Fury of Molith (Fengysha Series Book 2)

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Fury of Molith (Fengysha Series Book 2) Page 21

by Jordan Cramm

  Besides that, Vampires had pheromones that their bodies secreted, often making them more desirable to be with. Other races viewed them as evil most times, and rarely wanted to interact with them, but when such occasions did occur, Vampires could often seduce others with ease, often giving them a reputation as evil agents of lust and seduction. In truth however, in those cases, it was nothing more than the Non-Vampire being so infatuated and taken with the Vampire that they would be willing to do whatever they needed to in order to keep that Vampire close. It wasn't a magic spell however; simply pheromones. It was as much the fault of the Non-Vampire in those cases, as it was the fault of the Vampire. Men and women alike found it difficult to dismiss a Vampire of the opposite gender. That didn't mean that Non-Vampires would all act as subservient slaves to Vampires, but men or women without will power were easy targets for the cunning Vampire.

  In concert with the added natural pheromones that Vampires possessed, the excellent night vision, and healing abilities, they also had a heightened sense of smell. They could smell the faintest of scents a long way off, and for them, the sense of smell was amplified many times over. This of course could be a blessing and a curse. If trained and disciplined, the gift could help a Vampire track prey, or even avoid danger. For most Vampires however, this unique trait was one of the hardest ones to adjust to, because in the beginning, offensive smells would be enough to cause headaches, nausea, vomiting, and even make them become a recluse until they adjusted to the change.

  Mortican stood in front of the stone guard wall that surrounded the Ring of Izen. He stood now at the north entry-way, in the place where there was an opening in the wall. Behind him and his Dragon, a column of Vampires in his ranks. Nearly 20 rode smaller Dragons of their own, and behind them were 500 Wyrm-Riders. Behind those, the rest were on horseback. He had left just over a thousand around the perimeter of the Ring of Izen (a whole legion) and its new fortified surrounding structure. They had all been given strict orders that if Mortican did not return through the portal-way, that they were to kill whatever else did.

  Standing in formation now, the animal mounts all seemed to share the same sentiment; they were ready for food. The Dragons had been kept hungry, as had the Wyrms. This was done for a reason however. Mortican knew that after going through the portal and reaching the Nexulous moon, he would need to arrive as ferocious as he possibly could in order to make a name for himself there. Only then would they follow him back. He would prove his power, and rule if necessary by fear. All of his years since his own father and other Gods and races were banished, he had hoped for this day. Centuries had come and gone as if they were a blink of his eye, but he at last would accomplish this task. He would activate the Spires, and in so doing, all of the Spires of Fengysha would be usable once more.

  Of course, that only meant that Spire locations COULD be used for travel between them after that. It didn't mean that each would be active at all times however. One still would need to know how to activate a given portal-way and how to pick their destination. But centuries past, the Spires had been deactivated entirely by the God Kesper and also by members of various races. Thereafter, the instructions to repair the Spires were scattered and hidden throughout the world, and Mortican had since been on a hunt to find the clues and bring them together until he had the blueprint he needed that would allow him to bring the portal-ways to life again. That moment had finally come. From his saddle, he reached into a huge pouch and grabbed a bottle of wine, and after uncorking it, he took several swigs in succession before wiping his chin and recorking the bottle. Then after putting it away once more, he looked at the Spire ahead of him.

  He held his hands in the air and began to say the incantation that would bring the Ring of Izen to life, and activate the Spires around all of Fengysha once more. As he spoke, the dark Spires began to glow, being cloaked in a dark blue shimmer now. His smile was gleaming as he lowered his hands, and he commented under his breath that it worked. Finally. Vengeance will be mine. And when you return to this world Father, you will remember who made this possible. This world will be put underfoot or will burn asunder.

