Fury of Molith (Fengysha Series Book 2)

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Fury of Molith (Fengysha Series Book 2) Page 23

by Jordan Cramm

  As the Werewolves tried to advance once more, he used a new tactic, and with a yell, he lowered his hands and raised them once more above his head. In concert with this gesture, the ground ahead of him cracked and crumbled at once, and a wall of soil and rock both sprang forth ahead of him. Behind him he could hear the cheers of soldiers, but he knew it was far too soon for celebration.

  It didn't take the Werewolves long to begin hurdling the now 12 foot high wall all around the center of the Izenian front line. However, the first wave fell quickly upon cresting it as a volley of arrows flew from behind the Izenian line, striking targets all around. Wolflen smiled, and knew, or at least hoped, that somewhere in a tower behind them Katrina was safe, and she was part of the reason Werewolves were now lying dead.

  Again Wolflen raised his arms, spreading out his wall of soil and stone all around, until he quickly formed a barrier that circled their entire army. Again the cheers were loud and celebratory, but he knew it was still far from over.

  He yelled out to all of his men, telling them to fall back and reform. His orders were then shouted throughout the remaining army, not just in the center of their lines, but on both flanks as well. He knew it wouldn't be such an easy task to get everyone to disengage, but he kept his eye on the front line the whole time as he began to focus his thoughts. It was a magical working he needed to test so that he would know whether or not he could do such a thing. So, when he felt the time was right, and he saw that all of his men still on their feet were back far enough, he stretched out both hands in a swift and fluid motion, and at once a giant bubble of shielding formed over their whole camp, and around the soldiers themselves.

  When it happened, some of the Werewolves were trapped with them and inside the shielding bubble, but the Izenian soldiers did well to dispatch those stragglers as they crashed against the shield wall they had reformed themselves with their own shields.

  Wolflen froze in place. He knew he had accomplished the great feat of magical shielding, and he had no doubt it would keep the enemy out. What he didn't know however is how long he could hold the shield in place. It took a tremendous amount of focus on his part after all. The cheers and applause from the army coupled with the noises of war from the enemy outside the shielding didn't help either.

  As he stood there, he began shouting, and the army began to quiet to hear him.

  “Soldiers of Akartha, and friends from Elven lands,” he began, “we can break this army here, but we must regroup and reform. I will hold this shielding as long as I am able, and hopefully it will be long enough for our reinforcements to arrive. Meanwhile, be ready. If this shielding falls we must be prepared to fight once more. For now though, recover. I will hold it as long as I am able.”

  Chapter 21: Lorne Outrider

  Wolflen had stood with his arms up for the span of nearly three chimes, holding the shield in check. It was quite the drain on him, not only for the mental focus it was taking, but also because he had been on his feet for a while with his arms raised. Ayvock had in fact returned from the healer's tent and even offered to bring Wolflen a seat, and Wolflen was glad for it. Jakarta helped hold Wolflen's arms up from time to time too. Katrina also had come to be with him off and on, bringing him a water canteen and some dried meat so that he could recover some energy without having to move to get it himself. It was a funny sight to witness—the Elven Princess pouring a canteen into his mouth, or even feeding him. Still, everyone knew that what she was doing for him was helping. It gave them all much needed time to take some rest, and to work on their own fortifications a bit more since most of their own previously built barriers were now crushed.

  “Wolflen it looks like we are down to about 700 soldiers that can still fight—give or take,” Jakarta said as he stood near Wolflen, “and about 30 or so in the healer's tent that won't fight again this day.”

  “These bastards don't leave many wounded do they?”

  Jakarta shook his head no.

  “They are brutal. Your shield probably saved us all.”

  “Or delayed the inevitable,” Ayvock remarked, “because if we do have to fight again, and Wolflen is drained from this, he may not be up to dealing out the damage like only a War Mage can.”

  “Sue me, I chose defense,” Wolflen replied sharply, “but if I hadn't there would be a lot more dead Izenians on the ground beyond the other side of this shield.”

  “I know,” Ayvock replied, “it was and still is a good idea. I am just saying if you drop before reinforcements arrive, it might be for nothing.”

  “How many are out there by your guess?”

