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Cupid Help Me! (Return to Cupid, Texas Book 4)

Page 5

by Sylvia McDaniel

  The Lab gazed at him with adoring eyes.

  "Any idea on when the puppies are due?"

  "Soon. Kyle keeps coming out and checking on her and says he thinks she'll deliver between four to six."

  Reaching out, she petted the animal. "Where's the daddy?"

  "Don't know. Lady was dropped off when her previous owners saw she was knocked up."

  "Jerks," she said.

  "Exactly. But she's got a home now with me."

  "What are you going to do with the babies?"

  Leaning back in the chair, he nodded. "When they're old enough, I'll put them up at Kyle's vet hospital and give them away to good homes. Labs are great dogs. Good hunting dogs. They'll go quickly."

  At least he was planning on caring for the puppies until they were ready. Abandoning the mother while she was pregnant was simply cruel. Abandoning the babies, heartless.

  "Lady, let this be a lesson. Keep your legs together or suffer the consequences."

  The dog wagged its tail like she understood and Shadow had to stop petting the animal. Getting attached was so easy and then when you had to leave, it broke your heart. Or when they got sick and had to be put down, it just killed you. Those were the emotions, she didn't want to experience again.

  "Are you keeping Lady?" she asked, unable to think of her being rejected twice, giving up her babies and losing a home.

  Shaking his head at the animal, he said, "She's a good dog and I don't think I can let her go now."

  "Great. Lady has suffered enough."

  Gazing at her, she saw her questions reflected from his eyes. A log popped, shooting sparks into the night sky.

  "While you were out, I hope you don't mind, but I borrowed your computer today?"

  "How did you get into the office?"

  "Maria let me in. She stood beside me and watched as I ordered some things on Amazon that I needed. I used my login and they should be here tomorrow. Please don't be upset with her."

  The office was his personal sanctuary and he wouldn't like her going in there. Stuck in the house, she had to have another laptop or lose even more money. There weren't enough hours in the day for her to sit here and do nothing. Starting in the morning, she'd be back at work. Eager to get started, she couldn't wait.

  His forehead drew together in a frown. "Next time hold off until I'm home and I can help you."

  The longer she waited, the shipping would have taken even longer and she needed a laptop to make money. She needed that computer now.

  Her favorite song came on the radio and she jumped up. "Dance with me. I love this tune and I never have anyone to dance with when it comes on."

  Frowning at her, he reluctantly stood and they began to slow dance on the patio. The moonlight, the stars, the soft glow of the fire, she couldn't remember ever experiencing anything so romantic.

  At first, Jim's arms were taut and unyielding, but slowly he started to relax. The tension in his face softening, the tight muscles of his chest relaxing, the scent of him tantalizing.

  As the song ended, they kept on moving for several minutes until she glanced at him and sighed. "Thank you."

  "You're welcome," he said, his voice husky. "We have the same problem. I never have anyone to dance with either.” The dance had stirred more unresolved feelings than she cared to acknowledge.

  Still in his arms, she was trying her best not to let disappointment and hurt consume her, but so far, no luck keeping the emotions at bay and no response. A private man, he must want her to leave and that's what pained her. Everything in her was screaming not yet, but he didn't offer to let her stay.

  She smiled, her facial muscles feeling stiff. "Don't worry about me being in your office. There shouldn't be a next time. My new computer should be here tomorrow. Then I'll find a way to the next town."

  "Why?" he asked, his eyes looking confused.

  "Well, you didn't respond to me about staying a few more days. Which led me to assume you wanted me gone," she widened the distance between them, walking back. Needing some space, but missing his embrace, she didn't want to flee his home.

  "No, I don't want you gone. Stay as long as you need to," he said, stepping closer to her, reaching out and pulling her into his arms as another tune began to play.

  Without saying a word, they started to dance again, but this time close enough, she felt surrounded by the strength of his body. The touch of his hips, the brawniness of his chest. This time they danced more like lovers than friends.

  When the music ended, she looked at him as his lips descended taking hers.

