Hollywood Hearts (A Bad Boy Love Triangle Romance): (Hollywood Hearts Book 1)

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Hollywood Hearts (A Bad Boy Love Triangle Romance): (Hollywood Hearts Book 1) Page 5

by Hunter, Lola

  My phone beeped and my heart beat light again. It was Rafe, unknowingly saving me from my misery.

  ‘I promise I’m not ignoring you. I’ve had the longest days on set the past week. Sorry. How have you been?’

  ‘No problem! I’ve been busy working so no big deal. Did you still want to do that dinner?’

  ‘Of course! All going to plan, I should be free on Wednesday if that suits you? I want to take you to this awesome sushi place near me. You like sushi?’ My heart was aflutter with excited nerves.

  ‘There’s a saying that goes ‘Never trust someone who doesn’t like sushi’. Just let me know when and I’ll be there :)’

  ‘OK :) I’ll talk to you later then. Sweet dreams Ellie xx’

  My mind wandered from tainted thoughts of Hunter ejaculating on me to a want for Rafe to now be savaging my body with tender caresses which caused my damn needy crotch to twitch again. Fuck Hunter and his weird fetishes. Rafe now had me completely yearning for him. My inner nympho wouldn’t settle until I had him.





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  To thank you for your support, here is a bonus short story for your entertainment…


  TWO YEARS AGO, I became the proud owner of an older sibling that I had otherwise never had. To save any confusion, obviously he wasn’t my real brother. My mother met and married a lovely man who came with a bonus — A son, Ethan. Ethan was now my stepbrother, a distinction that’s important for so many reasons, all of which I’ll get to eventually.

  The most important thing right now is to tell you how I felt all those years ago at my young age of sixteen, suddenly acquiring a new sibling two years my senior. At the time, and as sheltered as I was, I thought eighteen was basically ancient. Some girls at my school were dating college-age guys like that but I always found that a little too weird. So, naturally, I was surprised that the minute I saw Ethan was the minute I fell for him. He had just the right amount of twang to his accent, a melodic tone that spilled out in a thick, honeyed baritone past his full, soft lips. His hair was a shade of vibrant gold that glittered whenever the sun hit it, and his eyes were the clearest shade of blue I’d ever seen. Then he had this squint when he’d look over at people where his brow would furrow and his features would become even more harder and masculine. Aside from that, he was charming, cheeky, and protective of me in a way that had me swooning. I was head-over-heels for one person I really shouldn’t be head-over-heels for.

  It wasn’t until later in the summer that I realized not only had life gifted him with the face of a roughened Abercrombie model, but he had the perfect body, too. Every inch of him was toned, fit and firm, his muscles bulging and threatening to rip out from his skin. He had a swimmer’s build, which made him tall, strong and lean, with a killer set of Adonis lines etched between his hips. He was a damn good swimmer, too, and he never failed to give me a run for my money at the pool. Hell, he even helped to improve my dive form that I’d been perfecting since middle school.

  I kidded myself for two years by thinking maybe I was only attracted to Ethan’s skill and knowledge, not his looks. I’d never gone for the jock type anyway. Heck, I’d only ever fallen for guys who couldn’t even hold a sentence without their voice cracking. I tried so hard to tell myself that I was only suffering from a crush born of admiration for my knowledgeable big brother who just so happened to be as much into swimming as I was.

  When my feelings didn’t fade after I’d turned eighteen myself and graduated high school, I knew whatever feelings I had were far more special than I’d hoped. I had to admit to myself that I didn’t just look up to my older stepbrother—I was mind-blowingly in love with him.

  It was so surreal visiting him at his apartment after he moved out of my mom and stepdad’s basement. Sometimes he came over to our parents’ house, but usually I went to his place so we could play video games uninterrupted or I could sneak some of his beer after the long days at my community college classes. He had a nice little bachelor pad near the college we were both attending, and it offered us both freedom and privacy from the rest of the world. It was our sanctuary of sorts where I could relax a little about my affections towards him.

