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TORN: Death Dealers MC

Page 8

by Celia Loren

  "You look like you're doing just fine," I tell her. She slides back down, a little faster this time. "I wasn't sure you'd like it rough, like last night."

  "I never have before, only with you," she tells me. "I want to try everything with you." She closes her eyes and arches her back, then begins to pump herself up and down on my cock.

  I growl as I watch her, her body completely open to me, completely vulnerable, accepting my dick into her deepest parts. I sit up, and flip her onto her back, then pull out. She gasps, and I flip her over, then dive into her slit from behind as I pin down her arms.

  "You're mine now," I grunt into her ear. "You're mine."

  "Yes, yes, Ford, I'm yours," she replies. Her cries ring out through the room as I thrust inside her again and again. We come together, our bodies dripping with water, sweat, and pleasure.

  Chapter 17 – Marie

  I look around with a smile at the scene in the public square by the Devil's Keep. The Death Dealers have put together a charity carnival for the local Shriners club, and the whole town is out to celebrate. I know Drew would tell me that they're just trying to stay in the town's good graces, but it's hard to ignore all the kids who are just excited to play skee ball.

  "Five tokens, please," a teenage boy requests, holding out his money, and checking out my breasts.

  "Here you go," I tell him, handing them over. It's my job as a sweet butt to run the ticket counter today. I catch Ford's eye from by the cotton candy, and he winks at me. I wave back awkwardly and blush as I feel desire surge in my stomach. What is wrong with me? I feel like a teenager myself.

  "What was that?" Candice whispers to me.

  "How long have you been standing there?" I ask, surprised to see her standing right behind me.

  "Long enough to see that look! Wait a second, when you didn't come home a couple nights ago, were you with Ford?"

  "Well, yes, but don't tell anyone," I murmur, looking around.

  "Don't tell anyone?! Why not? He's gorgeous!"

  "I don't know! What if he's private or something. Maybe he doesn't want everyone to know."

  "How was it?" she asks, her eyes dancing.


  "Oh, come on, please?" she begs.

  "It was…intense," I finally tell her.

  "Intense good or intense bad?

  "Intense amazing," I tell her. "But that's all you're getting out of me!"

  "Ugh, fine," Candice pouts.

  "How's it going with Buzz?"

  "He's so cute, but he's really busy with prospect stuff. I'm trying not to get ahead of myself, but what if when he becomes a brother eventually he asks me to be his old lady?"

  "That would be great…" I reply, worried that she is definitely getting ahead of herself. All of a sudden, Candice straightens up and starts shuffling the tickets sitting on the counter. I look around, confused, and see Liz approaching.

  "Beth, you look like you could use a break," she says. "Candice, you take over here."

  "Sure, Liz!" Candice chirps back, though she casts a slightly jealous glance my way. I hesitate, surprised to be the recipient of any sort of kindness from Liz, but she motions for me to follow her so I head out from behind the counter.

  I walk next to her, trying to think of something interesting to say, but my mind's a blank. I realize we're heading toward a picnic table on the side of the square where a group of the old ladies are sitting. I feel my mouth get dry. I haven't ever spoken to these women before, but they're an intimidating bunch from afar. They're not friendly to the other sweet butts, and really only talk to them if they're requesting a sweet butt go get them a drink.

  Which makes it all the more shocking when they all look toward Liz and me at once, and give me an inviting smile. "Ladies, this is Beth Harlow," Liz says, gesturing me toward an empty seat.

  "Hi," I say, sitting down.

  "I'm Rhonda," a beautiful, red-headed woman says from across the table. "I'm Marsh's old lady. Here, have a drink," she adds, pulling a beer out from a cooler next to her.

  "Oh, thanks," I reply cracking it open. It's only early March, but the ticket stand is in the direct sun, and I can feel a slight sunburn starting on the back of my neck.

  "So, Ford says you're from Washington?" Rhonda asks.

  "That's right," I reply. Ford's been talking to the old ladies about me? "I just moved here a couple months ago."