  His next hand gesture was silent, but was the signal for his followers that it was time to move. As Madrigal his large Dragon led the way, her large wings were menacing, as was her low growl now. Similar rumbles could be heard throughout his ranks too, as a few of the Dragons behind him were roaring, or growling, and the Wyrms behind them in turn did the same. An overwhelming roar began to harmonize after a moment, and Mortican knew it came from beast and Vampire alike. He grinned. He knew they longed for battle and blood.

  Of course his hope was that he wouldn't be doing battle against the forces on the Nexulous moon, but by their side upon returning to the Ring of Izen from the Nexulous moon with a much larger force in tow. For this to happen however, he would have to first find them, bring them together, and they would have to follow his lead. He wasn't sure if they would do so willingly, or if he would have to force his will upon them, but he was smart enough to be ready for either possibility.

  The Vampire ranks began marching as the portal-way activated. Between the Spires, blue tendrils of glowing magic spread out and flowed between each of the Spires, creating a web of magic, chaining them all together. And though it was night time where they were standing, they were instantly transported somewhere that was bright with sunlight. While they had been standing in wetlands, they now were on dry and rocky ground.

  Mortican grinned, allowing his heart to race a moment in delight. He knew his time had come. Soon, all of Fengysha would know the truth of it. Then at once he was moving, and soon after adjusting to the brightness beyond as he stepped through the portal and onto the Nexulous moon. He and his forces wasted no time, as they followed after him quickly. Each were scanning their new surroundings and soon realized that they were in a canyon flat of sorts.

  As they began to fan out, they noticed a few things immediately. Firstly, the air was comparable to that on Fengysha itself. Secondly, they now had daylight to work with, whereas before stepping through the portal, it had been night time to their eyes. And thirdly; that there were Spires in their location on the Nexulous moon as they fanned out and more of their numbers passed through the portal. In short time, Mortican and his legions stood ready, and Mortican closed his eyes as he sat atop Madrigal at the head of the column.

  Hear me father…it is I, your son Mortican who calls you. I have breached the gap between the world of Fengysha you once knew and this moon. Hear me now. Give me a sign that you are here, and that you will take counsel with me.

  At once the ground beneath them began to shake and rumble for a moment, and then again died down to become calm once more. Mortican grinned inwardly and opened his eyes before turning back and telling his followers to spread out and make camp. His orders were followed quickly and without question.

  Chapter 19: The Price of Knowledge

  “No….you cannot,” Jakarta remarked, “the price is too high. That's not fair.”

  “Except we need this information,” Mage Carra answered.

  Wolflen and Katrina both stood silently and listened to Jakarta and Mage Carra both. Lord Eklar was most silent now of everyone, knowing that it wasn't his place to really comment on the situation. However, Lord Eklar certainly noted the tension in the room now, and he guessed that perhaps that Jakarta was somehow fond of Mage Carra. As for King Gorak, he and Fenka too were silent, though he was nodding his agreement to her last reply.

  “There has to be some other way,” Jakarta pleaded, “I mean surely someone else could...”

  “No,” Mage Carra replied, “this is the only way. We need this information. If I agree to this price, then not only will we know where the other Spires are, but also how to use them all. We are talking about having information that has long been lost to the people of this world. People could travel freely. Think of it; if we could hold the ground against the Werewolves that are coming, then after we could use the Spires to take this a
rmy through to Izendune to defend it. Besides that, we could rally more support from Polithica—from the other Izenian cities in the South. But this is the only way.”

  Jakarta hung his head low a moment, shaking it back and forth in disagreement. He still did not like it. He knew however that his objections thus far were not enough to keep her from agreeing to the demanded spell price.

  “And what about you then?” he asked, “You've no mind to refuse this spell price for its high demand?”

  Mage Carra sighed.

  “What can I say? We all need this. Of course I hate the terms. But what this army, what our people will gain—even what the cause of good will gain makes the price nothing of note. It is done. I have just agreed. No longer will I be able to wield the Free Magic. Now, I am just an average citizen. But, I can now tell you where the other Spires are around the world, and explain how to activate them.”

