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Warrior's Paradox (Cadi Warriors Book 3)

Page 13

by Stephanie West

  “Tytus didn’t do anything, he was tied up. But I wasn’t tied up.” June smiled sweetly, as she wiggled her fingers at him.


  “Yes me.” June stood up and squared her shoulders. “You refused to listen to me last night. Now are you willing to hear me out? Because we’re not going anywhere till you do.”

  “Female,” Cyprian growled as he jumped off his rota.

  He threw open the access cover on the engine and growled when he saw the missing line. His eyes swung to her.

  “It sounded like you all were Tytus’ friends, but then you jumped to the worst possible conclusion. Does he not deserve even the slightest concession?” June implored.

  “Tytus is our brother, and his service to Cadi can never be repaid, which makes all this even more disappointing. What he has done cannot be ignored. I must contact our Daimio.”

  “I want you to call your leader, but I will talk to him,” June insisted.

  Cyprian looked surprised and frustrated by her demand.

  “June, what are you doing?” Tytus asked.

  “I’m going to tell your Daimio the truth,” June informed him.

  Please work, June thought for the millionth time. Tytus said their leader was mated to a human. June was really hoping that made him willing to at least hear her out.

  “Ashtoret, hail Kagan.” Cyprian growled.

  The Cadi warrior that appeared on screen was large and imposing. He scowled when he saw June, rather than one of his men.

  “Kagan, Daimio of Cadi?” June asked mustering all her courage.

  “Yes. Who are you, and what are you doing with Ashtoret’s handheld, human female?” he asked.

  “Human female?” June heard a female voice behind Kagan inquire.

  “I am June. Daimio, I will tell you everything you want to know, but I must ask you something first. Do you know what a paradox is?” June asked.

  “I am familiar with the concept.” Kagan arched his brow quizzically at June.

  “Among my people, we have a saying, that two wrongs don’t make a right. Except sometimes, that is not true. Keep that in mind please,” June requested.

  “June, please state your purpose with all of this.” Kagan looked tired as he urged her to continue.

  “Despite good intentions, the Miran Sona abducted me from my home world, and put me in a position I find untenable. I snuck off the Miran Sona ship, when it arrived on your planet several days ago. I hid in Tytus’ lab, for nearly two days trying to summon enough courage to make myself known,” she explained.

  “During that time, I watched Tytus. Like me, he falls head long into his work. We’re both engineers. I played a silly prank on him, wondering if that would actually get his attention, since cleaning up his lab didn’t work.” June smiled as she told her story.

  “Indeed,” Kagan stated with a slight smile. June also heard a feminine snort nearby Kagan. His human mate had to be close by. “You have me intrigued. What prank did you play?”

  “I suspended his office supplies in giant wiggly gel cubes,” she replied.

  June thought it was a good sign when Kagan chuckled.

  “Tytus set a trap by slathering the floor with glue, and caught me like a rat. He thought it was one of his friends that played the prank, and was shocked to find me. Well I freaked out. But Tytus was very kind, and took care of me,” June related.

  “We talked about the colony and our mutual interest in science. He saw how excited I was about the work he was doing, and suggested I could stay, with your permission. I realize he should’ve reported my presence, since you maintain an alliance with the Miran Sona, but before that happened, our relationship took an interesting turn.”

  June bared the conjugo mark on her neck. Kagan’s eyes widened and he choked on a repressed laugh.

  “Wow, Tytus bonded with her.” June heard the human in the background say.

  “It was unplanned and unintentional. Tytus sleep walks,” June explained. “But despite how this all happened, Tytus and I are meant to be together. I felt it before Tytus marked me. I know it is right.”

  “Is that everything?” Kagan asked as he considered what she’d told him.

  “Not quite. Now you know how I snuck onto your world and Tytus kept me a secret, risking the alliance. You also know how he mated me, which apparently goes against your laws. But I still have one more confession, and a few demands.”

  “Demands?” Kagan replied incredulously. “After all that you have told me, you have demands?”

