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Mated Dragon's Fury [Fury 2] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)

Page 8

by Marcy Jacks

  He wanted to bottom for Rey. He wanted to submit to the man. He wanted to give all of himself to Rey over and over again because the pleasure Aiden felt the first time he’d let himself be dominated by him had been unlike anything he’d ever felt before in his entire life.

  He was never going to experience anything as good as this from anyone else. He knew that already. And that made him all the more eager to have this happen.

  “Please,” he begged, spreading his thighs. Aiden stroked his hands up and down his waist, belly, and up into his hair.

  He was so…hot.

  “Hurry up. God, I need it.”

  Rey nodded. Was his body trembling? Holy shit, it was.

  That sense of power hit Aiden again, once more with feeling.

  He started to think of the song “Slow Hands” as Rey’s fingers came down and toyed with his hole.

  Aiden bit down on his bottom lip, groaning when he felt that first touch, eager for those fingers to push inside him, to properly own him the way he wanted to be owned.


  “Be patient.”

  Aiden growled at the man. “Hurry,” he said again.

  Rey looked at him. His smile was an excited one. “I can see the wolf in your eyes.”

  Aiden so didn’t care. He just wanted to be filled, to be stretched, to be fucked, and feel the sweet burn that came with having Aiden’s dick inside him. The fact that he wasn’t getting that—

  Aiden thrust his head back into the cushions behind him. He moaned long and loud when he felt the first initial thrust, the pressure.


  Rey chuckled. “Not even inside you yet, sweetheart.”

  Aiden shook his head. “Doesn’t matter. That’s…that’s still really good.”

  The feel of Rey’s cockhead against his hole, thrusting forward, stretching him wide, encouraging Aiden to take all of him in…he couldn’t believe it. He wanted so much more. How could something be so good, be so mind-boggling and yet not nearly enough?

  It felt like an eternity to wait, but then it happened. Aiden sighed with the sweet relief of it when he felt the thick head of Rey’s cock pop inside.

  Aiden sucked back a heavy breath. He gripped Rey’s arms tightly. As though he would fall over if he didn’t hang on, which was kind of ridiculous since he was already lying down.

  “Don’t clench up so much. Try relaxing,” Rey said.

  Aiden nodded. He knew that. He knew what he was supposed to do, and yet, God, he couldn’t help it. Rey hadn’t even touched his prostate yet and the pleasure was already crazy.

  Aiden clenched his teeth. He lifted his right leg higher and hooked it around Rey’s back and thighs.

  Holding on to the man tightly as he was beautifully breached.

  Inch by inch, he was spread open as the other man took what belonged to him.

  What he had every right to take.

  And he did have that right. Aiden knew it right then and there that he would never deny this man anything.

  Rey growled low in his throat when he was finally all the way inside. Then he really started to move.

  Aiden gasped. He let go of one of Rey’s arms and reached down, his hand finding his cock, stroking it in time with each perfect forward thrust.

  “You like that,” Rey said in what was clearly not a question.

  Aiden nodded anyway. “Yeah. Harder. You’re a dragon, should be easy, right?”

  Rey’s eyes flared to life. Those green orbs almost looked to be on fire when Aiden said that, and he sure as hell got what he wanted as the larger man slammed into him with powerful thrusts.

  Aiden was helpless against such pleasure. It was an onslaught.

  He’d once overheard a few omegas tittering about how unfortunate it was that all the alphas had been killed because then they wouldn’t be able to experience what sex was like with one. Betas were supposed to be more gentle in bed, but alphas knew how to give it in all the right ways.

  Aiden kind of wished he could go back in time for just one minute so he could tell those omegas to try out a dragon.

  Christ, there was nothing in the world better than this. At least, he didn’t think so.

  Aiden didn’t realize it when he was being fucked almost off the side of the couch. He had to put his arm down, his palm flat on the floor just to keep his balance.

  Rey barely seemed to notice. He groaned, his mouth coming down, sucking on the side of Aiden’s throat, and fuck, that was just as good.

