Cocky Baby Daddy

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Cocky Baby Daddy Page 2

by Rose Harper

  We’d been there for close to an hour, soaking in all the attention we were receiving from the staff. I snickered, remembering the other surprise I had left in store for my mother. I slipped away as my mother and Alex were getting their seaweed wrap. I had to finish setting everything up with everyone here, so they would know who and when they were to be singing to.

  As I came back and the technician started getting me ready, I heard my mother gasp and Alex chuckle from the other room as the staff began singing to her. I knew that it wasn’t much, but when I heard the emotions in her voice, I knew that it meant everything to her that I was trying to make this the best experience for her that I could. For that, I was glad that I could give this to her, that I could make her feel loved.

  We’d been there for over three hours when our spa day came to an end. However, we didn’t want it to end there. So, we did the only thing woman knew how to do when we were out and about on the town. We shopped.

  Chapter Three

  “I think you should get this. You’d rock the hell out of it,” Alex squealed, tossing a shirt to me.

  I look at it, then back to her. There is no way she thinks this shirt is a good idea. Just no way. “What the hell are you thinking, Alex? Just … no. A stripper wouldn’t even wear this shirt.”

  She gave me the stink eye, tugging on my mother’s arm to look at the shirt. After she looks at her, she dares me to try it on. Oh, to hell. This shirt has strips of cloth missing mainly around the front. Some of them being very much near my nipples. There is no way I would be caught dead in a shirt like this. Alex maybe, but never me.

  “I hope you all are getting a kick out of this, because this is the last time you will ever see anything like this. There are just some things you don’t show.” I blurted out, waving all over my body with wild swings of my arms. “And this, no one wants to see.”

  “Oh, shut up, you big baby and try on the shirt. I’m sure it won’t be that bad.” Alex looked like she was ready to strangle me.

  Was she looking at the same shirt I was? If so, this shirt wouldn’t cover a fifteen-year-old properly, and I was a twenty-eight-year-old woman with breasts the size of cantaloupes. She was in serious la-la land if she thought this scrap of lace was considered proper clothing. God, if you love me, please let it fit, and not make me look like I’m some streetwalker.

  The color of the shirt was absolutely beautiful; I’d give it that. However, that was where the beautiful part ended before slipping very fast into slutty. It was an off-the-shoulder number, the color of coral with navy strips. I slipped it on, foregoing a bra, because let’s face it, there was no wearing a bra underneath it.

  I twisted and turned, a nipple slipping into view. I groaned, tucking the bad boy back into its cell. I grimaced as I took in the shirt gracing my curves. I would never admit that it looked good on me, even though it did. There were too many cuts running along the length of my torso, and not enough front to cover my breasts.

  “This looks awful,” I yelled through the door. “There is no way I would ever let someone see this on me…ever.”

  “Oh, come on, you twat. Step out here and let me see,” Alex yelled.

  “I wouldn’t even let my twat wear something like this, Alex,” I groaned. “It’s just awful.”

  A second later I heard my mother’s softer voice echo through the door. “Come on, dear. It can’t be that bad. Humor us.”

  I’d humor them all right. I’d flash their asses all to hell if I moved the wrong way. Screwing my eyes shut, I opened the door. Intakes of breath had me snapping my eyes open. They looked at me like I’d grown an extra head. Damn, I didn’t think it was that bad.

  “What the hell are you talking about it looking awful? Girl, you’re fucking hot!” Alex squealed, running toward me.

  “Alex is right, Claire. You do look hot. If you don’t buy that shirt, I will. Then I’ll make you wear it, and you will have to because I’m your mother and it would hurt my feelings if you don’t.”

  Nice play, Mom. Throw out the mom card.

  I narrowed my eyes at them. “Do you all not see all the strips cut out of it?”

  The both shook their heads before heading off to look through more clothing racks. I closed the door behind me, turning from side to side. Both said that it didn’t look that bad, but I don’t know. I was never one to pick out risqué clothing for myself. Alex had done all that for me in New York; however, the black gown was an exception.

