Fury of Molith (Fengysha Series Book 2)

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Fury of Molith (Fengysha Series Book 2) Page 22

by Jordan Cramm

  “Go away Jakarta. Please, just leave me alone.”

  “You know I can't...I wont...” he replied as he continued to follow her. “Carra wait please.”

  “I can't help you Jakarta. I can't help anyone now. I'm no longer a Free Mage. I can't do Guild Magic, and I am sure no Knight. I just want to go to my tent, gather my things, and disappear. Give me that at least.”

  “No,” he said as he reached her, grabbed her arm and spun her toward him.

  She pounded her fists upon his breastplate a couple times, not wanting to look at him. She wanted to push him away, but he wouldn't let her. He wrapped his arms around her instead, and after a moment she leaned into him, crying with her head on his shoulder.

  “I'm not letting you go,” Jakarta said quietly, “and I think you know why.”

  “It's all just a dream now Jakarta. I'm not a Mage anymore. I don't have any special powers. No gifts. No talents.”

  “Sure you do,” he remarked softly, “you just don't see them yourself yet. I know you felt you had to give up the Free Magic, and I know why you did it. But that doesn't make you worthless. A Free Mage is only WHAT you were, not WHO you are. You don't have to be a Free Mage, a Guild Mage, or even a Knight. Be yourself. I for one think that is enough.”

  “That's because the dying hasn't started yet,” she retorted with a sob, “because when it does...and it will, this group is going to need all the healers it can get.”

  “We need those that can keep their heads. Those that bring hope to those around them. Without that, we are all in trouble. You have always been one such person ever since I met you. That has nothing to do with the Free Magic. More likely, it was probably one of the reasons the Free Magic chose you to be a Free Mage in the first place. Think about it, if you were once chosen by the Free Magic, then it saw good qualities in you. It is the magic of balance right? Well we do have enemies out there who would take our lives as you say, but our hope as well. And I for one could use your company to balance out my own fears and doubts, perhaps remind me of the good in this world.”

  “If the Free Magic saw something in me once, that changed when it asked what it did. Perhaps it no longer sees those qualities in me to make such a request. Perhaps then you should not think so highly of me either.”

  “Or,” he remarked, “maybe this is just how the Free Magic maneuvered you so that we could be here in this moment. You have been a healer, and an inspiration. Maybe you aren't a Free Mage now, but I have heard you speak of our culture, our territories, and many of our customs with sincere reverence and even awe at times. How many times have you commented that you would love to be a Paladin if you weren't tied down by the duties of the Free Magic? This is your chance Carra. Say the word and I will do my best to help train you personally.”

  “Why?” Carra asked in a raspy tone as she sniffled, “Why would you help me like that?”

  “Because you carry my heart in your hands, and to me that is evidence that you can still do magic.”

  Chapter 20: Battle Begins

  It had already been two days. Carra was settling in to her new assignment of helping as an aide in the healer's tent. After much time talking it over with Jakarta, she agreed that she could still be of use there, even if it meant only fetching bowls of hot water, applying bandages, or bringing towels. Of course the tent itself was sturdy enough, and certainly big enough to hold a dozen people at once. It was one of many such tents within camp.

  She tightened her belt slightly, letting her sword hang freely. Most healers in the tent had no such arms upon their person, but Carra insisted she be given a sword. She said if nothing else, she could also aid in defense of the tent if needed be. Jakarta knew she was only trying to feel useful again, and seeing as it made her happy, he was glad to oblige her request.

  As she moved some herbal supplies around on the nearby table, she heard her name called and recognized the voice at once. It was Jakarta, come to see her before the upcoming battle was joined. He knew it would likely be fierce, but he also knew that they were as ready as they were going to be, and he told her as much as he stepped in and stood beside her a moment.

  “Feeling better today?” he asked with a smile and longing in his eyes.

  She nodded slightly while returning a grin of her own and saying, “Thanks to you. I still don't know how much help I can be here, but I guess every little bit helps right?”

