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Fury of Molith (Fengysha Series Book 2)

Page 4

by Jordan Cramm

  “Let me look at that,” she said warmly as she began to use a healing spell to completely close the wound, “that is what I thought. Arrow track…you were lucky it just grazed you.”

  “I’m okay. Minimal damage,” he retorted.

  “It would be less had you taken your helmet.”

  “I know.”

  “There,” she remarked after it was healed, “now you just need to wash the old blood, and I could use a slight rest. If you meant what you said about dinner, that would be wonderful. Plus, your Black Cloaks would benefit from eating too I think. They too fought well today.”

  Wolflen nodded. His Black Cloaks were already outside the city at his request, already a safe distance out, setting a funeral pyre for the man they had lost earlier in battle. Wolflen too was expected to join them when they were ready.

  “Come on,” he told her, “we probably have enough time to find a spot outside the city for the tent before we pay our respects to the fallen. I have some other things I want to discuss with you, but that can wait until dinner.”

  She cocked her head sideways a bit, trying to discover his meaning. He told her not to worry, that it was not anything bad, but that he would explain later at dinner. So, she put her hand into his and they began walking slowly. She asked where Sespa was, and he told her she was outside the city and hunting for a meal of her own. Katrina chuckled, but hoped the fatigue of the day and of spell casting would not become too great. She said nothing, though quietly she had wished that they would be riding Sespa back out of the city rather than walking.

  “You were great today by the way,” he told her as they walked, “I appreciate your bow finding its mark and saving me more than once.”

  “Ha,” she retorted, “your shields saved us all more than once. How are you not just exhausted?”

  “Want to know a secret?” he asked. “Really, I am. This was my first real battle. I used a few different magics, my arms feel like wet noodles, and I feel a little shaky.”

  “Yet,” she replied, “we are on foot….”

  “Yeah,” he remarked, “I mean how else do we train harder and improve our endurance levels but by pushing our limits?”

  “I’m really not liking the results of Jakarta drilling that into your head right now.”

  “Well,” he said with a grin, “I could carry you if you like…”

  “Hmmm…” she sounded with a smile.

  Chapter 4: Events Of The Night

  Elender was abuzz still with its new visitors. Braziers and torches alike burned beyond the city walls as each tent had been set into place. Izenians and Elves alike were traipsing in and out of the city, providing it with quite an economic boost at various merchant shops, or even restaurants. Meanwhile, the last of their ships were still being unloaded, bringing fresh soldiers, horses, wagons, and supplies. Of course some of the new arrivals were already settling in.

  Wolflen and Katrina were happily gorging themselves on desert in fact, eating a nice chocolate pie together. They had already finished a meal previously, and Katrina discovered that after battle, Wolflen had been ravenous for food. She wasn’t surprised however. In a similar way, her hunger had increased as well, and she knew the food would help recharge each of them by providing much needed energy that had been depleted by the events of the day.

  “So now will you tell me what the big secret is?” she asked, sitting next to him in a wooden booth. “You haven’t said a word about it all night, and a girl gets anxious…maybe suspicious even. Makes me think maybe it’s something I won’t want to hear.”

  Wolflen shook his head in objection. Then he wiped his face with a napkin and set it on the table and stared at her a moment before putting his arm around her and scooting a little closer.

  “There’s a couple of things actually,” he began, “and first is the business with the Dwarves. I’ve a mind to take a small band through their tunnels if they will let us do so. We would be traveling in speed to make good time and maybe get ahead of the horde. We could also send envoys to the Catacombs of Gral. There we will try and seek the assistance of the Dwarves in this war.

  “Okay,” Katrina remarked, “so what is the second thing?”

