Hollywood Hearts (A Bad Boy Love Triangle Romance): (Hollywood Hearts Book 1)

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Hollywood Hearts (A Bad Boy Love Triangle Romance): (Hollywood Hearts Book 1) Page 4

by Hunter, Lola

  “Hunter Geiger, everybody!”

  “That’s my cue,” he said walking off to the stage with his guitar in tow. “I’ll be back in fifteen for an answer.” The audience cheered loudly for him and I decided to give his set a listen while the bar had a quiet spell.

  “Good evening, sexy people. How are we tonight? We’re feeling good?”

  After hearing Hunter sing, suddenly all my worries about him vanished into the ether. His voice was so soothing and sexy— No girl could resist that. Again, the only thought that came to mind was that surely he had groupies after him at this point. He had talented and arrogant, in some smug, cavalier kind of way that made me want him so badly. He caught me trying to hide my wide-eyed expression down the back a few times and it made him smile.

  “Earth to Ellie,” Astrid said. “What’s your guys’ deal? You like this fool or not?”

  “No. I’m just really horny, alright?” I polished the glasses in front of me.

  “Cute little Ellie. Can’t resist those Italian stallions, huh?” She bumped my hip with hers.

  “Ellie, can I get you to clean up the bathrooms please?” Mike yelled at me. I rolled my eyes. Nothing brought on my OCD symptoms like cleaning those godforsaken bathrooms. I picked up the bucket from under the sink and started to make my way over to the hallway.

  As I stood there unlocking one of the doors, someone softly brushed my hair off my neck sending shivers down my spine. I eased my head to the side as they blew on my bare skin then bit down lightly. My quaking body told me exactly who stood behind me. He put his hands around my waist and kissed up to my earlobe that he sucked on as I tilted my head back over his shoulder, hoping no one was watching.

  “Just coffee,” I told him and he slid his hand eagerly down to my groin. “Meet me out front at one o’clock.”

  “It’s a date,” Hunter said and I could picture his smile.

  01:17 showed on my phone. I sat there outside the club with no Hunter to be seen and I started to believe that he wasn’t coming. This had been a joke after all.

  Stood up by two guys, in one week. I’m on a roll.

  As my insecurities washed onto my shore, a car rolled up to the curb just in time before I headed home and buried my face in a whole pizza and wound down its window.

  “I got coffee,” Hunter said from inside the vehicle.

  I rolled my eyes at him and climbed in, noticing the two to-go coffees that sat in the cup holders.

  “This isn’t what I meant by that,” I said.

  “It’s not what you meant but it’s what you want.”

  He sped off up through the Hollywood hills, swerving through the tight roads of mansions and sports cars. The moon was bright and lit up his face allowing me a chance to analyze him for a while; This man who had me obsessing over him the past week despite my objection to it. He was certainly handsome: Early-thirties, strong jawline, stubble, muscly tattooed arms…Though I wouldn’t dare tell him. But I realized it wasn’t his attractiveness that turned me on; It was the thought of him biting my throat, holding my hair, dominating me…

  “You can take a picture if you want,” he said smiling and my face flushed bright red in the light of the moon.

  “Shut up.” I wound down my window to let the night breeze cool me. We went higher up beyond the houses to an open road surrounded by hills. The Hollywood sign sat in the distance where Hunter made the car come to a halt and switched off the ignition.

  “Get in the back seat,” he ordered abruptly.

  “Excuse me?”

  “Get in the back seat, Ellie.” I squeezed as gracefully as I could between the front seats as the car only had two doors. He opened his door, climbing out and pushing both of the front seats forward.

  He sat down opposite me in the back seat and stared down at my body. He looked like a lion ready to feast and I couldn’t make my mind up whether to curl up in a ball or flee.

  “Now, where were we?” he growled.

  He tugged at the top of the seatbelt by my head, lifted my right wrist and trapped it securely in the belt. I struggled to pull it loose. I realized there was no way I could free myself from this. The edges of the belt dug at my flesh and my blood pulsed in my hand.

  “What are you doing?” I asked, giggling awkwardly.