  “Maybe two thousand or so left. Maybe three.”

  “I'd say closer to three,” Jakarta added, “and thats enough to be a problem for us all.”

  “Ayvock I have a favor to ask you,” Wolflen said.

  “Sure. What is it?”

  “I have summoned Sespa; she is within the shield bubble with us. I need you to check her left rear leg. She needs a healer, but I can't move obviously, and she knows its bad but won't tell me how bad. Go fetch me Katrina. She said she was going to take position in one of the towers again in case I falter, but I think for the moment I can hold it.”

  Ayvock nodded and turned. He didn't fully run, but he trotted lightly. He was happy for the breathing time that Wolflen's shield allowed. Although, it also meant that he had time to think about the dead laying outside the shield, which included his own horse Colt. He had loved that horse. Still, he was glad that he himself was still alive, and for the moment, untouchable thanks to Wolflen's shield. He knew however that there were many Izenians of Akartha laying dead on both sides of the shield bubble.

  It didn't take him long to reach the tower Katrina was positioned in. And though night had fallen, torches and braziers still burned throughout the camp, so he was able to see her relatively well. He called to her, and Katrina simply leaned over the edge of the tower. She asked first if Wolflen was okay. Ayvock said that indeed he was, but that he was requesting her help where he was. As she replied, Ravenshade looked over the rail of the tower as well and smiled to see him in decent shape. He smiled up at her as well.

  It took Katrina only a few moments to get out of the tower, and Ravenshade followed closely after. As they followed Ayvock at a trots pace, he told them why Wolflen was requesting her presence, and she guessed that he was wanting her to use healing magic to help Sespa. She had been right about that.

  “Husband you look exhausted,” she commented as she reached him.

  “Never mind me,” he said sternly, “Sespa is coming. Can you see her? I don't want to turn to look.”

  Katrina nodded from in front of Wolflen, covering her mouth as she looked on.

  “How bad is it?” Wolflen demanded.

  “I…Wolflen you worry about the shield. I will do what I can for her.”

  “How bad is it?”

  “Wolflen,” Jakarta interjected, “tell her to lay down where she is and stop approaching.”

  “Damn it,” Wolflen yelled, “how bad?”

  “Bad Wolflen, but she isn't dead. Her back leg is tore up bad. Tell her to lay down. Katrina is here, and I will fetch more healers at once. You just hold the shield,” Ayvock returned firmly, “or it will be bad for us all.”

  Wolflen let out a yell, fearing to turn and look himself, and knowing that he very much wanted to. He also knew however that he was no healer. In fact he wasn't even sure if the War Magic had spells for healing. He made a mental note that he should find out if he ever got the chance, and then he grimaced as he held he shield in place around them all. He barked at everyone nearby to help Sespa, and Jakarta said he would stay at Wolflen's side to help hold Wolflen's arms up as he had been doing.

  “If that shield drops, you'll be grateful for my Flameblades Wolflen.”

  Wolflen nodded, and the others darted across bloody ground to where Sespa was. Katrina knelt low and began talking to Ayvock about it. They were now out of earshot from Wolflen where they were, a
nd it was a thing she was grateful for.

  “She's lost a lot of blood. This is beyond my skill. We need a a true healer here fast Ayvock, or at the least she's going to lose the leg. More likely she will die. Go, and be quick.”


  Ayvock stood and darted across the camp toward the nearest healers tent, and yelled out at once. He shouted that he needed a healer to help with Sespa who was injured and in field. Carra was in the tent when it happened, and she wanted to go, but she quickly remembered she had no more Free Magic to wield. Another however, a Shaman man by the name of Lorne Outrider stepped forward, and he told Carra to watch over the fallen Knight who was laying in the bed. She was told to keep him still while the Shaman's magic worked within his body.

  “Don't let him move around, and do not let him eat,” Lorne told Carra, “and I will return when I am able,” he said as he moved toward Ayvock and spoke again, “Now Judicator, lead the way if you will.”

  Ayvock noted that Lorne was a large man, and upon his back was sheathed a very long war hammer. The man also was clad only in leather armor and furs over his shoulders and back. Upon his arms, his chest, hands and face were various tattoos, and Ayvock realized in that moment he was staring, and likely wasting time. And so, he turned quickly to lead the way.

