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Teton division of, 7;
Whetstone Creek Agency, 129, 131–32;
Wounded Knee agency, 328
Buell, George P., 253
Buffalo: Black Hills importance to, 54–55;
Canadian herds, 260;
depletion of, 74–75, 132, 151;
heyoka energy of the, 62;
impact of buffalo robe trade on, 75;
impact of railroad on, 132–33, 159–60;
impact of white settlement on, 19;
role in Lakota society, 14–16. See also Communal hunts
Buffalo Calf Road Woman, 208
Buffalo Chips, 370
Buffalo Nation. See Pte Itokagata (Buffalo South); Pte Oyate (Buffalo Nation); Pte Waziyata (Buffalo North)
Buffalo Spirit, 25
Buffalo Tongue, 91, 93–94, 418n32
Bull Head, 13, 146, 405n6
Burke, Daniel W., 347, 366–78, 393
Butler, Edmond, 259
Buys a Bad Woman (Curly Hair), 401n4, 409n25
Calhoun, Fred, 381
Calhoun, James, 226
California Gold Rush of 1849, 19
Camp at the Horn, 8. See also Hunkpatila band
Camp Brown, 336
Camp Rains, 396
Camp Robinson, 176, 245, 250, 281, 299, 301, 307
Camp Sheridan, 176, 315, 346–47, 351, 365–68, 392–93
Canada: breakouts to, 397;
Fast Bull breakout to, 394–95;
as Grandmother’s Land, 185;
Lakota flight to, 64, 247–51, 260–75, 364–65;
Lakota return from, 397;
Métis traders, 76, 95, 167, 260;
as sanctuary, 76, 241, 243, 250, 447n29;
Sitting Bull refuge in, 260, 324, 333, 345
Cangleska wakan (sacred hoop of tipis), 119, 273. See also Sun Dance
Cantonment Reno (Fort McKinney), 304, 307, 454n30
Carrington, Henry B., 92–96
Casey, James S., 258
Cavalry units: 11th Kansas, 84;
1st U.S., 50;
2nd U.S., 106, 137, 149, 179, 201, 240–42, 274;
3rd U.S., 202, 243–44, 342, 353, 361, 379–80, 394–96;
4th U.S., 245, 301;
5th U.S., 242, 245, 333, 336;
7th Iowa, 84;
7th U.S., 165–69, 180, 202, 213–35, 239, 242
Central Pacific Railroad, 159
Ceremonies. See Feasts and ceremonies; Giveaways; Rituals
Charging Bear, 244, 316
Charging Hawk, 299
Charging Horse, 260, 266
Charms, protective power of: for Crazy Horse (formerly Curly Hair), 60–61;
sicun power and, 6;
tunkan wasicun (spirit rock), 67;
for warfare, 68;
wopiye pouch for, 67;
wotawe charms, 53, 413n22. See also Sicun as source of power
Cheyenne River Agency, 247–49, 253–54, 260, 305, 397, 436n52, 454n32, 466n17
Cheyennes: army encounters with, 44, 46, 50–54, 249;
as army scouts, 248, 274;
Battle of the Little Bighorn, 216–23, 236;
grand council of 1851 and, 19–21;
Lakota alliance with, 7, 68–69, 93–94, 96–97, 151, 246;
land cessions, 74–75;
Male Crow’s death and, 10;
relocation to Indian Territory, 280, 301–302, 306, 318;
Sand Creek Massacre, 78–79;
Sappa Creek massacre, 184;
surrender of, 265, 271–72. See also Dog Soldiers
Childbirth, 5–6, 172
Chippewas, 8
Chivington, John M., 78
Christian missionaries. See Braeuninger, Moritz; De Smet, Pierre-Jean
Clark, William P., 65, 236, 274, 282–84, 290, 299–366, 371–75, 457n11, 458n7, 462n10, 470n41
Club Man, 132, 299
Cole, Nelson, 86
Colhoff, John, 72
Collins, Caspar, 85
Colorado Territory, 74, 78
Comanches, 184, 470n32
Communal hunts: band organization for, 8;
Deciders & akicita role in, 72, 240, 263;
Euro-American influence on, 17;
role in Lakota society, 14–16, 272–73, 298
Connor, Patrick E., 86
Corn (CH grandfather), 11, 13, 405n6
Counting coup: against army soldiers, 114, 211, 444n59;
ceremonial recounting of, 311;
Curly Hair, 47–48, 57, 61, 70, 139, 408n25;
He Dog, 69–70;
High Backbone, 139;
at Little Big Horn, 229, 231;
warfare ritual of, 126;
warrior selection for, 56;
