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Make Me Yours: A BWWM Billionaire Love Story

Page 16

by Cher Etan

  “Do you want that?” he asked instead.

  “Of course I do Dean,” she said but with resignation in her tone. “Doesn’t mean I’m gonna get it.”

  “Why not?” Dean asked staring intently into her eyes.

  Meaghan shook her head at him, “How are we going to do it, outside of fantasy land I mean?”

  “Say yes. Say yes to moving in with me and I’ll show you how we do it,” he said taking both her hands in his.

  Meaghan stared at him for a long time and then leaned forward and placed her lips on his. She ran her tongue over his lips and he responded by parting his lips and letting her in. Their lips mashed together as they tasted each other, bodies straining to get closer.

  Dean took hold of her hair in his fists, pushing her face into his mouth and then pulled back, staring at her.

  “What was that for?” he asked.

  “Hey, you’re the one who said that deals are sealed with a kiss,” she said making Dean smile quite giddily.

  “Oh yaass!” he exclaimed with joy. “So you’re saying that’s a yes.”

  Meaghan pretended to hold an ear piece to her ear while holding up a finger for Dean to shush. “Let me check with the fans,” she said pretending to talk into a speaker.

  “And the results are coming in and we can confirm that it is a yes,” she said.

  Dean’s smile lit up his whole face, “Best decision you ever made.”

  The end... but there's more:

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  More Books By Cher Etan

  Enjoyed that? Well this is just part 2 in the series. You can see other parts here:

  When We Meet Again (sample below).

  Make Me Yours.

  You can see more BWWM romance books from myself and other top authors by clicking here.

  About Cher Etan

  Hi, my name's Cher Etan. I'm a long term writer who has largely written in another style of romance under a pen name. Ever since I stumbled upon this black woman white man style of books however, that's all I've wanted to write. And now I am.

  I hope you enjoy my style of writing, if so be sure to sign up to the Saucy Romance Books site; just download the free ebook and you'll be added. Through there J A Fielding will let you know when my new books are out.

  One last thing, if you liked this story and want a follow up, please leave a review of it. It shows me which stories to carry on with, and allows me to give you what you want. Also feel free to leave suggestions of where the couple should go next.

  Until next time.

  Cher Etan.

  When We Meet Again Sample

  The book you just read is part 2 in the series. Part 1, 'When We Meet Again' can be sampled below. Or if you already know you want it, you can get the full book here:

  “Meaghan!” her mother called as she came in to the trailer at 6am, “are you awake? If you hurry, Mr. Henley can give you a lift to the bus stop. He’s headed out in ten.”

  Meaghan pushed the curtain that acted as a partition to her sleeping space aside, “I’m dressed and ready Mama,” she said with a smile. Her mother smiled back at her and flopped on the sofa in exhaustion. The night shift at the hospital really took it out of her sometimes. All the emergencies seemed to happen then.

  “How was work?” Meaghan asked.

  “Great. We had four GSWs and it wasn’t even the same shoot out. One was a woman who was shot by her husband because she was walking out on him. Two teenagers looked gang-related and one middle-aged guy; shot by the police.”

  Meaghan flinched in sympathy and her mom nodded her response.

  “Yeah, and that was the fun part. There was the diabetic going into insulin shock because of too many missed meals, and that HIV positive mom who comes in for checkups turned up with jaundice. Fun times.”

  “Wow mom, I do not know how you do it,” Meaghan said as she gathered her school books together.

  “Frankly my dear, neither do I. I’m off to shower and sleep now so do you need anything?”

  “I’m fine Mama,” Meaghan said leaning up to kiss her mother as she passed on her way out. Her mother waved and wished her a good day and then she was off to the shower. Meaghan could see how tired she was. In addition to working full time as a nurse at the general hospital, her mother also worked part time at the grocery store as a clerk. She made barely enough to make ends meet and Meaghan knew that; which was why she was applying for academic assistance to attend Dalton School. She’d taken her test for the interview and had just received the notification that she’d passed and had been awarded a place. Now all she had to do was convince them that she qualified for one of their scholarships. She was ready to work extra hard on this if they would just agree to pay her tuition and maybe give her a small stipend for books. If they agreed with her, then she could tell her mother. She knew how much it would break her mother’s heart if she knew that her daughter wanted to attend a school that she couldn’t pay for. So there was no use in getting both their hopes up. She’d try for the scholarship, if she succeeded then yay. If she failed…well mother would never have to know she’d even applied.

  Mr. Henley was waiting for her leaning on his semi as he smoked a cigarette. He smiled when he saw her approach and walked to his door, getting into the truck and pulling open the passenger door for her. Classic rock was already blasting from the speakers of his stereo. Mr. Henley had infected her with his penchant for rock music from the eighties. He had everything from AC/DC to Bon Jovi and he not only introduced her to it, but was always picking up both CDs and Vinyl for her when he went on his trips. She figured that she liked the music so much because listening to it gave her a chance to use her late father’s record player that he’d bequeathed to her. And Mr. Henley was right; the music really did sound better on vinyl.