  This kiss was different from the scorching one in the closet. This time his mouth was demanding, his kiss filled with a hunger that startled her. This time, his lips were urgent and needy, pressing her firmly against his erection.

  An ache warmed in her lower belly that she hadn't experienced in a long, long time. An ember growing stronger by the minute. A fire that could burn and hurt her badly.

  Pushing back out of his arms, she stared at him knowing she needed to escape. "Thanks for a delightful evening, Jim. I should be going in now. Goodnight."

  Walking quickly away, she touched her lips and sighed. He was in her article and she didn't need to be part of the Cupid story.

  Jim watched Shadow walking as fast as her short legs would carry her away from him and into the house. What was he doing kissing her? After the other day, he'd made a vow not to kiss her again and here he was breaking every rule he made. Not good.

  But the woman was a temptation and he was a lonely man who wanted someone to love him for the rest of his life. But she was like a wandering gypsy. A writer, a dreamer, a girl who didn't seem to have a good life plan. How could she save for retirement or have insurance without a steady job? Freelancers earned nickels compared to what she could be making at a newspaper or a television show.

  Or was she lying? What if everything she'd told him was a lie? There was one way to check out how the lady paid her bills.

  After dousing the flames, he hurried into the house and went to his office. Glancing around, he noticed everything seemed the same. But when he logged in, he could tell exactly where she'd been. His favorite online store.

  Going to Google, he typed in her name and found ten to twenty articles she'd written for Texas Love magazine. Next, he pulled up a website that referenced her name, clicking on the link, it took him to an article about a hot new erotica author - named Shadow Wilson.

  Stunned, he stared at the screen. No wonder she was having such a good time in the naughty closet. She'd been down this road before, probably many times.

  Clicking back to his favorite online store, he quickly ordered two of her books, which downloaded to his kindle. He would never have bought an e-book reader for himself, but Kelsey told him he needed one for his magazines and she'd given him one for Christmas. Now he would spend time reading the lovely Shadow's books just as soon as he made one last call.

  Picking up his cell phone, he hit a button and his brother Drew answered the phone.

  "Hey, how's the case going?" he asked.

  "Good. Did you and Kyle do the Cupid Stupid dance?" Drew asked.

  "Yes," Jim replied wondering if his brother would back out.

  "This is a social call, not a legal call?" Drew asked. "Do I need to arrange bail?"

  Drew was the intelligent, smart ass of the group. Graduating at the top of his class, he'd pursued law when he graduated college. He was also a ladies’ man, dating a different girl once a week.

  Jim chuckled. "It's both. Don't worry, we did just fine. No arrests, no trips to jail. But I'm warning you now, run with your clothes in your hand or Cody will steal them from you."

  They spent the next few minutes talking about Jim and Kyle's run around the statue and finally Jim got around to the real reason he'd called. "I have a favor to ask."


  "Would you check out a woman named Shadow Wilson?"

  This was wrong, he knew it was not the right thing to do, but he
couldn't stop himself. He had to know everything he could about this woman. She was staying in his house, writing erotica novels. What if she was a stripper or something lewd?

  "Why?" his brother asked. "You don't normally have women checked out? Did Maria quit?"

  "No, this is personal," he said. “Just find out what you can about her and let me know."

  "Someone you're interested in?" Drew asked.

  His chest clenched, his palms turning sweaty. Maybe that's why he needed to know. There was a definite connection between them that could light up the night sky. And he had questions about her background. Her personality, her nature.

  "I don't know. I can't say any more than that right now. I just need more information about her before this goes any further."

  The phone was silent and then his brother started laughing. "Are you pulling some kind of prank on me? Are you trying to make me believe that you danced around the fountain, met a woman, and now you want me to check her out? Big brother, I said I would do the dance just as soon as this trial is over. You don't have to try to convince me."

  That was funny. His brother didn't believe that he'd found a woman who tweaked his interest. He just wasn't sure she was the right woman. And he needed to know more about her before he got involved.