  “I understand your warriors are on a mission. Currently they are stranded. I have removed a vital component from each of their rota. In exchange for these parts, I am requesting asylum on Cadi, a pardon for Tytus and I, and for him to be recognized as my mate.”

  “I am assuming my men are fine.”

  “They are. I am not a violent person.”

  “Where is Tytus?”

  “Cyprian has him tied up.”

  “And my general allowed you to contact me?”

  “He’s not pleased, though he had little choice but hear me out. It would be a shame to scrap this mission. I am asking you which is more important; discovering who is compromising the security of your planet and people, or punishing two people who unexpectedly found each other and made foolish mistakes?”

  “You realize I can send warriors to fetch you all?”

  “I do, but you need Tytus for this mission. And I’m the one that helped him prepare half of what’s here. So, I’d be invaluable as well. We’re a good team.”

  “You give me a lot to consider. I need to speak with Cyprian.”

  Cyprian joined the conversation on his own handheld.

  “Cyprian, I assume you have Tytus tied up because of the things the female related?”

  “Yes, Daimio, however it is more serious than that,” Cyprian replied.

  “Oh, how so?”

  “I fear the human female is irrationally favoring Tytus, because of the conjugo mark. When I discovered her, Tytus had her tied and gagged. He was violating her intimately with both hands. You know how small the human females are.” Cyprian shook his head in disgust.

  Tytus closed his eyes. He was devastated hearing the accusations. Last night was the first time he’d touched her without reservation. Now they were making him feel ashamed about it.

  “Wait a minute.” June heard the human woman say, then a blonde poked her head next to Kagan’s onscreen. “Kagan, do you mind?”

  “Go ahead, my pet.” Kagan scooted aside, to make more room for the woman.

  “Nice to meet you June. My name is Giselle,” the blonde greeted her.


  It was surprising and comforting to see another somewhat familiar face.

  “Cyprian, I know you’re an honorable male, but I think you misunderstood part of what was going on.”

  “I know what I witnessed,” Cyprian frowned and looked at June in concern.

  “June, I know this is a personal question, but did you enjoy yourself with Tytus?” Giselle asked with a wag of her brows.

  “Yes,” June blushed.

  “That answers it for me, Kagan. Look how red she’s turning.” Giselle grinned at the Daimio, who nodded.

  Oh god, how embarrassing.

  “Impossible, no female could…” Cyprian insisted vehemently.

  “Cyprian, you aren’t mated to a human. You know nothing about what we enjoy. Kagan, maybe you can explain it better,” Giselle suggested.

  “Great, then my general can accuse me of abusing you,” Kagan groaned. “Cyprian, I appreciate the way you have attempted to handle this situation; however, I don’t think June was being abused. Tytus is not that type of male. Human females are different from Cadi females, physically and with their mounting customs. Some of them enjoy being bound.”

  “His fingers were shoved in her rear channel, and she was bowed off the ground,” Cyprian growled.

  June wanted to hide. This discussion was unreal

  “Cyprian, human females possess numerous pleasure centers. Some also derive pleasure from being mounted in the rear,” Kagan explained.

  “Kagan’s a little too big to fit in my ass, but his tail’s not,” Giselle added brazenly, making June choke.

  Cyprian looked from Giselle to June, surprise widening his eyes. June tucked her head. As embarrassed as she was, she appreciated Giselle’s blunt admission. It made it so she wasn’t the only one having her sex life scrutinized.

  “Mother of Kali, this particular discussion is over,” Kagan growled. “Tytus, do you have anything to add in your own defense?”

  “No, Daimio. My mate has explained everything well.”

  “Fine. Cyprian, as serious as these charges are, recent events supersede this incident. Late last night, Ion received a distress beacon from Exo. It was only two words ‘Jurou Biljana’ then it cut-out. I fear the Miran Sona ship was attacked sometime after leaving orbit.”

  “No,” June exclaimed, and her hand flew to her mouth.

  “Tytus was right. The Jurou Biljana must’ve been here to pick up the abducted Toufik,” Vintor declared.

  “And the Miran Sona ship became a convenient bonus,” Tytus growled.