  “I can't believe you just gave up being a Free Mage!” Jakarta blurted out, “And just like that?”

  “Wolflen,” she blinked, “in light of this, information that has just flooded my mind, I think you might want to get some parchment and a pen. Activating the Spires is not too terribly complex, but there is a trick to it, and besides, the locations for them worldwide is interesting.”

  Wolflen nodded. He understood the sacrifice she had just made. The fact that she had made it in split-second time even while Jakarta pleaded against the decision was both impressive and scary. At the moment, her own emotions were difficult to read, and that in itself told Wolflen that she was fighting to keep them in check. In turn, that led him to believe that she was not actually as okay with the decision as she spoke of being, but it was irrevocable and now it was done.

  She had given up the life as a Free Mage to provide them needed information in a time where perhaps they needed it most. Wolflen did in fact get parchment to take it all down as she requested, and she had been right that scribing it all down was wise. They even made a couple of copies so that all three of their races; Izenians, Elves, and Dwarves, could each utilize the information for good in their own way.

  Afterwards, Carra asked to be excused from the rest of the meeting, and Wolflen nodded quietly. Jakarta tried to stop her, but she stormed out after wishing Wolflen luck in the coming war, and telling him that she would try to stay out of their way moving forward. Jakarta looked back at Wolflen who understood the glance without words.

  “Go after her,” he whispered, “we'll finish this up.”

  Jakarta didn't have to be asked twice. He turned after nodding his head slightly quickly. Gorak and Fenka shared a quiet exchange of glances, and Katrina was as quiet now as Trevel. Lord Eklar on the other hand reacted by simply making a huffing noise.

  “Well,” Wolflen remarked to break the silence, “I guess now the Princess and I won't be leaving in the morning after all. What we must decide however is whether or not to use the portal to reach Izendune, and exactly when. Thoughts anyone?”

  Katrina sighed and put a hand over her face momentarily, trying to rub away the fatigue she was feeling.

  “There's the obvious advantage of getting their quickly,” she commented, “but if its true that Mortican already has an army there, we would be walking right into it, with no retreat option.”

  “And you're sure you can't say how many are there now Lord Eklar?”

  “Wish I could,” he remarked, “but I honestly have no clue. Still, Mortican has planned this carefully, and for sometime. Were I a betting man, I would bet that an ambush is exactly what someone would be walking into if they tried to travel there by way of portal.”

  “Damn…..damn. So to use the portal would likely invite death for us walking straight into a defended position. Still, I might have a few things that could aid us were we to try; tricks born of the War Magic.”

  “Shield?” Katrina asked?

  Wolflen nodded quietly.

  “That would have to be one foggin big shield Wolflen. Many are here now, and if your Elves of Orenty ride for this place soon too, the numbers will grow. More still possibly when we speak with the other Dwarven Kings here.”

  “Aye,” Wolflen remarked, “it would be quite a shield. Not sure how long I could hold it...long enough to cover a retreat through the portal and back here possibly if need be.”

  “That shield would span nearly the whole width and breadth of the Spires,” Trevel added, “and maybe then some. You sure thats worth the risk? Why not send someone through as a scout?”

  “Bad idea tree-hugger,” Lord Eklar chided, “because if just one or two go through the portal, the enemy will equally know we have the ability to use it, and that person or persons would not likely be able to make a return trip. From what I understand, the magic of the portals also emits a glow...meaning anyone using a spire will be as though they raised an alarm. Anyone on the other side would see the Spires lighting up or doing whatever they do and it would be a clear sign. Stealth would be useless.”

  “Unless,” Trevel answered firmly, “the one passing through the portal was in the employ of Mortican already. Perhaps then, they might be able to cozy up to the enemy without being killed; after all, Mortican thinks you are working for him right? Why not go report a job well done and earn your reward stone-bender?”

