghan said watching him.

  “Yeah…so,” Dean said coming forward to place the brown paper bag on the crowded table before looking up at her. “I’ve missed you.”

  “Really? From like…this morning?” Meaghan asked trying and failing to disguise her smug undertone.

  Dean shrugged, unapologetic, “I’m needy like that.”

  “You’re telling me,” Meaghan said pushing her chair back so she could walk around the desk to him. She placed her hand gently on his ass and squeezed, face impassive. “How is work?” she asked kneading his ass cheek as she did so.

  “Umm,” Dean managed to get out, his reddening face turned slightly away from her; the better to bite his lip and grimace in helpless arousal.

  “Good?” she inquired transferring her hand to his other cheek.

  “Uh,” Dean replied bending slightly forward so his ass was more firmly ensconced in her hand. She obliged by increasing the pressure in her kneading, and changing tactics slightly by running her hand up and down his crack.

  “I’ll take that as a yes,” she said, her voice still cool and impassive as if she did nothing more than hold a casual conversation with a co-worker. Then her kneading began to get more intense, a little bit desperate, harder…and Dean’s moaning got loud, mouth open, head thrown back. “Wow. You are enjoying this aren’t you?” Meaghan whispered throatily in his ear. Dean could do nothing but groan some more and lean back into her hand. Her other hand ghosted up his back, prying his shirt loose from his pants and then burrowing inside to caress his naked back. Dean was making some sounds that would indicate his extreme pleasure in what she was doing, although really, she wasn’t doing much except touching him a little; maybe running her nails against the sensitive skin below his shoulder and tracing the width of those shoulders in reverent wonder.

  “Meaghan,” he whispered and everything that he wanted was in her name. she reached her hands forward beneath his shirt to cradle his chest and play with h
is nipples. He groaned as his hand reached up to snag one of hers and urge it lower to the tent in his pants.

  “Ohh,” she murmured sounding pleased. “I love it when you want me in the most inappropriate places,” she whispered in his ear making him laugh breathlessly.

  “I want you everywhere,” he breathed back at her and thrust forward into the circle her hands made around him. Meaghan’s other hand crept behind to grasp his ass again and she kneaded him as he thrust forward into her other hand. She was content to get him off like that but as fast as a whirlwind, before she even had the wherewithal to understand what he was doing, he had turned the tables. She was bent over her own desk with her little red skirt riding above her tush which was thrust out, exposed to the elements since she wasn’t wearing any panties. She did that sometimes, just to air things out but Dean gave a pleased laugh as if she’d done it strictly for his benefit. She felt him seeking, penis poking against her ass and her thigh before finding its way between her legs and pressing slowly into her. She closed her eyes, the better to enjoy the sensation of being widened and filled; possessed by Dean in a way that was all encompassing and yet empowering. He made that tiny sound of surrender he always made when he was wedged deep inside her and she couldn’t help but feel a small thrill of triumph…every single time. She was dripping wet and ready, her body swollen with need and she needed him to fuck her hard. He seemed to realize this because he withdrew fully from her and then thrust deep into her again, not sparing her at all. He did it again…and again and she could feel that core of heat inside her spreading and swelling, ready to swallow her up, she could hardly wait. But suddenly, inexplicably, he slowed down. Talking was out of the question but she uttered an incoherent sound of protest.

  “I…give me a minute or I’ll come right this minute. Just keep perfectly still,” he said holding her hips tight so she couldn’t wriggle under him, much as she wanted to. She gave him the time he asked for but the curious core of heat continued to grow, filling her mind with urgency and desperation, wanting to be released so it could run rampant all over her body and leave her weak and shaking. Her lips let out a small sound of need and suddenly Dean was shuddering behind her, his seed filling her up as he let out pained groans and shook to completion. His body flopped forward onto her back and she shook her head in negation.


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