  The bite mark Aiden had on the other side of his throat, the new wound beneath his small bandage, burned and tingled.

  “K-kiss my bite.”

  Rey pulled back, though the motion of his hips barely stalled. “What?”

  Aiden looked up at him. He smiled up at the man and touched his face with his free hand, as though they’d known each other for years instead of just a little over a day. “The mating scar you gave me. Put your mouth on it.”

  “It’s not finished healing.”

  “Doesn’t matter. Trust me. I’ll like it.”

  Rey pressed his lips together, but then he nodded, gently pulling aside the bandage that kept his wound safe from germs and dirt and other things.

  “You’re healing fast.”

  “That’s the point. Suck on it.”

  His command was obeyed.

  Aiden moaned. The shock of pleasure, the rush of sensation, of heat and fire, shot through every vein, every pore of his body. He clenched tightly around Rey’s cock. Rey moaned, freezing over top of him as Aiden spasmed with orgasm.

  Maybe it was the way his body had clenched so tightly around Rey’s cock, but the next thing he knew there was that same, familiar rush of warmth inside him he’d felt the first time Rey had claimed him.

  This time the spurting of seed inside him didn’t feel as intense, but Rey groaned, just barely holding his position over top of Aiden as he jerked and spasmed.

  No. Not as strong as the first time, but there was definitely something about this time around that was different.

  Oh, now Aiden understood. It was because the orgasm was lasting longer than it had the first time.

  Knowing that, Aiden was able to relax a little, knowing he hadn’t been terrible in bed and that he’d been able to give his mate proper satisfaction.

  Especially when Rey slumped on top of him. His heat, and the weight of Rey’s body, made Aiden laugh out loud as he struggled to hold the both of them up.

  “Stop, stop! I’m going to fall.”

  “Then we fall,” Rey moaned, his face buried against Aiden’s bite mark.

  It felt a little fresh. Rey had likely made it bleed as he’d kissed and sucked on it. He might have even gone a little harder than he meant to when Aiden suddenly clenched around him.

  “Rey! Seriously.”

  Rey smirked up at him. “It’s less than a foot drop.”

  “Yeah,” Aiden said, feeling a little over dramatic at that reminder. “But it’s more comfortable on the couch with you.”

  He smiled at the other man, hoping that would be enough for him to not ask any more embarrassing questions.

  Rey blinked, and then he smirked.

  “Uh-huh. All right, get up here.”

  He pulled Aiden back onto the couch then proceeded to snuggle him again.

  Aiden liked that. He liked a good cuddle, and he liked this man’s warmth. He liked how it made him feel.

  “Thank you.”

  Rey looked down at him. His hand slid pleasantly over Aiden’s shoulder. “For what?”

  Aiden shrugged. “For everything. You saved me. And now your friends are going to get my parents.”

  He didn’t even care what that Lightning guy’s problem was. That guy could be pissed off about absolutely everything and it wouldn’t matter one little bit to Aiden so long as his mom and dad got out of that place.

  And Tim was treated well. That seemed like an important one to remember.

  The expression on Rey’s face
, the light in his eyes, it dimmed somewhat. “Baby, about that, you know that when we get there, we might not be able to—”

  A heavy knock cut off Rey’s next words.

  Not a knock, more like a banging sound.

  Aiden had been locked up for a couple of months, but he still knew the sound of someone wanting attention.

  “Fuck,” Rey growled. “Just stay quiet.”

  “We’ll pretend to not be home?” Aiden asked.

  He couldn’t help but smile at the idea of something so ridiculous. How could they possibly pretend to not be home? The main homes, the ones that Aiden guessed belonged to all the dragons in Silver’s home, were all close enough together that anyone would be able to see as people went to and from them.

  Including the rest of the pack.

  Or clan.

  It was going to be difficult to remember there was a difference.

  “Something like that,” Rey growled, and then he sighed when the banging picked up again. “Fuck.”

  “You should probably answer that. It sounds important.”