  “Stone bender?” Lord Eklar grinned, “My, the tree hugger certainly knows his history to use such terminology. But I think not as to your suggestion. Leaving out the fact that even if I went through the portal, then it would show them that we know how to activate them, it would likely be just as dangerous for me to go there without proof of mission success. But, if you have a Night Elf head stashed in one of your packs I could use, I suppose we could revisit the issue.”

  “Damn stone-bender...”

  Now Wolflen put his hands up between the two Elves, knowing that it was likely that they each wished to be able to fight the other.

  “Enough!” Wolflen exclaimed, “its late, and we are all tired. But we've got a Werewolf horde breathing down our necks, a psychopathic killer gathering his forces on the home continent of my people, portals that may soon be opened, because the enemy knows now how to make it happen, and armies that this world hasn't seen in centuries may fall upon us all. I'll be damned if I'm gonna stand here and let us have at each other in addition to all that. You two don't like each other. I get that. Lord Eklar with respect I am not sure I fully trust you myself, and you already know my Judicator would like a go at you as well. But this isn't the time or place for any of this. We need to come together if we are going to function. This division between us...its exactly the kind of thing our enemies want. We will not do their job for them. As such, Lord Eklar, perhaps come the morning you should travel with King Gorak, Fenka, a detachment of Dwarves, and hit the underground. If you can help gain us allies here, I will be grateful. Now can you two both calm down?”

  Lord Eklar drew a deep breath and stepped backwards, crossing his arms. In similar fashion, Trevel did the same. Both remained silent but offered a quiet nod.

  “Aww,” Katrina remarked snidely, “the boys can play nice.”

  “Good. For now, I suggest we all get some sleep. I know I could use it. As for the plan to reach Izendune, let me ponder it some more. We wouldn't be going until the Elves of Orenty are with us once more—if we do decide to risk it. So either way we have a little time yet left. Meanwhile lets do what else we can.”

  Everyone was quietly nodding, and a few began to yawn, including Katrina and Wolflen himself. Fenka too was yawning and ready for a night's rest as well. So, everyone left their tent, and Wolflen and Katrina were thankful it was over.

  “Let's hope they don't kill each other in the night,” Katrina said, referring to Lord Eklar Felken and Trevel.

  “Stone bender?” Wolflen asked, not knowing what the term meant.

  “Oh...a cultural slur used for those Elves that choose the life under mountain or within the world.”

  Wolflen nodded.

  “You think Carra is o
kay?” he asked.

  “I dunno,” she remarked, “probably not. How would you feel now if you were to no longer be a War Mage?”

  “Miserable and upset.”

  She smiled at him coming closer and taking his hand in her own. Her eyes softened as she looked at him and sighed a tired sigh while still softly smiling and staring into his eyes a moment.

  “See, you were meant for this calling. You did a pretty good job of breaking up that little fight by the way. Both men are well trained in combat, and it would be interesting to see who would be the victor, but I am glad it didn't come to that. And though you were the largest male in the room, I think your presence was commanding for more than just your size. My husband the War Mage.”

  “My wife, the believer in destiny,” he chided playfully.

  “Destiny brought us together Wolflen.”

  “Then may it forever lead us.”

  As they kissed gently, Katrina bit his lip playfully and asked him if he recalled exactly what they had been up to before the meeting in the tent had taken place. He smiled back at her as she playfully bit his neck.

  “How could I forget?”


  “Carra would you just talk to me please?” Jakarta asked again as he continued darting after her through camp.

  She hadn't slowed her pace however, nor turned, no matter how many times he called out to her. She knew though he would be persistent, but she didn't want him to see her in the emotional state she was now in. Tears rolled from her eyes freely. She felt broken, empty, and now as though she had no use within camp, within the greatest war of Fengysha in her time, and the feeling struck her mind over and again like waves crashing upon a shoreline, bringing with it a tide of tears that wet her cheeks.


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