  “Ah yes that...” he said looking at the table a moment. He took a deep breath before turning back to her. “M’lady Katrina, I love you. I am young, and maybe don’t know as much about love as someone older than me, but I love you. We have spent many months together now. I wouldn’t trade that time for anything. Since I met you I have seen Elven lands, this continent, a few skirmishes…but the time has all been pleasant. I like curling up with you in the tent, or next to our campfires. I love you and I want you in my life forever, even if my life is shortened by this war. I want…I mean…Well I want to marry you…if you will have me.”

  Katrina’s face was bright red now, and a single tear rolled down her cheek as her smile widened. She was nodding, and he smiled back at her, feeling his heart soar as she threw both arms around him at once in the booth. They kissed for a moment before they separated, and when they pulled apart, he brought a clenched-hand up from beneath the booth table and opened it. At once she saw the ring in his hand. It was emerald in color in most lighting, but in sunlight he told her, it would change color slightly to appear more golden in color than emerald. The gemstone was heart-shaped, and inlaid into a golden band.

  “Oh my….Oh Kesper…Wolflen this is Empra Stone. How did you…I mean…it’s beautiful.”

  Wolflen smiled at her as he slipped the ring on to her ring finger.

  “Let’s just say m’lady that I had some help in the decision process, and back in Peludeen I was able to buy this after doing some shopping around. I hope you like it.”

  “It is my favorite stone. How did you know to get this?” she asked. “It was Jakarta wasn’t it?”

  “Ha,” Wolflen chuckled, “well, yes and no. I was shopping for the ring myself. As much as I could, I was trying to keep it a secret. I actually chose the stone and had them set it into this band. When Jakarta got wind of my activities, he asked if it were true. So I showed him the ring. That’s when he asked if I had help picking it out. When I asked why he asked me that, he told me it was your favorite stone. That made me that much more pleased, and hopeful when I heard that.”

  “Hopeful?” she asked.

  “That you would say yes.”

  “Oh Wolflen,” she said, looking away from the ring now, “I would have said yes with or without a ring.”

  “Well, it’s not quite done and done yet. I still want to speak to your father when we meet and discuss it with him. You are a Princess after all. Not sure how that is going to turn out though. Something like, ‘Hello your majesty, we’ve never met, but I just wanted to let you know that I love your daughter and we are getting married.’ Somehow I don’t think that will go quite as smoothly as it sounds.”

  “It might not be the easiest thing you ever do, no. But, you have trained with Jakarta. You have fought a Night Elf. You have battled Orcs victoriously. I am sure you will do fine with my father.”

  “I think I am more afraid of him than the others combined Katrina.”

  Katrina smirked.

  “You never mind that,” Katrina answered. “I am sure the news will spread and he will know before we meet. As such you won't have to worry about fighting your way through awkward ice-breakers.”

  “I just hope I don’t have to try and fight my way out of an Elven attack.”

  They both laughed together, but for Wolflen it was more of a sarcastic and yet serious laugh, while Katrina took it only as a joke. She told him again not to worry however, and that no matter what her father would say about it, her intent was clear, and she would see it through.

  “So Jakarta knew about this…about tonight I mean?”

  “He may have suspected. I never told him when I was going to ask you…he just knew I had the ring, and he is no fool.”

  “No, he isn’t. Oh Gods this is a beautiful ring Wolflen. But wher
e and when do you want to have the ceremony?”

  Wolflen shifted slightly in the booth beside her. Her question was one he had thought about already, but that he had never found a clear answer to. There were too many variables in the mix for him to have come up with anything conclusive. For instance, who would attend the wedding? No doubt Elven royalty would have a large audience. Also, he was a Steward now, the Steward of Akartha. Plus, he was the first ever Izenian War Mage. No doubt many people of his own race would now want to see such an event firsthand. And he also did not know much about Elven wedding ceremonies. He wasn’t sure if there were other protocols that had to be observed, either because she was Elven or because she was the Princess. It was much to think about.