  Jakarta looked down a moment before offering a solemn comment.

  “When the injuries and the dying starts; and it will...we will need every able body in here. You might not be able to do spells, but you can help in other ways, and yes, every little bit counts.”

  “Are Werewolves really as tough as I have been hearing lately?”

  “Well,” Jakarta replied, “I have faced them many times and survived. Wolflen himself recently fought some and lived. But yes. I've seen many comrades fall in battle to such beasts. It's never a pretty sight, and it's always brutal.”

  “And yet you will be on the front line, and I at further distance.”

  “It will be good to know you are away from the front lines Carra. It will be dangerous out there.”

  “I know. But it would be good to know after...as soon as you are able I mean, that you are okay as well.”

  Jakarta smiled and nodded, and quietly leaned in, offering her a kiss on the cheek before responding.

  “You can count on it,” he said smiling, “but for now I should go.”

  He turned and left the healers tent, leaving her to stand and sigh. She was glad that he had come to visit her, but now more caught up with the notion of needing to feel useful again. She asked one of the Shamans nearby what she herself could do to help be ready, and the Shaman merely smiled and told Carra not to worry, that soon they would all be busy enough. The Shaman had been right about that.


  Wolflen strode through camp with Jakarta and Ayvock at his side. Already, Katrina was in position at one of the archers towers; a place where Ravenshade agreed to stay to defend as well. Such was to Wolflen's delight, because while Ravenshade had no skill with a bow, he knew firsthand that she did have skill with her swords, and if enemies got beyond the barrier defenses, he would be glad to know Katrina was safe.

  “...and Trevel is set upon the right flank? You think he can manage leading Izenians?”

  “He will be fine without a doubt. We received word by way of magical hawk, and according to the reports, it should be another chime or so before see sign of the enemy.”

  Suddenly there were horn blasts beginning to sound throughout camp. Wolflen and Ayvock both stopped and looked at Jakarta.

  “Sounds like it will be sooner than that,” Ayvock commented, “they are here.”

  “Jakarta, take you position on the left and to be ready to ride. Ayvock, you're with me up the middle.”

  Everyone could feel the adrenaline begin to affect them. They each knew they were on the brink of battle now, and that it was only a few breaths away. As Wolflen and Ayvock walked together until reaching the front lines where their animal mounts were, Ayvock commented.

  “Communication also tells that the Elves of Orenty are yet a day behind the enemy. For a time, we will be on our own against a larger force.”

  Wolflen nodded.

  “We can't give up this ground Ayvock. Here, we have to hold fast.”

  Ayvock swung himself atop Colt's back with ease now and settled into the saddle, his sword sheathed on one side of his hips, and a tomahawk on the other.

  “At least,” Ayvock remarked, “other communications tell us that Izendune cities are amassing their armies and making preparations for war. They plan to march on the Ring of Izen as soon as they are able. That, and you remain in camp—I take these things as good news.”

  “Yes,” Wolflen replied, “but I fear the march of our people on Izendune will be too late. Besides, that doesn't help us here now. If we wanted to retreat through the portal we couldn't go to Izendune.”

bsp; “I don't want to retreat at all,” Ayvock replied matter-of-factually, “especially with a horde of Werewolves in pursuit. Where exactly would we lead them? Orenty? Polithica? We'd be bringing the trouble here to those places.”

  Wolflen nodded.

  “Let's pray this doesn't end in retreat then. The ballista is ready, and you and I will be in charge of the orders from the front lines. I don't want our men rushing into battle until we have no choice. Let's break this horde upon our barrier walls first if we can, and use fire and arrows to keep them at bay so long as fortune permits.”

  “You don't sound too eager for up close and personal,” Ayvock noted.

  “You're right,” Wolflen replied, “because I've seen what these buggers can do.”

  “Well at least you have your helmet this time,” Ayvock chided, “and whatever happens, thank you.”

  “Thanks for what?”

  “For bringing me along on what has been a grand adventure so far...all of this. The company, the training, the quest to other lands...all of it. I am honored to be a part of it.”