  Jim laughed. "I'm not. You can talk to Kelsey. She'll tell you about Shadow. You'd be shocked."

  Chapter 4

  The next morning when Shadow exited her bedroom, Maria met her in the kitchen, all excited.

  "Go out to the barn. Lady's puppies were born early this morning. Kyle is here checking on them now," she said, a delightful smile on her face.

  Shadow took her coffee cup and gingerly tried to run without spilling the liquid. Stepping through the open door, she could hear two men's voices.

  "Lady, appears to be doing fine. All the puppies seem to be nursing and appear healthy. Except for the runt," she heard a voice she didn't recognize say.

  Hurrying toward them, she walked into a horse stall where Lady rested letting the litter nurse. Standing inside with their backs to her as they stared at the animals each latched onto a teat.

  "Sometimes a mother dog rejects a puppy because something is wrong with the animal or she knows she doesn't have enough milk. Right now, the runt is being rejected to give the others more milk." Running his hand through his hair, he glanced at the litter and then back at Jim. "Whatever the reason, I'm not willing to let this little girl suffer. So you either commit to bottle feeding or let me put her down."

  Terror gripped Shadow at the thought of snuffing out the life of one of the puppies.

  "It's calving season. I'm out in the field for hours, I can't be running back to feed a dog. Why can't you take her?" Jim asked.

  "Because a potential epidemic is occurring with the USDA breathing down my neck. At the moment, I don't have time to sleep."

  Jim lifted his hat and pushed his hair back. "Will she accept her later?"

  "Doubtful, see how she's pushing her aside from the other pups? She's separating her so that the larger, stronger dogs can get to her milk."

  Shadow watched as Lady nudged the puppy away and felt her heart break. Shunned by its own mother, she knew Lady was only following her instincts, but still the act of rejection seemed so cruel.

  "Damn, I don't want the little dog to suffer, but I hate putting her down," Jim said gazing at the animals.

  The man, Shadow assumed was Kyle, the vet, knelt beside Lady and picked up the tiny mewling pup. Looking it over carefully before placing it back amongst the litter to encourage it to nurse. The mother nosed it away, pushing it with her head. He rose and faced Jim. "The little dog appears in good condition, but Lady wants nothing to do with that one. I'm not going to let the animal slowly deteriorate."

  "I know," Jim said. "Seems mean to put her down, but I'm out in the pasture all day. I can't feed a dog every few hours."

  "I'll do it," Shadow said, walking into the area where they stood. "Show me what I need to do and I'll feed her."

  Walking over to Lady, she stared at the mother dog. "I'll take care of her, Lady. You take care of the rest."

  As Shadow leaned down, Lady eyed her carefully as she picked up the little puppy the mother dog didn't want.

  Scrutinizing the animal, wanting to reconnect it with Lady, she noticed its eyes were tightly shut, its little legs flailing. It made a mewing sound that tore at Shadow's heart. "That is if she's not in pain."

  "No pain that we know of, but hunger," the man said. "And who are you?"

  Rising, she realized Jim was really not very good at introducing her. Glancing at him she realized he was staring at her like he didn't think she was capable of caring for the animal.

  "Shadow Wilson," she said, holding out her hand. "Right now, I'm staying with Jim for a few days."

  "Kyle Lawrence, this big lug's brother."

  "The vet," she said gently rubbing the soft animal fur, her heart becoming attached with each stroke.

  "That's me."

  The tall, handsome man turned and grinned at Jim.

  "We met the other night on the way home. Shadow's car was on fire and I brought her to town, but the Cupid Inn is not open due to damage and she had no place to stay," Jim said, looking sheepishly at Kyle. "Now she's waiting for her insurance to settle."

  Kyle didn't say a word, but smiled and began to put his medical equipment back in his bag. There was a slight resemblance between the two and Shadow thought the younger brother could be just as handsome if he had brunette hair and dark eyes.

  "Let me run out to the truck and bring you some formula and a bottle. Then I'll go over the instructions," he said, walking out the door.