  As for location, he knew in his mind where he wanted to see it done, but he wasn’t sure that the location he had in mind would be possible for one reason or another. He had other thoughts on the matter though which was nice because he could make a few suggestions rather than just one, but again his input alone was not the only thing to consider he knew. So, he started talking about it as simply as he could.

  “I have no knowledge of Elven wedding customs, or even of that for Elven royalty. But maybe in Peludeen, or maybe Haven where we met.”

  “Wolflen I have never seen your city. Maybe you should take me for a visit there before we decide anything. I mean we are talking about the rest of our lives, and I want to be sure this is as fair for you as it is for me. You don’t have to decide on a place just to make me happy.”

  Wolflen looked down at the table a moment before telling her that she probably would not care much for the Izenian city of Akartha being so cold. Still, she told him she would like to see it one day, and that she had not yet met Wolflen’s mother. This gave him an idea, but he said nothing. Instead, he called for the waitress and deposited a whole platinum coin in her hand. Katrina watched in curious surprise when Wolflen told the waitress that he did not need change. Once she walked away, Katrina spoke up about it.

  “Wolflen that was a Platinum coin. You could have paid for meals for a month and still had change. Why did you tip her so generously?” she asked.

  “Because I don’t want to forget this night. And now, neither will they.”

  Katrina smiled and gave Wolflen a quick kiss before they stood.

  “Now,” he began again, “do you trust me?”

  “Of course. Why?” Katrina asked.

  “Take my hand but shut your eyes…” he told her.

  When she obliged him and took his hand, she shut her eyes as requested. At the same time, Wolflen focused his spell and instantly they were teleported back to the entrance of their camp, just outside his tent. He told her at once to open her eyes and she did, nearly falling over when she realized what had happened. He caught her quickly. There, the Black Cloak Guards too were suddenly surprised, as a few of them stood guard outside his tent and saw them appear out of nowhere. Flint was on duty at that moment, and was one who saw it happen. He stepped toward them and asked if they were alright.

  “It’s fine Sir Calmbreeze. Just wanted to save my fiancé here from a long walk back to camp from dinner within the city. We may be traveling in such manner again soon, so do not be alarmed.”

  “Lord Darkmoon I should point out that it is highly irregular that we are commissioned as your bodyguards but that we cannot seem to follow where you go, nor how you travel.”

  “It’s okay Sir Calmbreeze. Keep watch on the tent. In fact, we need to get a few things from inside. But if others come looking for us, tell them…tell them we are out for the night.”

  Katrina looked up at Wolflen now, still trying to wrap her head around what just happened. She was starting to understand now, and wondered what Wolflen might have in mind. As they entered the tent, he grabbed a few things that he stashed in his belt, as well as finding a warm blanket that he draped over his arm.

  “What are we doing? I mean outside there…you just…you teleported us both right, or am I going crazy?”

  Wolflen smiled as he set his boot on a nearby chair a moment to tighten it.

  “That’s exactly what I did. Figured you didn’t want to walk. Besides, I needed to test it and make sure I could do it with someone besides just me. And I wanted to be sure I could get us back here.”

  “Why?” Katrina asked, “Where are we going?”

  “You’ll see. Now here, take my hand again and keep your eyes shut. In time I can teach you how to travel with me with your eyes open, but for now it’s easier this way.”

  She did as requested once more and again they were whooshed away to another destination. When he told her to open her eyes once more, they were standing in her home in Peludeen. It was dark in the home because of her absence, and he had brought her to her study. Below them was the glass floor, and underneath the pond that held fish. Some of them were glowing now, giving off the faintest of light. Using his magic however, he lit a nearby brazier, and Katrina giggled with awe when she saw where they were.

  “How is this possible?” she asked, “I mean, you can travel great distances. You could have been to Elender in a moment yet we sailed…”

  “Not so fast,” he told her, “I can move around only to places I have been or have seen in person. Plus I would not have been able to take everyone. They have to be touching me when it happens, and if their eyes were open and they did not know how to travel the portal as I do, they would get left behind. That’s why I have you close your eyes right now.”