  “Don't get all mushy on me now,” Wolflen replied, “because I am going to need a hardened Judicator now.”

  Ayvock nodded and from his saddle extended his arm for a handshake which Wolflen returned from the top of the back of Sespa, his own mount. He knew he wouldn't be riding out right away; at least not until the catapults and arrows had done what they could.

  The sound of horns continued, raising the alarm so that all would take their positions. Off in the distance, the front lines of the enemy could be seen on the distant horizon, though their snarls and growls could not yet be heard. For the most part though, everyone was in position. Those that were able stood behind walls made for fortifications, though many on horseback knew that once the command for a charge was given, they would be riding round the defensive barriers to attempt their flanking maneuvers. The plan was a decent one; at least in theory. Practical application however, was another matter.

  Still, at least the battle would be simple. Wolflen was not expecting to see any envoys riding toward him with a white flag to request a truce. Time proved that theory correct, as well as a few others.


  Nearly three chimes had come and gone, and the battle was joined. The ballista had proven useful for launching volleys of containers filled with black powder while Katrina and other archers followed with arrows of fire, igniting a good portion of the battlefield in the distance. What they soon learned however, was that the flames did not drive the Werewolves back, but only seemed to spur their intent. That, and from the backs of horses, Vampires seemed to be driving the horde.

  Both the left and right flank on Wolflen's force had eventually collapsed into the center of the horde, and now the combat was close quarters for all. Wolflen and Ayvock battled together in fact, nearly back to back upon the battlefield as they swung their weapons toward their enemies. They had no way of knowing how the battle faired overall, as they were too involved with trying to survive it themselves.

  Ayvock ducked under Wolflen's sword swipe that then followed through and took with it the head of a Werewolf. At the same time, Ayvock came upwards again with his tomahawk and sliced up the chest of a Werewolf to its face before it could strike against Wolflen's back. Blood, flesh, and fur were beneath their feet. Wolflen watched a moment as Sespa took down another in the distance; they had been parted after a near-miss attack from a Werewolf; a maneuver that had taken Wolflen from Sespa's back in a previous encounter, but now failed, though his dodging left him on foot now.

  Wolflen spun with a furious lightning strike that dropped three more Werewolves ahead of him. The smell of the burnt flesh was not lost on them, but there was no time to think about it either. Ayvock was pounded to the ground by two Werewolves that had him pinned now. Wolflen spun again, slicing with both swords in opposite arcs to slice at them both. It was enough to get them off Ayvock, though he was shaking his head under his helmet slightly as he stood.

  As another Werewolf lunged for them, it was an arrow this time that stopped the beast short of its mark, and Wolflen looked to the archer tower to see Katrina knocking back another, but already picking another target in the distance. Wolflen realized in that moment she was so busy she didn't even have time for a quick glance, and he guessed that was for the best if it meant more foes were being downed or at least slowed. He only wished they had more archers among them now.

  As Ayvock got to his feet, he and Wolflen charged forward together, being side by side and moving as though they were seasoned veterans of war, though such was not the case. But together they would lunge and dodge, both working together as though they themselves shared telepathic communication, even though they didn't. Wolflen wondered as they pressed forward if that was just blind luck, or the War Magic somehow kicking into gear. He decided he didn't care so long as they were both still breathing.

  Wolflen held up one of his arms with sword in hand and around him magic shielding began to glow and take shape. He slammed hard against the line in front of him, slamming against four Werewolf monsters and trying to press forward while maintaining the size and rectangular shape of his current shield. He struck them sure enough, hearing the snarling, the snapping of jaws, and the growling coming from the edges of his shielding as they tried pressing back upon him. In the same moment, Ayvock threw all of his weight at the back side of the shield, turning and slamming his back into it as he struck it and moved it forward slightly, then with his sword he struck another foe that had got behind them.

  “Close your eyes,” Wolflen yelled over the sounds of battle, “and ready to brace yourself.”