  “Hey, Rey! We need to talk to you!”

  Aiden didn’t recognize the voice outside, but he also hadn’t been here long enough that he wasn’t sure if he would have recognized it even if it did belong to one of the dragons he’d met in Silver’s home.

  Rey kissed Aiden on the mouth quickly. “Stay just like that. I’ll be right back.”

  Rey pulled himself away from Aiden’s body. Aiden, still buzzing from his orgasm and the mating heat, grinned up at the other man. “Hurry back soon. It’s cold here without you.”

  Rey groaned, straightening his pants before heading to the door.

  Much as Aiden wanted to do as his mate said and stay just as he was, sitting here without pants on, exposed, seemed like a bad idea. He reached for the pajama pants Rey had pulled off his legs and sat up.

  He’d just gotten one leg in when he heard the shouting at the front door.

  Chapter Eleven

  Aiden listened carefully to the sounds coming from up front.

  His heart pounded, even as he realized it was just angry, offended yelling. Not the sort of yelling and screaming that came with an attack.

  He could very well remember the difference after he and his parents were taken.

  He’d be lying if he didn’t admit the yelling worried him. Aiden was new here, and the dragons had spoken of warlocks coming for them.

  Probably something that Lightning guy was more concerned with, being an albino dragon and all. They made for great ingredients.

  So having an omega around who would draw the attention of the Dog Catchers, the law in general, probably wasn’t something they wanted to deal with.

  His thoughts were confirmed when Aiden was finally able to make out a couple of words from within all that yelling.

  “It’s not your fucking business, Brad!”

  “You can’t just bring another omega in here! This isn’t a dog pound!”

  Aiden winced at the slur, but then it didn’t matter as he heard the distinct sound of flesh striking against flesh.

  A fight. Shit.

  He hurried and dressed himself. He still had only these pajamas, but they would have to do.

  Aiden ran out of the sitting room and around the corner. He stopped at the end of the hall and ducked into the kitchen, hiding around the corner at the sight of the battle that was taking place in the hallway.

  Aiden guessed that it was Brad who was getting thrown up against the wall. One of the picture frames Rey kept there shattered and fell to the floor.

  That wasn’t what made Aiden stop in his tracks. It was the sight of the other people standing outside still. At least four more. Two more men and two women. They had to be dragons, and they were still shouting out at Rey and Brad.

  Aiden couldn’t tell if they were shouting at them to stop fighting or just cheering for the man they hoped would win.

  Aiden swallowed hard at the sight of them.

  If they wanted him out of this place, there wouldn’t be much he could do to stop them.

  And really, what right did he have to stay if the people who lived here wanted him gone?

  One of the women had a small child in front of her. A child that would suffer so much more than Aiden would if the law came down on this place and demanded Aiden be handed over.

  Rey and Brad fought violently. There was blood. Aiden couldn’t tell if that was because of the glass or the way their fists flew at each other. Scales and horns started to appear.

  Brad appeared to be a stone-brown-colored dragon while Rey’s green scales stood out in a stark contrast.

  The red stood out even more.

  Aiden’s heart thumped. He couldn’t stand it. He couldn’t look at that without seeing himself back there in that hellhole, cold and naked and starving. Where the people in charge didn’t put out nearly enough food so the omegas were forced to fight each other over it. Sometimes people died.

  The Dog Catchers had laughed.

  He could still smell it. The air had been putrid with body odor and blood as omegas and betas went after each other over food or even the smallest of offences.

  And it was happening here. Right in front of him.

  He couldn’t take it. He didn’t want this. He didn’t want Rey getting hurt over him!

  Aiden stepped out from his hiding place. He ran to the two alphas. He grabbed at the shoulders of the one called Brad. He was stronger than Aiden had thought. His clothes hid a good amount of muscle and power, and as the man’s arm came back hard, he caught Aiden across the jaw.

  He didn’t feel the pain so much as he saw a bright white light, flashing stars, and then he landed hard.

  All the way down the hall.