  I continued to look at myself in the mirror when my phone dinged. I shook my head as I read the text that just came through.

  Thick Dick: Where are you?

  I smiled, texting him back.

  Claire: I’m shopping with my mother and Alex. Why?

  His reply was immediate.

  Thick Dick: Just seeing where you are. Dad wants me to give you something. Old fucker can’t do it himself.

  Claire: You sure you just didn’t want to see me?

  Thick Dick: Positive. This is for Dad.

  Wow, his reply was harsh. I thought after seeing how he acted this morning that he was no longer mad at me. But I guess I had perceived the moment wrong or something. I texted him back and then put my phone away. If he didn’t want to see me unless he had to, I didn’t want to see him. Yes, I realize I made a mistake. Alex was all too kind to point that out to me. But did he really have to take his anger this far? I mean hell, I even tried to apologize last night only for him to cut me off before I could.

  I heard his voice before I saw him. Peeking my head out of the dressing room door, I watched him strut toward me. Rolling my eyes, I turned back around to start getting my clothes ready for me to put back on. He opened the door without so much as a word. He stood there for several seconds, glaring.

  “What?” I bite out.

  “You are not buying that shirt.” His teeth clenched together as he warned me.

  “Who the hell says?” I turned on him, shooting daggers at him with my eyes.

  “I do.”

  “Too bad; assholes don’t usually get to tell me what to do,” I mumbled dryly.

  He shut the door behind him, caging us in together. All I knew was the moment I saw him after that text I wanted to scratch his eyes out. For him to come in here and tell me that I wasn’t going to buy a certain type of shirt, those were fucking fighting words. I didn’t care if I ever wore this shirt or used it to wipe my ass, his demand sold me. I was getting it.

  “Claire. I said you’re not getting it.”

  I put a finger to my chin, looking up at the ceiling. “I say, go fuck yourself,” I retorted sarcastically.

  He growled low in his throat, stepping into my personal space, rage simmering in his eyes. God, he looks so fucking hot. I inwardly chastised myself for such a thought. This was no time to think about all his sexiness. I needed to be strong, to stand my ground.

  “Other men will see what’s mine if you buy that shirt. I don’t like to share, especially when it comes to you,” he bit out, anger lacing every word.

  I chuckled. “I don’t belong to anyone, Brad. From the cold shoulder you gave me last night and the text you just sent, I especially don’t belong to you.”

  “Make no mistake, love. You do belong to me. Your body is for my eyes only. Do I have to prove that right now?” His heated stare bored into mine as he arched an eyebrow.

  “Go. Fuck. Yourself,” I brazenly stated, turning to face the mirror.

  His heat enveloped my back as he pressed up against me. He ran his hand over the outside of my arm, leaving goose bumps in his wake. I shivered at his first touch, and he chuckled. His hand clasped around my throat, pulling me back against his hard body.

  “I’ll let you in on a little secret,” he whispered, grinding against my ass. “You are the only person I am going to be fucking, my dear Claire. If you keep defying me, no matter how fucking hot it is, I will take you up against this wall and not think twice about it. Now be a good girl, take the fucking shirt off, and get dressed.”

  I narrowed my eyes in defiance. “Fuck. You.”

  “With pleasure.”

  Chapter Four

  He pulled up my skirt, ripping my pathetic excuse for underwear off. If I wasn’t so hot and bothered from our bickering match, I’d have pushed him away. But arguing with him had set me off. I wanted his cock, and I wanted it now. I tried stepping away from him, but his grip tightened on my neck. Seeing his reflection and how he was staring at me, primal lust swirling in his dark blue depths, I trembled as I began panting.

  I heard his belt buckle being undone, and the zipper of his pants being lowered. I almost came when he started tapping his hardened cock against my ass. Whimpering, I pushed back against him, begging for him to slip his thick length into my quivering pussy.

  “No sounds. Do you hear me?” he growled into my ear while thrusting into me.