  He ensnared my other wrist with the middle seatbelt by tying it in a knot and yanking it tight. I was completely trapped, bound and open to him.

  “Hunter, seriously. What are you doing?” I asked again, a pang of worry now appearing in my voice.

  “This is how you want it, Ellie.” He brought his head down to my chest and exhaled. Goosebumps grew as he nuzzled his way up my neck then found my mouth. My crotch twitched as his lips hung a hairline away from mine. I leaned in for a kiss but he backed off.

  “Uh-uh-uh,” he said shaking his head. “I’m in charge.” I relaxed as much as I could while he rested both of his big hands on my thighs, stroking them back and forth. “You’re frustrated aren’t you? You’ve been thinking of me, touching yourself for me.”

  Of course he was cocky enough to think that and I hated that he was right. He let his thumbs graze and pad at the very top of my inner thighs. I moaned mistakingly when he did this causing him to grin.

  “You like me being in charge.”

  His manly touch felt his way up under my shirt, caressing my stomach full of rolls up and down, up and down but this time I didn’t feel self-conscious about it. As much as I wanted him, he wanted me just as much. My hips oscillated, craving for him already. I was powerless. He squeezed my large breasts hard and I let out a pained gasp.

  Fingers tiptoed their way back down to the button of my jeans and undid them with rehearsed ease. They squirmed their way down to lightly caress over the skin between my hips.

  Rafe’s tongue went in my mouth, devouring me and I let it. His head tilted with each push of the kiss and I let out an ‘oh my God’ through it. He kissed madly, as though he couldn’t have enough of me. He wanted more of me. He needed all of me.

  My foot had somehow found its way up to his crotch and was pressing against his hard cock. He fell back to his side of the car and let me get him off a little bit. It felt good to have him succumb to my pleasuring for a moment but when he realized he was losing control, he growled, shoved my foot over and dived back on me, sucking hard at my neck. He licked his way back up to my mouth, over to my ear and I heard the soft clap of his saliva and raspy breath.

  “I’ve been craving you, Ellie. You’re so fucking sexy.” My cunt twitched hard as he nibbled on my ear lobes. I swelled for him. This was torture. Keeping his mouth near my ear, he reached and grabbed at my shirt fabric and I heard a loud rip as he tore open my shirt completely.

  “What the fuck?!” I hissed before he pressed his mouth back to mine to shut me up with another kiss. My legs wrapped around him. My bra was the next to go as he ripped both straps off the cups and lowered it down my body, flopping out my tender doubleD breasts for his full viewing pleasure.

  “Fuck, your tits are amazing.” He sucked on my nipples, stirring it up with circles using the tip of his tongue. He cupped them hard and the pain only made me hungry for more. This man had me completely.

  He maneuvered my pants down to my ankles. I glimpsed down hoping to have selected the right underwear— Black boy shorts. They were sexy enough.

  He kissed a trail down from my clavicle, stopping for quick bite and suckle of my breasts then brushed down my stomach. I needed him, oh my God, how I needed him in me. He slid the fabric of my panties aside and rubbed the side of his hand on the edge of my slit, teasing me. His index fingers slipped between the waistband and slid them down over my ass to my ankles. His kisses finally found my neatly waxed mound and I felt his body tense between my legs.

  “So sexy, holy shit,” he said. He spread my legs open wider while pressing his tongue over and along my clit. He licked at it softly then drew his tongue down my labia to find my seeping hole.

  He teased by
pushing right up inside me but it wasn’t enough. I wanted it deeper and harder— I wanted him to have his way completely with me. I pressed my hips down so his tongue would penetrate more but he backed off. I saw him smiling down there, relishing every part of this.

  “Taste yourself,” he said, coming back up to kiss me. I thought this would be off-putting but I kissed him more urgently than ever and he vanished back down to continue his feed.

  His tongue grazed up and down my throbbing, sensitive genitalia. He relished in finding a spot to the left of my clit that when he pressed had me gasping for more oxygen. I arched backward as he lapped back and forth over it.

  Holy. Shit.

  Massive fingers slammed deep into my trembling tunnel, pressing against the upper wall in a come hither motion.