  "And what do you think?" Liz asks. I look around. All the other old ladies are watching me intently, though not unkindly.

  "Well, there are definitely fewer trees…" I begin, then clear my throat. I feel like I'm being tested, and I don't want to fail. "At first, I was missing my old hometown. I mean, there were certainly some negatives about it, but I had my friends. I guess what I missed when I moved here was… community. But since I've been a sweet butt, I have more of a sense of that again."

  "It's so rare to find a sense of community these days," a brunette from down the table agrees. "Everyone's on their tablets or whatever, never leaving the house…"

  "Girl, you're on Facebook more than any of us," Liz teases her, and the group bursts out laughing. "Wait, Rhonda, you gotta tell everyone your idea about the seniors."

  Rhonda claps her hands together excitedly and launches into this idea she has about improving the quality of life of the people living at this retirement community nearby. Dances, visits from therapy dogs, that kind of thing. I begin to feel more relaxed, and before I know it, I'm laughing with them and piping up with my own ideas.

  I feel two broad hands on my shoulders, and glance back to see Ford standing behind me. Marsh has come up to Rhonda on the other side of the table.

  "Looks like today's going well," Ford says to Liz.

  "Why, thank you," Liz replies proudly.

  "Liz and the other old ladies are in charge of all the charity events," Marsh explains to me.

  "Nothing would get done around here without us," Liz says with a smile, and all the women chime in to agree with her.

  "That so?" a deep voice asks, and Tank, the club's president, walks over to stand next to Liz.

  "Uh-huh," Liz replies, not giving an inch. I try not to stare at Tank. I've never even seen him up close. It's hard to match Drew's description of him with the man standing in front of me, joking around with his wife.

  "Honey, this is Beth," Liz says, gesturing to me.

  "Nice to meet you, sir," I say.

  "Sir!" Tank crows. "Ooo, I like that. I think you should call me that, too," he says, nudging Liz.

  "Yeah, and you can call me the Queen of Fucking England," Liz replies drily. The table bursts out laughing, and I feel Ford give my shoulders a squeeze.

  I smile, and rest my head back against his hard stomach. The beer sweats in my hand, a breeze blows across the square, and for the first time in a long time, I feel content.

  Chapter 18 – Drew

  I wait for Marie out by the flat rock. I finally hear the crack of a dry twig behind me, and turn to see her emerging from the trail. She looks even better than the last time I saw her, if that's possible. She's got a slight tan, and she grins as I wave.

  "Apple?" I ask her, holding one out. She nods, and I toss it to her. She catches it, and takes a big bite as she sits next to me. We sit in silence for a moment as she chews.

  "Maybe it's better if we don't talk about it," she finally says. I nod. It's the first time we've seen each other since we had sex, and while I can't get it off my mind, we do need to keep things professionally.

  "When this case is over…" I begin, before backtracking. "Well, maybe it's best not to get ahead of ourselves. How's everything going?"

  "Good. I've been hanging out with the old ladies a lot."

  "The texts are helpful," I tell her. She's been texting me every time one of the old ladies tells her about the brothers heading out of town for work. "We might be able to catch them in action."

  "That's what I figured. I'll keep my ears open in case they give any more details. They're not ful
ly open around me, though, since I'm a sweet butt."

  "I'm surprised they've told you this much. From what I've learned over the years, it seems like sweet butts and old ladies don't interact that much. They're in different classes."

  "Yeah, that's right," Marie agrees, though there's a slight hesitation in her voice. "Remember that brother named Ford I told you about?"

  "The black-ops Marine, sure."

  "Well, he sort of introduced me."

  I feel a flare of heat in my chest that extends up into my head and makes it pound. "Just because he thinks you're nice?" I ask.


  "I'm just, I'm not…"

  "You sent me in there to be a sweet butt, and I've been spared the worst of it. This is good news."

  "What do you mean, you've 'been spared the worst of it'? How?"

  "Ford warned everyone else not to touch me."

  "Because…" I press her, trying to control myself.

