Hollywood Hearts (A Bad Boy Love Triangle Romance): (Hollywood Hearts Book 1)

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Hollywood Hearts (A Bad Boy Love Triangle Romance): (Hollywood Hearts Book 1) Page 6

by Hunter, Lola

  Ethan brushed his thumb along my ear. “Hey. Hey, relax. Look at me. Keep your eyes on me.”

  I did as I was told, meeting his eyes. Instantly I felt my breathing slow, though my heartbeat definitely sped up. In the dim light, I could still see his radiant smile and the soft glow of his warm, inviting eyes. I swallowed hard as he held me in a trance, unable to look away from his handsome face.

  “I’ve got you,” he told me. “I promise.”

  I nodded meekly. Yes, I thought. You have me completely.

  “Sorry,” I said instead, but then the coarse skin of his thumb was on my lips, shushing me before I could continue. “Sorry for—”

  “—You’ve got nothin’ to apologize for,” he assured me, his voice dripping like molasses. I couldn’t help it. I gasped as he touched me and parted my lips, letting the very tip of his thumb past the cusp and into my mouth. Though I felt heat rise once again in my cheeks, I still couldn’t tear away my gaze from his or this very taboo and intimate gesture.

  Instead of pulling away like I’d thought he would, my stepbrother’s jaw tightened. Something flashed in his eyes, something dark and uncertain, almost like he was struggling with making a decision on something. Then, just as I let out a feeble whimper, he brushed his thumb away from my lips and replaced it with a hard kiss against my mouth.

  I took in a sharp breath through my nose as fractal, colorful fireworks burst behind my eyelids. This couldn’t be happening. This couldn’t be real. My stepbrother didn’t have feelings for me like this. I just wasn’t that lucky.

  But as he gripped me, his fingers sinking hard into my upper arms, I realized I wasn’t imagining things. Ethan was kissing me, deeply, wetly, and not at all like a stepbrother should.

  And I loved it.

  I closed my eyes, returning his kiss with a fervor I’d kept pent up for all these years. I broke his hold on me and threw my arms around his neck, pressing my soft breasts against his pecs as I trembled in his embrace. He worked his fingers up through my hair, grabbing near my scalp and squeezing just enough to send a shiver of stinging pleasure down my spine. I moaned for him, the sound lost to his mouth as he parted his lips to let my tongue slide between them.

  I shuddered violently as I tasted him. Mint tingled on my tongue, burning my lips and making my nose feel all cold as I blew out a breath against his face. He glided his tongue against mine, swirling it around before he captured my bottom lip in his teeth, softly tugging as I shrugged and let my dress straps fall down my arms.

  “I want you so badly,” I whispered, finally allowing the words I wished to tell him fall from my lips. I knew how dirty and wrong it sounded, but it was all I could think of to say. I needed him to bring me to that place where it was just the two of us, where he kept me safe and sound. And if he had to use his cock to do it, then so be it. That was a price I was only too happy to pay.

  Ethan groaned in reply, glancing down as I let the bodice of my dress fall to my waist. My deep plum push-up bra was there for him to see, all satin and lace, and I let those straps fall down too so that my heaving breasts peeked out over the cups. I was nearly spilling over them, my nipples hard and begging for release. I gazed up at my stepbrother with a pleading look as his hands rose to set them free.

  “Please, Ethan…”

  I only had to ask once.

  Ethan tugged both bra cups down simultaneously, baring my goosebumped breasts for his pleasure. He took them both in his hands, kneading them, his thumbs flickering over my taut nipples and sending bolts of lust straight into my core. My panties dripped with more wetness, silken and slippery, and I squirmed for him, knowing I couldn’t take much more. I was already panting as he pressed me up against the back of the elevator and lowered his head, taking one of my stiff buds between his teeth and laving it with his tongue.

  “Ethan!” I gasped, my thighs instantly parting to grant him access to my crotch.

  Ethan sucked on my tit softly, then bit down hard at the tender flesh of my neck, whispering into my ear, “Tell me what you want, Jess.”

  My eyelids fluttered and I arched my back against the cold handrail. I knew I should have been disgusted with myself, but Ethan’s request—his demand—only made me want him more.

  “Make me feel safe,” I breathed, looking him in the eyes. “Put your hands up my dress. Touch me.”

  Once again, Ethan obeyed my command, slipping both his big, masculine hands underneath my skirt and up my thighs. He hadn’t even reached my panties when his fingers first found my wetness. Those juices were spread all over my flesh, and by the time he touched the fabric-covered slit between my legs, I had his hand just as soaked as my pussy was.

  “Fuck!” I whimpered as he pulled at the wet material, letting it snap against my clit. “That feels so good…!”

  Ethan growled low in his throat, heralding his loss of control. Without another word, he pushed my panties aside and cupped my pussy in his hand, two fingers curling inside my folds as his thumb came to rest directly on my hardened clit.

  I yelped for him, riding his fingers before he even got a chance to finger me. I was in heat, my whole body singing for my stepbrother’s masterful attention. He pumped his fingers anyway, burying them up to the knuckles inside my tight channel before withdrawing them nearly all the way. It was absolute torture to feel his fingertips on my sweet spot, and I moaned with every motion we made.

  “Fuck, Jess,” he panted against my ear, biting my lobe and tracing it with his tongue. “I never knew I had such a little slut for a sister.”