  Shadow squatted and rubbed Lady, still holding the pup, hoping the mother would show some interest in her baby, but she didn't. "You must be exhausted. You've been busy all night. Seven puppies."

  The dog licked her hand as if to say, you're right. She laid the dog down beside Lady.

  "Are you sure you want to do this?" Jim asked. "There might be something wrong with this one we can't see. There's the possibility she might not live through the day."

  The poor little thing lay abandoned by its mother and she couldn't stand the sight. "You're right. It could perish in hours, but how would I feel if I didn't try to give it a chance. If it dies, it'll hurt, but I can't walk away without trying."

  Her chest squeezed at the thought of the puppy dying. Everyone deserved the opportunity to have a life. This little baby was no exception. Looking unwavering into Jim's brown eyes, she bit her lips. "While I'm here, I have to try."

  No matter what, she couldn't walk away. She was committed to seeing this animal had a chance. Warmth filled her as she looked at the squirming bit of life.

  Taking her hand, Jim pulled her to her feet. His dark eyes gleamed with specks of gold and he smiled. "I'm glad. I didn't want to put the puppy down."

  Wrapping her free arm around him, she squeezed. "Me, either. Now let's just hope she lives."

  Kyle rushed back into the stall and they quickly separated. "Okay, give her Ebsilac. Not a lot, but you do it just like a baby formula, not hot, but warm. If you run out, give her goat's milk. But I prefer you let me know and I'll swing by or one of my helpers and bring more formula. She'll need to be hand fed with the nursing bottle 3-4 hours a day, so split that time up. After the first couple of days you'll recognize what she needs."

  Pouring the Ebsilac in the bottle, Kyle heated it under hot water. Then he wrapped the small dog in a towel and handed the baby to her, showing her how to help the little dog find the nipple. Once she found the rubber tip, the dog eagerly sucked.

  "Oh my, look at her, she was starving," Shadow said.

  "Looks like she's a fighter," Jim said.

  Shadow hoped so. The thought of the creature dying frightened her. Already she was attached.

  "Now, here's the bad news. You'll have to stimulate her to teach her to urinate and defecate."

  "What?" Shadow said and st
ared at the little animal. Could she do this?

  Feeding her was one thing, but how did you coax a puppy to go potty?

  "All you have to do is take a cotton ball and rub it gently over her private areas. The mother stimulates this area by licking, but you can use a cotton ball."

  Laughing, she looked at Kyle. "Thank goodness that will work. I already care for her, but using my tongue goes a step too far."

  The things mothers did for their babies. Even their fur babies.

  "The only other thing is don't let her get cold or too hot. Make sure she's warm and one way to do that is a hot water bottle wrapped in a towel. A chill will hurt her more than anything. Oh, and you'll need to sterilize the bottle after every use."

  "Are you sure you want to do this?"

  Jim staring intently at her, she knew he was confirming the commitment. After all, he was a stand-by-your-word kind of man.

  Shadow gazed back at him, returning his stare, knowing for certain, she had no doubt.

  "Someone has to help her. You helped me, this is the universe telling me I owe one," she said looking down at the nursing puppy, her heart warming with an emotion she never imagined feeling.

  In the wee hours of the night, Jim heard Shadow moving about in the kitchen. The puppy must have needed feeding. Pulling on a pair of sweatpants, he hurried down the stairs to make certain she was all right and see the little dog.

  Entering the room, she sat at the table, the tiny puppy wrapped in a towel, holding her like a baby as she fed it the formula.

  "You are a fighter. You're going to make it. You're going to grow up to be strong. Soon you'll be playing with your brothers and sisters and your mother will regret pushing you away.

  “Don't feel bad that she rejected you. Lots of mothers forsake their babies. Though it hurts like the dickens, you have to power on and recognize not all mommas are made to be mothers. Drink your milk, grow stronger, be better than what is expected of you."

  Jim's chest tightened at the sound of her words. It seemed like they were a reflection of herself. Earlier today when she volunteered, he never considered saving the dog might reveal something about her past.


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