  “The Miran Sona vessels are too vulnerable. They aren’t meant for combat or speed.” Cyprian shook his head.

  “Riley was on that ship,” June sobbed.

  “Riley?” Tytus and Kagan asked at the same time.

  “She’s my friend. We both snuck onto the Miran Sona ship at the colony, but she didn’t get off on Cadi. I assumed she’d make it safely back to the colony,” June explained, her chin quivering.

  “So, the Jurou Biljana have numerous Toufik, Cadi traitors assisting them, a human, a Miran Sona, and their ship,” Kagan growled.

  “They have more than that. The Miran Sona ship holds the location of the human colony, and if re-supplied with enough power, the ability to reach Earth,” Tytus informed everyone. “Earth is not prepared for an invasion of Jurou Biljana.”

  “Oh god,” Giselle cried.

  “This can’t be happening,” June stared at Tytus in horror.

  “In light of everything, I am ready to level my judgement,” Kagan announced.

  June’s eyes swung to the screen and she held her breath. Fear for Tytus and her own future, heaped onto the devastating news about Riley and Exo.

  Please, June begged silently for lenience.

  “June, you covertly infiltrated our planet along with a secure facility. You knowingly sought to evade my warriors and sabotage equipment. You now possess sensitive information, that affects the security of Cadi. It is within my right, as the Daimio of Cadi, to conscript you indefinitely for these offenses.”

  June’s eyes widened, and she swallowed hard.

  “Daimio please,” Tytus interjected, dread twisting his expression.

  “I am not done,” Kagan growled, holding his hand up to halt Tytus. “June, you are now bound by the laws of Cadi, therefore I am assigning my Principal Technical Advisor as your Prime. Particularly since he is the citizen most capable of overseeing and guiding an asset of your intellect.”

  Tytus sighed audibly.

  June looked nervously towards him. Tytus was pointing to himself, and she realized he was the advisor Kagan was referring to. She smiled in relief. For a moment, June worried she was being handed over to some stranger.

  “Tytus, it is your duty to report to me when foreign refugees come to your attention,” Kagan continued. “You do not detain, interview, or study them, to determine if they are an asset or threat to the Cadi people. You notify me immediately. It is my duty to decide if the risk is warranted. I expect this oversight will not occur again.”

  “No Daimio, my deepest apologies.” Tytus slammed his fist against his chest and bowed towards the screen.

  “The mission will continue as planned. June will assist Tytus as he deems fit. Cyprian release Tytus. Now go and uncover who has betrayed Cadi.”

  “I can’t wait to meet you in person,” Giselle said to June.

  June nodded to Giselle, then looked at Tytus in shock and confusion. If she wasn’t mistaken, Kagan had just given her citizenship, condoned their relationship, and pardoned Tytus, with a token slap on the wrist.

  “One last thing.” Kagan looked pointedly at June. “I believe the paradox you were referring to has a name. It’s called love,” Kagan added with a kind smile, before the transmission disconnected.

  June’s heart swelled at the Daimio’s parting words. Kagan had summed it up perfectly. Love was a beautiful paradox. And to think that’s exactly what she’d found after the crazy, screwed up journey she’d been on.

  “Well that was one way to look at the situation,” Ashtoret commented with a quirk of his lips.

  The warriors looked surprised and relieved by the outcome.

  “Tytus, as June’s Prime, do you mind figuring out what has been done to the rota?” Cyprian asked as he untied Tytus.

  The longer June was outside the lab, mixing with the warriors, she was starting to realize Cadi society was a tad paternalistic.

  Nope, I’m not going to let the curmudgeon kill my mood.

  “Cyprian, you can speak directly to me. I can hear you after all,” she insisted. “That’s not against some rule I don’t know about, is it?” June asked Tytus.

  “No, but generally warriors wait to be formally introduced to a female,” Tytus told her, as he held out his arms and helped her off Ashtoret’s rota.

  “Ah hell. Are you serious? I think we’re well past formal introductions. We were just discussing my lady bits. He had front row seats to the entire show.”