  "Because he wants me for himself."

  "So you and he are…?"

  Marie jumps off the rock and faces me, her hands on her hips. "What do you want to say to you right now? You're acting more like a jealous boyfriend than my handler."

  "I'm not jealous!" I retort, though I know it's a lie.

  "You sent me in there to get information, and that's what I'm doing. You asked me to be a sweet butt, knowing what that could have meant, and I come here with good news and you're acting upset about it."

  "I'm sorry, okay?! I just…it's strange, is all." I take a deep breath. "You're right. It is good news." She looks slightly mollified, but still doesn't sit back down. "He treats you well?"

  "Yes. He seemed a little suspicious at first, but not anymore."

  "Good." Another silence stretches out between us. "And you're not getting too attached?"


  "I'm asking as your handler," I tell her. "This is your first time undercover, and I'm telling you, it's easy to start identifying with the people you're investigating."

  "I can still like things about them and keep a clear eye on the mission," she replies defiantly.

  "Okay, what do you like about them?"

  She shifts uncomfortably. "Well, they did this whole charity event the other week for the Shiners."

  "And that's great that a charity is getting money. But the reason they're throwing those events is to keep public opinion in Paradise Falls on their side. They want to be able to operate easily in their own hometown without having a bunch of watchful eyes ready to report on all their movements."

  "I'm just saying that there are good people in the Death Dealers, too. I'm not getting attached or losing my objectivity. I'm just saying."

  "There are more monsters than good people, Marie. Far more. They just took out a small time dealer in Fort Brynard this week because they thought she was talking to the cops. She was younger than you. You want to see the crime scene photos?"

  She shivers slightly. "I get it, okay? I'm working as hard as I can. I have to figure out a way to stay sane."

  "I know," I tell her, placing my hands on her shoulders. "You've been doing great work. I can't believe how quickly you've been able to gain access to people at this level inside the MC. We've been trying to take down the Death Dealers for years, and never had this kind of shot at success. And that's all thanks to you."

  She nods stiffly. "How's Lieutenant Ebert?"

  "Good. Anxious to hear about how you're doing. I'm trying to keep his expectations in line. Because of his son, he's just getting desperate. It's tough to see an organization like this still exist when they've done so much evil."

  "No pressure," she says with a weak smile.

  "Sorry. I didn't mean to put it all on your shoulders."

  "And you?"


  "How are you?" she asks, looking up at me with those impossibly green eyes. How am I? I can't sleep because I'm thinking about you, worrying about you. I think if I saw that guy Ford right now, I'd kill him on the spot.

  "Fine," I reply.

  "Uh-huh," she says, her eyes narrowing slightly with suspicion. "Well, I better get back. I've got a shift at the Keep tonight." She reaches up and gives my hand a squeeze, then turns away. My arms drop back down to my sides.

  "Stay safe," I call after her.

  "I'll do my best," she says over her shoulder with a wry smile. I wait twenty minutes, giving her time to leave, before I head back to my car.

  Everything's going well. She has a protector in the club, she's gaining access to more and more information…but I just can't shake the feeling that she's keeping something from me.

  Chapter 19 – Ford

  I pull up outside Beth's apartment building, and raise my cell to my ear.

  "You wanna go for a ride?" I ask when she answers.

  "What, now?" she asks.

  "Yeah, now."

  "Give me two minutes," she replies, and hangs up. I smile. I haven't seen her in a few nights, since she's had to cover for Candice at the Keep while Candice recovers from the flu. Beth emerges from her apartment building's front entrance, and waves. She's wearing boots, tight jeans, an even tighter t-shirt, and pulls on a leather jacket as she walks.

  "Still feeling healthy?" I ask.

  "I'm popping Vitamin C like it's candy," she replies. She leans in to kiss me, but stops just before our lips touch. "But you sure you want to risk it?"

  "Fuck yeah," I reply, and she presses her mouth onto mine, letting her lips part slightly and quickly slipping her tongue into my mouth. "Maybe we should just go upstairs," I say as she swings a leg over the bike behind me.