  “By the Gods this is so cool Wolflen. So you wish to spend the night here then? No one in the city knows we are back. I am sure the servants will come again to the home tomorrow morning to keep the place clean, but no one knows we are here now. You want to stay?”

  “Not exactly,” he told her. “I mean, I would love to. But actually this is just a stop along the way. I was thinking you might find yourself some warmer wear. Do you have armor that is more insulated than what you have on now?” he asked.

  “Where are we going?” she asked in reply.

  “Well,” he remarked, “you said you wanted to meet my mother. We have some busy days ahead but I thought maybe we could visit.”

  “Absolutely. Let me go find some warm outerwear. But why bring the blanket then if we were coming here first?”

  “Just a souvenir for mom.”

  “Okay. Give me a minute to go gather a few things then. Wait here in the study?”

  He nodded.

  “Okay, I will just be a minute. But I feel I should offer you tea now that we are here.”

  “Don’t worry about it. I wasn’t exactly invited in this time remember?”

  She nodded and turned to leave the room. It was only a few moments before she returned, and she had a fur coat that was all white, covering her same armor now. It draped down to about her knees and tied with a simple fur belt. She also had white gloves, in her hand, but she tucked them into the fur belt and told Wolflen she was ready. With his magic, he put the fire out in the nearby brazier and she reached for his hand once more in the darkness. He asked if she was ready and she told him her eyes were shut once more. Then again they were whisked away to another destination.

  Upon arrival it was Wolflen who was confused now. When he commented under his breath, she opened her eyes herself. She had no idea where they were now, but it didn’t look like a house, but rather a temple of sorts.

  “Where are we?” she asked.

  “The temple of the Gods in Akartha…I think. I was trying for home.”

  She looked around. Already she could feel a chill to tell her they weren’t in Peludeen any longer. She saw a few different altars in the distance, as well as symbols on the walls and floors. She could tell it was a place of worship. Fire braziers and torches kept the place well lit. Currently they were in what appeared to be a main lobby area. Ahead of them, they saw priests praying and one of the altars; an altar to Kesper, the God of mercy and wisdom.

  Another priest was praying at an altar of Ikara, God of
war and they seemed to be giving offerings as well. Wolflen called out to them, but they did not turn, answer back, or even acknowledge that they noticed in any way. Then a sudden voice met them from behind where they were standing. It startled Wolflen and Katrina both and they quickly turned to see someone about as tall as Wolflen, but shrouded completely in a hooded, white robe that dragged upon the floor.

  “Um…hello. Who are you?” Wolflen asked.

  “No doubt your teleportation spell was intended to put you somewhere else and not here. You will have to forgive my interruption of that, but I felt it was time that we spoke. As for the other priests over there, they cannot hear you right now I’m afraid. None here can apart from me. Neither can they see you.”

  “What is this?” Katrina asked, “Dark Magic?”

  The man chuckled from behind the veil of his robe. His head was still lowered and no face could yet be seen, but from behind its veil, the voice replied.

  “Magic of sorts yes, though I would not call it dark.”

  “Do you know who we are?” Wolflen asked with slight agitation in his voice.

  “Of course. I wouldn’t be very good at my job if I didn’t. You are Wolflen Darkmoon, son of Admiral Darkmoon, but more importantly, you are a War Mage—the first of the Izenian people in fact. And your companion here is Princess Katrina Trueshot of the Elven people. Bet you didn’t know that she writes her prayers regarding you in her journal though.”

  “Who are you and what do you want?” Wolflen asked.

  “I doubt you would believe me if I told you. That is why I decided rather to show you. It is why you were not taken directly to your home. Oh, your teleportation spell works just fine. You made no mistakes. I simply intervened as it were and had you brought here instead. In truth, I have been looking forward to meeting you like this. If you wish a name, then the only one I have that you will recognize is Kesper.”


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