  They talked about the possibility of seeing U2 in concert when they came to town in a few weeks. Mr. Henley thought that he could maybe get tickets but Meaghan couldn’t really afford to buy concert tickets and she wouldn’t take one for free. Mr. Henley tried to make it seem like she’d be doing him a favor if she agreed to go with him but Meaghan’s mama had taught her that there was no such thing as a free lunch. Mr. Henley was nice and all but it just didn’t pay to put any ideas in his head. And going out to a rock concert with him was crossing the line…not that she’d ever seen any evidence that he was into pedophilia or anything but best to be safe rather than sorry.

  “Mr. Henley it’s really nice of you to offer but my mama wouldn’t like for me to go out with you like that on my own so I can’t. I’m sorry,” she said.

  “Well how about I just give you the ticket and you go on your own?” he wheedled.

  Meaghan thought about it, “No. I can’t go on my own, I’m not old enough and I still can’t pay for the ticket.”

  Mr. Henley sighed, “Fine then. I’ll just have to record it for you on my video camera. It’s not the same as seeing it live though.”

  “I know,�
� Meaghan said wistfully, “and I really really wish I could go but I can’t.”

  “Hey. What if they’re not free? What if you…wash my trailer for me for a month as exchange?” Mr. Henley suggested, very excited at his brilliant compromise.

  Meaghan smiled to see him so excited, “I can’t Mr. Henley. I still wouldn’t be able to go because I can’t go alone.”

  “And you won’t let me take you,” he sighed in disappointment and was so preoccupied with their conversation that he almost passed the bus stop, “Fine then. It’s your funeral,” he said as he let her out.

  “Bye Mr. Henley,” Meaghan said with a small wave.

  “You have a good day Miss Sunshine,” he replied with a smile of his own and drove off into the sunrise.

  There were some other kids from her school waiting for the bus as well and they greeted her casually but then went back to their conversation. Meaghan was a bright student and she was an apt pupil but that didn’t mean she knew how to win friends and influence people. Being an only child and living more as roommates and friends with her mom rather than traditional mother and daughter meant that she was used to having conversations that didn’t begin with “Like…”

  She also had a very clear picture of what she wanted her future to look like and was laser focused on that. It didn’t leave her a lot in common with her classmates. Meaghan didn’t mind though. She had all the friends she needed in Mr. Henley and her mother.

  The school bus drew up and the driver got the door open, giving Meaghan a grin. He always grinned at her; he had told her one time that her hair reminded him of Donna Summer in her prime. Meaghan hadn’t known who that was so she’d gone to look her up on yahoo. Looking at the great halo of Donna Summer’s hair in a picture she’d found, she nodded her agreement. Yeah, she could see how the giant pouf she wore her hair in would remind Clarence of this music star. And she was also a tall girl; willowy. The only discordant note was the glasses she wore and her braces. She decided to take it as a compliment. Meaghan had always been a glass half full type of person.

  Ms. Lainey was waiting for her as the bus drew up at the school. She was instrumental in helping Meaghan apply to Dalton School and today they needed to prep for the interview that would determine whether or not she got that scholarship. They only had thirty minutes before class began and the interview was at lunch hour. It would have to be enough.


  “Come in Meaghan Leonard is it? Don’t be scared,” the severe looking lady with the tortoise shell glasses said. There was a panel of three people; the severe lady, a pale fat gentleman in a black suit and a pin striped lawyer type with a pince nez. Meaghan wasn’t afraid but a lot was riding on this interview and a lot of thought went into every step she took. That might have made her appear a bit tentative but Meaghan wasn’t sure that was entirely a bad thing. Might make at least one of these panelists sympathetic. As long as she was articulate and convincing. Meaghan prayed that she would be convincing enough. Heaven knew there were enough people waiting to take her place if she wasn’t.

  “You applied to this school to join our high school next year did you not?” severe woman asked. The other two panelists were just staring at her.

  “Yes I did,” she replied nodding her head once. In honor of the occasion, she’d tied her hair in a tight bun at the back of her head. Ms. Lainey had helped her with the style; she’d said it made her look more serious.

  “And you passed and have been accepted?” Severe asked her again.

  “Yes ma’am,” she replied, nodding again.

  “So please tell us in your own words why you feel you qualify for this scholarship?” the lady asked her. Meaghan took a deep breath and began to speak.

  Her father had died in the first Iraq war; he had been an army medic who died when the camp was bombed by friendly fire. They received his small military pension but it was barely enough to keep them clothed. Her mother worked two jobs as a nurse and a store clerk to provide for them but there was definitely no money for private school. Meaghan had been a good student consistently throughout her formative years as well as an active participant in student politics. She worked as a photographer for the school newspaper and a photograph of hers had been used by the local papers. She aspired to be a surgeon and she knew that Dalton was a stepping stone that could get her where she needed to be. She asked nicely for their consideration and pledged to work hard to ensure that if they chose her they would be vindicated in that choice. She thanked them nicely for taking the time to interview her and listen to her.