warrior society contests, 54, 102;
Young Little Hawk, 70, 87
Courage: Crazy Horse (formerly Curly Hair), 61–62, 68–70, 88, 185–87, 211, 229;
Curly Hair counting coup, 47–49;
Curly Hair test of, 12;
in Lakota society, 8;
Spotted Tail surrender, 43
Crazy Dog Society (Cheyenne), 79, 96, 230–31
Crazy Horse (father of Curly Hair): birth of Curly Hair, 5–6;
as council elder, 30, 35;
grand council of 1851 and, 19;
and killing of Male Crow, 9–10;
Rattle Blanket Woman and, 10–11;
transfer of name to Curly Hair, 59–60;
as wicasa wakan, 12, 39. See also Worm (formerly Crazy Horse, father of Curly Hair)
Crazy Horse (formerly Curly Hair), 354;
adultery of, 130–31, 143–45, 172–73;
as army scout, 298–99, 303, 315–16;
arrest of, 353–84;
children of, 157–59, 170–72, 432n34;
courtship and marriage, 71–72, 127–28, 147–50, 152, 172–73, 318–19, 324;
death of, 389–90, 472n67;
description and mannerisms of, 71–72, 310;
funeral and burial of, 294, 391–96, 475n19;
generosity of, 8, 26, 63, 71, 119, 252, 300–301, 398;
guardian spirit of, 42, 60, 64–65, 270;
iwastela and, 137;
leadership of, 70–72, 77, 83–84, 102, 177, 236–37, 315–16;
naming of, 59, 135, 285;
newspaper interview of, 302;
as okicize itancan, 153;
relations with Red Cloud, 95–96;
removal as village leader, 330;
sacred power transfer to, 60;
shooting of, 144–46;
surrender negotiations, 253–54, 263–65, 270–72, 278–85;
visions of, 64–67, 173–74, 269–70, 276–78, 413n18;
war injury to, 61–62, 411n20
Crook, George, 62, 189–93, 202–12, 240–48, 264–66, 274–85, 291, 301–307, 316–61, 378–79, 390
Crow King, 223–24, 239
Crow-Lakota truces, 53, 55, 62–64, 73
Crow Owners Society, 137–38, 152, 162, 177
Crows: as army scouts, 205–208, 247, 250–51;
Fort Sarpy and, 63;
grand council of 1851 and, 20;
impact of white settlement on, 19;
killing of Male Crow, 9–10;
Lakota alliance with, 94–95;
Lakota relations with, 7, 44, 46, 410n15
Crow wars: Battle Defending the Tent, 68–71;
Battle of Pryor Creek, 163–65;
Crazy Horse (formerly Curly Hair) role in, 68–72, 143;
Fight When They Chased Them Back to Camp, 138–39
Crushes Man (Curly Hair), 401n4
Curly Hair: birth of, 5–6, 400n1;
counting first coup, 47–49, 57;
courage of, 12, 27–28;
. “cry for a vision,” 35, 39;
death of mother, 10–11, 66;
first buffalo kill, 14–16;
Lakota values and, 8;
relationship with Brules, 11, 45, 49, 408n15;
enaming of, 16, 59, 135, 401n4, 403n39, 409n25;
tiyospaye (lodge group) of, 7–8;
vision quest, 35, 39–45, 60–61, 407n1. See also Crazy Horse (formerly Curly Hair)
Custard, Amos, 86
Custer, George Armstrong, 165–69, 180, 202, 204, 291. See also Battle of the Little Bighorn
Cut Hairs, 76
Dakota Territory, 313
Daniels, Jared W., 161
Dark (Cheyenne holy man), 50–51
Day vision, 64
Dear, Clay, 309
Dear, J. W., 322
Dear, Richard, 309
Deciders, authority of, 15, 19
Delawares, 52
De Smet, Pierre-Jean, 13–14, 403n33
Devil’s Tower. See Bear Lodge Butte
Disease: settler spread of, 19, 22–23;
tuberculosis, 451n13
Divorce in Lakota Society, 131, 173
Dog Soldiers (Cheyenne), 78, 85, 105, 132
Dull Knife, 84, 241, 250, 256, 272
Dye, William M., 124, 129
Eagle doctoring (ceremony of healing), 270, 276–78
Eagle Elk (CH cousin), 47, 70, 109, 134, 152, 177–78, 185–86, 220–21, 357
Eagle power, 67, 325, 394, 450n4
Eastman, Charles, 56
Education, 76, 116, 303, 347, 396
Expeditions: Big Horn, 133–36, 139, 148–49, 202, 212, 245;
Powder River, 248;