  I gasped, arching my back against him. He grunted, thrusting into me at a speed that should be illegal. Putting my hands against the wall, I held myself up while he pounded into me. From all the bickering, I was already so turned on that it would take me just a matter of seconds to come. My pussy started clenching around him, begging him to grant me my release.

  “I should have known. Your pussy’s just too greedy, love,” he growled, taking my lobe in between his teeth.

  “Just shut up and get me off,” I panted.

  He chuckled. “Only if you say please.”

  “I’m not saying…” the last words were lost on me when his free hand found my clit, twirling his finger around it in slow circles. “…please,” I finished, gritting my teeth.

  “You. Just. Did,” he said punctuating his words with a hard thrust of his cock.

  I moaned, letting my eyes fall shut, desperately seeking the release that was right there. Just a few more thrusts and I’d set off like a firework on the Fourth of July. This man knew just how to manipulate my body to get it to bend to his will. I didn’t know if I should hate him or bow down at his feet.

  “Just …” I began at the same time someone pecked on the dressing room door.

  Without stopping his pumping, he gave me a smile that could kill. His free hand gripped my hip, tightening on my already sore flesh. I glanced at him in the mirror, sticking my tongue out at him. He smiled, closing his eyes as he kept pumping into me wantonly.

  “Yes,” I croaked out.

  “I was wondering if you were done talking with Brad. He came in here and said that he needed to see you. I was wondering if he was still in there,” Alex’s voice came through the door.

  I sighed with relief. “Yes, Alex. Could you be an absolute dear and keep my mother the hell away from the dressing room for a few?”

  She giggled. “You know, I’m kind of jealous. I’ll keep her away. But dammit, Brad, you better tap that ass good.”

  He chuckled. “You can count on it. Now if you would please go away, we’re kind of in the middle of something.”

  “Oh, yeah. I guess I’ll leave you to it.” With that she was gone, giggling the entire way.

  “Time to come, Claire. We can’t stay in here all day. Now, come on this fucking cock,” he growled, tightening his hand around my neck, pumping into me one last time before exploding.

  I shut my eyes, letting the feel of him swelling and spurting his hot seed into my tight pussy. The feel and groan he sounded out, set me off in my own personal bliss. The force he had on my throat made it harder to breath but heightened the pleasure of my climax. I gasped for air, trying not to pass out. That would be all I needed. To pass out in a dressing room, my ass showing to the whole world when they found me.

  With a smack on my ass, he pulled out and tucked himself away. He gave me a small smile and a wink before stepping out of the dressing room, leaving me to clean up the mess. How could a man like Brad infuriate me to no end, but make me submit to him too? Feeling his phantom grip around my throat, I knew. It’s because when you love someone, no matter who they are, you take the bad along with the good.

  Brad may have his fucked-up moments, but there was no doubt the love I had for him. He was like an itch I couldn’t scratch. All these years and my feelings still hadn’t drifted away. That’s how I knew this was a forever thing. Nothing could get between us now. Except us.

  Gathering my things from the dressing room floor, I sought out Alex and my mother. After leaving the shop, we settled into a café around the corner. After ordering a much-deserved cup of coffee, we began talking about the organization of the wedding. My mother, no matter how much she talked about the wedding, was still excited every time someone brought it up.

  “Well this is how everything is going to go. Claire is going to walk up the aisle with Brad and part when they get to the altar. Henry and I will be saying our vows after the preacher speaks his piece. Then after we pray, that’s when rings will be given. I hope he didn’t forget he has to give me his ring,” she finished.

  It was then I remembered the box Brad gave me this morning. Reaching into my bag, I pulled it out and handed it to her. Her eyes lit up. Handing it to her, I watched her put it in her purse.

  “Okay, so what about the reception. Who all’s invited?” I asked, taking a sip of my fresh coffee.

  “I don’t have many friends. So, I let Henry take care of that; he had his secretary mail the invitations out.”

  “Well that’s great, less stress on you,” Alex stated, taking a bite out of her burger.