  Apart from Lorne's tattoos, another noticeable thing about him was his tightly braided hair. The sides and back of his head were shaved, but the top portion of his hair was blonde and braided, down to his shoulders. Ayvock thought it odd that a man such as that, who clearly was a warrior in his own right, would be working in the healers tent. Still, Ayvock knew that Shamans were a special class in their own right. They could be healers, fighters, seers, and so much more. So Ayvock showed him the way to Sespa without question, and Lorne Outrider knelt over the body once they got there.

  “This is beyond my skill,” Katrina said.

  Lorne simply nodded sternly as he knelt down.

  “You can assist. You are a Ranger yes?”

  Katrina nodded.

  “Good. I am gonna need some of your magic.”

  “What do you need done?” she asked.

  “I need strong vines to hold this one down. I can't guarantee this healing will be painless, and the wolf needs to be still.”

  Katrina nodded and moved toward Sespa's head to calmly speak to her.

  “Sespa,” she began, “I am going to tie you down. You won't like it I am sure, but it has to be done so that this man can heal your leg. If we don't do it I am afraid of what comes next. Ugggh, I don't even know if you can understand me or not. Be calm girl...”

  Katrina reached into one of her belt pouches and retrieved a ruby that she had previously charged with magical energy so as not to draw from her own current reserves. Then she waved her hands around in the air in a fluid motion, and in the places she was pointing, vines began sprouting up quickly, moving as she directed them to move with her fingers until they wrapped around Sespa's body to tie her down. The vines tunneled deep after sprouting, and Katrina kept calling for more until she was satisfied that Sespa had in effect been rooted to the ground.

  Sespa whimpered and whined, and Katrina knew it was due to the pain in her leg.

  “Good,” Lorne said as he began to lower his hands to hover over Sespa's leg, “thank you Ranger. You are the Princess Katrina are you not?”

  “I am,” Katrina said as she noted the dark orange glow emanating from Lorne's hands now.

  “Well Lady Darkmoon I am grateful for your help. I've seen you on her back before...it would help if you could try to keep her calm now as I begin, seeing as how she knows you.”

  Lorne leaned down and pressed his hands upon Sespa's injured leg. She let out a bellow of a yelp and howl when he did, and Katrina noticed Lorne's eyes went ghost white, as though they had rolled back into his head. Still, just by being as close as she was, she could feel the waves of healing aura spread out over Sespa. She could also hear Lorne chanting words in the Izenian language that she didn't understand. Slowly, Sespa's wounds began to heal. Muscle tissue began to regenerate right before her eyes, and strands of it began weaving together and forming over bone as they once had been.

  As Lorne continued, the massive wounds began to heal. For there was more than one opening in her leg to begin with. She had suffered bite and claw marks alike from a foe that had been intent on killing her. Now though, Lorne was repairing that damage, and though Sespa still whined and struggled, Katrina's vines had done an excellent job in keeping her rooted. Without such, the task would have been much more difficult, if not impossible.

  Katrina watched as the skin began to regrow quickly around the wound, so that each edge of the cuts and bites closed in on one-another, until at last, the wounds were entirely closed and even fur began to grow quickly, even to the length it had previously been. Then when it was done, Lorne leaned back on his knees and pulled back his hands before his eyes returned to normal. He sat there a moment on his knees, breathing heavily, and sighing once he saw his work was done.

  “Sespa has said she is better now,” Lorne remarked, “though she is quite hungry, and asks if you will now release your vines that she may go find something to eat.”

  Katrina burst out in joyful laughter that was coupled with tears. She was glad that Sespa was healed now, and she knew Wolflen would be too. She wondered how Lorne knew what Sespa wanted now however, and the look on her face must have told him as much, because he explained.

  “Shamans tap into magic of the spirit for such things. It is similar to the connection she shares with Wolflen our War Mage. After the healing, she told me of her desire to eat. Don't worry, it's not a permanent link.”

  Katrina smiled as she began to wave her hands to remove the vines from the steadfast grasp they had on Sespa, and Sespa slowly got to her feet afterward, with no ill effects now.