  I lunged for him, lifting one leg around his waist to take his fingers even deeper. The way he called me a “slut” made my inner muscles pulse.

  “Does my slutty little sister want more?” he teased me, grinning sexily as he saw me nod in response. He covered my lips with his again to stifle the cry of agony I uttered as his fingers left my cunt, but it quickly dissolved into a purr as I realized he’d only pulled away to undo his belt.

  His jeans came off easily enough, though he only pulled them down enough to let his dick spring free. I looked down at it, mouth agape as he wrapped his hand around the base, though it needed no stroking—it was already hard as a rock. The tip was ruby red and dripping with precum. I bit my lip, unable to tear my gaze away as Ethan desperately hiked up my dress once more to angle his cock inside of me.

  “Fuck!” I moaned as he rubbed his tip against my clit, then down to my opening and back again. “Fuck me, Ethan.”

  “Say it again,” he demanded of me. “Tell your big brother what you need.”

  “Fuck your little sister!” I wailed again much louder than I’d intended. “Fill me with that cock.” My filthy words echoed in the elevator car as Ethan grabbed my hair with one hand and my hip with the other, hoisting my leg up higher around him as he shoved the thick length of his cock into my waiting pussy.

  I let out a grunt of pure satisfaction as my stepbrother took me, squeezing his dick into the tight space of my cunt. He reached my center easily, the ridge of his tip grazing my sweet spot as he hilted inside me, his balls making a wet slapping sound as they made contact with my ass.

  “Ugh!” I groaned, flinging my arms around him and holding on for dear life as he began to thrust. “Ohh, fuck, Ethan! Yes! Yes!”

  His strength held me tight against him, kissing my lips over and over to muffle my fevered cries. I was like an animal, baying and howling, screaming and shrieking, lost to the bliss of my stepbrother fucking me and taking my young, virginal body for the very first time. It was like his cock was made for my body, plunging into me in a way that brought tears of joyful agony to my eyes. I’d never felt so thoroughly filled before, and it was at that moment that I knew I wanted him to cum inside of me.

  I wasn’t on the pill. He wasn’t wearing a condom. But I didn’t care. I wanted Ethan to be the first and only to fill me up completely, and that meant taking his load deep inside of me, so I could remain his dirty little slut and carry it around for the rest of t
he day inside of me.

  It was so forbidden, so taboo, that I almost orgasmed at the though. I held my breath to hold back and dug my nails fiercely into his shoulders with one hand. I held onto the rail with the other, wishing I could get both my legs around him to lock him into my tight cunt. As it was, I’d just have to convince him to cum in me.

  Surprisingly, it didn’t take much.

  “Don’t stop,” I urged him, whispering the words into his ear. “I don’t want you to stop.”

  “You mean it?” he asked, cradling my ass with one hand and rubbing my clit with the other. I moaned, starbursts flashing before my eyes.

  “Uh huh!” I whined, twisting and writhing on his fattening cock. “Don’t pull out of me. Cum inside your little sister. Fill me up with that hot, juicy load!”

  Ethan grunted and shoved his cock harder inside me, his hips slapping mine so hard that it echoed throughout the elevator. That noise consumed me, and the more Ethan teased my throbbing clit, the closer I got to toppling over the edge of my forbidden orgasm.

  “Fuck!” he gritted. “You’re gonna make me fuckin’ cum, Jess.” I felt his dick pulse inside me, swollen to capacity with his cum. His balls tensed against my flesh. “I’m gonna cum in that sweet little pussy, baby girl. You gonna take my cum?”

  I didn’t have time to reply. All I could do was whine for him as I came around his cock, smothering him in spasms from my pleasured cunt as he shot his load inside me at the same time.

  Jet after jet of his hot cum filled my hole as Ethan gasped and groaned into my shoulder, holding me so tightly I almost exploded with pleasure again. He bucked his hips wildly, shoving every inch he had to give into my depths, fulfilling his promise to fill me up entirely with his cum while my pussy milked it for all it was worth.

  I squirmed, licking my lips as I felt a little dribble escape me, working its way down my thigh as both our spasms slowed to a stop. As they did, the lights around us came on, and the elevator once again began its ascent to the top.

  “Holy shit,” I murmured, giggling as Ethan pulled out and fumbled with his pants. I didn’t have nearly as much work to do, but I fixed my top and wiped my leg off with my hand, sucking my stepbrother’s cum from my fingertips as my panties caught the rest.

  “Yeah,” he agreed, laughing with me. “Wow, Jess. I had no idea. Just… wow.”

  I grinned at him and he combed his fingers through my hair. “You should’ve told me sooner. I’ve been dying for you to fuck me since… well, pretty much ever,” I said.

  To my elation, Ethan returned my devious smile even as the elevator doors opened up to The Café.

  “Guess that means we’ll have to make up for lost time,” he said, offering me his bent elbow to escort me out on what now felt like a real date.

  I blushed and bit my lip as we left the elevator behind, the only evidence of our taboo tryst the small drips of cum on the hardwood floor. I didn’t mind. In fact, it only made me happier to know that someone might see it and wonder just who had been fucking in that elevator.

  If only they knew it was me and my sexy stepbrother. That would have been the only thing that could have possibly made it better.

  But for now, this was our little secret, and that was okay with me. I finally had what I wanted, and from the lopsided, satisfied grin on my stepbrother’s flushed face, I knew it wouldn’t be the last time I got my way.

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