  "No, it's one giant sick bed up there! I need some fresh air," she says, wrapping her arms tightly around my waist.

  I rev the engine, then pull out of the parking lot as Beth squeals happily. We cruise through Paradise Falls and quickly settle onto the highway. It's empty out right now. It's a Sunday, and the sun is just about to take on an orange tint as it nears the horizon line. I let out the throttle, and feel Beth's body press against mine as we speed down the road. The wind batters my face, Beth's warmth heats my back, and I feel completely content.

  After a while, I pull off the highway at an exit, following the signs for an overlook. I feel Beth raise her head to look around, and I steer my bike off the road and into a small dirt parking lot. I help Beth off the bike, then take her hand and lead her into the brush.

  "Woah," she breathes as she sees the ground drop away a few feet in front of us.

  "It's called the Red Canyon," I tell her.

  "Because of the light?" she guesses, as the setting sun turns the walls of the canyon a deep, blood red.

  "Exactly." I take a deep breath, and watch the shadow of one wall crawl up the side of the other. "This is the kind of stuff I'd miss the most."

  "What do you mean?" she asks, turning her bright eyes up to mine. I chew my lip for a moment. The words just sort of slipped out…

  "I just meant, if I were ever to leave Arizona, I'd miss this," I tell her.

  "You thinking about leaving?" she asks.

  "No," I tell her, squeezing her hand.

  "But if you did leave, where would you go?" she presses me.

  "I always had this dream about opening up a small bar in Mexico. Near a resort town, but still off the beaten track. And just…living. Little kids running around…"

  "Your kids?"

  I grin. "Yeah, my kids."

  "So why don't you do it?"

  "I'm in an MC. That's for life."

  "Okay, but before you joined."

  "My dad was in the MC, too. I always just figured this is what I'd do. And after I got out of the service, doing something peaceful just didn't feel right to me. After what I'd seen over there…"

  "You had too much stuff inside you," she says.

  "Right. The idea of me tending bar on the beach just seemed so far away."

  "You deserve that kind of life, though," she says, wrapping an arm around my waist and leaning her chin
against my chest.

  "I don't know about that."

  "I do."

  "Maybe you'll have to head down to Mexico without me," I tell her with a smile.

  "Oh, no. I don't deserve peace." I lean back and stare down at her, feeling shocked. She quickly glances back out at the canyon, looking like she wishes she could stuff her words back into her mouth. "I'm getting chilly," she says, and tries to pull me back toward the bike.

  "No, you're not," I reply, standing my ground.

  "Yes, I am," she insists.

  "What do you mean, you don’t deserve peace? If anyone does, it's…"

  "No, it's not, okay?"

  "If you've done something, trust me, it can't be that bad."

  "You don't know everything about me," Beth replies, anger tinging her eyes.

  "So tell me."

  "You might not like me so much," she warns me.

  "Try me."

  "What if I've done something really bad, evil even?"

  "Well, then you've done something evil. But no one's all one thing."

  "You sure about that? Even after being in war, you think that?" she asks, seeming to be genuinely asking me.

  I pause, thinking. "It's not for me to condemn anyone. Including you," I finally tell her. I take her hand. "You can trust me. You know that, right?" She nods, and tears well up in her eyes. I think she's finally going to open up to me, but then…

  "I'm cold. I just want to go back," she tells me again.

  "Alright," I sigh, and get back on the bike.

  She climbs on behind me, and murmurs in my ear, so quietly I can barely hear it, "Your place, okay?"

  I nod, and we head back toward Paradise Falls. Back at my place, we have dinner, and we're both trying to make the best of it, but there's an odd silence that keeps coming up between us. We don't address it, and I wonder if I'm imagining things, but that night we go to bed without having sex for the first time.

  I lay on my side in bed, facing away from her, watching the minutes on my clock keep turning over. Sleep just isn't coming. I hear a rustle in the bed behind me.

  "You awake?" Beth asks, placing her hand on my back.


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