  “Oh, God,” I whined.

  “You can handle more than that, baby girl,” he ordered.

  He pressed in the next one. It stretched me out and I heard the sexual slap of my juices as he pounded me with exponenial speed and force.

  I don’t know how many fingers were in there but he managed to fit another and I howled. I witnessed his whole hand, pinched together and plowing ceaselessly up inside of me, angled upward enough to massage over my g-spot. It was uncomfortable but at the same time so good I didn’t want him to stop. He began licking at my nub again, not slowing the pace of his hand as his bicep bulged.

  In and out, in and out, in and out.

  “You fucking love being a dirty slut.” My head tilted back as I felt him suddenly fit a wider part of his hand up me and began plowing and licking me frantically, relentlessly…

  “I’m gonna come,” I whispered. “I’m gonna come so hard for you.”

  “No you’re not,” he said and immediately removed his hand from between my legs and he spanked me on the side of my ass.

  Horror washed over my face and my jaw dropped. I was so close, pulsing on the edge. Wiping his hand on his jeans, Hunter fell back to his the side of the car, folded his arms and inspected my heaving, plus-sized naked body apparently satisfied with his work judging by the smug smirk on his face. His hand crawled down and rubbed his mound.

  He undid his pants button and released his beast: That throbbing, massive, veiny cock that I lusted for in all its primal glory. The question was no longer ‘When could that be inside me?’, it became ‘Would it fit?’.

  “You want this in you.” I made no response and I don’t think he meant it as a question. “You want me to plunge it deep inside your hot cunt, baby girl.”

  He jacked off while staring at my body that was only just regaining its breath and composure. My tits were flopped over my bra, nipples hard, swollen and ready, and petal dripping wet. He loved this. He wanted my body, not me. Like he had some kind of fetish for bigger girls and I didn’t know what to think. He masturbated vigorously and I swiveled my head to the side out of shame.

  Why did I agree to this?

  His breath grew heavier with every furious tug.

  “Spread your legs,” he demanded and I followed his orders. He watched me there for a while longer, lingering his sight on my nipples and down at my soaking pussy until he tilted his head back and shut his eyes.

  He bent forward to kneel on the backseat until his dick was right over my body.

  “Take it. Take my cum,” he moaned as his large boner spurted its warm load all over my breasts. I immediately closed my legs while he buttoned himself back up and sat down, sighing and oh so proud of himself.

  I felt horrible. I felt used. Like a toy in his sick game.

  He feasted his eyes on his masterpiece.

  “You are a bad girl,” he said though the effect this time turned me completely off. I can’t believe I let him treat me this way.

  Hunter, breathing heavy, untied my wrists from the seat belts and I clenched at them to try regain circulation and feeling. I was so lost in ecstasy I hadn’t noticed how much they hurt and dug into my skin. I wiped his cum off my chest with my hand and rubbed it into the upholstery as he climbed back out to sit in the drivers seat.

  He started the car while I was still cleaning off and I couldn’t believe the nerve of this asshole. Mike was right in accusing him of being such. I grabbed at my hair, infuriated at the sight of my now torn articles of clothing that were unable to cover me anymore. Thank God I could still pull my pants up.

  “Take me home,” I told him.

  “You wish,” he said, putting his foot down harder on the gas pedal.

  “Take me the fuck home!” I lunged toward him, hitting him square in the jaw and causing him to swerve the car slightly.

  He pulled over and spun to look at me.

  “Calm the fuck down, Ellie. Holy shit.” I opened the passenger door and leapt out of the car. A lump formed in my throat that would soon turn to tears if I thought on it too much. Instead, I focused on tying my shirt together to cover myself as best as possible.

  “Is this what you wanted? To make me feel like a piece of shit? I hate my body already, you really want me to hate myself too?” Hunter’s expressions softened slightly as he heard the break in my voice as I fought back tears. “You fucking pervert. How dare you?”

  He approached me, seizing me by my elbow and though I tried bending it out from his grip somehow he used his masterful dance skills to spin me round. Before I knew it, I was pinned face-forward against the car, my ass pressing on his hard-again boner in his pants.