  I used those opportunities to flirt with him. Those last two years of maturing allowed me to develop the confidence to be a little more overt with my feelings. I made sure to keep it light-hearted and innocent enough, of course, so that he wouldn’t feel weird or creeped out. What I never expected, however, was for him to return my seemingly innocuous advances. But the more I pushed and teased, the more Ethan pushed back, flashing me seductive grins while his eyes glinted oh-so-mischievously beneath his tawny tresses. Sometimes when I wore little shorts and we were sitting on the couch together, he’d rest his hand on my bare thigh and leave it there as though the gesture meant nothing at all.

  But it meant so much to me.

  Ethan gave me chills like nobody else ever had. Sure, I’d made out with boys before, mostly sticky backseat fumblings that were quickly forgotten with the consumption of liquor, but the way my stepbrother got me going was unlike anything I’d ever experienced before in my life. He was never overly affectionate to a point where I knew for sure he shared my feelings, but he knew just how to tease me. A little innocent brush of his hand against my lower back here, a kiss too close to the edge of my lips there—these were the tactics my stepbrother used to make me weak in the knees.

  Still, I couldn’t bring myself to believe that Ethan felt the same way about me as I did about him. Even though we weren’t really related, stepsiblings generally didn’t get it on with each other—or at least, not that I knew of. I figured that whatever latent attraction he felt for me, he expressed through his subtle affections and that was all there was. I told myself time and time again to stop daydreaming that it was anything more. It would only lead to heartbreak if I let myself believe that being with my big brother was a possibility.

  But everything changed the day we got stuck in the elevator.

  Up until that moment, that Friday had seemed like any other day. I’d woken up from a dream about my sexy stepbrother, a dream that left a dull, throbbing ache between my legs. I’d taken a shower and made perfect use of my detachable, massaging shower head, groaning softly as I let the trio of jets stimulate my neglected womanhood. I hadn’t purposefully being trying to save myself for any boy in particular. Perhaps, subconsciously I just couldn’t get hot for anybody but him. I tried to bring back the illusive remnants of that steamy dream, imagining that when I went to wake up Ethan at his apartment, I’d crawl into his bed, burrow underneath his covers, and he’d hold me and caress me and fuck me passionately and desperately. We’d be coming together before he even knew what hit him, and though he’d be surprised, he’d still moan my name.


  I brought myself to a delicious orgasm with the lukewarm water, my toes curling and my back arching against the tiled walls as my mind conjured the sound of my name leaving his lips. I imagined his cock spasming between my legs, his tip nestled snugly inside of me as I sucked and licked at his neck.

  It was always best that I masturbated before going to Ethan’s apartment. It’d keep me from getting too worked up while I was with him, even though I knew I’d return home later that day with my panties damp from my want of him, nevertheless.

  As usual, I’d stepped out of the shower to put on my makeup and do my hair. I had long, chestnut locks with copper highlights that really brought out my burnt jade eyes. The smattering of light-colored freckles across my cheeks and nose made me look so young, definitely not like the eighteen-year-old woman that I was. They appeared from my time spent in the sun swimming and even though I hated them on
ce, I now considered them one of my best features. Why? Because Ethan would constantly compliment them, claiming it made me look innocently fuckable— Just another line thrown out there to catch me off guard.

  My fingers traced over my chest while I examined my body further. I had a light dusting of freckles across my chest, too, just above the swells of my breasts. I tilted my head. They were heavy, yet firm, perky and capped with light-pink nipples the same color as my pussy lips. I wondered if Ethan would approve if he ever saw me naked. I suppose he’d been close every time I wore my swimsuit in the pool. My mind wandered again to thoughts of skinny dipping with him, kissing him wetly and deeply…I reached down and ran my hand over my mound, tracing the moisture lingering there.

  “They’re only dreams, Jess,” I whispered to myself, cringing at the fact that despite this knowledge I still shaved prior to going over to his apartment.