  By the time she was finished fat pasty looking guy was actually looking interested in the proceedings. She wondered why they didn’t introduce themselves. Perhaps they didn’t want her to have their names in case they rejected her bid…


  It was the final day of exams when Ms. Lainey asked her to stay behind after all her classmates had filed out. She looked grim and Meaghan braced herself for news that was maybe not good. She began to think what her plan B could be; public high schools might not be an automatic in to an Ivy League school, nevertheless, it wasn’t impossible.

  “Meaghan, I just received a reply from the panel at Dalton. I haven’t opened the letter. I thought we could do it together,” Ms. Lainey said. Meaghan could barely find the wherewithal to nod her head. She swallowed hard; suddenly her mouth was really dry. Had she gotten in?

  Ms. Lainey slit open the envelope and pulled out the letter.

  “Dear Ms. Leonard, we are pleased to offer you-“

  That’s as far as Ms. Lainey got before Meaghan was screaming and crying in her arms, her joy could hardly be contained. She snatched the letter to read the words for herself. They were offering her the scholarship as well as a book stipend. Furthermore, transportation to and from school was part of the package. Meaghan’s heart was so full she felt it was leaking out of her through her eyes. She looked up at Ms. Lainey; it looked like she was leaking at the eyes too.

  “You should go and tell your mother,” she said to Meaghan.

  Meaghan nodded mutely and ran out of the door, forgetting her bag behind her.


  When Meaghan began high school, she had all these lofty ideas of how Dalton School would be. She imagined herself having debates on history, culture and politics with her classmates and teachers but she quickly learned one thing. School kids were the same everywhere and teachers were more concerned with homework turned in on time than abstract debates on subjects beyond their ability to do anything about. So just like in middle school, Meaghan found herself spending more and more time in the library; among books which were always ready to engage her in her hunger for knowledge and higher truths. She took to spending her spare time in there, reading everything that caught her eye. The Dalton library was certainly extensive. She didn’t have as much time to utilize it as she would like; as soon as she turned sixteen she began work at Mr. Henley’s garage; keeping his records in order after school. She liked the job because it taught her a lot about managing finances on a tight budget, plus Mr. Henley didn’t mind if she read her books on her breaks. The perpetual rock music playing in the background was also another plus. She was working for a boss she liked, in a job she enjoyed and surrounded by her favorite music. She couldn’t ask more from life.


  She was working late one night, or rather she’d gotten caught up reading the Iliad while Bon Jovi blasted from the speakers and she didn’t want to move when a new customer drove into the garage. She peered down from the window in the office and saw that the garage was deserted. Mr. Henley had said something about going out for a smoke; no smoking was allowed in the garage because it was a fire hazard and it was late so no-one else seemed to be around. She wondered what she should do; it wasn’t like she could help the customer with his car…

  He alighted from the vehicle and Meaghan got a load of his full head of hair as he looked around for someone to help him. He looked lost. The car was too expensive for this
neighborhood and the guy was too well dressed. Meaghan stood and left the office, descending the stairs self-consciously as the guy watched her come to him. She guessed there was nothing else to look at really but still she wished he would look away.

  “Hi. Can I help you?” she asked him. Now that she was up close to him and standing on the same level she could see how tall he was; and well built. But not as old as she’d first thought when she saw his clothes. No, he was closer to her age than the mid twenties she’d assumed at his outfit. Fitted khaki slacks and blue fitted shirt that looked tailor made for him. His dark hair was windswept and untidy but that could have been because he’d just alighted from a convertible…Lamborghini Aventador if she wasn’t mistaken. His green eyes were so intent on her that she felt like squirming but drew herself up instead and looked back at him.

  “Where do I know you from?” he asked ignoring her question.

  “What? I’m pretty sure I don’t know you,” she replied and then wondered if that was rude and if Mr. Henley would be mad at her for being brusque with his customers.

  “Yes. I’ve seen you somewhere,” he said looking her up and down. And then his eyes fell on the book in her hand. It was emblazoned with ‘The Dalton School’ along its sleeve which was facing him. The frown cleared from his face.

  “Oh you’re the scholarship chick in my biological science class aren’t you?” he asked. “You look different without the mountain of books you’re usually carrying.” Meaghan stared at him in stupefaction.

  “What?” she asked completely stymied by the fact that not only did this guy actually know her but that he remembered her from school? She’d been feeling practically invisible at Dalton. Apart from her friend Bainbury (call me Bain he always said- something about Batman) who she’d met in her elective creative writing course, she had been pretty sure no-one else in the school even knew she existed. She wasn’t even important enough to bully.


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