  I sat listening to my mother and Alex get acquainted a little more. It seems my mother loved Alex just as much as I did. I was sipping my coffee and looking across the street when I saw the last person that I ever wanted to see. Cherish. She was talking on her cell phone getting ready to walk across the street. Her eyes caught sight of me, narrowing.

  “Oh, for fuck’s sake,” a frustrated grunt came from me.

  “What?” Alex and my mother spoke in unison.

  “It’s Cherish,” I answered.

  By my mother’s groan I could tell she felt the same way about Cherish as I did. She couldn’t stand the trashy slut. I felt bad for Cherish for losing her child during pregnancy, but one thing I didn’t feel bad for was being a bitch to her when she had been one to me. I never found out what was up her ass during school, but I felt it was going to come out eventually.

  “Well hello, Claire,” Cherish greeted in a nasally tone.

  I nodded. “Cherish.”

  “I didn’t know you were back in town. It’s been what? Ten years?”

  “Yeah, that sounds about right,” I mumbled dryly.

  She stood there as if she expected me to say something else. When I didn’t offer her anything, she turned her glare on me. I knew she was going to pop off with something.

  “It’s a shame you and Brad are going to be siblings, isn’t it?” Her face took on a devilish smile, proof she was trying to barb me into retaliating.

  “Actually, no it isn’t. Should I be pissed off or something?” I checked my cuticles, feigning boredom.

  She scowled when she saw her taunts weren’t getting anywhere. “It was lovely to see you again. Please give my love to my husband,” she forced out through clenched teeth.

  “Don’t you mean ex?” I questioned, smugly.

  She cackled with laughter. “All in due time, Claire. All in due time.”

  She waved back at us as she went into the store. I was fuming on the inside. Did she really think Brad would take her back? It’s been years since they were married. There was no way that he would fall for her trap again. He had me now; he didn’t need her.

  “Wow, she’s gained a bit of weight, hasn’t she?” my mother’s voice oozed disgust.

  As I sat there thinking about it, she had gained some weight. When we were in school she’d been every man’s wet dream and every girl’s nightmare. She could easily steal a man from his girl. She barely had to lift a finger in school to get Brad to notice her. But now, she looked like she was working on a beer belly, although she covered herself well in a flowing sheat
h dress. I knew she was trying to hide from people that she was expanding in the midsection.

  “You know, now that you said something, I think she has,” I replied.

  We sat there in silence for the rest of the lunch. My nerves were knotting up in my stomach. I’d be lucky if I didn’t have an ulcer when I returned back to New York on Sunday. Ever since I got here it’s been one roller coaster after another. But I was nervous for a different reason. Something about the way Cherish came at me screamed “I know something you don’t.”

  It wouldn’t surprise me any if she did something drastic, and that’s what I was afraid of. She managed to marry Brad before I could get the chance. Maybe that was it. She thought she had one up on me because she’d married Brad already. Even though it was because she was pregnant, but that was beside the point. The main point was, she’d managed to snag him once. Would she be able to snag him again? I wanted to scream no until I was blue in the face. But the past sometimes had a way of repeating itself. I hoped I was just being paranoid because I don’t know what I would do if she caught Brad again.

  I’d be devastated…broken…absolutely useless.

  Chapter Five

  After shopping for a bit more, we made our way back to the house. After the run-in that we had with Cherish, I wanted to talk to Brad something awful. I told my mother and Alex that I would be down in just a bit, I just had to make a call. Running up the steps, I locked my door and threw my shopping bags on the bed. This nagging feeling that I had would not go away until I talked to Brad. I knew I was overthinking things, yet again. But I had to hear him say that there was nothing going on between him and Cherish.

  Dialing his number, I sat and waited and waited. Every ring getting that much more under my skin. When his voicemail picked up I growled in anger, jerking the phone from my ear. Quickly dialing his number again, I waited for him to answer. It rang three times, then went to voicemail. That only meant one thing: he was ignoring me. If his phone was shut off, it would just go straight to voicemail. It was either that or he was doing something and couldn’t get to the call-in time.


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