  Just in case, I let myself believe. It was a pretty lie, one that I found comforting and thrilling all at the same time. I liked the little bit of hope that burned in me, a small flame that burned only for my stepbrother. Realistically, I thought, that flame would have to be snuffed out one day; Most likely when I made the move across the country to college. Still, it was still fun to let it flicker while the dream lasted.

  I put on a cute pink floral dress for the day—nothing too sexy, but still fun, short, and flirty—and headed out to meet Ethan. He was taking me to lunch that day at some swanky new rooftop restaurant his boss had just opened Downtown, and since I’d chosen to wear a pair of wedges, I hoped we wouldn’t have to mount too many flights of stairs.

  As usual, Etahn wasn’t awake when I arrived, but since I had a key, I just let myself in.

  “Ethan!” I called, closing the door behind me and setting my purse on his kitchen counter. “Come on. I don’t want us to miss the lunch specials! I looked online and they have this tapas thing going on so—”

  “I’ll… I’ll be right there!” he replied quickly from his bedroom. I frowned. His voice sounded a little strained like he was panicking. It was unusual to hear him so frantic since his attitude usually verged on far too cool.

  “I’ve just gotta take a shower,” he continued. “Um, gimme five minutes.”

  The more he spoke, the more I realized why he sounded the way he did. I’d heard that tone in boys before. It was the one they couldn’t help but to use when they’d been on the brink of an orgasm.

  “Sure,” I said, trying not to stutter.

  I blushed, feeling hot petals bloom in my cheeks as I heard my stepbrother shuffle into his bathroom. I rested my cool palms flat to my face and closed my agape mouth. Had he been jacking off when I’d arrived?!

  “Oh my God, oh my God,” I said under my breath to ease the awkwardness of the situation.

  But then my mind went to that dirty place it loved to go to— I had a whole five minutes to imagine a variety of scenarios while Ethan showered about what and who he was thinking about. The apartment wasn’t big. In fact, it was so small that a few minutes into the low hum of the shower stream, I was sure I heard him give a little groan, maybe one that signaled he’d finally finished the job. I shuddered as I thought of his cock in his fist, throbbing and glugging ropes of cum down the drain as his face strained in ecstasy I could only dream of giving him.

  By the time he emerged dressed in his usual tight black t-shirt and jeans, I was so wet down there that it was becoming a distraction. I was frustrated— Severely sexually frustrated. My lacy panties were clinging to my nether lips, and I could feel my pulse in my clit and my nipples hardening beneath the thin fabric of my dress.

  “Hey,” he said, flashing me one of his crooked signature smiles. He wrapped his arms around me, crushing me to his chest, and placed a light kiss atop my head. I returned his embrace, sinking my fingertips a little deeper than usual into the undulations of his back muscles. “You ready to head out?”

  “Mm-hmm,” I said, a little disappointed that there was no hard bulge poking me through his jeans. “What’s this place called again?”

  “The Café,” he answered, grabbing his keys from a bowl on the table.

  “Yeah, what’s the cafe called?”

  He laughed. “It’s literally called The Café, Jess. You know how pretentious my boss is. But, whatever, it’s new and I hear their steaks are awesome.”

  I smiled at that. I was a steak fiend, and Ethan knew it. It was just one more passion the two of us shared— The passion for good food. Though, I wished we could add a few more shared interests to that list like, perhaps, the interest in each other.

  On the drive over, Ethan let the top down on his classic convertible that he’d received as a graduation present. The wind rushed through my hair, blowing it every which way, and the sun beaming down onto my face was like heaven. I felt like that whenever I was with him, sunshine or not. When I was around Ethan, everything seemed perfect.

  “Looks like you’ve got a bit of a tan,” he said, brushing his hand over my bare thigh. I shuddered as his knuckles grazed the hemline of my dress. “You been goin’ to the pool without me?”

  “I laid out the other day,” I told him, instinctively opening my legs just a little bit to invite him. He didn’t take the bait, and I tried not to pout. “My freckles were disappearing.”