  He whispered in my ear, “You don’t think I want you? You don’t think I like you” I shook my head as much as possible, confused. “You’ve made me feel things I haven’t felt with anybody in a long, long time, Ellie. And even if you don’t think you’re beautiful, you turn me on like nobody else does.”

  He held both of my arms back with one of his big hands and yanked down my jeans. He linked his fingers between mine and pressed them against the car. I wanted to collapse as he sucked hard on my neck.

  “Is this what you want from me?” One of his hands released me and I gasped as he plowed his fingers violently into me from behind. I nod, wanting more from him now and hating myself for it. But how could I deny how genuine he sounded? “You want my cock in you, huh?”

  “Yes,” I whine in yearning as he pressed my face roughly onto the car and my cheek pained. But I didn’t want him to stop.

  “You little whore.” He finger-fucked me wildly until he’d worked out some more of my fluids then I felt him guide his cock into me.

  “Yes, please,” I begged.

  “Tell me what you want.”

  “I want you to fuck me,” I whispered and he clutched my throat with his hand, guiding his erection in a little deeper.

  “Say it louder, Ellie. I want to hear you what you want from me, you sexy little bitch.”

  “I want you to fuck me. Fuck me hard, like I deserve,” I cried out this time, my voice resounding off the cliff walls beside us.

  Hunter pulled out completely and rammed himself in slowly again. I was still as wet as before and he was gliding, in and out, filling me deeper and deeper with each thrust. How far could he fit until this would hurt me too much? His breadth stretched me out.

  He grasped the side of my ass to position me a little back away from the car and quickened his rhythm.

  “You’re so big,” I told him what he wanted to hear. He growled savagely, bending forward to lay heavier against my back and assaulted me even deeper. My body lay pressed into the car, flattening my breasts to the cold, hard glass of the windows. The juxtaposition of him hot and sweaty against my back versus the cold on my chest had my body feeling both lost and found.

  He made sure my hips were secure beneath his then plowed me from behind as fast as he could. I felt him push all the way up my passage. If he went in any further, I would be in too much pain.

  An aggressive tug on my hair caused me to pull my head back toward him as he fucked me savagely, insatiably, using my hair as a rein. My juices trickled down my inner thighs.

  His other
hand began toying on my clit and I responded by placing mine on top of his. We both played with me until he was rabbit-fucking me like a lunatic, his breath quick and occasional whines of pleasure escaping his throat.

  The muscles of my tight passage clamped down on his member as I reached my climax. I heard him moan louder than I think he hoped.

  He brought his lips to my ear and demanded at me with his husky voice: “I want you to submit to me. Come for me, Ellie.”

  I tensed for a moment until he thrust one more time causing my legs to tremble. I became engulfed in the throes of my shuddering orgasm. Blood was pumping to every corner of my pussy, leaking even more juices down my thighs. He made sure the job was done with a few more thrusts then kneading his fingertips into my flesh passionately, holding me tight.

  With a bigger clump of my hair in his fist, he twisted my head over my shoulder and forced me in for a kiss.

  “Oh my god,” I said collapsing against the car.

  At that, he let me go and I heard him zip himself up and back away from me. I stumbled as I attempted to pull my pants back up and tie my top together somehow then sat on the ground.

  “Here,” Hunter said, kneeling down in front of me as he removed his t-shirt and put it over my head. Once it was on, he took my face in his hands with earnest affection and I warmed into his chest. “What are you doing to me Ellie?” He whispered into my ear.

  I could say the same to you, I longed to say but knew this chemistry was bubbling up far too quickly that it would scare the both of us. We stood their for a moment in fleeting silence, my hand flat on his hard, bare chest as we took in the sight of one another.

  “I’ll take you home,” he said, brow furrowed and fingers running through his hair. He wouldn’t make eye contact as usual as I straightened myself up. He opened the door for me, brooding and waited for me to climb into the car,


  Nobody had ever made me feel that dirty before, I thought as I lay in bed that night.

  And yet my OCD hadn’t felt a need to scrub every inch of my body clean after the experience. Why did I let him fuck me after treating me like that? Was my self-esteem that low?


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