  “Thank you,” Katrina said, “your deeds here today will not be forgotten Shaman—by me, or by Wolflen. What is your name?”

  “I am Lorne Outrider Princess.”

  “Lorne,” she replied, “you have saved a loved one today, of both me and of my husband Wolflen. When this is all over, it will be rewarded greatly.”

  “I would be happy to last the night Lady Darkmoon. Seems your husband might just make that happen though. As for this healing, your assistance was greatly appreciated. You too helped save Sespa's life. She will never forget your part in that either.”

  “Thank you. You should come meet my husband, I know he will want to thank you personally too.”

  Lorne looked over at Wolflen who sat frozen in place now in the distance with his arms raised, being aided by Jakarta and facing the opposite direction.

  “No Lady Darkmoon,” he said, “I think now is not the right time. He sits out there against the dark, against our enemies. He doesn't need bothered by me now, but needs his concentration. Simply tell him Sespa is okay now. Besides, I have other patients that still need my attention back in the healer's tent.”

  “Thank you.”

  Lorne nodded as he stood, bowing his head slightly before returning to where he came from in the first place. Katrina turned and began a jog to give Wolflen the good news, but soon learned that Wolflen already knew because of the telepathic link he shared with Sespa.

  “Thank you beloved,” Wolflen said to her as she came close, “and tell the healer they have my thanks as well. Meanwhile, can you get Sespa some food from one of our wagons? She can't exactly hunt being trapped in this shield bubble.”

  “Sure,” Katrina said as she bent down and kissed Wolflen's cheek as he sat still, “and I love you.”

  “I love you too. Now pray this shield holds.”

  “I know my husband's stamina,” she replied, “and his love for those gathered here. The shield will hold.”

  As she turned to find Sespa a meal, Jakarta merely grinned at what she had said. He stood now in front of Wolflen and continued to help hold his hands in the air because Wolflen had previously stat
ed that he thought if his hands fell, the shield bubble around them would follow.

  “We should have arm rests made quickly,” Jakarta pointed out.

  Wolflen nodded as he replied, “It might help. Would let you relax a little too.”

  Jakarta called for Ayvock who was nearby and then asked if Ayvock could see the matter handled, which Ayvock agreed to at once.

  “Hey,” Ayvock commented, “that Lorne Outrider did an amazing job of healing Sespa by the way. It's as if she never entered battled today.”

  Lorne Outrider. Wolflen said the name in his head a few times as he kept his focus on the shielding around them. I won't forget the name.

  Lorne Outrider.

  Chapter 22: The Underground Cold

  The jail cells were magnificent works of Dwarven engineering; or at least would be for anyone not stuck within. For the moment however, Gorak, Fenka, and Lord Eklar Felken were trapped behind bars of iron in separate cells. Their offer for assistance from King Gral and his Dwarves had not only fallen short of their desired outcome, but it also set into motion another portion of Mortican's premeditated strategies. Now they knew. Now to them behind bars it was clear. Both King Gral and King Brosha had been waiting for the visitors to come calling for help and seeking alliance. They had been lying in wait. But they however had already come to terms with Mortican beforehand. The Dwarves of Molith would neither support the Izenian War Mage, nor the Elves of Orenty.

  In fact, the Dwarves of Molith were given offer of promised reward. Mortican would supply 500,000 gallons of Voodian to be split between the two Dwarven Kings, and in return, they simply had to drive out the invaders that had come to Molith. They were further asked to wipe Molith clean of all inhabitants that were not Dwarven, which they seemed oddly settled upon doing. Cities like Elender would soon learn that truth.

  Lord Eklar still tested the engineering of the cell he was in, though Gorak commented that it was pointless. The smell of the prison was rank with rotting flesh, rat droppings, and the scent of despair from those trapped within was almost palpable. Lord Eklar was surprised that the Dwarven Kings had turned on him seemingly so easily given their past dealings, but now it was clear that his past counted for nothing among them. Now he was determined to shake of the proverbial shackles of the past, and escape the literal prison they were now in. He knew it was a fate that Gorak now shared as well, since they refused to acknowledge him as a third Dwarven King.


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