  “I am sorry for that,” Tytus growled at the memory.

  “I’m sorry I was seen in all my glory, but not the rest,” June winked at Tytus.

  Before Tytus set her on the ground, she tipped her face up for a kiss. Tytus squeezed her against his chest and pressed his lips to hers.

  “Tytus, June,” Cyprian overemphasized her name. “Do you two think we can get the rota repaired, and get going?”

  “Aye, Aye captain.” June saluted Cyprian.

  She headed towards the spot where she’d hidden the power cables, with Tytus following. Once they entered the tree line, Tytus took June’s hand and stopped her. He spun her towards him.

  “What made you attempt this?” he asked.

  “I was banking that what we did was the lesser of two evils, and that your Daimio might be understanding since he’s mated to a human.”

  “Beautiful and intelligent,” Tytus complimented her then turned serious. “June these warriors are the most honorable males I know. But we will be entering a situation, where what you did could get you hurt. Promise me you’ll remember that.”

  Tytus’ dark eyes pinned June’s, as he backed her up against a tree. June’s heart rate picked up. Tytus was deadly serious, but not mad. His protective demeanor, sent a thrill through her. Maybe she didn’t mind all the male posturing. June nodded mutely, as she licked her dry lips.

  “Now, my little mate, I didn’t properly thank you,” Tytus husked.

  He swooped in and captured her lips. June moaned, when his tongue speared into her mouth. She tasted his spicy addictive pheromone, and kissed him more ravenously. June was filled with a mix of emotions after everything they’d just been through and learned. She clung to Tytus, feeling relieved to be in his arms again. June nearly cried as she forced herself to pull away. As much as she wanted him, now was not the time.

  “Handsome, if we continue, I’m going to tug you down in that pile of leaves. Then Cyprian’s going to come looking for us.”

  “And I probably shouldn’t hit him again,” Tytus added with a smirk.

  7 Conditions

  Tytus quo Munitor

  Hours later, Tytus was still in shock as their convoy neared the salvage yard, outside Thietmar. Tytus hadn’t expected the lenience his Daimio had granted him. During the war, his insubordination would’ve ea
rned him time in a work camp. Perhaps he underestimated the friendship that had grown between he and Kagan since the final battle. It filled Tytus with a sense of pride that his Daimio trusted him enough that he was willing to forgive his transgression.

  I owe Kagan, he promised solemnly.

  Tytus felt infinitely better, now that he didn’t have to hide June. The weight had been a lot to bear, along with everything else they were facing.

  It still bothered Tytus that June was on this mission. He hadn’t been willing or capable of leaving her alone before, but now that everything was out in the open, that had changed. And since June was no longer suffering the effects of his bite, she wouldn’t be in pain if he sent her back to the capital.

  “June, once the cruiser is repaired, I would like you to return to Sargon,” Tytus said.

  June turned away from the passing landscape wearing a frown.

  “Kagan said I’m supposed to assist you on this mission. That was part of the deal.”

  “He also said I’m responsible for you.”

  “You’re responsible for me? Don’t start treating me like Cyprian did. I’m not a child, Tytus.”

  “Cyprian was worried for your wellbeing and so am I.”

  “He refused to listen when I said you hadn’t hurt me. If our relationship is going to work you have to consider my side of things too. This mission is important to me. Those reptiles took my friend. I refuse to sit back and do nothing, when I can help.” June smiled at Tytus, her expression softening. “Now I’m going to pretend you didn’t make that foolish ‘responsible’ comment, because you worry about me. I worry about you too. There are no guarantees that any of us have tomorrow. You leave me behind and some fluke accident could steal me away, just as easily as what we’re heading into.”

  Tytus’ brow furrowed. June was right, there were no guarantees. Though some situations placed her in more danger than others. She was just like the other human females, stubborn and too brave for her own good.

  I think I’m in over my head.

  Caring so deeply for someone, was a new and unsettling feeling. Shaking loose of the fierce need to protect her from every hardship, was going to be impossible. But he had to ease up.


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