  He really flew far.

  Aiden groaned. He brought his hand up, cupped his jaw, then yanked his hand back when he felt that hardcore pain.

  Holy shit. That was the last thing in the world he’d expected to feel. Fuck, what if it was broken? Even shifters needed to go to hospitals from time to time.

  Aiden pushed himself up. Someone grabbed him by his wrist and shoulder, hauling him up to his feet.

  “Thanks,” Aiden said to Rey, only to freeze when he realized the alpha holding on to him was not Rey.

  It was one of the dragons who had been standing outside while Rey and Brad had fought each other.

  “You all right?” he asked, smacking Aiden on the back a couple of times.

  Aiden coughed from the force of the strike. Holy shit. He wasn’t really sure if he was all right.

  This guy…

  “Motherfucker! Don’t you ever touch him again! You hear me? Ever again!”

  Aiden looked toward his mate.

  Rey had Brad straddled beneath him, the collar of the man’s shirt in his fists.

  And Rey’s eyes were a shade of blood red, his fangs popping right out of his mouth as he glared and screamed down at the man beneath him.

  Aiden swallowed. He was almost afraid to ask, but the question just came out of his sore mouth. “Do alpha dragons always fight like this?”

  The man beside him looked down at him then shook his head. “We’re not alphas.”

  Was he sure about that?

  From what Aiden was looking at, it sure as hell seemed as though there were alphas here.

  They fought like alphas, anyway.

  Even after Brad nodded his head, his hands coming up to defend himself from another blow, Rey’s fist came down hard on his face.

  Aiden winced and looked away from the cracking sound.

  That had been…kind of gross.

  “You ever touch him again and I will kill you. You understand me? I’ll fucking kill you.”

  “Rey,” Aiden said, but he didn’t get the chance to say anything other than that before his mate punched Brad in the face again.

  Brad’s face was so bloody. He really did look like he’d fought a long and hard battle.

  Aiden almost felt sorry for

  “It was an accident!” Brad moaned, clutching as his flowing nose and mouth.

  Rey didn’t seem ready to show any mercy to him. He’d raised his hand, as though about to strike once more, when Aiden stepped forward.

  “Rey, stop!”

  Rey did stop. He looked up and in Aiden’s direction, as though stunned to see him up and walking toward him.

  Rey promptly narrowed his eyes at the man standing next to him. “Back the fuck off, Jonah.”

  Jonah raised his hand’s palm up and backed away a step from Aiden.

  Aiden wasn’t sure how much he liked that. He didn’t want to be a burden on anyone, especially not to the people who were essentially taking him in against their will.

  “Rey, it’s okay.”

  Rey shook his head. “It’s not okay.”

  “It is,” Aiden insisted.

  God, his jaw hurt, so damned badly he could hardly stand it, but he knew that if he reached up to touch it again, or winced as he spoke, that it could send Rey back into a fit of rage so great he might not be able to pull the other man out of it.

  That was the last thing he wanted.

  “They’ve got children here. I get it. It’s okay for them to not want me here.”

  “Wasn’t exactly what we were trying to say,” Jonah muttered.

  Aiden looked back at the other man just as he crossed his arms. Jonah refused to meet his eyes. Aiden couldn’t tell if that was because he was trying to be stubborn or because he didn’t want to look at the man his friend had been fighting with Rey about.

  Aiden decided it didn’t matter.

  “If they don’t want me here, then that’s fine.”

  “It’s not fine.”

  “I don’t belong here.”

  “Yes, you do.”

  Rey wouldn’t stop gripping Brad’s shirt. Even as he stared at Aiden with a kind of determination Aiden didn’t understand.

  He’d never seen a look like that on anyone before.

  “You belong here. You’re my mate. I belong here, and that means you do, too.”

  Aiden’s heart pounded heavily. His throat swelled and began to close. “I…but you don’t know me.”

  Rey’s eyes flew wide. “What the hell is that about? Are you a wolf, or aren’t you? You should know how this works.”


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