Yellowstone, 165, 178–79, 202, 212, 245. See also U.S. Army military actions
Fast Bull, 306–309, 320, 345–47, 351, 363, 393–95
Fast Thunder (CH cousin), 61, 70, 108–10, 314, 366, 375–76, 383–85
Feasts and ceremonies: ceremony of healing (Eagle doctoring), 270, 276–78;
Crazy Horse surrender, 279–80;
Ghost Owning ceremony, 62, 392, 397–98, 475n5, 475n19, 476n23;
heyoka, 44–45;
in Lakota society, 8;
marriage, 147–48;
purification, 60;
Shirt Wearers, 119–25;
war party, 56;
war victory, 58–59, 102;
White Buffalo ceremony, 62. See also Giveaways; Rituals
Fetterman, William J., 98–101
Firearms. See Weapons
Fitzpatrick, Thomas, 17, 19–21, 29–30
Flatheads, 185
Fleming, Hugh B., 29–31
Flint, Franklin F., 135
Florida, 326, 379, 470n32
Flying By, 178, 185, 232, 241, 260
Flying Hawk, 27, 65–66, 149–50, 218–26
Fool Bear, 253–54
Foolish Heart, 308, 311–12
Fort Abraham Lincoln, 180, 202
Fort Belknap Agency, 185
Fort Berthold, 241
Fort Buford, 242, 397
Fort F.C. Smith, 94–95
Fort Fetterman, 129, 133, 137, 193, 248, 260
Fort Halleck, 124
Fort Keogh, 397
Fort Laramie: Crazy Horse (formerly Curly Hair) at, 80, 415n22;
grand treaty council of 1851, 17;
growth of settlement at, 53;
Indian trade at, 77–78, 122–23, 139, 150;
Indian village at, 80, 84;
role of garrison, 30. See also Treaties: 1868 treaty
Fort Leavenworth, 43, 45–46
Fort Marion, 379
Fort McKinney, 454n30
Fort Pease, 193, 236
Fort Peck, 272–73
Fort Phil Kearny, 32, 80, 84, 93–96
Fort Pierre, 13, 43–45
Fort Reno (Camp Connor), 86–87, 89, 91, 94–95. See also Cantonment Reno (Fort McKinney)
Fort Rice, 114, 120, 163, 165
Fort Sanders, 149
Fort Sarpy, 63
Fort Sully, 89–90
Fort Union, 74, 414n2
Four Crows, 299, 316
French, Thomas H., 168
French Creek, 180, 183, 201
Gall, 217, 224, 228, 236, 239–41, 247, 261
Garnett, Billy, 66, 72, 77, 84, 279, 298, 302–305, 311, 319–25, 341–44, 354–65, 383–87
Garnett, Richard B., 29–30
Generosity: Crazy Horse (formerly Curly Hair), 26, 71, 119, 252, 300, 398;
as Lakota virtue, 8, 24–25, 63;
tribal responsibility of, 121–22;
Worm (formerly Crazy Horse), 148
Ghost Owning ceremony, 62, 392, 398, 475n5, 475n19, 476n23
Gibbon, John, 201–204, 212–17, 234–36
Giveaways: annual Indian agent, 17–18;
. “cover” deaths by, 30, 49, 251;
. “cover” shooting by, 146;
Ghost Owning, 397–98;
Horse Creek Treaty of 1851, 21, 23;
hunka ritual and, 24, 26;
marriage, 147–48;
surrender, 279, 297;
war survivor, 200, 249–50;
wartime vengeance, 9–10;
war victory, 58–59;
White Buffalo ceremony, 62. See also Feasts and ceremonies; Treaty annuities
Gold discovery: Black Hills, 175–81, 189–90;
Colorado Territory, 74;
Montana, 73, 76, 91;
Powder River country, 178–79
Gold Rush of 1849, 19
Good Looking Woman, 11
Good Weasel, 70, 154–56, 178, 203, 206, 209, 237, 275, 299
Grand council of 1877, 267–68
Grandmother Earth (Unci), 39–40
Grandmother’s Land (Unci Makoce). See Canada
Grand peace council of 1877, 300–305
Grand treaty council of 1851, 17–21, 44
Grand treaty council of 1856, 43–45. See also Harney treaty
Grant, Ulysses S., 134, 139, 192
Grass, 123, 129
Grass House People, 61–62, 67, 411n20
Grattan, John L., 31–32, 407n1
Gray Hair, 96
Great Lakota Council of 1857, 53–56, 73
Great Sioux Reservation: agency relocation, 332–33, 394–98;
army control of, 122, 245–46;
creation of, 116;
hunting grounds of, 160;
white encroachment on, 180–81, 192, 332–33
Great Sioux War: 1875 winter campaign, 194–95;
1876 spring campaign, 201–203;
1876 Sun Dance and, 203–205;