  “Mm, you know I dig those freckles. Well, a tan looks good on you, Jess,” he replied just before a gust of wind blew my dress up. The skirt fluttered for just a split second, revealing my coral-colored cotton panties that I knew were soaked all the way through, and though I quickly lowered my hands into my lap, I saw Ethan glance at my exposed body out of the corner of his eye.

  I felt my heart hammer in my chest. How much had he seen? Did he know I was wet? Had he noticed the way my panties clung to my lips, slick with the lust I’d been holding back for him since forever?

  If he did notice, he made no mention of it, which I was sort of grateful for. Even though part of me hoped he’d pull over the car and toss me into the backseat, hike up my dress, and fuck me doggy-style where everyone could see, another part was thankful that he didn’t tease me about it, either.

  All he did was smirk a little, the corner of his lips turning up so slightly that I almost didn’t see it at all. In fact, I convinced myself that I hadn’t. There was no use getting myself even more turned on than I already was. I rested my elbow against the car and covered my own blush with my fist.

  When we parked and walked into the lobby of the tall building that hosted The Café, I was glad to see two elevators situated at the far end of the room. I knew how to walk in my wedges just fine, but that didn’t mean I wanted to climb up five flights of stairs to get to the roof, either.

  “Seems pretty dead in here,” I said, looking around the cavernous foyer. It reminded me of a hotel, or one of those fancy apartment buildings with a concierge desk. “You sure this place is any good?”

  Ethan rolled his eyes to me. “It’s quiet down here because everyone’s upstairs eating,” he said, putting his hand on the small of my back. Chills coursed up and down my spine and right into my core. “Come on. We’ll never know if we don’t try.”

  I nodded mutely as we walked toward the elevator. If anyone had been looking, they would have never suspected we were stepsiblings. Ethan was treating me like his date instead of his sister—or at least, that was how he made me feel.

  Stop overthinking things, I scolded myself as we waited for the elevator car to arrive. You’re being ridiculous. Despite whatever Game of Thrones implies, falling for a relative is not a viable option…

  We boarded the elevator, and I leaned against the mirrored back wall, heaving a sigh. My mind was right. Ethan was just being nice. There was no way he’d ever make a move on me, not even if I stripped naked in front of him and shoved my tits in his face.

  Though, I’d soon find out that, boy, was I ever wrong.

  As the elevator took us up to the rooftop level on the thirtieth floor, I looked over at Ethan leaning on
the handrail next to me. We were in a confined space, and I could feel the heat radiating from his body. I couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like to lift up his shirt and press my fingers into his skin, feeling my way up his abs, his chest, and the corded muscles of his shoulders as I wrapped my arms around him the way I’d always wanted to.

  He caught me staring, and before I could look away, his trapped me with his glacial gaze. My breath caught in my throat, and I wanted to stammer an excuse, but then the lights flickered, the elevator lurched aggressively, and everything stopped.

  I stumbled, toppling forward, but Ethan caught me, sweeping me into his arms as the dim red emergency lights lit up around us.

  “What the hell?” I whispered, afraid that if I spoke too loudly, the car would go crashing to the bottom of the shaft.

  “Yeah, that’s a little weird,” he admitted, though he didn’t release me from his arms. “Maybe something happened with the power. Seems like we ain’t movin’, though, Sis.”

  “Do you think we’ll be stuck long?” I asked. I could already feel tension creeping across my chest. I didn’t like tight spaces. When the elevator had been moving, it was fine. I’d known we’d step out any minute into the vastness of the rooftop venue. Fresh air was only a moment away back then, but now I could already feel our breath turning stale. My stomach twisted into cold, anxious knots.

  Ethan knew all about my claustrophobia. He’d menaced me a few times by stuffing me into closets when I beat him at Call of Duty. But unlike those times, he now seemed to be taking it seriously.

  Grimacing beneath the ruby hue of the elevator, he cupped my face in his hands and looked into my eyes. “Jess, look at me. Nothing bad’s gonna happen to us. We just might have to wait a few minutes for someone to get us started again. That’s all.”

  “OK,” I muttered, feeling my breath coming quicker and quicker with each passing second. “So the walls aren’t really closing in on us, then?”


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