  Ayvock knew what Wolflen was planning, as they had already used the maneuver twice in the current battle. And in a moment, they were whisked again to another position on the field. Wolflen's teleportation magic had made it so, and now they faced down another Vampire on horseback. By taking out the leaders though, Wolflen thought maybe their Werewolf foe might be more likely to flee.

  Wolflen wasted no time in the small clearing in between the Vampire line and the Werewolf horde which was now behind them. Using his telekinetic energy, he blasted the Vampire off the back of his horse while Ayvock took a moment to adjust again from being teleported. The Vampire struck the ground with a thud, but was quickly on its feet again, brandishing a long sword and a dagger. Wolflen grinned.

  As it struck at Wolflen, swords clashed, pausing a moment in mid-air. Wolflen's own Shockblade glowed and surged with electric energy, and as the Vampire tried to strike with it's other weapon, Wolflen knocked it away with his other sword as he stepped backwards when the Vampire took another swipe with his main sword hand. After it missed though, it brought forth its free hand, and using black ghostly tendrils, managed to grab Wolflen's feet and pull backward violently, causing Wolflen to hit his back upon the ground. Still, with dual swords still in hand, Wolflen quickly blocked in an “X” formation above him, stopping the Vampire's blade all together.

  Ayvock took another swipe with his tomahawk, trying to uppercut the Vampire, but it saw the move coming just in time and dodged, pulling backwards and then counter-striking with his blade, which cut against Ayvock's left arm and shoulder. Being a mithril blade, it also cut through the armor and Ayvock yelled slightly, and held his injured arm a moment as the Vampire stepped back, readying for another assault while watching Wolflen get to his feet quickly.

  Wolflen made one of his swords vanish now, and held his empty sword hand in front of him in a closed fist across his body. Just beyond it, he held magic shielding, and around the edge of the magical shield, he had his sword cocked and pointed at the Vampire as he and Ayvock separated.

  “We've already taken out four of you bastards today,” Wolflen said with a grin, “and number five shall be no different.”

  The Vampire knew he was in a losing battle; Wolflen was right. But it didn't just give up and try to flee either. Firstly, it summoned some of the closest Werewolves to him, which kept
Wolflen and Ayvock busy at least for a few more moments. But then they turned their attention again upon the Vampire, and it knew it had no chance of being reinforced again before he himself was engaged in close combat once more. It didn't matter long however. As Wolflen stretched out his hand he used a strike of lightning, and that was enough to send the Vampire to the ground coughing. He also lost his sword in the process.

  Wolflen and Ayvock pressed forward, and Wolflen stomped a heavy foot on it's chest before using his sword to cut it's throat quickly. Ayvock was still holding his arm and now trying to stop the bleeding as Wolflen scanned the area around them now.

  “You need that looked at,” Wolflen said quickly, “shut your eyes again...”

  Wolflen stepped toward Ayvock and placed a hand on his good arm, and once more they were whisked away. This time though the reappeared outside one of the medical tents, which luckily was still behind the lines of battle and safe. Once Wolflen deposited his friend in the tent, he then vanished again, saying that Ayvock could join the battle later if able, but that meanwhile, Wolflen was returning to it presently.

  Near the rear of the battle lines he looked out beyond for a moment, seeing thousands of rank and file of the Werewolves, still trying to crash against the Izenian lines. Of course the Izenians were mostly Knights, and so they themselves used such tactics as the shield wall, helping to break the wave of advancing foes, though Wolflen could see that even such a tactic was being overrun in certain areas. So, after watching for a moment and drawing a few deep breaths, he teleported once more to a place where the shield wall seemed to be crumbling directly in the center of their main line.

  As he found his new footing, he quickly unleashed a wave of telekinetic force. As he thrust his arms forward, several Werewolves crashed backwards into their own lines, allowing a momentary interval for the shield wall to reform. He struck again in such fashion, noting that the barrier wall that once stood as partial protection was now splintered and broken upon the ground, and much of it was covered in bodies.


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