1876 winter campaign, 248–52;
1877 winter campaign, 255–59;
army preparations for, 192–94;
Battle of Slim Buttes, 242–45;
Battle of the Little Bighorn, 212–34, 236;
Battle of the Rosebud, 205–12;
Battle of Wolf Mountains, 255–59;
collapse of the war front, 259–62;
Crazy Horse & Sitting Bull relationship, 199–201, 250–52, 259–60;
surrender negotiations, 264–68, 304
Gros Ventres of the Prairie. See Atsina Arapahos
Grouard, Frank, 101, 159, 169–70, 172, 181, 188, 194, 284, 325–26, 340–41
Grummond, George W., 98–101
Hanble-ceya, 41, 269–70
Harney, William S., 33–35, 43–46, 50, 64, 122, 422n41
Harney treaty, 46, 54–55, 89, 121, 130
Harrington, Henry M., 226, 228, 237
Harris, George, 135
Hart, Verling K., 168, 336, 342
Has Horns, 13
Hastings, James S., 193
Hayes, Rutherford B., 275
He Dog, 13, 49, 61–72, 124–53, 170–83, 194, 199, 217, 234, 243–44, 272–75, 280–84, 289, 292, 297–99, 316–17, 326–27, 347–64, 380–87, 408n25
Henry, Guy V., 361
Heyoka, 43–45, 48, 62, 71, 311. See also Thunder Beings
Hidatsas, 241, 410n16
High Backbone, 13, 28, 35, 56–63, 70–72, 87–89, 95–112, 120, 134, 138–39, 154–59, 171, 178–79, 212
High Forehead, 30–31
Hinman, Eleanor, 49
His Horse Stands in Sight (Curly Hair), 16, 403n39
Hoksi Hakakta (Last Born Child Society), 177, 334, 338
Holy men: Crazy Horse (father of Curly Hair), 12, 39;
Crazy Horse (formerly Curly Hair), 173–74, 195, 276–78, 407n2;
Long Turd, 174, 218, 222, 276, 433n6;
Makes the Song (CH grandfather), 6;
Medicine Arrow, 184;
role in ritual, 24–25, 39–44, 397–98;
sacred bundles and, 315;
Worm as, 277, 284–85;
Yellow Grass, 260
Homestead Act, 159–60. See alsoWhite settlement
Horn Chips, 23–28, 39–40, 44, 64–68, 107, 131, 146, 174, 276, 366–67, 383, 397, 404n2
Horned Horse, 224, 302
Horse Creek Treaty of 1851, 19–23, 27, 53, 63, 89, 151
Human Finger, 159, 161, 264, 308
Hump, 178, 256, 265, 416n10, 434n21
Hunka ritual: Curly Hair and, 30, 35;
Curly Hair and Horn Chips, 24–26, 405n6;
intertribal tension and, 29;
marriage and, 148
Hunkpapas (Lakota tribal division): Bear Ribs as chief, 44;
Canadian trade with, 95;
refuge in Canada, 216, 247, 250–51, 262, 447n29;
resistance to white settlement, 29, 74;
Teton division of, 7. See also Sitting Bull
Hunkpatila (Oglala band): army enlistments by, 299;
band organization, 7–8, 418n32;
Big Horn Expedition and, 134;
Bozeman Trail War and, 86–95;
Crazy Horse as chief, 161, 177–78, 263, 273, 301;
at Fort Laramie, 17–19, 33, 153, 159;
increasing militancy of, 103–104, 108, 113–15, 118;
intertribal tension and, 75, 126–31, 139–40;
Man Afraid of His Horse as chief, 20, 147;
politics and leadership of, 90;
at reservation, 133
Hunting grounds: in Canada, 260;
Crazy Horse strategy toward, 261;
Crazy Horse visions of, 269–70;
Northern Nation reuniting in, 334–35;
white settlement and loss of, 18–20. See also Unceded Indian lands
Hunts the Enemy (George Sword), 265–66, 290, 449n25
Ice (Cheyenne holy man), 50–51, 103, 108, 250, 253–55, 261, 265
Idaho, 336
Important Man, 253–54
Indian Affairs, Commissioner of, 19, 135, 180, 192–93
Indian Territory: Cheyenne & Arapaho relocation to, 280, 301–302, 306;
Oglala relocation to, 135, 246, 304, 317, 454n29
Infantry units: 14th U.S., 245–46, 361;
17th U.S., 247;
18th U.S., 92;
22nd U.S., 241, 247;
27th U.S., 103, 109, 114;
4th U.S., 193;
5th U.S., 242, 251, 255, 258;
7th U.S., 201;
9th U.S., 306
Inipi, 42–43
Inkpaduta, 95, 201, 241
Inyan (the Rock), 218